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Conrad's Palpatine Application


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Steam Name:



RP Name:

Conrad | Darman | Mace Windu


RP Rank:

Executive Officer | Master of the Order


Steam ID:




I want to do my experience section a little differently. I plan on listing some of the qualities I have acquired, followed by the experiences that I went through in order for me to acquire these qualities. 



High Command: Attack and Senior Commander

Good leadership qualities are something that has been hard forged for me over countless opportunities I have held on the server. However, I can attribute most of these skills I have today to my time as Regimental and Senior Commander. Being put in charge of so many people so early into my SWRP career was difficult, but I was able to quickly adapt. I started learning not just from the experiences I generated, but also from the other BCMD’s and HC at the time that I worked with. I gained knowledge from people such as Egg, Tyzen, Jackson, Quill, Joah, and Washington, to name just a few. Learning from these people, as well as helping to teach the skills I acquired to new regiments and the BCMD’s under me gave me an understanding of what is needed to be a leader.



BCMD Rex and Director in combination

Throughout much of my time on the server, I have always tried to be as hands on as possible. I love interacting with people, talking with them and helping out. However, when I became Rex, I noticed the strain of trying to do everything started to affect me. I was balancing Rex and HA and while I was still able to get all my work done, it did require insane hours spent on the server. When I became a director however it did push me to a point where I didn’t feel like I could still do both the same way. After this I started to learn and implement more delegation to those under me. I started relying on my command structure that I had spent so much time installing in the 501st but didn’t fully utilize due to my hands-on nature. In Staff, I began to rely more on my HA’s to handle things that didn’t need my full attention. It took a bit of practice personally to kind of let go of the reins and trust others, but once I got it down I felt like I had a good control over both positions while I still held them.


People Skills


While my ability to discuss and engage with people has always been great, it was during my time as Rex where I really started to understand exactly what it takes to be someone's friend as well as their leader. Balancing being above someone while keeping the relationship to a point where they feel like you’re equals is a very difficult thing to do, but I feel like I have mastered it. While Rex, talking with my CMD’s, my officers, and my NCO’s there is one thing I kept to with my entirety, and that was treating people as people, and not as just my subordinates. Taking my time to teach people, learn about their lives, and show a true genuine interest in them is something I truly enjoy.



My entire time on the server

When I first got regimental I was nervous; I went from having to work with 1 battalion I was very close to, to working with three. While I was familiar with GM and 212th at the time I wasn’t very close to many members. Having to adapt to checking on multiple groups at a time took a lot of adaptability. Having to deal with so many unique groups at a time takes a lot of compartmentalization to ensure you do your best for each of them. This got even worse when I became senior commander and had to deal with 6 battalions at once. Constantly having to adapt to new people and different cultures of battalions is difficult and not something that stopped there. The new responsibilities of positions like High Command, Director, and BCMD forced me to have to be quick to adapt to things and make sure that I am always ready to adapt to any situation as they arise and deal with them accordingly.


Managing the Unmanageable

Jedi Order

I won’t lie, running the order is hard. I’ve probably put more work into my one and a half month as Windu than I put in my entire time as High Command. With so many people being a part of it, and so many things to do inside of it, creating structures was a difficult task in order to ensure that people are properly recognized for their work. Creating the systems to do this is no laughing matter, and reworking this with my Yoda (Ja’baku) was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. Its exciting to implement these large scale changes in the hopes that they can become name stays in the Server for years to come, and this mindset is something I want to keep pushing in this position as well.


Viewing those under me outside of standard qualifications.

Republic Commando’s

This one is the most confusing as is, but that's what this paragraph is for, to explain what I mean. The Republic Commando’s are probably the most different battalion then every other one on the server. They have no IT team, no regiments, just a handful of lore characters. In a battalion without the structure of most of the other battalions, you really get a chance to show who you are not just because you can do a lot of basic tasks like logging promotions, but who you are on the level of what you as a person can bring to your battalion. I feel like this is something that is underrepresented in most of today's battalions with their requirements and merit systems. In SOBDE I learned how to watch people for who they are, not what they can provide you, and in every instance this has been a vast improvement not just on myself playing the game, but in how the structure of RC works. This is a quality I will be able to take to every position I have from now on and improve people great!


Why should you become Chancellor?:

I’ve been a member of this community for a very long time. It's become a home to me the impact of which you couldn’t believe has had on my life. This community has been here when I was In some tough parts of my life, and some great ones. And with all this community has given to me in the sense of fun, friendship, and entertainment I’ve always loved giving back to it. Through my time as staff and High Command I’ve been able to give a lot back, but I feel like there's nothing greater I could give than spending my time trying to help all facets of the server through the role of Chancellor. 


My time in leadership roles throughout the server has given me the ability to look at problems from all aspects. I believe this will be very important for my time as Chancellor. I have the ability to look at things that might affect multiple sections of the server from each of their points of view. This skill will allow me to mediate changes or conflicts as they arise and give me the ability to help create a resolution that can make all parties walk away confident in the resolution.


My love for Roleplay is as strong now as it was on the day I first joined the server. Years of experience has honed my skills and while I might not be a great vocal actor like some I am still able to fall into my roles and create an authentic feeling environment. I have a strong ability to make roleplay fun and I know when it should be serious. I’m sure many people here are familiar with my Gotal Jedi, I believe this is a perfect example of this. Despite the funny voice, if you listen closely to the words that I say you’ll hear the words of a wise member of the Jedi Order. I believe being able to have fun as well as bring a serious reality to your roleplay is paramount to keeping people entertained both during events, as well as during down time.


The more I’ve played this game the more I’ve haunted what I like to call my people first approach. We all must remember that this is a game, and people's lives are always variable and often out of their control. Recognizing that every person is unique with their own stories, troubles, interests, and abilities is something that can kind of be hazed when your only interactions with most people on the server is simply over voice chat and never in person. Being able to realize this when I have conversations anywhere from a simple greeting to more serious conversations about our lives is something I believe I can do with great skill.


Do you understand the lore of the Republic Military?:

Yes. I have seen all Star wars Visual media that has been released(shows and movies), as well as have played most Star Wars games. 



I work Monday-Friday from 5AM-2 PM EST. 

I got to bed at 11 PM EST. 

My weekends are free.

Additionally I am available all day every day on Discord or TS due to having both on my phone.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:






Command Positions

A&R Senior CMD (when it was applicable)

Attack Regimental Commander


Grand Master of the Order


Republic Commando XO/ITD

Consular Barsen’Thor

ACE Manager Lead

Naval Commander

Chief Medical Officer


Lore Characters

Mace Windu

Anakin Skywalker

Eeth Koth








MoH Recipient due to dedication to my battalion

Pink Crystal Access due to exceptional Roleplay

B1 Battle Droid


What do you feel the role of the Chancellor is?

I believe the role of chancellor has countless jobs, but there are four which are more distinct than the rest. 



In my opinion the role of advisor is the biggest responsibility of the chancellor. Despite being the top of the ladder in terms of rank, very rarely should the chancellor be enacting executive orders. His main role instead is to use his knowledge and critical thinking skills to help add to discussions on all topics throughout the server. By providing new viewpoints, as well as helping to delegate between two or more parties in situations involving multiple people, he can help enlighten people and start a road of discussion that will allow the right choice to be taken. By helping to create more throughout, and more thorough decisions we can create protocols that will improve the server for everyone.


Community Outreach

The role of Palpatine is the pinnacle of the server in terms of establishing a connection between players playing the game and the rest of the community. Being able to talk to players of all calibers, from PVT to BCMD and any and all equivalents in the Navy, Jedi Order, and Bounty Hunters Guild Palpatine should take the steps to be informed on as much as possible from the viewpoint of the players. Being there as an ear to discuss concerns, potential changes, and even positive remarks and relay them to the proper channels and people is critical to the health of the server. This allows for a more efficient and more precise flow of information allowing changes of importance to happen in a more timely manner.



On the server, Palpatine is the top of the food chain for every single part of the server, leading the Republic, The Order, and the neutral factions. It stands to reason that he will need the skills to command and control all of these factions at any given time. Being able to delegate tasks and ensure a smooth CoC in order to guarantee that all factions run as smoothly as possible. Being able to lead people through changes that are happening, as well as simply lead his men in roleplay.



I’ve heard many times in the past that the Chancellor is “the Director of role play” on the server, and I think this is very true. In Lore he’s a man with his fingers in literally every pie. This gives him the ability to perform roleplay with anyone, doing both Republic sided and CIS sided RP(during events) opens up a lot of possibilities. Being able to do things from secret missions, to public inspections, to handing out bounties, the possibilities of Chancellor RP are one of the most extensive. Due to this the chancellor should be someone others look up to in terms of roleplay generation on the server.


Do you have a microphone?: 



Where do you want the Republic Military to be at the end of your term?:

This is a broad topic, as the role of Chancellors oversees not just the Republic military, but the Jedi Order, and Bounty Hunters Guild. As an overseer of all these positions, it is one of the Chancellors priorities to fill all applicable positions with candidates that are up to the task. Now not every person that applies for a position is a seasoned player on the server. Some are players who might not quite have the skills, but have the dedication and willingness to try. Teaching these people and helping them to grow to achieve a function and professional structure on the server is very important. While the goal is lofty as the number of people is many, I wish to try to train as many people to the best of my ability. I wish to entrust them with the skills and tools I’ve acquired over 4 years on Synergy Roleplay and in real life. I hope that they can take these skills to not just improve not just their own section of the server that they have under them, but to replace me when my time as Chancellor comes to an end.


How do you plan to change the Republic Military under your command?:

Right now, one of the biggest issues I’ve seen with the server is lack of interesting things to do during down time. One of the biggest things I want to do is generate an environment where people are excited to be on the server even when an event isn’t happening. A great way to do this is to push for more roleplay interactions around the server. When I say interactions I do not mean doing /me’s on an engine in a room where no one is. What I do mean is more personal player to player interactions. I will spend my time as chancellor generating these interactions, having conversations with players as often as I can and helping to lead by example what positive role play oriented interaction on the server means. A way to help incentivize this already exists, however it is not utilized nearly enough, in roleplayer of the week. I plan on taking personal care to give this award out every week, even if no one’s names are submitted. By always having a player who’s displaying superior roleplay being rewarded, I believe this will push even more players to follow suit.


Secondly, I wish to evolve some of our current systems to teach people how to roleplay better. Now teaching roleplay is difficult, as everyone starts at different places and are comfortable with different things. However, while talking with many people I have devised some ideas on how you could teach roleplay. My idea isn’t new, I’ve talked with many members who have tried something on a small scale, but I want to attempt a wide scale implementation if possible. My idea is to try and replace things like standard tryouts for things like regiments with roleplay focused training. Let me give you an example with the heavy regiment. Right now, Heavy tryouts probably consist of faces, formations, trigger discipline, and maybe some questions about some combat scenarios. I believe replacing this with a training where the Officers and Leaders of the regiment teach how to utilize their kits best, teach them about the Z6’s ramp up and power in close quarters and how heavy can best utilize these skills. And then after you have worked together so the trainee understands their role, test the skills practically with a CQC sim. Don’t make it so much of a pass/fail, but a training. During which the trooper is looking to evolve their skills and better themselves on the field of battle as their position. I’ve talked with people who have implemented similar things, and this is how I ran my medical tryouts during my time as CMO. I saw a huge success, with many people not just joining medical, but increasing the quality of the roleplay performed. Now I wouldn’t force this on any battalion, but would provide my assistance to any battalion that wishes to try this method out. Hopefully with a lot of battalions starting to have success with this method more battalions will follow suit. Furthermore, this could introduce teamwork between the same regiment in different battalions. If they discuss how their training works and compare notes in order to improve their regiment as well as help improve regiments in other battalions this will help produce people that can successfully roleplay as their job on the server!


The return of Roleplayer of the Week! A reward that has gone unappreciated and unnoticed for far too long, I hope to revive it to its once former glory. I plan to put out a weekly message asking for people to submit someone’s name, however I plan to take this further to ensure it's fully utilized. I plan to ensure that someone receives the award every week, even if I have to choose the person myself. The plan is, if no one is put up by another player, to through hanging out with battalions during deployments and events create a list of people who I think did well that week, and choose one of them to become the next roleplayer of the week. This decision might potentially be with the help of other high command members. Along with this award I plan to take a page out of Old Pappa Max’s book, and award a $10 store credit each week to the person that receives the award. I feel like the best way to encourage roleplay is to regularly reward roleplay, and while small I know from experience nothing beats the feeling of when your outstanding skill of roleplay is recognized by someone else.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



Do you understand that your position has a three month term?




Yes this is long, it might be a lot to digest. But it also isn’t everything I could have added. If you have any questions please PM me and I’ll be more than happy to talk/clarify/discuss anything both on and not on this app. Thanks to those who took the time to read it!



This is for Frequently Asked Questions and my answer to them.
Will you prioritize the job of palpatine: Yes I plan on resigning from all my positions and playing only on the job of palpatine.

Edited by Conrad
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Forum Admin

Beyond competent and beyond a doubt the best choice for Palpatine. Experience and dedication speaks for itself. Goodluck.


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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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47 minutes ago, Conrad said:


MoH Recipient due to dedication to my battalion

Pink Crystal Access due to exceptional Roleplay

B1 Battle Droid

+1 Conrad is one of the best and most impactful people in the community and is more than qualified for the position. He was also a part of the CIS faction even in its infancy, which just further proves his dedication to the server.

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Jedi Youngling

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So, looking at your application, it is very barebones and I see the general vague stuff that others have put on their applications.
I'm going to be honest here, I think you understand the role and I think you could fit the role. However, with the current state of the server I'd like to know what direction you want to take when it comes to fixing the issues in various battalions and or groups or if you even have plans or notice the issues in the first place.

I'm not gonna vote as of now, gonna wait for your response first

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1 hour ago, Mitchell said:

So, looking at your application, it is very barebones and I see the general vague stuff that others have put on their applications.
I'm going to be honest here, I think you understand the role and I think you could fit the role. However, with the current state of the server I'd like to know what direction you want to take when it comes to fixing the issues in various battalions and or groups or if you even have plans or notice the issues in the first place.

I'm not gonna vote as of now, gonna wait for your response first

Yes I do have some specific Ideas. I chose to keep the App not pointing to any specific battalions on purpose, as I didn’t want to talk about plans without discussing them with the battalions themselves more due to palatine being more of a overseer position. however Let me know which ones you'd like to hear about and I'd be more then happy to point out what if any plans I have! Don't want to just talk about each battalion when I'm sure you have some specific ones in mind.

edit:Mitchell and I had a long conversation about my plans. If you’d like to know more I’d be happy to explain but it was a very long convo and I could write something if more people express interest in hearing. 

Edited by Conrad


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 Every day since the Conrad started playing SWRP, it has been the bane of my existence. The shouting and the not paying attention to me has gotten on my nerves constantly. But even I know that he's well suited for the role of Palps. His roleplay both inside and outside of the bedroom is impeccable and has improved with him earning lore character titles.  I think he will be an amazing Palpatine, even though it will be at the detriment of my time with him. 

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Wow you do be speeding through lore characters ;)


Bro was a much more behind the scenes Palpatine than previous have been. Since your first (and I'm guessing larger) goal is to improve the server environment through roleplay, will you be doing anything different outside of roleplay that we'll need to know about/work around? 


Edit: Talked with Conrad, question was answered. +1, good luck!

Edited by Finn
  • Informative 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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10 minutes ago, Finn said:

Wow you do be speeding through lore characters ;)


Bro was a much more behind the scenes Palpatine than previous have been. Since your first (and I'm guessing larger) goal is to improve the server environment through roleplay, will you be doing anything different outside of roleplay that we'll need to know about/work around? 

I do not plan on playing on anything besides palpatine. I will resign from all of my current positions so that I may focus on the position of Palpy in game. This will allow for me to have enough time to both do the work behind the scenes as Palpa team as well as roleplay on him effectively on the server


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I read the application and sat there trying to imagine what it would be like having conrad as the next palpatine. Honestly, i kinda cringed. I dont doubt you could fit the role and i know you take things very seriously...which can also be a downer depending on the situation. Known you a while, seen how you work and react. For the **Most** part you react pretty well. 


My worry for you is that youll take it too seriously and itll negatively impact you life and a situation will rise again. Maybe the worry is baseless and unfounded to the opinions of others but its still there regardless. So long as you chill and don't provide "TOO" much oversight and let the flow go a little you should be fine. 

TLDR: dont be 100% serious all the time. and dont let it affect your life in a big way. 


Note: I never knew you were grandmaster? 

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4 minutes ago, Maverick said:

TLDR: dont be 100% serious all the time. and dont let it affect your life in a big way  

That’s funny I have had two people today tell me I might be too goofy for the role. 
but I do understand what your saying, and I havnt been secretive about it in the past so I will reiterate quick. I know what part of my life you’re talking about, and that stemmed from a very depressed state I was going through from a mix of poor financial, and college choices as well as covid depression. I have since gotten help through medication and a therapist which has vastly improved my mental health as well as my life turning around to being graduated with a stable high paying job. I can say for sure I am better mentally now then I was this time last year by such an astronomical amount it isn’t even funny. 

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What you mean your leaving Darman and Mace two black lore characters for an old white guy damn. Imagine leaving Samuel L Jackson and a dope ass Spec Ops for an Old White guy. +1 your my dad 

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Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Worked with Conrad for a bit and I can honestly say he's good for the position. +1

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tad outta the blue but I'm all for supporting the little man, a strong +1

I'm kind of hoping for a more out in the open and being more talkative approach but as far as I'm aware palpatine seems to hold nuclear secrets on everything so maybe I've got my hopes too high. 
I see you gaining good favour with the people, I know you can turn that into good change for everyone

  • Funny 1

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Jesus Christ you weren’t kidding how long this app was gonna be, so from working close with Conrad, he is a very hard working individual who has a very creative mind and really helped the order and Myself alot and I think you would have a lot to bring to the table as Palpy, and my God you had the worst Samuel L Jackson impersonation so with that being said +1 go get em tiger

never forget BLUE COMMANDO!!!

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I like Conrad, he's an active figure in the community that tends from what I've seen to be pretty level headed when given responsibilities. 
I like seeing command positions being active, mainly for important lore characters because I believe it helps raise interest by their presence.
I like someone that can both work to immerse everyone around them in the situation at hand as well as cut back to be goofy when things might need to be goofier. Also his clips of him screaming are pretty entertaining.

I'm willing to see what he can do in the role.

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Former 21st

Formerly known as CastleClone

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When I first started doing Jedi stuff you were a truly inspirational guy to serve under. When you were Director, playing on the server was a load of fun. You took a break and came back as I left, which was a shame- but I'm glad you're back and I think you'd make an amazing Palpatine. Good luck Conrad, +1.

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+1 if I could +10 this I would. One of the most active and most consistent members of the community that understanding how he roleplays and his dedication to the server he would bring the server into a new era of roleplay.

Edited by Bitter
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The app itself is lacking a lot of detail on future plans but I subjected Conrad to questions for something like an hour and a half and I'm very happy with his answers for the vast majority of them. Having spoken to him in depth I'm very optimistic for his term and looking forward to working with him in HC. 


  • Friendly 1

Goodbye, everyone. 

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+1 well deserving.

We agree on a lot and you are one of the few people I feel are dedicated enough to do the things you want to do and are not focused on just yourself and your own advancement, but bettering the server and the systems / groups within in it as your main goal.

  • Friendly 1

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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+1 I would +2 if i could but then id be a minge

When i spoke in my normal voice OOC in voice chat, I got yelled at for saying "Back in character" I love it. I then proceeded to RP just as hard when I said in character in my shitty clone voice "I never even said anything, Sir, I have just been standing here twiddling my thumbs" 

Then conrad got so confused I could hear it in his aura. 

Thank you to the troopers that helped me confuse Conrad even more for me XD

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+1 Literally my boyfriend. Enough said

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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I remember kissing you once idk on a scale of 1-10 I’d rate it at about a 9.5 good technique, could slow down a bit. Over all solid. Keep up the improvement man.

  • Informative 1
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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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Huge +1, Conrad has been a close friend for little less than a year. Conrad was Rex when I was in the 501st and ran the battalion better than anyone I have ever seen in all my days. I can think of no better person than Conrad being Palpatine and I hope he gets it honestly. Love you Conrad <3

  • Friendly 1

Current: Dumbass, Omega 15 CPL Fi (Again...)

Former: 501st ARFL LTC Boomer, 104th WP HVYL COL Sinker, Doom's Unit MEDL 1stLT Kortnul, 212th Ghost Company ARCL CPT Reed, Omega 15 CPT Fi, Omega 22 SGM Atin , Omega 09 CPT Niner , Veteran Admin x2

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From what I've seen from Conrad recently, during his time as Windu and Hunter, He is an extremely dedicated individual with a passion to lead and bring people together to have a great time doing something they love. Hes always approachable and respecting of everyone's time and I believe those are crucial aspects of a good palpatine. 


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Why am I still here?


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+1 please don’t be passive or just agree with people to agree don’t make high command one large circle jerk. 

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


  • Optimistic 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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