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Mitchell last won the day on September 28 2021

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  1. Mitchell


    @GohnVoiding App.
  2. Mitchell


    Thank you for the feedback LoFi, the points you've brought up are valid and I want to provide some context/explanation to some of the things you are saying here. The reason why I haven't been hosting things/leading events for rancor are two fold. First, as SGM I do not have promotion requirements to fill out like the other NCOs do. Because I am online when a large portion of our NCOs are online I encourage them to take lead so that they can showcase themselves and fulfil their requirements. This is the same for entertainments. The second pertains more to entertainments but I believe that downtime is a necessity for people. If I am not on at peak hours I am on when 3-4 Rancor are on and I don't want to force them to come to do a sim instead of us just hanging out in TS and talking. The final thing is helping arc trainings, I have helped with the two trainings I did not have a scheduling conflict with. That being Bobby's selections hosted a bit other a week ago and Cheese's Leadership hosted yesterday. Again, I appreciate the feedback and honesty, if you have further feedback feel free to contact me or reply <3
  3. Mitchell


  4. I am making a terrible mistake
  5. 1/3/2 I think the biggest issue for me was how often droids would be spawned on top of us out of no where. I believe this is because you wanted to simulate the droids advancing which is a fine idea but wasn't executed well for the map we were on. My advice is to simulate the advance slower so there is time to actually react vs just being flanked repeatedly out of the blue. It has great potential and I like the thought put into it, just need to work on the execution a little bit.
  6. Mitchell

    On the march

    2/3/3 Citizens were nice to RP with but were just forgotten about after they gave us information which lead to some untapped potential within the event. The combat was okay but the map selection was poor as it limited how much people could really do as everyone was sandwiched in chokepoints constantly. Overall not bad but could be better.
  7. 2 3 3 Gameplay was repetitive with not much variation or potential for roleplay. Event had some effort put into it with the props but was about average. And server performance was about average as well.
  8. Your experience speaks for its self and you fill the requirements for MCMD by a wide margin. Not really a question but more of a little piece of advice, MCMDs back in the day were viewed rather negatively because of a lack of transparency as to what they were doing. While I can't say how the community actively feels about them now, I still think that transparency (to a reasonable extent of course) goes a long way. Anyways, +1 best of luck for your interview.
  9. I'm old and wanted to remind others who were around for this that this was almost 5 years ago.
  10. Look at one point I'd probably of 100% agreed with y'all and honestly these trainings would be dope for a much more serious server or hell an Arma server maybe. But this is garry's mod, and a very relaxed server. I've thought that ARC trainings are flawed and need revamping but this is going very overboard and I don't think fits within the archetype that the server is trynna fit into. -1
  11. Hey Poker, you probably don't know much about me other than I'm some old head in the battalion. But after reading some of your app I want to give some feedback as I can't fairly judge it without knowing who you are as a person. Setting goals is good but you need to make sure your goals are obtainable. Even back in 2018 or 2019 having 30-40 active members would be extremely hard to do. While this might just be hyperbolic by you, just want you to be aware of it so that you can taper your expectations some. I've fallen victim myself to having unobtainable goals and it burns you out faster than you think. So the reserve roster was removed because it was just easily abused and ultimately was deemed redundant as if people had to leave they could come back at SGT with their ARC trainings and begin to work their way back up the ranks. As well, if someone is on a near permanent LOA they probably should be focusing on what situation they may be in IRL and not have to worry about the server. Okay so this one you aren't going to be able to do without the directors giving you a go ahead which I don't think is the right precedent to set IMO. Regardless, I removed ARCL interviews because they were pointless as regardless of our own evaluation we are only in charge of the ARC trainings and have no authority over the other battalions except for the number of ARCs they may have and if they are to be able to keep their training. If we said someone wasn't fit for ARCL their BCMD still could appoint them the position unless we removed their ARC status. Which is just the more sensible thing to do anyways. Integrating the ARC program more into Rancor would be incredibly unpopular (as you can tell from the other comments) and would just create animosity where their doesn't need to be. As well, creating more responsibilities for your battalion isn't the best as it just creates more busy work for your officers to do instead of focusing on enjoying the game and making sure that others in the battalion enjoy it too. I do wish you luck Poker, hopefully you read the comments and feedback of others and modify your plans / think over what you want do to. Believe me, sitting in a position and doing nothing is quite boring and from what I can gather from the rest of your app. There doesn't appear to be much you want to get done besides fairly generic things. If you want some clarifications on different things feel free to reply but there isn't a guarantee that I will reply as I don't check the forums often anymore.
  12. @ VIP - Brooklynfurry @Dennis Good luck fixing shit chief @Satan 5 TB of hentai @Shockpointif you wanna make dope ass events together some time hit me up @ Head Admingood luck have fun idk what you’re looking for down here, y’all already know why I left go read my HA resignation. Here’s my discord if y’all wanna talk with or what not Mitchell#0084 or if you wanna hear why I resigned cause you’re too lazy to read my HA resignation
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