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Everything posted by Fizzik

  1. I remember when that one random CT joined, changed his name to "Chancellor Palpatine", then did an advert telling everyone to join the event server. They did....
  2. It's a pretty cool idea, but from a technical standpoint, you're pretty much asking them to create their own encryption haha. +1 though! Edit: nvm haha just woke up brain isn't working. They don't need to make encryption for this, just an if statement. Oops lol!
  3. Fizzik


    Hey old friend, what's up??
  4. This year hits especially hard... The time he's been gone and the time I knew him are now the same... Miss you man. Pouring one out for you tonight.
  5. Don't make me call the cutie hotline now...
  6. Never forget chambers, definitely the bravest gamer girl. O7
  7. Fizzik

    Happy 4th!

    Get rekt: @Freck @Gears @Gadget @Naffen @Comics @Stix @Enzyme @Nade Jones (barely counts) @Lighig @Tinovious @Slump @Anderson @scarecrow @Chop @werewolf I've probably missed a few. Get rekt.
  8. https://play.toornament.com/en_US/tournaments/6807147938486411264/stages/6807151423350947840/ 9pm EST, starts tomorrow.
  9. One thing I forgot to add - this is another charity tournament! They chose this as the recipient: https://www.nationalmssociety.org/ If yall come out to watch, that would be awesome!
  10. # ❕ Mordhau Fist-fighting Championship VIII ❕ 1v1 fist-fighting championship - single elimination - North America **DATE** June 23 - June 25 @6:00pm pacific/8:00pm central/9:00pm eastern **REGISTRATION** https://play.toornament.com/en_US/tournaments/6807147938486411264/ **DISCORD** https://discord.gg/fScArSP7ef
  11. Heyo! Wanna show it off since it's the best video I've made (still sucks but took forever with someone of my mediocre skill). What do you think?
  12. This may not be a bug? If it's intentional, my bad! Bug Type (Server:): Server Severity level (Low - Medium - High): Low Evidence (if you can): Description of the bug: Holding tab forces you into third person regardless of setting How can we recreate it: Hold Tab ingame for 3 seconds then let go. This must be done specifically in the "You" section
  13. +1, snow lives breathes and bleeds rancor, it runs in his veins 💪
  14. Good idea, I think Gears should get 10% of all credits earned with the new system! +1
  15. First! Also, been a long time coming my good friend. As happy as I am you're finally dropping it (been asking you for years now it seems), I know it still hurts. Hopefully you'll have a lot more free time to play games now <3
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