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Fizzik last won the day on November 14 2023

Fizzik had the most liked content!


About Fizzik

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Forum Troll

Forum Troll (4/6)



  1. I remember when that one random CT joined, changed his name to "Chancellor Palpatine", then did an advert telling everyone to join the event server. They did....
  2. It's a pretty cool idea, but from a technical standpoint, you're pretty much asking them to create their own encryption haha. +1 though! Edit: nvm haha just woke up brain isn't working. They don't need to make encryption for this, just an if statement. Oops lol!
  3. Fizzik


    Hey old friend, what's up??
  4. This year hits especially hard... The time he's been gone and the time I knew him are now the same... Miss you man. Pouring one out for you tonight.
  5. Don't make me call the cutie hotline now...
  6. Never forget chambers, definitely the bravest gamer girl. O7
  7. Fizzik

    Happy 4th!

    Get rekt: @Freck @Gears @Gadget @Naffen @Comics @Stix @Enzyme @Nade Jones (barely counts) @Lighig @Tinovious @Slump @Anderson @scarecrow @Chop @werewolf I've probably missed a few. Get rekt.
  8. https://play.toornament.com/en_US/tournaments/6807147938486411264/stages/6807151423350947840/ 9pm EST, starts tomorrow.
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