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Kortnul last won the day on December 26 2023

Kortnul had the most liked content!


About Kortnul

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  1. damn -1 but fr I love and will miss you man, you were a great BCMD and friend
  2. Shout out to me for killing @blazin during the challenge
  3. +1 I knew you were destined for greatness Inky
  4. +1 the only actual qualified person applying fr fr Also including Inkydinky
  5. 1/1/3 It was not that good and super confusing
  6. 4/4/5 That EJ had a little too much hp imo, took like 20 RC shotgun shots and still didn't die.
  7. call it "Dorf village"
  8. -1 not enough experience you should familiarize yourself on the server a little more before doing a BCMD app I wish you luck <3
  9. -1 Unless it was fixed this thing don't work https://gyazo.com/79726248b2d5d218645009420f32cf55
  10. I'll +1 this if the sound can be somehow lowered so it's not annoyingly loud every time it explodes.
  11. +1 I like the idea, giving out DC-17m's is cool.
  12. 5/3/5 The t21's were a little oppressive, but otherwise was good event.
  13. I've come back for the last few days and lemme tell you, Onderon was much better imo. I just don't like how dark Corellia is, maybe if there was a day and night cycle it'd be cooler?
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