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Rizzo last won the day on March 16

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  1. So proud of you man, you truly are one of the nicest people this server has ever seen. Glad I get to call you my friend. Enjoy retirement!
  2. +1 Insane to see how far you have come. You absolutely have what it takes.
  3. 2/2/2 All attempts at RP were just met with "redacted" or we were totally ignored, and the event didn't keep anyones attention after the failed attempts until the DB to vote on who did it, Could have used more planning.
  4. After working with you while I was BCMD and then for the time afterwards, you impressed me a lot. We had disagreements but you always kept the same goal as me in mind; bettering SOBDE for the server. Even when we had disagreements it was healthy, and we could easily discuss and see each others side, and find the perfect middle ground that would better the battalion. That quality on this server is almost unheard of and is part of what it takes to make a great leader. Bro is the best candidate, way too qualified for it tbh. You're getting dangerously close to collecting all the BCMD infinity stones man. +1
  5. +1 Active and is only improving the 21st.
  6. Rizzo

    Map Poll

    The last Anaxes was peak. That temple with all of the planets? Top tier bro.
  7. I've known Juggernaut for almost a decade now, even though he's a good buddy of mine I can honestly say without bias, as if I didn't know him all this time and only knew him through his accomplishments in the 104th, that he has the temperament, leadership, and critical thinking skills needed to be an effective and successful BCMD. +1
  8. The last Anaxes, that temple with those planets was top tier. OR the first venator. But thats just nostalgia.
  9. +1 Somebody once told ni te world cuyir gonna roll ni Ni ain't te sharpest gaa'bevik o'r te shed she was looking kind be dumb ti kaysh finger bal kaysh thumb o'r te shape be an "L" bat kaysh forehead
  10. +1 Welcome to the 501st Legion! I am BOOM, one of the Commanders of the battalion. Please feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions! We are here for you.
  11. Name: Rizzo Staff Rank: SA Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 3/15/24 Reason for leaving: I just don't have the time for gmod anymore. I hit every goal I set for myself and I'm satisfied. This run was the first time I went for staff or went for BCMD. Going into it I had 0 expectations other than wanting to get Echo since he is my favorite Star Wars character. Along the road I kept setting goals for myself and I kept hitting them and going further. My life has just gotten too busy to continue this. I will still be around, just not like this. Farewells: @Clutch - You have been a great BCMD. Keep up the great work in and out of SOBDE. @Kaiser - So glad we became friends after all that dumb shit. You're a great guy and a good buddy to have. Congrats on HA and Fox! So well deserved. @Marvel - Best Omega @Iceman - Good luck with the 41st. You'll do great man. I will never forget being your Echo. So much fun. @Brooklyn - You're a good buddy. Glad I got to see you be palpy. @Ollie - BCMD did change me, but for the better. @Blazin - Go get Yoda buddy. @Joyboy - So glad you got Zey. You'll do great there. You've become such a good friend, glad I met you. @Super - It's been so cool watching you go from Zey to Yoda and all of the things you accomplished. @Zeros - Been great getting to know you. There aren't many GM's as talented as you. @Mystic - You were a great Darman. Windu in my heart. If I didn't mention you, know that our time together was appreciated. Thanks for everything! I had so much fun.
  12. Name: Rizzo Staff Rank: SA Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 3/8 - 3/12 Reason: Work Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position? Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: Yes
  13. +1 yes please for the love of god
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