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Everything posted by Jovanovic

  1. yooo it's been too long. You were always a chill dude to hang out with, take care homie, and I wish ya the best of luck in life
  2. Wish you the best of luck my man. Even as relatively briefly as we worked together even remotely closely, I know you care about the community and the people in it, and you worked to better it. I'll be in CT HQ once in a blue moon, so hopefully I'll catch ya sooner or later. But either way, I wish you nothin but the best man, hope everything goes to plan irl. <3
  3. Well, I'm leavin. I'm stepping down from staff & my remaining hour of marshal commander. It's been a year in high command, and a lot of friends and memories. I put a huge list of people i appreciate in the appreciation post a few months ago, so I'll keep this a bit shorter @Daytona211@Mavelle@Bactagl with gm bois. You guys are the only reason I stayed in staff past the first month. In the constant cycle of demotivation and staff shit, ya'll kept me here. @Conradgl chief. Sorry man, I wish our term went better. You had to take 3 weeks, and just before you're back I have to take a week and a half, and then another 2 days before the end of my term. We got like a month together and it never really turned out how I'dve liked it to, but circumstance can be a bitch. Also, you're the last 18-21 now man. That was a religious experience. @Xaze@Finn@Srirachatake care in hc yall. Ik sriracha ive barely done anything with you, and xaze we had like one real conversation, but my work in high command rests with you. Dont fuck it up. And please, for the love of god, don't let any 'they run themselves' rcmds take control again. The server will fucking die. @Freckgl with marshal man. I hope you enjoy it more than I did. Biggest L position on the server. Considering how much the leadership team likes you, I hope you'll be able to do more with it than I was. @Abrahamwriting this after you just stood there to salute me after my last db, you're a goat <3 @Orionyou were the first one to really make an impact on me when i joined, and I remember ya for it man. Hope you take care <3 @Atlex@SEXICO@BactaI've had a lot of really in depth conversations with all 3 of you, and if I had 3 people who I think I've been able to imprint my leadership on the most it's you three. I hope you have nothing but success in the future, and take care of yourselves. @Brooklyn@Marvel@Bactathanks for bein my first set of BCMDs. Absolute winners and the best shape your batts had been in while I've been on the server. Love you all <3 @Willyworm1My protege. I'm so glad you've done so well in senate. Very rarely have I been succeeded by someone that I consider better than myself, but you've taken care of senate with a level of perseverance, persistence, and care that I would NOT have been able to keep up over that period of time. Without you, everything I went and made in senate would've fallen apart within weeks. @Snadvich@Fyi@Phaser@shroud@Conrad@Brothanks for the help with that last event yall <3 @Dekuhad some of the most personal and real conversations with you that I've ever had with anyone. I love ya man, hope you take care. @Jayarrthanks for the pics man, they're goated. Same with the models. There was only a few months where our schedules aligned and we interacted a lot, but you're a homie @StockingsYou were big hombre. One of those people that I never felt I knew super well, but you're always a pleasure to talk and work with. Hope to keep in contact homie. @Sixtawe started off on the wrong foot, but we got past that a hot minute ago. Really glad we ended on such good terms man, and I'm glad to have known ya. @Clutch@Eclipxeya'll were both homies near the beginning of my time on the server, and I'm glad you have known you. 104th jedi best jedi. @Cyan@uriel @logic(RIP) Ya'll have both been regarded as toxic by others, but you've been nothing but great to me. Regardless of anything else I'll always hold you both in high regard. @Spieler@Caidoon@Lyonaxisya'll have been good friends. Don't have anything super specific to say but it'd just feel wrong without mentioning you. @Satangl carrying on my bot, thanks for doin the work man. It's a huge step for synergy, and really underappreciated. Lmk if you need anything. @FyiWhile I was at my peak activity when life was kicking you in the balls, when you were able to contribute to conversations I'm glad you did. You usually approached things logically and even when I disagreed with you it was often less than I disagreed with everyone else in the channel. @Maddoxx I was often frustrated by a lot of things we worked together on because we disagreed so much, but something that nobody can take away from you is the absurd amount of work you put in to make the server better. I was apprehensive about your director term when it started, but right now there's not a doubt in my mind that you care for this server and are willing to put an unreal amount of work into it. @Sock Monkeythanks for tryin man. I know you really care from the conversations I have had with you, and I wish you the best of luck. Your vision of what the server should be is a good one. I've done a lot in my time here, and when I look around I see a lot of changes, many of which I had a hand in. Despite all the headaches and work and myriad of other self pities, I am glad I was able to accomplish so much. Love you all. Have a couple memories and memes from my favorite times on the server, and I'm aware nobody cares but I wanted to put them here anyway. https://imgur.com/a/aiGwgcg Goodbye <3
  4. 3/4/2 Thanks for tryin man. Sorry it didnt work out <3. Take my last event rating.
  5. bro MAYBE you could make a case for will, but he was laughing his ass off at the beginning of the joke and having a good time until he realized "oh shit she didnt like that joke" and all of a sudden anyone who laughs at it is a bad person. Hollywood has turned yet another good man into a trash human being.
  6. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  7. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  8. didnt know you too too well, but you were a really cool dude to hang around when you were here. Take care my guy.
  9. Name: Jovanovic Who helped (If applicable): Brooklyn, Frank, Tyr, Finn, Seabass, Snad, Heart Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Did a whole ass event with no staff powers. Hours of jawas being executed to a court case to contingency orders to a lot of rp and an execution. Absolutely beautiful performance from everyone. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: yep
  10. 6/10 encouraged some interaction and rp, thanks for the encounter big dog.
  11. Name: Jovanovic Staff Rank: SA SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79667671 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): Posted late, from Friday to Monday. Since I'm posting this Sunday, tomorrow's the last day. Reason: Personal Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes
  12. First memory on the server outside of 41st is being a youngling running around asking people how to do literally anything and having them force abuse me until i left. My second memory outside of it was running into you as ahsoka and having you actually tell me how to get trained, explaining the force system and combat, and answering the billion other questions I had. As much as we didn't interact as much later on, I'm really really glad that you've been around, and I can tell you with certainty you've positively affected my time on the sever quite a bit. I'll see you around my guy. Keep in touch.
  13. Name: Jova Staff Rank: SA SteamID: will edit Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 3/3 - 3/14ish Reason: out of town, dont have access to my pc. If you need something please dont hesitate to dm me on discord. Will still be in contact as much as I can be. @Stockings@Finn@Mavelle@Claw@Lyonaxis
  14. cant wait till putin sees this and stops the invasion!
  15. "Ukrainian army repelled Russian landing attempt near Koblevo village of Odesa region" This is what I call a W Ukraine kinda clappin ngl. At first I thought they were just holding better than expected but they're actually kind of rolling Russia. They haven't committed close to all their forces yet though, so I doubt it goes on for much longer but it's still an excellent start.
  16. This shit right here, is what makes it worth it. You have no clue how gratifying it is to know that even one person has been impacted that way by my time here. By god did I need that this week, thank you. That being said, this is the biggest cap I've ever seen. You don't owe me jack. You did it yourself brother, and don't let anyone take that away from you, not even yourself. I've given advice to a lot of people, very very few are able to consider, internalize, and use it not only as quickly as you did, but also as independently and effectively. You did a great job as Rex Atlex, and I hope you feel as proud of that as I do.
  17. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  18. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  19. Leadership can be incredibly stressful, I'm sorry it went that way for you. Take care of yourself first, and I hope you're able to relax for a while, destress, and enjoy life.
  20. either this is a client side bug or someone is VERY quick because you still have it for me https://gyazo.com/b270ff9b1d62c9c24654ac217169cdeb
  21. To be honest the main reason is that ya'll are squared away. The post isn't necessarily to go over problems, but it is to address things that high command has been actively doing/changing since the last update. With siege that's... not much. Anything that I previously spoke to Stockings about looking into had been dealt with before the last one was posted and/or hasnt risen to the point that I've even noticed Stockings has had to address it. Tldr you guys are locked & loaded, shoutout to Stockings and you guys for getting to that point :)
  22. From the Office of High Command 2/20/2022 Hello everyone! Conrad is on LOA this weekend, so I’m on update duty. Please feel free to ask any questions below if you’d like to know more about something on the list. This is a general update document, detailing the things done by the Chancellor and the Marshal Commander. This document will be posted Bi-Weekly with updates on what they both have done. Please leave any feedback you have in the comment below. From the Office of the Chancellor - Conrad From the Desk of Marshal Commander Jovanovic
  23. Gameplay - 3/5 Care - 5/5 Performance - 5/5 Was hard for me between 3 and 4 gameplay wise, but I think the disconnect in a lot of the roleplay and what was going on between EJs made it really rough. If the other roleplay was anything less than as great as it was it wouldnt have really been enjoyable, but the event jobs and interactions towards what was (for me) the beginning was really really fun.
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