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Dennis' BCMD Bacara Application


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Steam Name: Dennis | Synr.gg

RP Name: 21st REGL CPT Jet

RP Rank: CPT

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86273369

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 21st BCMD


I joined in November of 2018 and instantly fell in love with the scuffed aspect of DU. I started doing as much as I could, I joined MED to help heal people and keep them alive. As soon as I could I applied for MEDO to help bring more people into the MED branch. I rose through the ranks of NCO and recruited like a machine to get a solid group of people to make DU active. I then became MEDL and made DU a MED battalion and made sure that all of my medics were the best they could be. I was then promoted to officer and quickly to the commander, I then took over as REGL for DU and started to fill branch lead and officer spots as best as I could. While the Doom of my time was inactive along with the XO, I took it upon myself to start molding DU into what I thought it needed to be to make it a modern and competitive battalion. During my first term as Doom, I put in LONG 16 hour days for the majority of the term. These were spent recruiting for both NA and EU time zones. I promoted people who I knew could help me branch out in all timezones. I slowly started to build up Dooms Unit numbers, when my second term started I began focusing on the small things, all documents were updated and brought to a good standard, Havoc Squad was fully implemented and rolled out with little to no hiccups. Every single document and branch etc were looked at and evaluated. During this time I was also building a good and steady officer corps to continue on after my term was over. During the final months of my term, I began getting ready to hand over the reins to the next Doom to make everything as smooth as possible and to help continue to make DU a good place to be. 

During my time as XO I continued to work on the little things, Intel saw huge improvements with the roster and how they work overall along with numbers boost. REGL has seen more steady work and across the board system for future dooms to come.DISC has seen small improvements with changing hands it is hard to keep the good momentum going but slowly it is improving. Helping implement Havoc Squad and its expansion. 

DU XO PT 2 & 3

During my current stint as XO, I have helped Owen make decisions. I have helped bring in a new clear-cut and dry discipline system. New Regimental systems, a complete overhaul of all battalion documents. Keeping Havoc Squad full as best as I can, along with helping where needed. Helping where needed and overall assisting with the promotion and funding of all new / revamped systems with the command core.

Base Ops 2ndLT - Commander 

I first joined Base Ops when it was re-added to the server, I became chief of mining operations on endor. During this time I wrote all the documents needed for all the RP and kept track of it. However, I was swiftly promoted to Chief Of General Operations and oversaw all sub-branches, and implemented the lore characters at the time. These systems were all used for the most part until revamped recently. During my time as Commander, my goal was to make Base Ops fun to be on and to help promote RP while on it. For a short while, we switched to a ship and I was charged with making sure that everything ran smoothly on a daily basis. 

Jedi Youngling - Knight 5

While my time in Jedi has been quite short and my start was not the best as some may know, after my rocky start I threw myself at Jedi wanting to learn and get better, I joined shadow as on my sith I was an assassin and wanted to do some more RP with shadows. A shadow manager spot opened up and I applied shortly after I became a knight. I then helped implement revisions to the trials and helped work on docs to help the future shadows with their RP. I then stepped down from the shadow manager as I had a lot of IRL things going on and DU needed a lot of my attention. I was promoted and worked closely with Mace / Patricia to help improve myself and the Jedi order.

Staff NA-HA / GMO

During my time in staff, I achieved many things I wanted to do. I helped improve many events and systems that the staff team used. During this time I pushed myself to make a lot of content for the server. I had many different storylines going along with my favorite one Abeloth. I was GMO for a short while and helped out to train new GMs to help the future of the server.

Specialized Regimental Commander

While my time as Reg commander may be short some may say I did a lot of what I wanted to do. I have split my time between all three of the battalions in my regiment the best I could. I have kept lines of communication open between them and other battalions as well. I have helped all of them continue to improve and share my knowledge from my past terms and how they should improve their battalion. Pushing the regiment ARC trooper to do what ARC’s are meant to do leading small squads and taking control over RP situations. The continued effort to bring more passive RP to not only my regiment but to others as well, and helping out where needed.   

Rancor CPT - BCMD

When joining rancor I was immediately asked to help with the rancor intel systems. I began working with Satan and Hades at the time. A few days later they were both demoted and Fizzik and Billsif were put in command with Fister. I then worked with Fizzik to create a new roster and intel system. I have helped slim down the bloated discord of roles and channels. 

Since getting the command I have, I have attempted to boost numbers by offering in-game credits for recruiter of the month and week and being active myself to help promote. I have also made sure that branch leads and officers are being active to fill their branches as well. 

After getting BCMD I along with the help of my commanders worked on improving the ARC program. We ended up doing the requalification process after improving just about everything we could on Selections and Formely Leadership now graduation. Improved front-facing documents and just a general overhaul of all battalion documents and just a solid facelift. 

CIS - Count Dooku

For a while, I have been working on the CIS faction with chambers. After a while the plan went on pause, I was approached by the current directors and founder to start working on the faction again, I have since, made every document, system, rule, discord, just about everything to do with the CIS I have made, or have helped made. Since then I have worked day and night behind the scene to help improve the CIS in any way possible and continue to plan to do so. 

21st 2ndLT - CPT
During my time so far within the battalion, I have helped with working to rebuild the battalion since the wipe. I have mainly focused on out-of-game things such as New Intel Roster and system. New Regimental system, working with foreseen to help implement the new promotion merit system in 21st. Working to help re-establish the GM/SO balance and Rework on KU. I have helped work on the fixing of the culture within the 21st. 

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I wish to become the battalion commander to help 21st grow and flourish. I have helped many other battalions get off the ground from brand new or rough spots. Such as DU, Base Ops, Rancor, CIS, and now 21st. I want to help to ensure that the positive changes stick and to help continue to improve the battalion. 

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: yes

Availability: Sunday - Saturday 5 PM - 11 PM CST 


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: about 7k hours

Do you have a microphone?: yes

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I want the 21st to have the foundation to be able to have a strong future. They should be able to function during any circumstance and during any time. I want to work with bringing up new officers who understand what it takes to understand a successful battalion. I want KU to finally be a stable squad and for them to be some of the best role players on the server. Overall and i know it's cookie cutter but, a stable foundation for when my term is over, a good set of officers, increased activity, and to make sure the culture of the battalion has changed. 

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: yes

Edited by Dennis
hmm something didnt paste right
  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 1
  • Funny 1
  • Winner 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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My major issue is activity. I basically barely see you on and if you are on the server you are often AFK or playing another game.

Checking you steam and battle metrics confines this is an extent. A lot of hours on server but someone who is on the server for 11 hours is defintly AFK for most of that.

https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/958502562 heres a link to it.

I personally haven't seen you in game except for when you were fuckin around in your outpost stealth and just killing BHs.

Also your attitude is not the best, especially for a battalion like the 21st which is aspiring to achieve the its somewhat serious nature again.

I do admit you are very good with docs and organisation, but they aren't skills needed in a BCMD, more an intel director, activity is more important as well as be a fair a reasonable leader. You have been known in the past to be unreasonable and quick to act in the wrong way. You often don't work with people or other opinions unless they are a friend or high rank. 

Now, I know people are expecting the abligatory "-1" but before I vote I would like to give @Dennis the opportunity to reply and try and give me some written confirmation that he will attempt to be a leader and not a dictator, 21st doesn't need that right now.

  • Agree 1
  • Informative 6

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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+1 I have no doubts about your leadership expertise or qualities.

I know you can do it, good luck man! 

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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-1 there are multiple reasons why I am -1 ing this app.

-First with all the current issues that arise with the CIS and having to shut down ops, seems like a lack of leadership for that. And since the CIS has been added there always seems to be issues.


-Rancor, last time you were BCMD you got commander reported and it was a shit show. And a bunch of problems arouse because of that.

-Activity, Not sure if your on LOA/ROA or just putting all your time into CIS but I haven't seen you on your 21st job in weeks.

-Overall there have been many issues with you in commander positions.

  • Agree 6
  • Informative 1


Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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8 hours ago, Dennis said:

Such as DU, Base Ops, Rancor, CIS, and now 21st

This is pretty rich since ever since leaving you've pretty much had every Doom in your pocket ensuring you can still keep control. And as soon as an independent comes along and starts making some great changes you don't seem happy, especially when he peels back your grip on the battalion.

I have no idea how you can claim to have saved base ops, in fact base ops was saved by Freck it pretty much never worked after Alfa left.

RANCOR is in okay shape. ARC training is pretty tragic & it's probably harder to get a CT whitelist than it is to get an Alpha ARC one. I don't think it's exactly a fantastic example of leadership especially after that horrific commander report which was one of the most unanimously supported reports ever. I don't think anyone -1'd. This was probably the peak of your ineptitude as a leader a pure display of how you fail to properly work with people & are head-strong on making things only go your way.

CIS is failing. Look at the QnA, 7 people showed up. If right now you can't keep up a server leadership supported program then how are you gonna let 21st "flourish".


I would address more of what you've said but you literally haven't said anything else.
You missed all of these questions.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Do you have a microphone?:

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

In fact you only really answered 2: experience & where do you want your batt to be (of which you have an extremely boring and open ended answer, no plans or targets)
I mean it's not even a finished application. No plans, No aims, Nothing. This is just you listing experience to sound impressive and saying genuinely nothing of value at all.

I don't think anyone can or should take this seriously if you can't even be bothered to finish the app let alone address the swathes of criticism against your character & abilities.

  • Agree 6
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  • Informative 4
  • Friendly 2

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Forum Admin

Void. I have no fucking clue what to vote due to the shitpost that this thread has become.

Edited by Guac

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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Well from my current experience and from what others have told me, whenever a problem arises, you either completely disregard it the problem and just fuck over people in the process of “solving” the problem, which from what I see, your solution to every problem that comes to you is just to wipe it, for example, on Omalics Kal reapp, you said the only way of fixing null was to wipe it.

Just like comics said, you literally have had every doom essentially working for you and doing what you want, and you can say oh no that’s not true, but it’s pretty obvious, and when you dont get your way in a battalion that you think you can influence easily, you start to throw a hissy fit. Apart from reworking docs as well, in game wise I haven’t seen any work done, and working on docs shouldn’t be the main thing to stand out for someone who is going for BCMD.

To add on, you like to promote toxicity, while I was in Rancor you would allow arguments between people to happen like it was some roast fest and would do nothing about it or you would join in on it. 

Ima be real with the reviving battalions part, DU and Rancor were both in a decent position and needed some work, with 21st I wouldn’t say it was much of a revival, the fact is, everyone got their rank wiped in 21st, so people see that and they’re going to go for an easy rank grab, and you can say all you want that you’re going to make it harder for someone to get a rank, but at the end of the day it’ll still be easy and people know that, so I personally wouldn’t agree with the fact that you “revived” 21st, this is something that always happens to wiped and new battalions, people join for a rank and that gets numbers up, but the real work is shown in the long run and how long those numbers and activities can be held, of course you’ll have a few losses, but I’ve saw major losses since it’s wipe and now, with around 3 to 5 21st compared to the 10 -12 before and like gadget said you’re rarely on, I see you on occasionally but usually afk like he said,

I don’t know how CIS and you being dooku is going to work, especially since I’m not going to lie, it’s been disorganized since the start, and the leadership seems to be non existent to the point that it had to be put on pause. If you’re not dooku anymore than my apologies cause I wasn’t there for the meeting regarding CIS.

Also forgot to add one major thing, like I said prior about other people speaking about you to me, you run you battalions like this, if you don’t agree with me you’re gone, if you do than good for you, which was from what I heard how you ran your doom term, and to add onto that I literally got told after making the commander report on you, that you would do anything in your power to get rid of me or Aaron which is why I left to 104th at the time being since you know you clearly had it out to me and it’s dumb enough that the directors literally told me that’s allowed so I had no protection against you targeting me.

Also once again to add on whoops, Your hypocrisy is beyond me, a good example for this would be when brooklyn RDMed, you PTed everyone after that shit show went down and blamed it on everyone else who shot because you intentionally said youll get PT after everyone shot brooklyn, but before that too, you decided to RDM 2 people in bunks and thought for some odd reason it was justified, but when everyone else did it you were like well all of you getting PT even though you showed the example that RDM is fine.

Also to add onto again, i've also gotten reports mutiple times of you pulling rank on people and with this, and this would show that you would possibly just abuse your rank to get your way


and one thing I finally forgot to add for the 3rd time, the only thing you do when responding to someone to something is trying to discredit them and make them someone people can’t believe and that’s all you do, for example, once again on the commander report I made along with Aaron you went on to try and discredit us by saying shit like I would’ve been removed if it weren’t for you and shit and you actually never responded to the accusations, and it seems you’re doing this once again instead of addressing what the people are saying

Edited by Piff
  • Agree 3
  • Winner 1
  • Informative 4

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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1 hour ago, Comics said:

CIS is failing. Look at the QnA, 7 people showed up.


12 minutes ago, Piff said:

, it’s been disorganized since the start, and the leadership seems to be non existent to the point that it had to be put on pause.

Just to address some of these CIS "issues" the CIS was put on pause after we reviewed the feedback from the community on the CIS. This pause was so we could work with the directors and high staff to get rules implemented to address a large portion of problems the player base had expressed with the CIS.  

As for the Q&A with low turn out, idk people just don't want to come try and bring up there issues to help us improve they'd prefer to sit in TS or discord and just bitch. The people that did show up brought up issues and they've been addressed or they had questions we were able to answer for them. 

It's a new faction there are bumps in the road and Dennis has put in a load of work to try and make things work while also addressing issues brought up so the faction can be as fun for the community as possible. But by all means if anyone thinks they can make better CIS leadership ask any Tac droid or big 3 member to host a tryout for you, come join the CIS and help make changes OR show up to our public meetings with ideas. 

But I know for a fact (mainly because I'm in the meetings) that two hours or more a day is spent going over feedback or trying to figure out ways to make things go more smoothly. So let's not talk out of our asses and say there's no leadership or things are disorganized when you obviously just took a five second look at the faction and then decided to jerk yourself off for doing research. 

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3 hours ago, Gadget said:

https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/958502562 heres a link to it.

I personally haven't seen you in game except for when you were fuckin around in your outpost stealth and just killing BHs.

Also your attitude is not the best, especially for a battalion like the 21st which is aspiring to achieve the its somewhat serious nature again.

I do admit you are very good with docs and organisation, but they aren't skills needed in a BCMD, more an intel director, activity is more important as well as be a fair a reasonable leader. You have been known in the past to be unreasonable and quick to act in the wrong way. You often don't work with people or other opinions unless they are a friend or high rank.

Alright Gadget thanks for the questions. 
1. Hours - So recently i have taken a few day break from GMOD, 4 to be exact. That's one day over what we have stated needs an LOA, i forgot to put one up that's on me. Other than that almost every day i'm on for at least a few hours a day. Overall my hours are pretty fine on GMOD its self. 


They are still double any other game, and this is with no AFK time in them. Along with working 40-50 hours a week.

2. Seeing each other in game, i know its hard for EU and NA guys to see each other but im think its just going to have to be because of work. It seems to be that on my days off we catch each other in the morning. Also to address "outpost Stealth" it's just some fun goofy rp for people to do when the server is slow its a game so i'm trying to make sure people have fun.

3. I'm going to be honest this is some of the most serious i have been on the server. This is a make or break moment for me and what i do in the future. Yes it may not be serious 100% of the time and i crack jokes and mess with people as jokes, but i'm here playing a game and trying to make sure people have fun.

4. I find the "you don't work with others unless their your friends or a high rank" to be completely false. Yes myself and maddoxx are friends, however before the 21st myself and brooklyn were not what i'm pretty sure we would call friends, neither mitchell. Yes we joked around but that's because we have had the same experiences before and worked sorta on the same mindset. 

1 hour ago, Comics said:

This is pretty rich since ever since leaving you've pretty much had every Doom in your pocket ensuring you can still keep control. And as soon as an independent comes along and starts making some great changes you don't seem happy, especially when he peels back your grip on the battalion.

I have no idea how you can claim to have saved base ops, in fact base ops was saved by Freck it pretty much never worked after Alfa left.

RANCOR is in okay shape. ARC training is pretty tragic & it's probably harder to get a CT whitelist than it is to get an Alpha ARC one. I don't think it's exactly a fantastic example of leadership especially after that horrific commander report which was one of the most unanimously supported reports ever. I don't think anyone -1'd. This was probably the peak of your ineptitude as a leader a pure display of how you fail to properly work with people & are head-strong on making things only go your way.

CIS is failing. Look at the QnA, 7 people showed up. If right now you can't keep up a server leadership supported program then how are you gonna let 21st "flourish".

1. Thanks comics for reminding me that some of my questions did not paste over, idk how that happened, appreciate it guy! 

2. Now this one has me rolling around "dEnNiS cOnTroLS dU" dude i haven't talked in the DU discord nor to the previous past few dooms. Fred and Slak are doing their own things for the most part i haven't been in the battalion and was busy doing other things. I can honestly be less fucked most days to see what slak and the boys n DU are doing. Slak was put there for a reason and he can get the job done. @Slak am i pocket controlling you? 

3. Base ops does not equal Naval, i was apart of Husky's First term when it was re added. During that time i was one of the few consistent active members of that battalions command. However this was ages ago now, it's just on my list of experience, i have never once have claimed to have saved the current Naval. 

4. I can't speak for rancors current leadership nor their actions, however, 1, the commander report was denied. 2: i achieved my goal of making the ARC program harder like it needed to be. You have no valid argument to call me an inept leader as your time during ATK reg ended in removal. The people i worked with Brooklyn, Xiao, Rezz, are all fantastic commanders who got the job done that was needed, we worked well together. 

5. CIS - "cIs Is FaIlInG" please be my guest come join and help run the faction. Come bring your new ideas forward to help make it a great thing for the server. Oh wait you wont or cant, i find it funny that everyone is sitting here saying. "it went on pause its dying" infact during this pause time many internal systems have been reworked and we are trying to improve the factions replay ability, enjoyability and overall balance on the server. Maybe if you showed up to the QnA you could have heard our plans moving forward. Instead you want to sit here and bash on something before its even fully off the ground. I invite anyone to come and help the faction if you have all these wonderful ideas in your head and share them with me and lets make the CIS a great thing that no other server has. 

  • Winner 1
  • Informative 2

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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-1 Everything was said for me. Piff said it all. But to add on with my experience as your term as BCMD for Rancor, no.


Edit: Will say though, he is not controlling me at all. Didn't see that question until now. All decision that were made by the CURRENT DU HC. Although, I will say that Fred's term was more like a Maddoxx / Dennis term 2.0 since Fred even told me himself that he got this idea from Maddoxx and Dennis. But in that case, My term has been stone cold just me and the current DU HC / Officers.

Edited by Slak
spelling go brr
  • Agree 1
  • Informative 2
  • Friendly 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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35 minutes ago, Dennis said:

1. Thanks comics for reminding me that some of my questions did not paste over, idk how that happened, appreciate it guy! 

I mean you didn't really add anything. You just said "I will make it good". Still no plans, how are we supposed to even begin to trust you if you can't give a single plan or idea just "I'm gonna do this good thing"

35 minutes ago, Dennis said:

2. Now this one has me rolling around "dEnNiS cOnTroLS dU" dude i haven't talked in the DU discord nor to the previous past few dooms. Fred and Slak are doing their own things for the most part i haven't been in the battalion and was busy doing other things. I can honestly be less fucked most days to see what slak and the boys n DU are doing. Slak was put there for a reason and he can get the job done. @Slak am i pocket controlling you? 

I meant that you kept a tough grip on DU for a while & used to it get XO and exert control over Owen & Maddoxx, pretty much holding onto power refusing to like DU move away from you. Fred & Slak just haven't been under your control so you haven't been able to keep your control, and I doubt you're very happy with that. 

35 minutes ago, Dennis said:

3. Base ops does not equal Naval, i was apart of Husky's First term when it was re added. During that time i was one of the few consistent active members of that battalions command. However this was ages ago now, it's just on my list of experience, i have never once have claimed to have saved the current Naval. 

a bold faced lie. If you didn't do anything than don't claim to have "got it off the ground" or out of a "rough spot"
"I have helped many other battalions get off the ground from brand new or rough spots. Such as DU, Base Ops,"

35 minutes ago, Dennis said:

4. I can't speak for rancors current leadership nor their actions, however, 1, the commander report was denied. 2: i achieved my goal of making the ARC program harder like it needed to be. You have no valid argument to call me an inept leader as your time during ATK reg ended in removal. The people i worked with Brooklyn, Xiao, Rezz, are all fantastic commanders who got the job done that was needed, we worked well together. 

The report was denied because their rules were incapable of prosecuting you. The fact still stands that you were reported and no on supported you. The community very very evenly supported your removal because we all had strong belief you were incapable as a leader. The ARC program is fine, it's pretty meh but it is what it is. RANCOR does suffer with numbers, like it did before your time, so it seems like you just plopped in a training system and didn't try to fix any of the issues of RANCOR leaving it to fall to where it currently is.

How can we expect you to leave 21st on it's feet able to hold up to larger batts like 212th or DU when RANCOR tanked after it stopped being so easy to get ranks in.

You can't really claim your commanders all worked well together when the whole battalion below that felt you were uncapable as continuing as their BCMD. That's just not how it works.

Also my removal is irrelevant. I guess it makes it easier to dismiss valid criticism by making the accuser seem bad. This is exactly what you did on your report and it changed no one's mind. Cemented the idea you are incapable at taking criticism or at listening anyone below you

35 minutes ago, Dennis said:

5. CIS - "cIs Is FaIlInG" please be my guest come join and help run the faction. Come bring your new ideas forward to help make it a great thing for the server. Oh wait you wont or cant, i find it funny that everyone is sitting here saying. "it went on pause its dying" infact during this pause time many internal systems have been reworked and we are trying to improve the factions replay ability, enjoyability and overall balance on the server. Maybe if you showed up to the QnA you could have heard our plans moving forward. Instead you want to sit here and bash on something before its even fully off the ground. I invite anyone to come and help the faction if you have all these wonderful ideas in your head and share them with me and lets make the CIS a great thing that no other server has. 

I fundamentally don't think the CIS is a good system so I don't care what happens in it and I don't care to try and fix those systems. However you do and CIS has been here for possibly months still suffering from all the same issues it did when it was introduced. You say you spend a lot of time fixing things but I just don't see anything changing or improving, same old system with the same old issues. The excuse "why don't you fix it" doesn't cut it, I didn't sign up to fix those problems you did. 
Say you're doing lots of work all you want but I still hear just as many of the same complaints about something you've been running for ages.


I'm not gonna send another response but there's a lot of just lying & avoiding the issue in the response. Just like in your commander report: downplaying issues and covering up criticism. I cannot understand how anyone could support you at this point.

The fact anyone even gives you the chance after years of proving incapability as a BCMD, RCMD, & BCMD again. I just cannot understand anyone even considering it. You are by far one of the best examples of what a leader should never strive to be.

Edited by Comics
  • Agree 3
  • Winner 2

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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So I'm just going to put this out there and express my opinion on this matter, although I'm not giving a +1 or -1, I think that there are some things that need to be said in general.

1. Personally I don't believe that someone should be able to hold more then 1 applicable position at one time. (applying on the forums, not internally within battalions) Which is what I believe Dooku is, an applicable position. This is not just in your case Dennis, I personally just don't believe that ANYONE should hold more then 1 applicable position at the same time. (For example a Guild Lead going for Wolffe, or Mas Amedda going for Rex, etc.) I know that in the rule it states that CIS is an exception as it's not a 24/7 RP position but this is just my thoughts on the matter. (Which I ultimately disagree with the exception for CIS but that's a conversation for another time)

2. I was a member of Owen/Dennis' DU at one point, it was the first battalion I had joined on Synergy and I ultimately left during my WO term. However, there were a lot of things that I liked with how the battalion operated, the high command at the time knew their shit. (Owen, Dennis, Maddoxx, Taco, etc) I had a great time in DU, however things turned south very quickly and eventually led to the "death of DU" for a while there. (Of course it's a lot better now which is great to see the greenbeans shine) The only thing I would say that I would've improved on during your time in DU or at least while I was in it, is the communication between the High Command and the troopers. I understand first hand that some things discussed within HC meetings just can not be said to NCOs, etc. However I remember times when it felt like HC was just a completely different entity from the rest of us troopers. Also, the idea that the Sub Units > Normal troopers, now I can already hear what people are going to say "But it's the elite sub unit! Of course they're better!" which I understand however, I also remember times where it felt like Havoc Squad was ALSO a completely different entity from main DU. I recall many times when you guys would just chill in HS teamspeak, even during events sometimes, and just leave regular DU to do whatever. (This wouldn't have been such a big issue if all of the HC at the time weren't HS besides Owen) Now, Devil's Advocate, the battalion at the end of the day ran pretty smoothly, at least it felt so to me. Life went on and I genuinely enjoyed my time in DU for my first two months on the server.


3. Activity of course is a really big issue for leadership positions, I know personally my hours have dropped from when I first got Wolffe, to now. But, I'm also at the end of my term, you however are just starting your term (if you get it) and starting off a term pretty inactive is rough, and it'll be a common theme throughout the term itself. Now, do I think you can bump up this activity? Hell fucking yeah, I understand work, etc. but you'll need to be hella active if you want to juggle both Bacara AND Dooku.

At the end of the day, like I said I'm staying neutral on this application, these are just a few points I wanted to cover for Dennis, but also the people +1'ing/-1'ing this application. Best of luck @Dennis if you do get it, and if you don't then best of luck with 21st as you'll still basically be running it for the time being.

Full-time Server Boomer



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I have a question , I am one to believe that when having a high staff position it shouldn't effect their ability in a commander or HC position. However your situation is different. How do you plan to balance out a battalion that has recently been wiped and a new faction on the server? Do you think it is o much and say in the future you get the position how do you intend to prioritize the goals in each? Would you give up CIS leadership for Bacara? Thanks and good luck!

Edited by Moose
  • Winner 2

Money Moves

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18 minutes ago, Dennis said:

Alright Gadget thanks for the questions. 
1. Hours - So recently i have taken a few day break from GMOD, 4 to be exact. That's one day over what we have stated needs an LOA, i forgot to put one up that's on me. Other than that almost every day i'm on for at least a few hours a day. Overall my hours are pretty fine on GMOD its self. 


They are still double any other game, and this is with no AFK time in them. Along with working 40-50 hours a week.

2. Seeing each other in game, i know its hard for EU and NA guys to see each other but im think its just going to have to be because of work. It seems to be that on my days off we catch each other in the morning. Also to address "outpost Stealth" it's just some fun goofy rp for people to do when the server is slow its a game so i'm trying to make sure people have fun.

3. I'm going to be honest this is some of the most serious i have been on the server. This is a make or break moment for me and what i do in the future. Yes it may not be serious 100% of the time and i crack jokes and mess with people as jokes, but i'm here playing a game and trying to make sure people have fun.

4. I find the "you don't work with others unless their your friends or a high rank" to be completely false. Yes myself and maddoxx are friends, however before the 21st myself and brooklyn were not what i'm pretty sure we would call friends, neither mitchell. Yes we joked around but that's because we have had the same experiences before and worked sorta on the same mindset. 

Thank you for getting back to me, as I stated I didn't want to vote without getting further information. I also forgot to mention the timezone difference which is my fault. 

Some of my comments are based on about a year to 6 months old observations and people do change. 21st is in a delicate state and I just want to make sure it doesn't go downhill again. It why I went back to the 21st after SPEC REG and didn't leave after the wipe. 

I also get the "not 100% serious " thing, it gets tedious. I think its just catch you at your weakest.

I am also skeptical when I see someone who's been on the server for like 12 hours or even 8 as its unlikely they are active 100% of that time.

Anyway, my vote.

For getting back to me and clearing up some queries I had I'm going to +1.

Just be aware ill be there to call you out on stuff.

In a productive manner of course.

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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you are super toxic and you abuse your power. and even after you were given criticism on your marshal app, your spec reg app and the commander report you didn't even try to change. 

I can speak for myself and a lot of other people when I say that we are done with your bullshit. if you took criticism and changed I would be willing to hear you out but every time you apply for something you deny any responsibility for your fuckups. it would have literally taken you 5 minutes to find out what problems people have and then try to fix them but you decided to stay the exact same.

  • Agree 9
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5 minutes ago, Spaghetti said:


you are super toxic and you abuse your power. and even after you were given criticism on your marshal app, your spec reg app and the commander report you didn't even try to change. 

I can speak for myself and a lot of other people when I say that we are done with your bullshit. if you took criticism and changed I would be willing to hear you out but every time you apply for something you deny any responsibility for your fuckups. it would have literally taken you 5 minutes to find out what problems people have and then try to fix them but you decided to stay the exact same.

^ This


  • Agree 3

I am Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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Veteran Admin
16 minutes ago, Comics said:


32 minutes ago, Dennis said:

1. Thanks comics for reminding me that some of my questions did not paste over, idk how that happened, appreciate it guy! 

I mean you didn't really add anything. You just said "I will make it good". Still no plans, how are we supposed to even begin to trust you if you can't give a single plan or idea just "I'm gonna do this good thing"

build the new officer corps, ensure battalion attitude gets better, build the new KU and ensure its as bad ass as its supposed to be. thats what i gto if i missed anything then @Denniscan correct me


18 minutes ago, Comics said:

I meant that you kept a tough grip on DU for a while & used to it get XO and exert control over Owen & Maddoxx, pretty much holding onto power refusing to like DU move away from you. Fred & Slak just haven't been under your control so you haven't been able to keep your control, and I doubt you're very happy with that.

you know its funny ive never EVER heard Dennis talk about DU in any way shape or form. not at all. like i said if ive missed anything then please correct me 

19 minutes ago, Comics said:

a bold faced lie. If you didn't do anything than don't claim to have "got it off the ground" or out of a "rough spot"
"I have helped many other battalions get off the ground from brand new or rough spots. Such as DU, Base Ops,"

cant speak much for it wasnt in any of that.

while Dennis does have flaws i personally think he is certainly doing shit. +1 from me



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Current: Bad Batch Echo

Former: WAC-47 Battalion Commander Wolffe Mechanized Regimental Commander Clorox


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20 minutes ago, Comics said:

I meant that you kept a tough grip on DU for a while & used to it get XO and exert control over Owen & Maddoxx, pretty much holding onto power refusing to like DU move away from you. Fred & Slak just haven't been under your control so you haven't been able to keep your control, and I doubt you're very happy with that. 

I'm gonna step in here. I asked Dennis to come aboard and help out. Why? Cause I knew he would get shit done, he could handle situations that were brought up, and he was a great person to bounce ideas off of. There was no "holding power" over me and I'm honestly getting sick of this "Owen Puppet" meme. I had just as many good ideas back when I was Doom as both Dennis and Maddoxx, who were helping me at the time. Honestly most of the time I'd have a basic idea and between the 3 of us, we'd sort it out into something that worked.


+1 from me because he gets shit done, he doesn't take BS, and he's always come back to help out whatever battalion he was asked. Regardless if it was a BCMD or HC asking him too.

  • Friendly 1


Doom x1 | Brimstone x1 | Acid x1 | Mas Amedda x1 | Padme x1

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3 hours ago, Jack said:

-1 there are multiple reasons why I am -1 ing this app.

-First with all the current issues that arise with the CIS and having to shut down ops, seems like a lack of leadership for that. And since the CIS has been added there always seems to be issues.


-Rancor, last time you were BCMD you got commander reported and it was a shit show. And a bunch of problems arouse because of that.

-Activity, Not sure if your on LOA/ROA or just putting all your time into CIS but I haven't seen you on your 21st job in weeks.

-Overall there have been many issues with you in commander positions.



35 minutes ago, Foxey said:

You've consistently proven to me for the past year that you don't deserve to come anywhere near an applicable position.  I'm honestly surprised that anyone is willing to lend their support to this. 


38 minutes ago, Comics said:


I mean you didn't really add anything. You just said "I will make it good". Still no plans, how are we supposed to even begin to trust you if you can't give a single plan or idea just "I'm gonna do this good thing"

I meant that you kept a tough grip on DU for a while & used to it get XO and exert control over Owen & Maddoxx, pretty much holding onto power refusing to like DU move away from you. Fred & Slak just haven't been under your control so you haven't been able to keep your control, and I doubt you're very happy with that. 

a bold faced lie. If you didn't do anything than don't claim to have "got it off the ground" or out of a "rough spot"
"I have helped many other battalions get off the ground from brand new or rough spots. Such as DU, Base Ops,"

The report was denied because their rules were incapable of prosecuting you. The fact still stands that you were reported and no on supported you. The community very very evenly supported your removal because we all had strong belief you were incapable as a leader. The ARC program is fine, it's pretty meh but it is what it is. RANCOR does suffer with numbers, like it did before your time, so it seems like you just plopped in a training system and didn't try to fix any of the issues of RANCOR leaving it to fall to where it currently is.

How can we expect you to leave 21st on it's feet able to hold up to larger batts like 212th or DU when RANCOR tanked after it stopped being so easy to get ranks in.

You can't really claim your commanders all worked well together when the whole battalion below that felt you were uncapable as continuing as their BCMD. That's just not how it works.

Also my removal is irrelevant. I guess it makes it easier to dismiss valid criticism by making the accuser seem bad. This is exactly what you did on your report and it changed no one's mind. Cemented the idea you are incapable at taking criticism or at listening anyone below you

I fundamentally don't think the CIS is a good system so I don't care what happens in it and I don't care to try and fix those systems. However you do and CIS has been here for possibly months still suffering from all the same issues it did when it was introduced. You say you spend a lot of time fixing things but I just don't see anything changing or improving, same old system with the same old issues. The excuse "why don't you fix it" doesn't cut it, I didn't sign up to fix those problems you did. 
Say you're doing lots of work all you want but I still hear just as many of the same complaints about something you've been running for ages.


I'm not gonna send another response but there's a lot of just lying & avoiding the issue in the response. Just like in your commander report: downplaying issues and covering up criticism. I cannot understand how anyone could support you at this point.

I used my first post to meme, but I want to say this. You guys are all focusing on Dennis's past. I have no clue how recent all this stuff was/is, but I think Dennis has shown growth as a person/leader. 


Ive seen some people saying he only gets along with his friends / high rank people, I actually completely disagree. Dennis has been very open and communicative in his time in the 21st, and is actively searching for the right people to put into the officer corps, an example is Oxa/Cannon, who has shown great amounts of leadership. 


Another thing I'd like to say, is that without Dennis we never would've been able to make the changes we made, like implementing a merit system, massive overhaul on the roster, or a complete intel reform. 


Like gadget said intel isn't everything when it comes to a bcmd, but it is still vital imo. But Dennis has also shown us that he actually gives two craps about the battalion because not only is he sticking around, he feels he can offer us more by becoming the first Bacara to run the new 21st. 

I've also seen some people say Dennis doesn't take stuff serious or has an attitude issue. Dennis has a very thin line where he'll switch to serious if he needs to, but he also remembers hes on the server to have fun, which is the truth, if hes not having fun why would he stick around? As far as his attitude, I personally just think its sass, and sometimes people on this server misinterpret sass to be an attack or insult. Dennis is blunt yes, but that in itself is a leadership quality you need to respect, cause it means he isn't gonna sugar coat and put up with BS.

Some people think holding Dooku is going to interfere, I can't speak for how much he does internally, but CIS is like a toy he winds up and lets it walk, it should be able to function without him holding its hand. And its not a full time job to be on dooku, and its not like when he is he is completely unreachable.


Last parts for comics, Hey I know it says he helped bring baseops back up, but that doesnt mean saved, if he was an active committed presence, he deserves credit for helping. And Comics, his report was bad yes. But since then he has turned around and learned from it. You just recently got banned for racism, yet applied to Mas, claiming people shouldnt judge you on past actions. So please take a deep breath, think carefully, and try not to attack the Puppet master.

And lastly:  


Why image no upload from phone >:(

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I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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+1 Even through you may have a bit of a rocky history with what happened I cant agure that you can get stuff done. Even then in 21st I assume that you did a lot of the Bracground stuff like docs and all that like how you did with Rancor that got stuff done

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I love spicy commander applications

Dennis, homie. You know I know that you can get stuff done when it needs to be done, but you gotta fix the behavior you have. I’m not saying be PG-13 because there’s no way you can do that, and I wouldn’t tell someone to be PG-13 when me; myself can’t even do that.

Focus on the 21st, you gotta let the other battalions go. As far as legacy goes abolish it, and with the sub-units please for the love of god give KU the most love you can, SO gets too much love.


Good luck Dennis, +1

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Most of the -1's took the words out of my mouth. I will say this tho, every applicable position you have held to my knowledge including Dooku there has been some sort of issue regarding yourself or with the battalion/faction you're currently running. I can't with good conscious support this app due to the clear track record and precedent you set when you hold these position...especially when the 21st is in such a fragile state. Best of luck.

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 5

Just Finished a Trilogy Marathon so here are some Lord of the Rings  Reaction Gifs - Album on Imgur

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Veteran Admin
7 minutes ago, Matt-Matthos said:


Most of the -1's took the words out of my mouth. I will say this tho, every applicable position you have held to my knowledge including Dooku there has been some sort of issue regarding yourself or with the battalion/faction you're currently running. I can't with good conscious support this app due to the clear track record and precedent you set when you hold these position...especially when the 21st is in such a fragile state. Best of luck.

Matt i love you but you've proven my point. Your talking about past mistakes which yes should always be looked at. you have mentioned the 21st but have you talked to any of us and confirmed whether or not waht hes doing is productive? I'd say he is

Current: Bad Batch Echo

Former: WAC-47 Battalion Commander Wolffe Mechanized Regimental Commander Clorox


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Even though you haven't been talking to me recently 😥. I know you are a good leader and are a good guy (at least when I talk with you).

You brought me into DU when I lost my battalion and you and trixx gave me things to do in order to better the battalion. I like to think that we worked well together and overall you always listened to my opinions and criticisms.

I obviously can't comment on the past year as I was gone 90% of it, but you will do fine in 21st as their leader.


  • Friendly 1


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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47 minutes ago, Underpaidstaff said:

Matt i love you but you've proven my point. Your talking about past mistakes which yes should always be looked at. you have mentioned the 21st but have you talked to any of us and confirmed whether or not waht hes doing is productive? I'd say he is

People bring up the past because the past has repeated itself several times

  • Agree 6


Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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People can see the outside but can't see inside a battalion unless they are actually in it. The interior of 21st has definitely changed for the better. And I can say without a doubt that Dennis is actively making sure 21st doesn't get wiped again. Plus Maddoxx is there so it can't be that bad


  • Agree 2
  • Friendly 2

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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-1 from me it my personal opinion I don't think you should be BCMD based on your past decisions. If we are being honest my last encounter with you as a CO to CO you threatened to AOS me for "False AOS" when I felt 2 people in your batt were being disrespectful to me in-game and state that I was "controlling" them during that deployment which wasn't at all true. Also you just aren't fit to be placed back into BCMD after Rancor in my opinion. You seem to get away with stuff like that when if it was just a basic BCMD who hadn't been in as long would of been probably banned for stuff like that. Going further you just are super mingey and still don't listen to anyone who is in rp higher rank then you and it seems to be consistent. To further hit on other things when you came back into DU as legacy you REFUSED to give Otter ARCO when he got Gambit over you. That in itself should be terms for showing how immature you are. ALSO when you came back you were stating you were going to go back for Brimstone and that you should get Brimstone because you used to be it and so forth. When people who work way harder then you do were getting placed for it. I just don't see you as a fit BCMD until proved otherwise in my opinion.

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Veteran Admin
13 minutes ago, Aeon said:

That would be insubordination :)

during the deployment he ordered two 21st to delete  important data the man in charge of 21st during the deployment decided against it and ordered us to download the data. Flytape[then brimstone] said he would AOS them for BATTALION DISRESPECT. we elected to follow OUR CO's orders over the CO of a different unit. if he was our CO or if our CO had agreed with him then yes it would have been insubordination. further more @Flytape your whole first complaint is that dennis wanted to handle HIS battalion himself, which by the way he did after talking to you he PT'd the entire group that participated personally. 

Edited by Underpaidstaff
  • Winner 1
  • Informative 1

Current: Bad Batch Echo

Former: WAC-47 Battalion Commander Wolffe Mechanized Regimental Commander Clorox


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40 minutes ago, Flytape said:

-1 from me it my personal opinion I don't think you should be BCMD based on your past decisions. If we are being honest my last encounter with you as a CO to CO you threatened to AOS me for "False AOS" when I felt 2 people in your batt were being disrespectful to me in-game and state that I was "controlling" them during that deployment which wasn't at all true. Also you just aren't fit to be placed back into BCMD after Rancor in my opinion. You seem to get away with stuff like that when if it was just a basic BCMD who hadn't been in as long would of been probably banned for stuff like that. Going further you just are super mingey and still don't listen to anyone who is in rp higher rank then you and it seems to be consistent. To further hit on other things when you came back into DU as legacy you REFUSED to give Otter ARCO when he got Gambit over you. That in itself should be terms for showing how immature you are. ALSO when you came back you were stating you were going to go back for Brimstone and that you should get Brimstone because you used to be it and so forth. When people who work way harder then you do were getting placed for it. I just don't see you as a fit BCMD until proved otherwise in my opinion.

1. I could care less that otter got gambit, havoc squad is my creation, secondly he never made his interest know to me about ARCO it’s not required for havoc squad to be branch officers. Otherwise I would have talked with him about it. I can’t read your mind or his and I can’t control peoples minds or actions.

2. you as a dooms u it commander attempted to order around 21st it’s been clearly said before that it doesn’t work like that and the community treats it that way. So your argument of “disrespect/ insubordination “ was wrong, yes they were being rude which i said they where and PTed them. I was saying your initial reason was wrong, so idk why you take everything I was saying as hostile. I was trying to explain my side and what I was told, while trying to understand your side of the story. 

also @Underpaidstaff just relax dude, let’s make sure apps stay as feedback and questions only keep the arguments in dm’s

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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35 minutes ago, Dennis said:

1. I could care less that otter got gambit, havoc squad is my creation, secondly he never made his interest know to me about ARCO it’s not required for havoc squad to be branch officers. Otherwise I would have talked with him about it. I can’t read your mind or his and I can’t control peoples minds or actions.

2. you as a dooms u it commander attempted to order around 21st it’s been clearly said before that it doesn’t work like that and the community treats it that way. So your argument of “disrespect/ insubordination “ was wrong, yes they were being rude which i said they where and PTed them. I was saying your initial reason was wrong, so idk why you take everything I was saying as hostile. I was trying to explain my side and what I was told, while trying to understand your side of the story. 

also @Underpaidstaff just relax dude, let’s make sure apps stay as feedback and questions only keep the arguments in dm’s


1 hour ago, Underpaidstaff said:

during the deployment he ordered two 21st to delete  important data the man in charge of 21st during the deployment decided against it and ordered us to download the data. Flytape[then brimstone] said he would AOS them for BATTALION DISRESPECT. we elected to follow OUR CO's orders over the CO of a different unit. if he was our CO or if our CO had agreed with him then yes it would have been insubordination. further more @Flytape your whole first complaint is that dennis wanted to handle HIS battalion himself, which by the way he did after talking to you he PT'd the entire group that participated personally. 


1 hour ago, Underpaidstaff said:

during the deployment he ordered two 21st to delete  important data the man in charge of 21st during the deployment decided against it and ordered us to download the data. Flytape[then brimstone] said he would AOS them for BATTALION DISRESPECT. we elected to follow OUR CO's orders over the CO of a different unit. if he was our CO or if our CO had agreed with him then yes it would have been insubordination. further more @Flytape your whole first complaint is that dennis wanted to handle HIS battalion himself, which by the way he did after talking to you he PT'd the entire group that participated personally. 

This is all not true at all. So please let me clear somethings up.

1. To hit on who ever is @Underpaidstaff. I was not going to AOS the troopers who weren't deleting the data. Also I did not give the orders to delete the GM did so please be correct. I reinforced that they need to delete it. Secondly the two that did disrespect me were not cause of disobeying orders was because they in fact did DISRESPECT me in RP. So please be right on your statements. They may have not seen that way but I did so thanks for your irrelevant explanation. Anyways please be in the situation before trying to explain the sides of the individuals that were in the wrong. Thanks man for the comment!

2. @Dennis You were not trying to see my side. If you did see my side you would of agreed with me and instead of proceeding to say your going to AOS me for "False AOS".

  • Winner 1
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Y'all talk so much shit to a guy who has revived more battalions than the rest of you. A lot of you, and you know who you are, are hypocrites honestly. Not going to bother with naming who, as i dont like to call out people specifically and target their character. If Dennis is able to time manage CIS and Bacara then it should be just fine. I say +1 because he knows how to revive a battalion despite what you monkeys say. 

Fuck all that hate dennis, revive another battalion and don't be dumb. Prove em wrong, i could use a good laugh.

  • Agree 4
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Honestly i am torn, many people calling u toxic and many -1 for other reasons, but most +1s are for ur ability to revive battalions. Whenever u are toxic or not i believe on what the current members of 21st i talked to said. "You are doing good" or "You are helping" And that's the most important things for me in any Applications. so bc of that i will just say




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I don’t want to go for it. I just want to chill as SO. +1 tall ass motherfucka 



calling it to have 5 pages of hidden shit because it gets to toxic 

Edited by KillJoy
  • Funny 1

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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When I was Bacara, and Dennis was BCMD Doom. I will admit, he was very mingy, but I knew him better than most. He showed me all of his work that he did for his battalion. Dennis is a hard worker and it is evident that he can handle the logistics of being a BCMD. Dennis and I have always been friends, but that does not sway my reasoning for giving a +1, just as I knew him better than most, he knows me better than most. And he knows what is expected from a Bacara. He understands it is a serious position to be in, and that he is the FACE of the battalion. I had a thoughtful discussion with Dennis prior to posting my +1, and Dennis promised me that he will uphold the standards expected out of a BCMD, including the standards set for Bacara. I understand why many may -1, but that is due to ignorance, Dennis has had issues in the past, I will admit. But you never know what can come out of someone if given a chance. Dennis is the best option for Bacara in my wholeheartedly opinion. And I examine everyone in the battalion for their potential to live up to such a position, and so far, Dennis has stood out the most for me. He understands he won't be able to just focus on doc work, but rather the battalion as a whole. Dennis has worked hard to get where he is in the server, and I feel he is absolutely the best candidate eligible at this point and time.

Be the face of the battalion that it so needs

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Currently: SGM

Previously: HA | TRM | BCMD Bacara x4 | CMD Keller x4

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I do not feel as though someone who is running a declining faction should be allowed to lead another one that is already struggling. CIS is doing not so hot right now and is overall doing quite poorly and I do not feel like you should go to Bacara when CIS needs help.

I also feel that you are pretty toxic and have an overall bad outlook on things. The commander report on you from a while ago shows me your toxicity in full swing and does not bode well with me. Good luck!

  • Agree 5

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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13 hours ago, Comics said:


This is pretty rich since ever since leaving you've pretty much had every Doom in your pocket ensuring you can still keep control. And as soon as an independent comes along and starts making some great changes you don't seem happy, especially when he peels back your grip on the battalion.

I have no idea how you can claim to have saved base ops, in fact base ops was saved by Freck it pretty much never worked after Alfa left.

RANCOR is in okay shape. ARC training is pretty tragic & it's probably harder to get a CT whitelist than it is to get an Alpha ARC one. I don't think it's exactly a fantastic example of leadership especially after that horrific commander report which was one of the most unanimously supported reports ever. I don't think anyone -1'd. This was probably the peak of your ineptitude as a leader a pure display of how you fail to properly work with people & are head-strong on making things only go your way.

CIS is failing. Look at the QnA, 7 people showed up. If right now you can't keep up a server leadership supported program then how are you gonna let 21st "flourish".


I would address more of what you've said but you literally haven't said anything else.
You missed all of these questions.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Do you have a microphone?:

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

In fact you only really answered 2: experience & where do you want your batt to be (of which you have an extremely boring and open ended answer, no plans or targets)
I mean it's not even a finished application. No plans, No aims, Nothing. This is just you listing experience to sound impressive and saying genuinely nothing of value at all.

I don't think anyone can or should take this seriously if you can't even be bothered to finish the app let alone address the swathes of criticism against your character & abilities.

Rolled and smoked, -1

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Most of these comments are from a outside view so I'll pitch in my word from a inside view. Yes Dennis has done a lot of bad things in the past and most were in commanding positions. I'm not disregarding anything he has done in the past but when you only latch on to that sole fact for why he isn't fit for Baraca and are not even trying to see what he has done for 21st as of this moment concerns me.

21st had a wipe.. some people were called in to fix the battalion Dennis was one of them. The "High Command"... I repeat "High Command" called in Dennis to help fix the battalion which is what he did. He reworked our roster with the help of forseen to help the battalion be less of a struggle to log things. He also along side with forseen created our merit system ( A form of promo reqs ) to give a Varity of options to our battalion members to show their work and dedication for the battalion. He along side with the other officers removed the toxicity and elitist tendencies from the battalion to give the battalion a new face to work from. Not to mention out of all the officers that were sent here HE IS THE LAST ONE STILL IN 21st. He is as we speak working on the sub-units as a captain when he doesn't even have to but is putting in the work. Most of the decisions that were made for the 21st since the wipe Dennis was spearheading it he was basically acting BCMD majority of the time. He has proven to be a great example to the 21st as of this moment making sure we aren't stepping out of line or getting into trouble and when we do he makes sure he learn from it. We had a incident the other day and he and Maddox handled the situation as respectfully, and professionally as they could and we learned from our mistakes from them.

Since Dennis has got into this battalion he has greatly done more good then harm. Like I said earlier I'm not disregarding anything that Dennis has done in the past but the man has own up to his mistakes were all human. I have not heard one complaint from any 21st saying how bad of a job Dennis is doing... all the negative input is coming from the outside POV which is fine but now you have a detailed inside view of what he has done and he intends to do. Also the activity thing he is active for someone working IRL anyone in the battalion that would have a issue meeting with him/ not seeing him most likely are EU people but that can't be helped as much I personal see him very often.

With all this being said he has my +1, Good luck.

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-1 Like Spaghetti said I don't think that you have grown from your past criticism from what I've seen. You've become known as one of the most toxic people on the server and continue to make this reputation seem to be deserved. Just by opening up your forums profile one of the first things I see is "-1 nah lmao this is a good fuckin meme bbstine took the words from me" on someone else's application a little over two weeks ago. Most people that are +1ing are doing it due to your history of reviving battalions, but from what I have seen these battalions have generally gotten better during your term but are not set up for long term success. They'll get good numbers or start to grow for a while and then go straight back to where they were. This could be for a number of reasons but is most likely due to either you not solving the true issues within them or simply not setting the battalion up for long term success before your term ends or you resign. It sounds like you do good doc work and things of that nature but that's not the role of the BCMD. I have also hardly seen you on recently but this could be due to different schedules, time zones, etc so I'm not going to touch too hard on that. With the CIS I actually think that you are doing a decent job but I am not confident that you will be able to balance both the 21st and CIS being a BCMD and Dooku. With the CIS being put on a pause to fix their issues I think that this is just about the worst time you could've picked to put this app up. If you do end up getting this position I hope that you prove me wrong and good luck.

  • Agree 2


Jedi Youngling

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16 hours ago, Underpaidstaff said:

Matt i love you but you've proven my point. Your talking about past mistakes which yes should always be looked at. you have mentioned the 21st but have you talked to any of us and confirmed whether or not waht hes doing is productive? I'd say he is

From my opinion it’s the BCMD that’s the face the battalion, the role model of the battalion, represents and handles the battalion and sets the precedent and standard of the battalion. It’s extremely important that someone has the qualities to uphold those standards to a good bar and from what I’ve seen throughout my time on the server Dennis doesn’t have the qualities to uphold those standards at a appropriate level especially for the 21st as I understand they are known to be a more serious battalion compared to others. So yes you are correct that I brought up past issues but those issues will set the standards for your battalion and have a record of being set in past instances in other battalions on the sever . I have no doubt that Dennis can lead the 21st on a new road and fixing its core issues. But it’s the standards he sets as the leader causing me to -1 because like I said before I can’t in good conscious support that and support his behaviour when he is willing to become the leader of a battalion with high and serious standards. I hope that makes my response clear Clorox

  • Winner 1

Just Finished a Trilogy Marathon so here are some Lord of the Rings  Reaction Gifs - Album on Imgur

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Im going to start by saying the Bacara's in this battalion previously never really wanted to be bacara it just was a need for a real leader that no one would step up to the plate and deliver. this was my experience when i first took bacara back on icefuse the battalion was falling apart when i stepped up not more than 2 weeks later we made the switch from icefuse to synergy which was one of the hardest things i had to do as bacara. not only did i have to make new documents trainings rosters and other things but i also had to convice 20+ people that made up my battalion in icefuse to make the jump here to synergy. it is by far the hardest thing any of the bacara's have ever had to deal with. since ive known u dennis all you have ever done or wanted is power this is no different in my opinion. you guys blacklisted one of its longest standing members of the battalion for changing his name to "ex kellers unit" and im not the only one that has seen the true colors of the person trying to run for bacara. many of the old 21st were literally uprooted out of the unit and stripped of all thier rights and discord taken from them some of them without even telling them at all, all things that have been works in progress for years. I know 21st needed a refresh just not the way the directors and the rest of the community went about it. this honestly is one of the darker moments ive witnessed in this server. Also your application is literally copy and pasted from the other applications u have made, very little effort went into the application for this position. in your history dennis you have power played for multiple spots and honestly this just feels like another power play just this time it was handed to you on a silver platter by the high staff and u have no one to compete against u for the position it seems.


Big -1 from me man.


also do u want a commander thats barely on heres the facts play time for the last week for dennis shows hes been on 2 times this week. and as everyone has been stating hes either afk when hes in the server or playing another game, i for one should know this as this is how i lost marshal commander. if hes doing this before he even gets the spot just imagine how its going to be when he actually gets it.


this video couldnt be any more accurate ive seen what became of DU after dennis took hold.


Edited by Gene_Starwind
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Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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22 hours ago, Gene_Starwind said:

Im going to start by saying the Bacara's in this battalion previously never really wanted to be bacara it just was a need for a real leader that no one would step up to the plate and deliver. this was my experience when i first took bacara back on icefuse the battalion was falling apart when i stepped up not more than 2 weeks later we made the switch from icefuse to synergy which was one of the hardest things i had to do as bacara. not only did i have to make new documents trainings rosters and other things but i also had to convice 20+ people that made up my battalion in icefuse to make the jump here to synergy. it is by far the hardest thing any of the bacara's have ever had to deal with. since ive known u dennis all you have ever done or wanted is power this is no different in my opinion. you guys blacklisted one of its longest standing members of the battalion for changing his name to "ex kellers unit" and im not the only one that has seen the true colors of the person trying to run for bacara. many of the old 21st were literally uprooted out of the unit and stripped of all thier rights and discord taken from them some of them without even telling them at all, all things that have been works in progress for years. I know 21st needed a refresh just not the way the directors and the rest of the community went about it. this honestly is one of the darker moments ive witnessed in this server. Also your application is literally copy and pasted from the other applications u have made, very little effort went into the application for this position. in your history dennis you have power played for multiple spots and honestly this just feels like another power play just this time it was handed to you on a silver platter by the high staff and u have no one to compete against u for the position it seems.


Big -1 from me man.

Bro hows this a powerplay. He came to help the battalion, some of us welcomed him. (others attacked him), he helped us, we are in a great place right now, and he decided he wants to stay and commit and lead us 3 months more. 

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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+1 for Dennis!, wasn't gonna comment since i personally don't like someone have 2 applicable positions but looking into the results of your work its obvious you do good at leading battalions

1 hour ago, Gene_Starwind said:

you guys blacklisted one of its longest standing members of the battalion for changing his name to "ex kellers unit" and im not the only one that has seen the true colors of the person trying to run for bacara. many of the old 21st were literally uprooted out of the unit and stripped of all thier rights and discord taken from them some of them without even telling them at all, all things that have been works in progress for years. I know 21st needed a refresh just not the way the directors and the rest of the community went about it. this honestly is one of the darker moments ive witnessed in this server.


Do you even play the server??? 21st is doing fine since the wipe with their activity  and they have been much better overall,  and saying this is the darker moments on the server, is just a insult to not just the work the 21st officers did but also relating it to the entire server.  Server has been doing great with population and most battalions quality

Edited by Bacta
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I am not one for really putting people down or posting my opinions but this time i feel i have to I was apart of the 21st a long long time and it was always a family and no matter what happened we pulled tgrough no matter who the bacara or officers or anything tried we pulled through then all of a sudden legacy gone battalion wiped they then skowky took away years and years of development over the course of 2 week its went from the 21st to only being skins we used to do tech eod skygate  base gate that was slowly taken before the wipe then the wipe happened and the few people put in "charge" took it apon themselves to delete everything that we had done over all those years i got blacklisted for speaking my mind from a battalion ive called home my entire time on synergy ive never been in any other battalion but now its not my battalion they even too our gnacts and our grandma and tossed em to the side without a second thought and dennis was at the forefront he has always wanted more power and now he got it this will jusy go to his head and duck up the server even more BIG -1 from me

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I don't feel that your application is put in at, what I would call, a fair time. You were put in the position of LT right after the battalion wipe. I don't think that someone that was put in a position to help a battalion should try to do any sort of power grab as soon as possible. It just kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Also, I do not believe that you are fit for the position, having command positions in the past does not make you a good leader, being a good leader does and you have shown that you can not consistently do that in my eyes.

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-1. Although I've seen you command great from time to time. As far as I knew with the 21st wipe you were meant to help and get those who were capable to the ranks to go for this application. Especially as what I have seen, 21st is no longer what it was, I know it had it's problems and that was meant to be fixed, but so much has been lost that 21st does not look like what it used to be. Sorry again man, but I don't believe you know what 21st is meant to be, and you're turning it more into DU, not saying DU is bad, just saying that 21st and DU are 2 entirely different battalions

  • Winner 1

Current: Deviant

Former: ITD 21stKU Commander Paladin, TRO | Alpha-66 Captain Muzzle, Wolfpack Commander Warthog/BCMD WolffeParjai SUPO 1stLT Four, Doom's Unit ARFL Commander Cloves, Spec Ops Captain ARFL Paladin, 41stEC HVYL Buzz, TRM, 2x HA

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3 hours ago, Bacta said:

+1 for Dennis!, wasn't gonna comment since i personally don't like someone have 2 applicable positions but looking into the results of your work its obvious you do good at leading battalions


Do you even play the server??? 21st is doing fine since the wipe with their activity  and they have been much better overall,  and saying this is the darker moments on the server, is just a insult to not just the work the 21st officers did but also relating it to the entire server.  Server has been doing great with population and most battalions quality

yea in fact i have played this server longer than most of u have been here. i have over 5600 hours in GMod 98% of those hours were put in here or at icefuse before the switch took place. and most of the problems that arose in 21st happened after myself oxen and matra stopped playing and 21st became something else entirely. the fact of the matter is what took  6 YEARS of work and coming up with different trainings and handbooks and activities to keep the battalion occupied with down time was erased in the matter of 2 weeks.  and then handed dennis another power position like it was nothing. if there were other people applying for this position it might be different but the  fact is he is really the only one eligible to apply for it and he knows that. the bigger picture here is that the CORE VALUES of 21st are long gone at this point and thrown to the gutter, stuff that has been held Sacred in the 21st has been tossed to the trash. GMACT CWW BT, whites in debrief, grandma, are all part of these things that GM and 21st held sacred is now gone and kicked to the curb. The old high command of 21st strived to make the battalion something different compared to the rest of the battalions on the server now dennis is just streamlining them to be like everyone else. Even if 21st comes back from this it will never be the same battalion or feel like home to anyone that was in the battalion previously just another run of the mill battalion like the rest of the server, the fact is even if he doesn't get bacara he still basically controls the entire battalion.

character courage commitment honor leadership professionalism and respect long gone are these core values of 21st.

Sad to see 21st go like this heres to what 21st used to be.


Edited by Gene_Starwind
  • Agree 3
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  • Winner 1

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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All though yes Dennis has done well in many battalions, 21st is a whole different battalion then many of the ones he has been in. For starters back when I was in 21st when Claw was BCMD I saw that it has always been a problem where sub units are divided, its either a GM battalion or a SO battalion. No where in your application have you showed how you wanted to fix that. The other thing is, is that you are saying what you want to do without explaining how you are actually going to do it, many BCMD's say they want to increase activity and explain how they are going to do that. All you wrote was "I want to increase activity" without explaining how you are actually going to do it, same as all the other thing you wrote. Lastly is the toxicity, just a couple months ago there was a huge commander report on you for all the shit you did in rancor, how do we know you arent going to repeat what happened last time?

And to 

Certified Giga Chad


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Ah yes, let me give also my INSIDE pov of what I have experienced as a 21st Jedi weeks before the wipe, long before that, and now after the wipe.


The entire point of the wipe was to wipe out what I've come to see the "ego" that 21st members had. I can partly agree as a spectator that there was some troubled people but I am one of the people who don't pin all of the blame on the people within 21st at that time but we won't get into that, that strays from the point. There isn't much I have to say since what I would say has already been stated much better then I could ever do it.

With the BCMD being the heart and soul of a battalion, the face of it and the person who reigns above all in authority within 21st. I think Dennis is an awful choice to take the position of Bacara, in fact within the battalion I feel he is the last option I'd put up. There is nothing but negativity and toxicity surrounding Dennis, which all is true. Not to mention that his activity has already declined and he's running and declining faction at the moment. How are we to expect him to be there for the battalion when he can't even be there for his own faction that hasn't even been prominent for over two weeks. 

As Matt said I can't get behind someone who has this much negativity surrounding them. Not only that but 21st has possibly one of if not THE worst jedi program and barely anything has been done to fix it. Dennis also despising battalion jedi as he has stated a plethora of times before. How is that Bacara material, especially when there is no Mundi?

Edited by Vazer
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Remember my speech on using the past for knowledge, to keep the future progressing? Yeah, I do too. Statistics state certain things are gonna happen, and I can't be assed to go into detail. Dennis got good things going for him, and he's got bad things things going for him. I feel, from past experience with both 21st and Dennis, that Dennis isn't the right fit for what 21st needs. If DU was the one in this situation, I would probably have different input.

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The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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26 minutes ago, Cox said:


All though yes Dennis has done well in many battalions, 21st is a whole different battalion then many of the ones he has been in. For starters back when I was in 21st when Claw was BCMD I saw that it has always been a problem where sub units are divided, its either a GM battalion or a SO battalion. No where in your application have you showed how you wanted to fix that. The other thing is, is that you are saying what you want to do without explaining how you are actually going to do it, many BCMD's say they want to increase activity and explain how they are going to do that. All you wrote was "I want to increase activity" without explaining how you are actually going to do it, same as all the other thing you wrote. Lastly is the toxicity, just a couple months ago there was a huge commander report on you for all the shit you did in rancor, how do we know you arent going to repeat what happened last time?

And to 

1. Sub units being separated. 
       This issue has already been addressed, SO is no longer considered a "sub unit" they are the flip side to the coin of Galactic Marines. This was one of the first thing that we addressed after the wipe of the battalion. SO works hand in hand with GM doing recon allowing for the heavy hitting hammer of GM and KU to come in and be the main attack force. 

2. Increased activity

   I am a firm believer and have always stated that an active BCMD/ Command core brings activity. A lot of the main "brunt" of it has been taken care of, now is the final part of laying down the foundation and making sure everything settles out correctly. 

3. The commander report. 

    Yes the commander report, first like i have always said many times about myself and others, we are human and we make mistakes. Secondly something that has been stated in private with the former high command and people affected and i mentioned i apologized to them for my vulgar language. During that time period of my life there was many external factors that i don't wish to relive. This caused a lot of drinking and getting on the server and saying a lot of stupid shit. While i didn't feel the need to publicly apologize and make a big deal out of it, myself and the others who i targeted then have moved past that and have buried the hatchet with them. I have since gotten help for the external factors within my life and have gotten them under control. I have changed many things externally that caused a lot of issues to bleed into game and have improved. Now while people may not be able to see that for the people that i have been working with for the past two months they have. 

3 hours ago, Gene_Starwind said:

character courage commitment honor leadership professionalism and respect long gone are these core values of 21st.

These still are the core values of the 21st just because we don't have them on the wall ingame on the bunks doesn't mean they are gone ask any 21st member that is ACTIVE, and attempting to help move the battalion forward. 

3 hours ago, Gene_Starwind said:

is what took  6 YEARS of work and coming up with different trainings and handbooks and activities to keep the battalion occupied with down time was erased in the matter of 2 weeks.  and then handed dennis another power position like it was nothing. if there were other people applying for this position it might be different but the  fact is he is really the only one eligible to apply for it and he knows that. the bigger picture here is that the CORE VALUES of 21st are long gone at this point and thrown to the gutter, stuff that has been held Sacred in the 21st has been tossed to the trash. GMACT CWW BT, whites in debrief, grandma

Alright so if it took you 6 years to write like 10 docs that's kinda a yikes. It took me 6 hours to write the new NCO/ Officer guides and training, that took almost one NEW training guide for each sergeant rank and made them one, considering each of them was a copy paste with one extra thing thrown on them and it wasn't needed and bloated the battalion. 

Things such as whites in DB, core values, BT are still around so that information is false. GMACT was removed as they were the equivalent of what you just normally teach an enlisted about the server and its weapons, along with a breaching training. They can be done by SGT+ for merits with the new promotion system. Grandma was created by forseen and he asked for it to be stopped, it was from what previous members have said a meme that was kept and we have removed it to bring forth a serious manner within the 21st. Considering your comments when the wipe started where toxic and attacking people's character and the DIRECTORS decision not mine. I was asked along with 3 others to come and help a battalion that they deemed that needed a major and complete rework. Everyone within the battalion has supported me and this decision if i felt that the battalion didn't want me as BCMD 


Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Oh boy.


I'm not gonna +1/-1 due to the main reason I hold bias against dennis. And i guarantee he holds the same against me. Some here stated how dennis didnt like anyone who came along in DU who didnt go along what he always did or changed or someone tried to change other things. Being one of those people i can agree to that. Granted my point of view within DU was that some transparency was a good thing and it allowed NCO's to give their opinions and give them the chance to stand up and feel included within a battalion. Me and dennis had always butt heads on how to run a battalion at this time. My transparency was the opposite of dennis. Dennis always thought in the sense of "if you need to know i MIGHT tell you... otherwise fuck off" i wont lie dennis is pretry decent outside of Gmod, but idk Gmod makes it to where he is thinking he is the ruler of the world or something. It always seemed like he had someone in his pocket. It always seemed like he was looking for power and control and if it seemed like he was losing control he do whatever he had to just to get it back, whether thats blacklists, PT, bans, etc. My experiences had been extremely poor with dennis being in a leadership postion and has been even worse to those who arent in his friend group or circle of friends as they get left in the dark and never know whats going on anymore. Dennis did throw his hat in the ring for me to become doom at the time as he had thought owen at the time was too soft. I would like to also state that after my resignation short after owen got doom(i left for serious personal reasons) and dennis after he resigned from spec reg cameback to DU as his Legacy COL. Even though in the rules for legacy at the time stated that any active legacy members who comeback to the battalion must start off at 1SG (side note was dennis was the one who made these legacy rules sometime ago) someone who thinks their above their own rules they create i dont believe is worthy of a leadership positon. 

Granted after the whole DU incident and the community bans dont know how dennis had been doing, but the commander report, getting Dooku without going through any interview process, what looks to be power grabbing DU for for a short time but got denied, then goin to 21st and after everyone gets wiped getting the 2ndLT postion right off the bat? There are such a multitude of reasons its ridiculous at this point. Dennis ... you...are....a....control....freak. 


Take this information with a grain of salt if you must. This has been my experiences and short story to tell to everyone. I know some people will disagree and thats fine your entitled to your opinions, but i have no reason to lie for this and some hold bias against me. Primary reason im not voting since i hold that same bias.


Love yall <3

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10 minutes ago, 40Ninjaman said:

And i guarantee he holds the same against me

Alright since we want to come and lie on my name lets pick this one apart. I have told you at least three or four times i could care less about what happened in the past. It still stands that way, sure we both did some stupid shit but i could care less about what you did in a 17 year old game. 


12 minutes ago, 40Ninjaman said:

Some here stated how dennis didnt like anyone who came along in DU who didnt go along what he always did or changed or someone tried to change other things.

This is completely false, Maddoxx someone who was new to DU at that point and helped Owen the BCMD at the time and myself come up with many systems that DU still uses to this day.

13 minutes ago, 40Ninjaman said:

Granted my point of view within DU was that some transparency was a good thing and it allowed NCO's to give their opinions and give them the chance to stand up and feel included within a battalion.

It has always been this way no matter what battalion i was in, i have always said please follow the chain of command, however, if you feel it is a large enough issue then bring it to myself or any other commanders so we can speak about it. I have never once told a new NCO to fuck off cuz i don't want to hear what he has to say we took many suggestions that NCO's had of current or new systems and implement them, the same was done within rancor and 21st. 

15 minutes ago, 40Ninjaman said:

My transparency was the opposite of dennis. Dennis always thought in the sense of "if you need to know i MIGHT tell you... otherwise fuck off

Once again please refer to statements above, I dont or command doesnt have to take everything to a vote with the battalion if you look at the commander rules. A BCMD has the full right to make any changes to his/her battalion that they see fit. ANY new system during owens term, was ran past him and he had the final say if things were implemented or not. 

16 minutes ago, 40Ninjaman said:

Gmod makes it to where he is thinking he is the ruler of the world or something. It always seemed like he had someone in his pocket. It always seemed like he was looking for power and control and if it seemed like he was losing control he do whatever he had to just to get it back, whether thats blacklists, PT, bans, etc.

Oh my lord here we go with someone accusing me with no proof. Dennis wants to control everything and everyone no matter what at any cost. Like i have stated before in public channels and ill say here. I do not care what other battalions or people within battalions that i'm not in are doing. While i was SPEC REG it was my job to know what was going on in each battalion i oversaw. I have never once BL'ed anyone for "they don't agree with me" it seems that the rumors and how people talk about me have made me out to be some huge terrible demon spawn that is here to end the world. I'm just a dude playing video games trying to help fix things when asked or for when i care about them, ie. DU, Rancor, 21st. It would have been very simple of me to put up the remove 21st suggestion that i was cleared to post but instead i went to help them AFTER a wipe that the DIRECTORS had full control over and I HAD NO SAY OR CONTROL over. Since that seems to be a point people keep missing, i was asked with 3 others to come and leave the current battalion / rank / position we were in and to help a battalion that needed a fresh start. 

22 minutes ago, 40Ninjaman said:

My experiences had been extremely poor with dennis being in a leadership postion and has been even worse to those who arent in his friend group or circle of friends as they get left in the dark and never know whats going on anymore

Once again this is spreading false information and lies, i have always been 100% open with the commanders and officers that i have had no matter what battalion i have been in. 

23 minutes ago, 40Ninjaman said:

and dennis after he resigned from spec reg cameback to DU as his Legacy COL. Even though in the rules for legacy at the time stated that any active legacy members who comeback to the battalion must start off at 1SG (side note was dennis was the one who made these legacy rules sometime ago) someone who thinks their above their own rules they create i dont believe is worthy of a leadership positon. 

Alright i "resigned" / transferred back to DU and owen the BCMD gave me COL, i didn't show up on my leagy that i was granted at the time by a different doom (yes the rules i put into place were high at the time but that was the standard back then). So chalk it up to coincidence or whatever you will but it was the decision of the BCMD to give me the rank. So i did not go above any rules that had been in place within the battalion i transfered from SPEC REG > COL. 


30 minutes ago, 40Ninjaman said:

getting Dooku without going through any interview process, what looks to be power grabbing DU for for a short time but got denied, then goin to 21st and after everyone gets wiped getting the 2ndLT postion right off the bat? There are such a multitude of reasons its ridiculous at this point. Dennis ... you...are....a....control....freak. 

Getting dooku, i was appointed to the spot because Chambers and myself had worked on the original idea. I was then entrusted by the directors and founders to start and run the faction to get it off the ground. But this isn't my Dooku app. I made no such power grab in DU so once again i have no idea what your talking about.

Secondly the 21st wipe WHICH I HAD NO SAY OR ANYTHING TO DO WITH, refer to statement above about how 4 people not JUST ME were asked to come and help.

Dude ask my commanders in Rancor, they had almost full authority to implement just about anything they wanted as long as they showed me, so i knew what they were working on. 

43 minutes ago, Gene_Starwind said:

they were all original ideas come up by previous battalion leaders not copy and pasted like you seem to like to do with everything including the "new" docs u made for the battalion and the roster is a one off of the others you have for other battalions.

AH yes the "hey this doc looks familiar statement", yes something that isnt broke dont fix it, i use the roster as a TEMPLATE and then adjust as needed. Each roster is different than the last and has upgrades made to it. Yes my formatting may look the same across the board but that is just how i write docs. I'm not going to change my writing style for every battalion i'm in it makes no sense. 

  • Winner 5

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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This is an opinion and the research is based on myself and me only. So If I have anything wrong feel free to correct me so that I can adjust my statements.

First statement, Dennis is an interesting figure. He has a good work ethic while also always shifting his PR. So I understand the divide in see him go for another BCMD position. However lets stick to the facts for a second. His time as Doom made DU active and made it one of the desired battalions at the time. Now that could be up to him or those he brought to influence its popularity. Now my only issue with the DU from his leadership style is that it created a need for a Doom or XO to be a large figure in the battalion. That means it will always need a strong leader and someone who is approachable to be successful. If you think I am wrong look at the activity of the Battalion from the many Dooms since Dennis. I personally think that's not a way a battalion should be setup but again not sure if its 100% on you.

Rancor, The time I was palpy for the most part most members of Rancor support Dennis. In fact when I was asked about the ARC wipe ,which for the record I approved of as well as the Directors at the time, every member of Rancor I asked at the time said it was needed or they supported it. So it amazed me to see every member of the Battalion besides his inner circle go and say the ARC wipe was dumb after the Commander Report was posted. On that note, addressing the Commander Report. As I have stated before, that commander report was address and with the current TS rules at the time he did not break any rules. Now I personally do not think you should say anything like to anyone. But it is strange to see so much support for that report coming from certain people that posted or stated similar statement or of the same edgy humor. Especially while complaining about the subject while having a pfp of the same humor. Interesting.

Lastly the 21st Wipe. Dennis had nothing to do with it. It was a Marshal Commander+ vote. Simple as that. When we were considering it, we needed to select some Officer candidates from inside the battalion and out. The candidates accepted knowing they would give up higher ranks to benefit another battalion. You may disagree with how Dennis's personality or edgy humor however he does have a good track record of either fixing a battalion or recognizing good leaders and instating them so that they can help him. And from what I can understand about the wipe and the aftermath, it was decently a success. Now im not going to say it was the end all of solutions. However with the atmosphere at the time, we made a choice and stuck to it. 

Now for my vote, @Dennis My question for you is that assuming you get the position or get to interview, What are your plans for instating leadership and your Command structure. So say your XO pick if you have one or how you are going to evaluate you choices? After that what are you plans for after your term? Are you going for one term or staying till you deem the 21st can run after you without reverting?

P.S. I am posting this while not being at my house so I may be late to a response. 

Edited by Crimson
  • Agree 1



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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18 minutes ago, Crimson said:

The time I was palpy for the most part most members of Rancor support Dennis. In fact when I was asked about the ARC wipe ,which for the record I approved of as well as the Directors at the time, every member of Rancor I asked at the time said it was needed or they supported it. So it amazed me to see every member of the Battalion besides his inner circle go and say the ARC wipe was dumb after the Commander Report was posted.

As someone who was in rancor during that, either I wasn’t there when you asked or in reality you never asked, or you only asked certain people because I know for sure a good majority were never asked how we felt, also to add onto that, a good portion of rancor also didn’t have an issue with it since they were basically some of the first ones to actually pass the training so of course they won’t have a problem, hell, I was one of the first people to get it with the rest of the alphas, so the fact that you say after the commander report everyone changed their mind is completely false, which there was still some people like myself before and after the wipe that thought it was unnecessary to wipe ARC.


also where did the idea of everyone was against the wipe after the commander report? Because the commander report literally had nothing to do with the ARC wipe and was a good time after the wipe too

Edited by Piff

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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9 minutes ago, Piff said:

As someone who was in rancor during that, either I wasn’t there when you asked or in reality you never asked, or you only asked certain people because I know for sure a good majority were never asked how we felt, also to add onto that, a good portion of rancor also didn’t have an issue with it since they were basically some of the first ones to actually pass the training so of course they won’t have a problem, hell, I was one of the first people to get it with the rest of the alphas, so the fact that you say after the commander report everyone changed their mind is completely false, which there was still some people like myself before and after the wipe that thought it was unnecessary to wipe ARC.


also where did the idea of everyone was against the wipe after the commander report? Because the commander report literally had nothing to do with the ARC wipe and was a good time after the wipe too

So to address the idea of everyone against the wipe after the commander report was either me listening to conversations during the investigation of the  report and after it. The overall opinion before and after clearly changed. Now I could have easily missed you and others during my first time asking. And if assumed your opinion I am sorry however I received nothing wanting to stop the wipe from happening. 

Now for after the report, I heard members of the rancor battalion right after stating that the wipe was retarded and should have never happened and trying to blame it all on Dennis. I'm not going to call that person or persons out. Like I said this is purely on my research. 

Side note to the training being done by Alphas first. Keep in mind that Selections has not changed that much from how it was right before. Im not going to leak it but as someone who has been an ARC trooper for a while you would know it really hasn't changed since either Fizzik or Merril. 



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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19 minutes ago, Crimson said:

So to address the idea of everyone against the wipe after the commander report was either me listening to conversations during the investigation of the  report and after it. The overall opinion before and after clearly changed. Now I could have easily missed you and others during my first time asking. And if assumed your opinion I am sorry however I received nothing wanting to stop the wipe from happening. 

Now for after the report, I heard members of the rancor battalion right after stating that the wipe was retarded and should have never happened and trying to blame it all on Dennis. I'm not going to call that person or persons out. Like I said this is purely on my research. 

Side note to the training being done by Alphas first. Keep in mind that Selections has not changed that much from how it was right before. Im not going to leak it but as someone who has been an ARC trooper for a while you would know it really hasn't changed since either Fizzik or Merril. 

The main issues of the training from then was fixed which that’s all I’ll say because if I say anything about the training I’ll prob catch myself a blacklist and I don’t want to say well this reason for training to be hated was fixed without anyone knowing what I’m talking about, now as for after the report, I don’t know much of what was said since I left the battalion so at that point I wouldn’t know what was discussed between the members themselves. For people outside of the battalion obviously they’d blame it on Dennis cause he’s the BCMD of rancor, and I know this since for some odd reason people flocked to me to tell me about how they hate the ARC training after I left.


also to add on, I mean opinions are subject to change over time, that could also be a reason that people inside of rancor blamed Dennis for the wipe because they say the wipe from a different POV and saw that it surely did fuck over a good amount of people outside of rancor, which of course I’ll be honest was my outlook on it because the training was brutal in my opinion

Edited by Piff

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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31 minutes ago, Crimson said:

My question for you is that assuming you get the position or get to interview, What are your plans for instating leadership and your Command structure. So say your XO pick if you have one or how you are going to evaluate you choices? After that what are you plans for after your term? Are you going for one term or staying till you deem the 21st can run after you without reverting?

Thanks for the questions!

1. What are my plans for the current rank structure and its future. Right now we have two other officers, Cannon (WO/Charger) and Agent (2ndLT/Keller). We have other good solid choices for officer. I have already talked with a few of them about what i want to see them improve on and work with each other on. So i have some ideas, however, as for picking XO/Commander most likely not till halfway or till the later end of my term once things balance out a bit more. 
My grading is pretty simple, is the person someone who can be trusted? Is the person active and a good impact on the battalion? Does the battalion look up to this person? Can this person run part or almost the entire battalion if i was to leave? Do they work well with others? that is the general set of questions i ask myself along with a bunch of others that i wont list otherwise i would be here all day. 

What are my plans for after my term? Honestly right now i'm just working on getting things sorted out and back to a stable point and then work on long term goals. But one for sure is to have at least one person ready to run the battalion after i'm gone hopefully more. 

I plan to stick around the 21st no matter what happens on this app or any others that go up, i'm here to help and make sure things stay moving forward and don't revert back to the way things used to be.
TLDR: I'm gonna be here till it can do its own thing and has capable leaders who can take over and run the place and continue making good changes to the battalion. 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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15 minutes ago, Crimson said:

 Im not going to leak it but as someone who has been an ARC trooper for a while you would know it really hasn't changed since either Fizzik or Merril. 

Selections has been changed several times actually. Some were small changes, while others were removals or additions of sections. Weapons and Tactics is the one that has not changed (save for grammar fixes or updated dupes). Primary problem, from what I had heard and experienced myself, is with Graduation. Some have a problem with it because one bad teammate (when you don't get to pick them) can cause you to fail instantly, compared to selections where the actions of one do not entirely decide the fate of the rest. The other issue, and this is one that I personally feel, is that Graduation serves no purpose towards what ARC is about. Originally, the purposes of the trainings were combat skill, followed by tactical skill/taking in new info, ending with using those skills for leadership. However, Graduation is literally just Selections but Lag dictates whether you pass or fail (lets just say your health is set lower than normal). Essentially, its pointless. Serves no purpose to the building of an ARC trooper save for a fear of ping and a distrust of your teammates, which is the polar opposite of the ideals that should be had for strong ARC troopers.



17 minutes ago, Dennis said:


What are my plans for after my term? Honestly right now i'm just working on getting things sorted out and back to a stable point and then work on long term goals. 

Define "things" and "long term goals", and how are you working on both of those? Those who are out of touch with local issues or plans won't understand the vague pronoun game. (I am at work atm, so if I missed the answers to one of these, someone just quote me and quote the sections where this is answered)

  • Agree 1

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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1 minute ago, Merrill said:


an object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to - oh sorry wait you wanted to know what i meant, i got you now. Sorry i had to :shrug:

A few that i will stay are large KU and SO reworks, the specifics i cant get into cuz leaking tryouts / trainings. 

Secondly working on the constant improvement of our merit system. (how NCO's / Junior officers get the ability to be promoted)

those are just a few of the "things" im working on

11 minutes ago, Merrill said:

"long term goals"

A long-term goal is something you want to do in the future. - Ah shit sorry uh not as funny this time. 

On a more serious note, Preparing people to take over for when my eventual leave is, along with making sure that people are ready to take over roles such as REGL, ITD, etc...

  • Funny 2

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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-1 Honestly this is in regards to your recent actions in game that really gave me credence to minus one mainly the Actions of your trooper then as Dooku promptly after.

To explain the situation there was a bunch of younglings on and misbehaving and as you and  a few others encouraging those younglings to mess around. I got involved when you tried to take the younglings out of the temple for Guerrilla warfare training for younglings after being told no you then proceeded to encourage a youngling "fight club" in which I got involved and kicked you out of the temple on your clone as I thought that kind of thing was completely out of order.

I then got off but proceeding that you went on Dooku and called yourself Master Dooku and broke RP by pretending to be a Jedi Master from there you then to my knowledge took those younglings out of the temple and the poor conduct escalated.

This kind of thing I wouldn't mind that much if it was in private and just a bunch of friends goofing off but this was in the middle of the jedi temple all over comms and I even had to switch of my job to deal with the situation.

Now I may enjoy your company as a friend if this is the kind of example you are setting for the people around you and what you choose to do with your positions NOW it does not fill me with confidence on your decision making or how you in good conscience  discipline a out of line trooper when these are the kind of things you get up to when you are bored.

I don't care about any previous infractions whether it was Rancor BCMD spec reg or whatever the hell thats in the past but that was hardly two weeks ago as you are not a bad person or malicious when you do things but I think this is a quality that needs working on really 

Edited by Scarecrow
  • Winner 1
  • Informative 2
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1 minute ago, Scarecrow said:

You Dennis and Brooklyn were all present but I heard you both saying that kind of stuff and regardless is that kind of thing a suitable battalion activity?

He was there chill'n with us. I started the fighting ring was all I said. As for if it's a "suitable battalion activity" nothing was going on on server and it was a good meme where nobody got hurt and the only person who had a problem with it was you. The other Jedi that were watching and having fun as well as the younglings having a good time doing just that, having a good time. At the end of the day I would have to say yes, it was a suitable battalion activity that brought a good time to multiple people and ended as soon as we were told to. 

  • Agree 1



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Just now, Maddoxx said:

He was there chill'n with us. I started the fighting ring was all I said. As for if it's a "suitable battalion activity" nothing was going on on server and it was a good meme where nobody got hurt and the only person who had a problem with it was you. The other Jedi that were watching and having fun as well as the younglings having a good time doing just that, having a good time. At the end of the day I would have to say yes, it was a suitable battalion activity that brought a good time to multiple people and ended as soon as we were told to. 

He was involved as you were Brooklyn was the only person who I witnessed spectating and not actively participating when I was there .

The issue was they were mining and it was fail RP "Nothing going on the server" is not a good excuse and is only really used when there is little to no defence for inappropriate actions and I am a Jedi master the others present were knights and padawans people who had no authority regardless and Yes I told them too as you aware that it is not tolerated hopping on the youngling whitelist and mining round should not be encouraged at all and it is my role as a Jedi Master to crack down on incidents that involve incorporate jedi behavior.

My primary issue is that you all thought younglings messing around that sounds fun lets go to the Jedi temple and watch and then encouraged more poor behaviour. It did not end when you were told to as I tod you all to drop it and to stop acting in a poor manner at the LAAT when you were trying to take them out of the temple then you proceed to create the "fight club" where I had to practically shout at you all to stop and then leave the temple.

By saying that it was a good battalion activity your are saying that holding a good standard of RP and discipline is not a very high priority for you and as a server that is pushing to be more "serious" within it grounds of acceptable RP you would not be helping that or creating a good environment where that could grow and be respected.

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gonna be a -1 from me dawg.

In the 2 years I've been here, you've continuted to have a toxic attitude, a fact that hasn't changed even as recently as December. This shows you have no intent to change for the better. Speaking from experience, toxic leaders with the attitude you exhibit cause more harm than good for a battalion.


|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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-1 from me, this is because the toxicity now yes Dennis has done a great job with other battalions in the past but what happens on the inside is insane, if you have ever served under Dennis you either saw it or didn't. I was one of the few who talked to Dennis out side of Gmod and he's super chill but within Gmod it's a whole different type of person, I don't want to cause drama but I can't +1 this.

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I've been holding off on voting on this for a bit now cause I was a bit conflicted tbh. Your attitude and behavior has been a constant problem for years now. Some people on this app are poking at those who -1 saying they're stuck in the past but quite frankly it's a consistent problem. It wasn't a one time mistake on your part. Your poor attitude has been an issue on a multitude of occasions throughout the course of almost two years. It's a reoccurring issue to the point where it makes complete sense to -1 for that reason.

As for my vote it's gonna be a -1

I personally agree with the worries about your attitude and I also believe you shouldn't split yourself between CIS and 21st in both of their current states. CIS is struggling and 21st is still kinda barely on their feet. I feel they both require a leader that can put their full attention towards each group and not be split between the two groups.

Good luck, nonetheless.

  • Disagree 1
  • Winner 3
  • Friendly 2

Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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Last say from me and still he has my support, but people need to stop bringing up the past and really ask about the 21st and what he can do supporting them. He's been appointed by HC to 21st, to help restructure it and rebuild it, and he has with assistance from others also tasked. 
Does he want to continue to show that support and stick around the battalion? Obviously since he's applying for a higher role in the unit and has been working well amongst it according to other 21st members posting. 
We can't all be judged on our past, if we were than we'd never have anyone come back during any sort of circumstance (ban, kick or blacklist). 

  • Disagree 3
  • Winner 1
  • Optimistic 1


Doom x1 | Brimstone x1 | Acid x1 | Mas Amedda x1 | Padme x1

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7 hours ago, OneClick said:

Last say from me and still he has my support, but people need to stop bringing up the past and really ask about the 21st and what he can do supporting them. He's been appointed by HC to 21st, to help restructure it and rebuild it, and he has with assistance from others also tasked. 
Does he want to continue to show that support and stick around the battalion? Obviously since he's applying for a higher role in the unit and has been working well amongst it according to other 21st members posting. 
We can't all be judged on our past, if we were than we'd never have anyone come back during any sort of circumstance (ban, kick or blacklist). 

Bro, people need to stop using the reason HC chose him. This argument is so pepega. Yall acting like HC has never made a mistake or a bad choice and will blindly trust them. Not that this is one of those times but people will go from calling HC braindead to +1ing this because HC chose him. Also the "dont bring up the past" wtf??? What else am I supposed to judge him off of? If we should ignore Dennis's past lets unban Regional, Cannon and Rohan, those bans happened longer ago then Dennis's most recent drama out of the catalogue we could probably make at this point. "The Past" shouldn't be used in the context of 2-3 months ago. 

  • Agree 4
  • Funny 1
  • Winner 2
  • Informative 1
  • Optimistic 1


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On 2/20/2021 at 3:40 PM, Vazer said:

Not only that but 21st has possibly one of if not THE worst jedi program and barely anything has been done to fix it. Dennis also despising battalion jedi as he has stated a plethora of times before. How is that Bacara material, especially when there is no Mundi?

How does a Jedi program reflect myself and my TROOPERS? There being no mundi has nothing to do with this app, since you have no idea what has transpired we recently got a 21st Jedi lead Dargon who has plenty of experience as a jedi master. Yes i don't enjoy working on the Jedi side of things because its not mine to deal with, BCMD's focus on the troopers and Jedi Leads deal with Jedi stuff, all command does is decide rank equivalent. Furthermore you have been on ROA/LOA since the wipe and have said about zero words within the discord and haven't been in TS. So your "inside" view is flawed and spreading false information. 



On 2/20/2021 at 11:12 AM, Kdog said:

sudden legacy gone battalion wiped they then skowky took away years and years of development over the course of 2 week its went from the 21st to only being skins we used to do tech eod skygate  base gate that was slowly taken before the wipe then the wipe happened and the few people put in "charge" took it apon themselves to delete everything that we had done over all those years i got blacklisted for speaking my mind from a battalion ive called home my entire time on synergy ive never been in any other battalion but now its not my battalion they even too our gnacts and our grandma and tossed em to the side without a second thought and dennis was at the forefront he has always wanted more power and now he got it this will jusy go to his head and duck up the server even more

Alright so once again you have missed the point i have now stated at least 4 times I HAD NOT CONTROL OVER THE 21st WIPE, i was asked to join with THREE Others. So this wasn't a "Power grab" Mitchell left, Brooklyn left, Maddoxx left and became spec reg. I am the last one left working with a slate of new officers and people from the old battalion a new members. We were told that just about every document and system needed to be re looked at and evaluated. Yes we re did officer / NCO docs and made it a million times simpler. However we kept the same values of GMACT 1/2 the same, re worked SO and how its done entirely to make it fun and unique that the server has never seen.

Secondly Your blacklist wasn't cuz you "spoke your mind" this was your blacklist reason


your words and toxic actions got you blacklisted. Not you speaking up, once again false information.


If you'd like verification on things that happened from before or during the process of the wipe and for the first few weeks after, @Jad & @Forseen can verify what I said

Edited by Dennis
  • Agree 1
  • Funny 1
  • Informative 3

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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