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Everything posted by RayRay

  1. RayRay


    1/1/1 What was that? half the server left during the first map second rotation people just jumped around and did nothing, and the last map literaly had 10+ ppl at the spawn gambling or just AFK, ontop of that there was another half of the server playing HOUSE AT THE BASE, AND ONTOP OF THAT jedi playing kidnap the younglings RP on the other side of the event. In conclusion you lost a lot of ppls attention made bad choices and the deployment was all over the place learn from this and get better. luv ya kid
  2. 5/5/5 It was aight IGit was a bana encounter cant expect much <3
  3. Very Fun for a lil pop
  4. 10/10 might do again it was great
  5. 8/10 not valid he didnt say Tew once
  6. 10/10 Another great Mitchell event
  7. #PeopleStuckInThepast #IfHeWasSoShitWhyWerntYouPickedToGet21stWhereItIsAt #hehasGrownAsAManAndItrustHim. +1
  8. 9/10 another good Mitchell Event
  9. A crimson Encounter 10/10 +1 bravoooo
  10. Not worth a rating and deff wasnt worth me typing this. It was God awful
  11. +1 KillJoy has been trying his hardest for the 501st doing the best that he can even though I believe he should go for BCMD first he still is a better candidate than half the people in the position to run next to him, he isnt even our BCMD and is making a change and if you think he isn't how about you join our Battalion and see what you can do. Everybody in 501st will stand by his side on how much he has impacted us, he has brought in so many good people in the battalion to help us grow, so give us a little and 501st will be strong in numbers and leadership, showing good example to every battalion on the server. Thank you for trying your hardest KillJoy We all appreciate you.
  12. No No but I was a youngling and he was on his Jedi he set a tack insert in the temple I’m guessing if he isn’t staff and was in his shock and arrested me
  13. My name is KillMoeSr I’m the clone wars server, I was jailed for what the admin (Mango) says (ERP) but I didn’t ERP when I was arrested I was very confused so I made a ticket and he accepted it so I asked him what I said or did and he said, when the player sat on your head you said ew your butt stinks get off my head. Yes I did say that but I don’t think it was ERP I followed that by making another ticket that said please I need to talk to a admin that’s not Mango, where the admin ask me what happened I told him then he says so you got arrested but the guy who sat on your head didn’t and I said yes he failed rped, The admin agreed and teleported Mango to us the admin asked Mango what I did and Mango said what happened. Then when the admin asked if the guy sat on my head and why he wasn’t arrested Mango says I didn’t know somebody sat on his head and that I don’t remember and lied bc when he talked to me he said the whole thing. I just don’t see how it was ERP I didn’t say anything bad I feel like he is just arrest happy. -1 For Mango he is rude
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