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Everything posted by A-a-ron

  1. Wish granted but now they gay and don't remember you. I wish Guac would resign.
  2. @MarvelCT PVT Elevator is being requested
  3. I've seen so many jedi over the years do the exact same shit (Without a warning) and never get banned, think they just dont like you gears +1
  4. Aren't you the same guy that killed GM/21st multiple times? Why should we think this time will be any different?
  5. Yes king! punish the current player base because the player count isnt high enough!
  6. TLDR? I understand the whole wanting enough players so Main keeps high numbers but main server events are the worst thing ever, 10-25fps Max and ping is always terrible and it leaves a bad taste in alot of peoples' mouths. I got on for one Main server deployment and that was the last time since it was a terrible experience, the best part was asking people if they were lagging
  7. Stop messing with discords, final warning
  8. This just in, mazen finds out the government breaks the law.
  9. what makes you think the person u "hire" wont use chatgpt
  10. Every episode with Crosshair is a banger.
  11. Shit I’m late for watch YouTube
  12. Same with Atin not having the scar which is his defining feature +1
  13. I like the progressive idea +1
  14. I was so excited when I saw this is my feed but it’s a year old
  15. Erm just add more brushes, ez +1 if possible but as Jayarr said doesn’t seem very possible right now
  16. Cool he can join a different server full of people he hasn’t tormented
  17. Don’t care! Fuck off go change somewhere else.
  18. Just become VA and volunteer full time hours for the privilege to type in the chatbox when u did nothing wrong in the first place
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