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Kurt last won the day on June 18 2021

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  1. No grandma you still need to get your eyes checked first. +1
  2. Stryker is a good man and dedicated to the 21st, and a damn good pilot. My man, you deserve at least an interview. +1
  3. Well, where to start? Always a trooper who looks out for the best for their battalion. This man was the best Jet and predecessor to the name Blackout. I will only +1 for BCMD Blackout this term. Jokes aside +1
  4. o7 One of the best 21st BCMD's ever. Take care of yourself.
  5. I don't want to come back to do Naval. No. Bad Bitters. For real though, Good dude, just bad at making Village names in Valheim. +1
  6. +1 but only if you get to bless the intercom with you sweet voice
  7. +1 always seems to have a smile on his face. Awesome dude around.
  8. +1 over qualified just skip the interview
  9. 5 | 5 | 3 Zen is the best Game Helper
  10. Close the reapp and give him his second term +1
  11. +1 Irons stepped up to the challenge to run the battalion at the rank of Major. From then he’s maintained and continued to improve the relations with the 21st and other battalions. If there was one situation where the 21st was being asses to others, he would be on them so fast. Faster than Hysterical launching me across base. This man still to this day continues to impress an old head like myself and still strives to make the 21st Great again.
  12. Kurt

    Admiral Trench

    3 | 3 | 2 Felt really short and was confused with people saying they had the full code, but not having the full code. Server died a bit on my end when the ATTE stepped on a mine.
  13. Name: Kurt Staff Rank: SA Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 05/12/24 Reason for Leaving: To be frank, the quota is atrocious for staff and the favouritism I’ve heard and witnessed is not really a good look. I will admit I do miss the nostalgia of the staff team back on Anaxes, but with the Directors “wanting the best for the community” when they put friends in high places who abuse their power is not good. Farewells: Still on the server, but @Underpaidstaff @Hystericalfor HA.
  14. Kurt

    Map Poll

    Where’s the option for Venator Extensive? I personally enjoy Coreilla, for the space to fly and build dupes. I just wish the Base was a lot more bigger like Onderons base or Anaxes v1
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