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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. Ah man I’m speechless… o7 Have fun being free and hopefully we’ll see ya around! Always enjoyed our talks.
  2. I have never been on sup in my life all of my ideas are original and straight fire. My brain is a constant state of peak. You’ll never be able to fathom the sheer power my brain holds peasant.
  3. Marvel


    This application has been VOIDED by the author. You are permitted to put up another application for other positions, however; If you void another commander application within 30 DAYS, then you're subject to a 30 DAY cooldown from applying. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - DENIED
  4. Also to piggyback off of this; I don’t recommend only waiting for ES to attempt RP based events. The issue in the past when ES was open 24/7 for use is that people only expected good events to happen from them. Anything on Main was not worthwhile which was a large component that caused our pop to die because people wouldn’t even bother to get on Main or load back on Main after an ES deployment. My recommendation is to take full advantage of the void and Sector Two as a GM. Take small squads for more RP focused deployments in these unique environments you create. These events can be on par with ES deployments if done correctly. I think quality goes down when there’s more people partaking in the event which is why events catered to the entire server usually end up just being shootemups. Take a battalion or subunits on missions by themselves with dupes in the void or just on sector two. More importantly reuse events that worked for different groups! If it worked for Ghost Company in certain it will work for Green Company just the same.
  5. As far as I know, yes. There were a multitude of CMD votes and discussions revolving around pushing for more serious RP and better rule enforcement that the majority of CMDs were supportive of. Although in my experience people tend to say they want something but don’t put in the work to achieve it. This is the third time since my time as Director that I’ve begun a push like this with a ton of people asking for it and supporting it but it never pans out unfortunately. As much as I want and I know a handful of people that also want it I cant be in game every second of the day enforcing these things by myself. It needs to trickle down and begin with the CMDs and their officers before it can gain any real traction.
  6. We have no plans on labeling the server as serious RP or anything of the sort again. However we have been pushing for more serious RP to occur on the server and are pushing to increase standards by enforcing rules we've gotten lax on. Ultimately this is all up to the players and commanders to push and enforce. I can only push out so many announcements but if people in staff and leadership positions aren't enforcing it themselves then nothing will truly change. Regardless change won't happen overnight. It'll take some time especially with how relaxed we have been for the last two years.
  7. Unfortunately, this suggestion has been DENIED. If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied. // LOCKED // MOVED TO [CW] SERVER SUGGESTIONS - DENIED
  8. Welcome to Synergy! Hawk is the best pilot (I'm biased)
  9. Please you can’t be sarcastic on the forums someone is bound to actually agree with you 😭
  10. Rekesh and Nalhalla win! Poll closed!
  11. I intend on murdering you in cold blood
  12. I’ve handpicked a handful of names y’all suggested alongside a little sneak peak of the village if that helps you vote. Not gonna show too much tho…
  13. Keep in mind this is something that people would say in comms often. Don’t want it to be too long where it’s difficult to comms in tbh.
  14. Unlike the planet poll I’m running this so if it’s bad I’m just not gonna choose it :)
  15. I should have known
  16. So obviously with the new map means new Village so we’re gonna need a new name! I wanted to make this post to give the community a chance to voice their opinions and come up with some names of their own so that I can take the best ones and make a poll for everyone to vote on at a later date! The planet we’re on is Rakata Prime. If you have any ideas for good village names please post them below and feel free to discuss as well!
  17. Wrong! Rakata Prime won 😎 Poll closed!
  18. It is entirely on player count. We’re splitting our population between 9 Clone Battalions and 3 VIP Factions. In our current state we already have one battalion locked due to health and we still have multiple battalions struggling. That isn’t even getting into the nitty gritty of the factions either which arguably only one of them performs well. I don’t disagree with your takes on the civilian faction honestly I’m not a big fan of it however adding a 4th faction will not solve any of the current issues we’re having with keeping each and every battalion and faction healthy. It will only take from them all which is a large reason I don’t open DU back up because everyone will flock towards it completely killing the battalions that are already on the brink of death and harming the larger battalions that will lose people too. Ultimately the only thing to do if we wanted a hostile faction is to replace the Civilian faction with something fully hostile or give them jobs that are straight up hostile again.
  19. We absolutely do not need a fourth faction. We can barely support three as it is.
  20. Hey sorry to see you go but if you ever have any serious complaints about the staff team or the Directors more in particular feel free to reach out to me! If there’s cases of favoritism and there’s evidence of such things going on I would very much like to know so that it can be dealt with! Thank you for your service to the Staff Team and I hope you continue to stick around and play regardless of your negative experience as Staff
  21. Okay even as a member of server management if you say you want Anaxes I can no longer guarantee your safety on this server
  22. This poll will remain up for a few days before any decision is made alongside the fact I'd like to remind people that change is never permanent! There is a large chance that after a bit on Onderon people start complaining about the map and we end up with another poll asking to go back to Corellia lmao. Nothing is set in stone! Also keep in mind we were on Onderon for years. There are still plenty of dupes that exist for it plus the void where any of your Corellia dupes will fit.
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