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Comics' Mas Amedda Application


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Disclaimer: If you’re planning on -1ing based off recent events I’d advise you make sure to read the whole application especially the end. I will also only respond to questions so do not expect me to respond any empty -1s or pursue any arguments publicly.

Steam Name:
Mr. Comics

RP Name:
Gume Saam

RP Rank:

Steam ID:

212th PVT - 2ndLT - BCMD:
I have been a devoted 212th member for a very long time and have worked for them and with them since before Synergy. I’ve been taught so much from the battalion and it truly allowed me to discover what my leadership style is and who I am as a person. I was thrust from 2ndLT to BCMD and I had to get to grips with leadership quickly. I had a relatively good term and helped establish the basis of the current 212th (one of the most active battalions on the server). I learnt how to take charge, institute change, listen to my people, & become the leader that a bad-shape battalion needed.
ATK Reg:
Sadly my time as Regimental was cut short due to removal however the month in HC taught me a lot about the operations of HC and the server. I took a great understanding of how HC thinks and what their decision making process is like. Understanding HC is important to being Mas Amedda since he is a fully fledged Regimental Commander. I feel this also allowed me to understand what sort of leader I desired to be and provided me the reasons I wish to pursue positions, to make good change for the server.
I have been Gume Saam for 5-6 months, far longer than any current members and possibly the longest running member since the Senate was re-established. My activity has been up and down (especially due to recent mental health complications) but I have learned to love not just my job as a Senator but the everlasting and endearing character of Gume Saam (or my interpretation). I have seen what different leaders do to the Senate and I feel I understand what Mas Amedda needs to really save the Senate.
Gume Saam has been my favourite character ever. I have enjoyed nothing more than being a mean spirited, cold-hearted, capitalist with only selfish monetary interests at heart. It was really fun & made me heavily appreciate what the senate has proved for myself. So I think it is only my duty to help spread that enjoyment of RP & characters to the rest of the server.

Why should you become Mas Amedda?:
I am the longest serving senator (currently) and have spent a long time seeing the senate grow and change. I see many of the issues (such as presence and character consistency) & feel my term as Cody stands as a perfect example of how I have the skills & desire to institute what the Senate so desperately needs. My core beliefs of equal treatment, democratic process, & free discourse will be what I am unchanging upon. These values will always guide my decision making & leadership choices as they are what creates a fantastic leader.
I have vastly enjoyed my time as Gume Saam but the Senate requires a strong central leader to spearhead it's changes & advancements.

I desire to no longer have the Senate live in the shadows & be brushed off as empty lore positions. I want to solidify our place within the server give us a title, respect, & a platform to help RP advance to what it once was. We sit in a perfect position to be arbiters of Roleplay and it's about time we started using that position.
Right now, The Senate is at a crossroads. We need to pull our act together as to avoid possible High Command/Staff involvement. Deku & Robb have already started making some fantastic change, I believe it is my duty & responsibility as the longest serving Senator to take charge and lead the Senate to glory. 

I also do no desire the role for the sake of it, I truly believe I have what it takes to push the change the Senate so desperately needs. I don't care about being known as some great leader or written down as some notable hero of Senate. I care about making change and actually doing what's needed. If I am remembered fondly for my work, fantastic but it is not what I'm here to do. I am here to make change.

Do you understand the lore of the Galactic senate?:
The senate is a millenniums old institution (modern constitution made 1032bby) serving as the main Legislative body of the Galactic Republic. Operating like a Parliament it has each body represented by 1 elected individual, with the Executive (Supreme Chancellor) elected by the Senators.
Mas Amedda, a Chargrain male, served as Vice Chairman of the legislative, who is tasked to keep order in the Senate. He also served as Vice Chancellor of the Executive, tasked with assisting the Supreme Chancellor in running the Galactic Republic. Mas Amedda served under both Finis Valorum & Sheev Palpatine.

I’m online everyday from around 10am to 11pm
Always available through discord if not in TS or Gmod But I do have school so I will be doing that most weekdays

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:
Battalion Commander Cody
Attack Regimental Commander
Senator Gume Saam
Naval MQM Capt Silver
(Served in many other battalions)

What do you feel the role of the Mas Amedda is?:
Mas Amedda serves as the dedicated leader of the members of the Senate as well as their representative within High Command. They are tasked to upkeep Senate standards and activity to help ensure better server-wide RP. Mas is also tasked to utilise the Senate to better the overall role play and use experienced and skilful RPers to help push situations, passive RP, & active participation throughout the server.

The implementation of change within the senate should never be forced upon it and should usually be agreed upon. Except in a situation of extreme importance no change should go through without approval from a majority of senate members. This would ensure That the senate is actually working together on improvements and Mas will not be piled with all the work and decision-making. This can be easily achieved through votes on small issues and meetings for more complex issues.
I do also believe Mas should have the ability to halt or deny a bill if there is a large enough discrepancy or it causes too many issues and immediately needs a revamp (acting like a supreme court type).

I believe Mas Amedda should be a standard for everyone to look up to as an example of exemplary roleplay and leadership ability. This will be a standard I will gladly step up to as to ensure continuation of the senate and as a role model of RP. He should be a character seen in a similar fashion as the Chancellor (RP wise), a leader who most look up to.

Do you have a microphone?:

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


How do you plan to improve relations between the senators and the server?:
(I’m adding my other plans here)
The Senate has gained itself a very specific reputation surrounding activity. It is very commonly called inactive and therefore useless, I personally believe this is actually inaccurate. I believe the current issue plaguing The Senate is presence within the server & RP. Right now many senators don’t get heavily involved with large scale RP not only because it’s not that enjoyable & sometimes rather difficult to get properly involved as a politician. This is why it is most paramount that The Senate pushes more for a position within the server and RP in general. I have 2 proposed methods to help boost recognition:
The less experimental and proven method is having events structured around Senators & diplomatic missions. Not only is this a well tested method but it also provides for the whole server (through an event) and for The Senate (recognition). This is also easy to do as GMs are always looking for fresh event ideas, having Senators plan events with GMs helps both programmes.
My second idea is far more experimental and is mostly a basic idea which requires more fleshing out and group discussion. This would be a system where Senators could attach to a group (regiment, battalion, what have you) and would spend time with them helping with RP situations specifically. I believe this could help establish a strong bond between the Senate & the rest of the server. This is of course more of a loose idea which I hope the rest of the senate can help expand upon.
But both these ideas fall upon the basic idea of wanting to expand presence the Senate holds in game so as to rid of the inactivity many cast upon the Senate.

Back in the starting days of the Senate there was a very high level of expectations for Roleplay. I wish to revive these high and mighty standards. My two simple ideas: Instituting much more strict Selections with far higher expectations (like during Wolfro’s time), & implementing characteristics each senator must abide by (corresponding to their character).
Selections will be more focused on ability to be the character rather than general RP ability. If representatives don’t exhibit a good grasp of the mannerisms, beliefs/ambitions, & background knowledge of their chosen senator then they will not pass the Selection. I want to ensure those who gain positions actually understand their character & have the ability to exhibit their characteristics.
I also wish to implement a set of attributes, beliefs, allegiances, & tendencies for each member of the Senate. This will be a set to not only refer back to to enhance RP but also to ensure people are always exhibiting their chosen Senator. For example: Gume Saam is a very self-concerned & corrupt senator with some suspected links to the CIS. Of course this would be far more difficult to implement with more poorly defined senators like Meena Tills or Senator Aang but I will try my best (with the senate) to create an appropriate listing for each Senator. The senators with less lore could even be a strong draw point, allowing players to fill in blank space with their own RP capabilities and ideas while still keeping to the basics of said Character.

These are two of the biggest issues currently prevalent within the senate of course I will continue a strong activity policy and ensure those who hold positions are in them for the right reasons and aren’t just holding onto them for the sake of it. And I will take stands against blatant abuse of power, inability to uphold Senate standards, ect.
All proposals & plans will run through the Senate members & I will not force any change except in extremely imperative situations, the whole Senate will always make better decisions than just myself.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term?:

I will use this section to address important things so people don’t have to ask me before making a choice

My removal from Attack Regimental:
I was removed from the position of ATK Reg. Whether I agree with the choice or the process is irrelevant to the point it gives me a very poor look especially when applying for a Regimental position.
I personally believe I did a good job as Attack Regimental and tried my best to help my battalions grow with some guidance from myself. From what I was told at the time, this was not the main reason for removal it was more centred around “behaviour”.
I have seen some of the actions I previously had as poorly judged and have learned from this experience. I understand that I should always try to remain cordial and always be the bigger man, no matter how insulting or demeaning someone else may be.
I also learnt that I could do with being less confrontational, no matter how important I may believe my ideas to be it comes across as aggressive. I realise now that I should present myself in a more professional & civil manner; I should also only push my ideas when it’s appropriate.

My recent ban:
Recently banned from the server for “racism”. This is not about whether you agree with the ban or not.
I was banned in the same wave which had the previous Mas removed. I do not think that him being removed proves I would be incapable of holding the position of Mas Amedda. I did not hold any leadership positions during the ban & also was merely RPing as a BH and do not think it should in anyway represent my Senator, Clone, or any other job. The ban was for racism and is in no way indicative of my leadership ability, creativity, or any other factor which may affect my ability to lead.
If there are worries about me getting removed for doing something like this again. This was the first staff incident I’d had in months. I rarely ever have in game issues with staff members and so a removal with a similar situation is not a worry anyone should have.

If anyone wishes for my stance on either of these addressed issues then I request you ask me privately. I will not be publicising my views on this application.

And make sure to include reasoning for any +/-1 because criticism is more useful than reasonless support.

  • Disagree 1
  • Informative 2

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Forum Admin


Comics, other than your inherent qualities to lead and, pardon my french, "get shit done", you have proven yourself to be of extreme value to the senate. Keeping them grounded and promoting RP no matter the situation. After speaking with you I truly believe you can bring the senate to a more stable and thriving place as it once was. Goodluck.

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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+1 As far as I know he is the longest standing senator at the moment and is therefore very experienced within the senate. I know that he understands what needs to be improved and will make the changes that need to happen. I also believe that you will make sure that senators are held accountable which has not necessarily been the case in the past. Good luck.


Jedi Youngling

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Personally no Comics, I don’t believe you should be Mas Amedda. your time as Attack Regimental as I heard was atrocious and you were either very hard to reach or when they did reach you, very hard to speak too because you were always upset. Comics, I know you from my time on the server, you’re a great guy; and I will in no way say that being Mas Amedda is as difficult as being attack regimental, but how can I trust that this term of a potential new Mas will go smooth. As I hear it you have two strikes and are pretty close to being out the door as Senators go, this does not instill confidence that you will bring unity or discipline when you have been the most disciplined senator.


Sorry Comics, -1.

  • Agree 2



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I am sorry Comics. I think you have been a good senator, but I don't think you should be the 2nd in command of the Senators. You do a lot of stupid things (Disclaimer: I know a guy who fucked up is saying this, but listen to this statement), and you don't learn from them. You also make not smart remarks, and that is not a mentality you should have  when going for these kinds of leadership positions. I would like to hear from other members, like in the 212th, to get further stances on your personality, and how you act. 

I will also be asking you 2 very important questions. 

How is it that you will treat this position differently than your last position as ATK Reg, and how will you do things differently? (This implies how will you remove yourself from situations that could end up liked your ATK Reg term)

 IF you are to get this position, how will you show that you are working on your attitude, as well as behavior? (I'm just talking about the ban, I am talking about your personality in general. I think you have a lot to work on, and I want to know how will you work on those if you are to get the position of Mas Amedda)

And to add on advice. If you do get this positon. Prove me wrong, and everyone else that minus one's you. Work hard, improve your attitude, and leave an impact on the senate. Even you don't get it, don't let that discourage you from trying to improve either way, and go at it again. That's the only way people will see you differently

Edited by Pythin

Former: Liaison


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2 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

Personally no Comics, I don’t believe you should be Mas Amedda. your time as Attack Regimental as I heard was atrocious and you were either very hard to reach or when they did reach you, very hard to speak too because you were always upset. Comics, I know you from my time on the server, you’re a great guy; and I will in no way say that being Mas Amedda is as difficult as being attack regimental, but how can I trust that this term of a potential new Mas will go smooth. As I hear it you have two strikes and are pretty close to being out the door as Senators go, this does not instill confidence that you will bring unity or discipline when you have been the most disciplined senator.


Sorry Comics, -1.

-1 i agree presonaly with this no offense 

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I'm a little conflicted on this. After my previous interactions with you, I can't say that I like you. I can forgive what you said, and I acknowledge that I did wrong as well. 

However, I am struggling to understand how you can claim that you have changed/adjusted/matured your mindset when you were recently banned by server staff. To me, this looks like the opposite has happened - you've continued to act as you have in the past. 

***Changing my vote to +1. Comics reached out to me in dms and explained the situation. It seems that the ban he faced was not something serious. Good luck with your app!

Edited by Harsh
Changing vote

Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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10 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

Personally no Comics, I don’t believe you should be Mas Amedda. your time as Attack Regimental as I heard was atrocious and you were either very hard to reach or when they did reach you, very hard to speak too because you were always upset. Comics, I know you from my time on the server, you’re a great guy; and I will in no way say that being Mas Amedda is as difficult as being attack regimental, but how can I trust that this term of a potential new Mas will go smooth. As I hear it you have two strikes and are pretty close to being out the door as Senators go, this does not instill confidence that you will bring unity or discipline when you have been the most disciplined senator.


Sorry Comics, -1.

This ^


I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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-1 no

  • Confused 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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41 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

Personally no Comics, I don’t believe you should be Mas Amedda. your time as Attack Regimental as I heard was atrocious and you were either very hard to reach or when they did reach you, very hard to speak too because you were always upset. Comics, I know you from my time on the server, you’re a great guy; and I will in no way say that being Mas Amedda is as difficult as being attack regimental, but how can I trust that this term of a potential new Mas will go smooth. As I hear it you have two strikes and are pretty close to being out the door as Senators go, this does not instill confidence that you will bring unity or discipline when you have been the most disciplined senator.


Sorry Comics, -1.

Pretty much sums its up. -1

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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I am sorry Comics. I think you have been a good senator, but I don't think you should be the 2nd in command of the Senators. You do a lot of stupid things (Disclaimer: I know a guy who fucked up is saying this, but listen to this statement), and you don't learn from them. You also make not smart remarks, and that is not a mentality you should have  when going for these kinds of leadership positions. I would like to hear from other members, like in the 212th, to get further stances on your personality, and how you act. 

I will also be asking you 2 very important questions. 

How is it that you will treat this position differently than your last position as ATK Reg, and how will you do things differently? (This implies how will you remove yourself from situations that could end up liked your ATK Reg term)

 IF you are to get this position, how will you show that you are working on your attitude, as well as behavior? (I'm just talking about the ban, I am talking about your personality in general. I think you have a lot to work on, and I want to know how will you work on those if you are to get the position of Mas Amedda)

And to add on advice. If you do get this positon. Prove me wrong, and everyone else that minus one's you. Work hard, improve your attitude, and leave an impact on the senate. Even you don't get it, don't let that discourage you from trying to improve either way, and go at it again. That's the only way people will see you differently

If you want to hear a wide array of voices from the 212th I implore you to actively search them out. In fact there are 2 replies from 212th members who I've worked closely with and who I'd consider most knowledgeable on who I am, Pog & Guac.

Well I have my own opinions about the Removal from Attack Regimental but that is unrelated. I have already stated what I learned from the experience but to reiterate I intent to be less confrontational and approach things from a less aggressive positions. Even if I hate someone to the guts stooping to their level or being generally insulting really isn't a way to win hearts & minds. So I intend to just be more relaxed about talking to people. I personally believe I did a fine job leading my people & acting as a guide, where I fell short was upholding a good appearance. By the act of making myself look rude and aggressive I made people less trust worthy of my position even if they didn't directly interact with me. 
So I will take a while to think of a way to approach a situation and will go into it with an open mind & want to have a conversation over an argument. So even if nothing is accomplished and it just ends with insults being hurled my way it cannot be used to "prove" I am not an incapable Mas Amedda

Nothing shows off better than just being better. Actions speak a lot louder than words so I will actively attempt to be a more passive in engagements with others. Of course I will still stand strong my personal beliefs & I will always push my ideals but I will take a less direct approach. Since you were there in the Reg chat you would know I was pretty active on pushing my ideas even if it was pretty irrelevant or unimportant. So I'm just going to cease doing that, no point pursuing something no one cares about. My strong opinions on applicable positions will be left in the past & I will only push my ideas when I think it's relevant. Such as beliefs of battalion self-determinism and decentralisation of powers.

People often times say I have a really poor attitude and they are free to think so. But I think the most important way to actually help me progress or become a better leader is to provide examples. I know exactly what you're talking about since we've had many interactions but this is just a general thing.
If you make a strong assertion about my character it helps me a lot more if you provide an example or give me anything to work off of because trying to think of these from only my perspective is more difficult than you'd think.

Thank you for your comment, Pythin. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to address what you've brought up


Edited by Comics
  • Friendly 1

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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  • Management


What? You think people shouldn't -1 you for what you did recently because it was on a BH whitelist???

You have proven time and time again that you have a very poor attitude towards others and that you don't truly think before you act. I genuinely believe you have learned from your past mistakes but what you learn never tends to stick with you.

  • Agree 3
  • Winner 1


i am literally captain tukk

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While I do think your intentions are pure going for this role in your attempt to help out the Senate, I have to -1.


During the situation with the Racism ban, you handled it very well. But it still happened, and quite recently at that. My personal impression from this interaction is that you are learning from previous mistakes and avoiding negative behavior, but you're not all the way there yet. I don't believe that you're a good choice for Mas Amedda as of right now, nor will you be able to set the kind of example as the Leader of the Senate that the group needs.

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Alright Comics, before I address my vote, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place here on this app. Leaving all bias out of this. I do like some of your ideas for the senate and you know very much as I know that your reputation isnt the best on the server. I do believe in second chances but, my main concern here is that although I will say you have got a lot better and is trying to fix your rep. my concern is that it will be a repeat of your Attack Reg term. Why I say this is because yes although your improving im concerned it would relapse. And I hope im wrong, but if you could answer a couple questions I have that would be great.

1) Do you have the support from the other Senators?

2) Do you plan on keeping your activity checks and logging in within the Senate?

3) You stated your idea of pairing Senators with Battalions, Although its a loose idea, would Senators be paired with multiple battalions as there are more batts. then senators?

4) Would senators be more of a Advisor to the battalions?

5) From what I've seen the Senate is inactive and I'm aware you addressed this but, If you were to keep the Check ins, would they change or would activity be enforced more?

Alright Comics, Im excited to here the answers to these questions, After, I will express my vote. 



Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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+1 I’m gonna be honest your a little bit toxic sometimes , but I feel like the senator branch will probably die if there’s no Mas Amedda soon , along with that I feel as you have a great experience for the position and you are a good candidate for the position .

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2 hours ago, Marvel said:


What? You think people shouldn't -1 you for what you did recently because it was on a BH whitelist???

You have proven time and time again that you have a very poor attitude towards others and that you don't truly think before you act. I genuinely believe you have learned from your past mistakes but what you learn never tends to stick with you.

I dont agree with Marvel much, but this position requires a special type of person and you aren't it. You have a tendency to act without thinking, as shown by the BH situation, its the same situation that got the last Mas yeeted, It also requires someone with deep dedication to make the senate great again. Your activity isn't amazing as pointed out by others, and your other terms didn't go as great as you claim.


Edited by Logicless
  • Funny 3
  • Confused 1

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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Alright so it isn't a secret you and I really don't get along, but I will try my best to not bring up old drama and focus on senator. 
In all honesty, I think you are the best senator we have. However, that bar has been set so low its below sea level at this point. The only senators I ever see on their jobs period are you and Deku, and Deku is Wolffe so he isn't even on the job half the time. Congratulations! You are the most active senator! Oh, wait, I saw you once in the last month on the job. I'm not even referring to your ban or LOA period either. While you hit the activity requirement, it is very minimal, and it has been stated by many that simply hitting your activity quota doesn't mean real activity. Your activity is downright abysmal at best, and in all honesty, I don't know how the last few Mas Amedda's got this position either. All have been removed for inactivity or ingame consequence, and considering your track record, I could honestly fit you in both descriptions, without the ban in play. I don't think replacing the job plagued with inactivity and problems with a guy plagued with inactivity and problems is necessarily the best look for senators. There are many, many, many problems senators have right now, and they need someone that will own up to the faults of the program and bring about change. Whenever you are punished, I have never seen you admit fault. You never admitted fault when you got removed from Attack Reg after being given numerous warnings, you still challenge that your ban was stupid even though everyone else around you has apologized numerous times and vowed to be better. In all honesty I don't really think you learned anything after your permanent ban, and it would be a spit in the face to the remaining senators left if you are given this position. In the history if 212th, there hasn't been a single person that has lost their honorary after being Cody, but problem after problem, you ended up being the first Cody to be given nothing but the guest tag. Your immaturity is unmatched, and I told you after you got removed from Attack Reg to take a long look at yourself in the mirror. I didn't expect you to shatter the mirror. I think that you are decent at RP on your senator. You have your fun Techno Union gimmick, which is cool. However, when it comes to actually roleplaying, you either refuse to, or act like a child. A prime example of this was during a CIS op, you were captured. Now I can understand not wanting to be captured, as it happened to senators quite a lot. However, rather than joining our channel and saying "Hey look guys, Ill participate, but after this, I want to talk about doing capture operations less." Should you have said that, I would have commended you as I agree with this point, and you are doing it in a mature way. Instead, you decided to act like a petulent child, and whine in OOC. You then went AFK before we could march you to the CIS base, so we brought you. You then told us you didn't want to be captured, and you were going AFK. However, Myself and the grievous at the time went in the channel you were in while you were "AFK" and you were just chatting with the guys in the channel. Not only did you lie, whine, and act like a child, you proceeded to bitch when we called you on it. You have all but gotten worse since your removal, and if you got this position I would be truly shocked. 


Edited by Shockpoint
  • Agree 12
  • Disagree 2
  • Funny 1
  • Winner 2
  • Informative 3

If you use the RC Shotgun you are automatically cringe.

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I said this on your Cody app, I told you when you applied for ATK Reg, and I'll say it again. You don't have the right temperament to be in a position in authority. 

The fact that you're telling people to discount recent events solidifies this. You got banned for doing the exact same thing Frank did, and you more more complicit in that you were the main instigator of the events (if you disagree, check the ban legnths for each person involved, see who has the longest). 

Even ignoring the ban, you have a terrible attitude when it comes to the server, and done nothing but cause trouble since you got removed from ATK reg (to the point where you were removed from 212th, AND had your legacy removed). 

You need to do some serious attitude adjusting before trying to apply for another command position.

  • Agree 3
  • Winner 3

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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13 minutes ago, Eclipse said:


Genuinely, I don't think anyone else will go for it if Comics doesn't get it. The position of Mas is so not sought after by many people that it not being filled effects literally nobody besides senators. I also believe that Comics, although his issues, can be professional enough to get senators up and going. I do not feel as though there is a better candidate at this time.

I, however, do think that you will have to do some cleanup of how you portray yourself and what you do on the server. Your incident that got you 7 day banned is on the front of many peoples minds and is the thing that caused this position to open in the first place.

TL;DR only one going for it for the foreseeable future and has shown ability to lead. As long as he doesn't do something dumb and he keeps himself in line, he'll be fine!

I agree with this statement although I was on the fence at first. 

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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4 minutes ago, Slak said:

I agree with this statement although I was on the fence at first. 

Fast to assume noone else wants to go for this position. 

Would your opinion change if there was someone else going for it? 

+1ing someone because there is nobody else leads to the death of a batt/group

  • Agree 2
  • Informative 1
  • Confused 1

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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So my reason for this -1 is not personal because you're funny and fun to talk most of the time however from what i've seen in the past 2 weeks you just don't have the temperament that a leader should. When you aren't joking around you come off as a not very nice person, and try to like "be the top dog" in the group. You were removed from ATK reg from what I heard, and you were removed from 212th after 3 strikes. And those are my first impressions of you. I dont know if you are actually a really great leader but from coming back after a year the only things i've seen were bad things, outside of personal relations... I feel bad but its the truth 

Edited by Atark

RIP Family of Euphoria

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33 minutes ago, Logicless said:

Would your opinion change if there was someone else going for it? 

For me, it would depend on the candidate. If the candidate is more capable than Comics, I likely would support the other party.
If someone else was going for it too but they were the worst, I would support Comics still. 
ATM I am +1ing this on the basis of nobody else is going for it and likely nobody more capable will go for it. 

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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-1 nah lmao this is a good fucking meme

bbstine took the words from me


  • Optimistic 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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15 minutes ago, Eclipse said:

For me, it would depend on the candidate. If the candidate is more capable than Comics, I likely would support the other party.
If someone else was going for it too but they were the worst, I would support Comics still. 
ATM I am +1ing this on the basis of nobody else is going for it and likely nobody more capable will go for it. 

The senate has some people I believe are fit for the position, however to my knowledge getting waived is proving to be a challenge. 

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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5 hours ago, Marvel said:


What? You think people shouldn't -1 you for what you did recently because it was on a BH whitelist???

You have proven time and time again that you have a very poor attitude towards others and that you don't truly think before you act. I genuinely believe you have learned from your past mistakes but what you learn never tends to stick with you.


Every interaction I have seen of you as Gume, or on clone has been negative. You use Gume as a reason to be toxic in game towards people to a point where its not even interesting to talk with you.
This is on top of the time you refused to roleplay as a senator, by pretending to go afk when the CIS tried to kidnap you, then 'coming' back after we walk away. You come back we TP you as we had you in RP,  you bitch and moan then pretend to go afk while talking in the 212th channel then proceed to not follow roleplay at all and say fuck you to the people doing the Operation. We reported this obviously, but it appears that the leadership of senators did not do their job as you should of been removed from your position then.

Why should we support someone to lead senators when you can't even follow the rules that you are meant to enforce?

Oh yeah, and you were just banned for racism, I do not know how that is not grounds for removal from senators either but the more you know.

To everyone saying. "+1 no one else wants to go for it" this is entirely the wrong mindset to have. Just because there is a lack of quality candidates does not mean we need to lower our standards for the positions.

Edited by Mitchell
Grammar, clarity.
  • Agree 1
  • Winner 10



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You know what +1, give him a chance like y’all gave me. 

  • Funny 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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I don't play much anymore so i won't give my Irrelevant opinion. All i will say is good luck to you, I hope you work out any anger issues you may or may not have and if your intentions are pure and you truly want to drive things in a better direction then go for it. I will +1 purely because i think change is a constant. If i can change, He can too. Maybe our situations aren't the same but that doesnt change the fact that anyone can change. He has waited i think a significant amount of time that can allow for some small change. Unlike others, i don't live in the past and use that for every retarded ass reason to -1 someone because big man do big bad doo doo monke.


On the subject of the ban for racism, You fucked up, you served your time, move on.


you people need to chill the fuck out.

(Side note: Please remember forum rules and commander applications and shit, Keep your comments to +1/-1 and stop with the extra curricular conversations)

(Side Side Note: I was informed on much more recent shit that happened by forseen but im keeping my original post because i don't follow the mob mentality bullshit.)

Edited by Maverick
  • Agree 3
  • Disagree 3


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Plenty of people have already said what I was going to say.


From working with you as REG CMDs for your short stint, you were doing okay but you always seemed so negative about change or anything new and often get like you were doing tons of work. While I was sat there confused on why you were trying to run the batts when, as a reg, you don't so that. 

Mas is kinda like a SL or BCMD position really, you are in control of a select few individual but you have heightened power compared to either.

For me, I want to wait for a while longer, the ban is still fresh and you don't seem to comprehend why you got banned.



  • Informative 1

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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-1ing for the following reasons: 


1. You literally just got banned for racism and you still wonder why you got banned even though there is sufficient evidence of the actions performed, resulting in your ban...That’s not a good look, bud.

2. According to Gadget’s response, you seem very difficult to work with and i’m sure the Senate would be a complicated spot for you.

3. You’re known to be toxic as fuck when something doesn’t go your way. You’re supposed to keep a leveled head while having complications in order to resolve them in the best way possible.

4. I’m sorry, but you attempting to justify your ban due to you using a different job is completely idiotic. It wasn’t the job that got banned, it was YOU. You represent yourself and how you portray yourself across these people in this community.


That is all. Have a nice day.

  • Informative 1

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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Never spoke to you, only ever seen you act like your character in-game chat. However, reading the responses from a number of players at different rankings and infrastructure rankings, it's clear that you've had some major issues. I did hear you were removed from your honorary and name stripped from the list of Cody's, something that rarely happens in any battalion.

I don't get how you would've acquired your previous positions and even reacquired positions before or after a permaban, stupidity from high staff, extremely likely. I don't see why a member who has just recently banned should even be looked at for acquiring a position of power within the server. I'm all for people getting the things they want, if they deserve them and show they work hard. But reading what I've read above just seems downright disappointing to even consider yourself fit for the position, or embarrassing maybe. I'd say to fix your issues before trying to crawl your way back to the top, fix some of your relations with players and then maybe you'll get somewhere.



Edited by Ket
  • Agree 1
  • Informative 2
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Many great points have been made already, and while I don't want my response to simply be an up-arrow of other's, Bbstine & Marvel have said much of what I would've regarding your character and some of the reasons you definitely should not have put this application up. With that being said, I have quite a few issues with the application itself. You make the point that Deku & Robb have done fantastic work within the Senate, and you assert that you feel it is your duty and responsibility to step up and take command as the longest standing Senator- but neither of those individuals have offered you their support, and one of them in fact plans to run against you. You have suggested the basic "improve relationship with the server and RP more" but you have not laid out any particular concrete plans to do so, instead falling back on the status-quo of diplomatic missions and an experimental Senate Outreach idea that is as ridiculous as it sounds. When it comes to your plan to implement strict roleplay policies that mandate roleplaying as each character- well, given how un-fun it is to roleplay with your iteration of Gume Saam, I'm not sure I'd like to see you usher in a perpetual standard for that kind of roleplay.

Unfortunately, there's just nothing about this that I can even begin to support. -1

  • Winner 1
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you have been very hard to work with in the past from both an official and an interpersonal standpoint.
I would like a mas Amedda who tries to find common ground and work with all parties where possible not digs in their heels. 

Show some change to the community and I would be happy to reconsider my opinion on your next application. 

  • Agree 1

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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There was a period of time you were doing a lot better,  Comics.
And then it completely nosedived.

I don't hate you or anything but I don't know how your trying to justify a ban for ACTING AS A RADICAL MUSLIM by saying it was just something you did on the BH job.    It was completely unsurprising consider the context of some of the jokes you make with Whisper.  There was people that got egged on that either didn't understand why it was bad or the INSTANT regret they had.







  • Agree 2

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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23 hours ago, Jack said:

1) Do you have the support from the other Senators?

2) Do you plan on keeping your activity checks and logging in within the Senate?

3) You stated your idea of pairing Senators with Battalions, Although its a loose idea, would Senators be paired with multiple battalions as there are more batts. then senators?

4) Would senators be more of a Advisor to the battalions?

5) From what I've seen the Senate is inactive and I'm aware you addressed this but, If you were to keep the Check ins, would they change or would activity be enforced more?

1. I have not checked in with all of them. I only checked in with Deku, the current leader, because I believed he was the most important person to notify of it. I don't know if I have full senate support but Deku was very happy for me to apply. I have talked to different individual senators and non of them have had major objections because realistically they just want a leader. The Senate is already is going in a good direction and just needs a leader to streamline it. I think I have the leadership abilities so I personally don't see why it shouldn't be me.

2. I personally plan to keep doing check ins cause it is a public form. I keep forgetting to do it because I get off and just don't do it but I believe everyone in the senate should have to upkeep sign ins.

3. I think battalions are great things for senators to stick along with. the only issue I see is poorly matched time tables. So I may consider stretching them to regiments or multiple large batts especially since there are only 7 senators and far more other groups.

4. I don't have the ideas fully fleshed out but I think them acting as Advisors within RP would be a great way to increase influence & presence in the battalion. They wouldn't actively participate in trainings or battles because they're not soldiers. The advisor role would seem pretty fitting

5. Check-ins are the best way to check activity; just look in the Senate discord if you want to check. And I actually don't know what the current activity system is, because I'm not sure if Frank explained it to me. But from what I remember it's a 3 strike system & each strike has a specific amount of time between each. the current system seems to work & already got 1 senator removed. So it's a presence issue cause senators are relatively active, especially since it's a secondary job.
TL;DR I might revise it but I think it works just fine right now.

  • Disagree 1

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Reasons have been stated by multiple others, honestly I feel it will be a repeat of your Attack Reg term.


Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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On 2/5/2021 at 2:58 AM, Shockpoint said:

Alright so it isn't a secret you and I really don't get along, but I will try my best to not bring up old drama and focus on senator. 
In all honesty, I think you are the best senator we have. However, that bar has been set so low its below sea level at this point. The only senators I ever see on their jobs period are you and Deku, and Deku is Wolffe so he isn't even on the job half the time. Congratulations! You are the most active senator! Oh, wait, I saw you once in the last month on the job. I'm not even referring to your ban or LOA period either. While you hit the activity requirement, it is very minimal, and it has been stated by many that simply hitting your activity quota doesn't mean real activity. Your activity is downright abysmal at best, and in all honesty, I don't know how the last few Mas Amedda's got this position either. All have been removed for inactivity or ingame consequence, and considering your track record, I could honestly fit you in both descriptions, without the ban in play. I don't think replacing the job plagued with inactivity and problems with a guy plagued with inactivity and problems is necessarily the best look for senators. There are many, many, many problems senators have right now, and they need someone that will own up to the faults of the program and bring about change. Whenever you are punished, I have never seen you admit fault. You never admitted fault when you got removed from Attack Reg after being given numerous warnings, you still challenge that your ban was stupid even though everyone else around you has apologized numerous times and vowed to be better. In all honesty I don't really think you learned anything after your permanent ban, and it would be a spit in the face to the remaining senators left if you are given this position. In the history if 212th, there hasn't been a single person that has lost their honorary after being Cody, but problem after problem, you ended up being the first Cody to be given nothing but the guest tag. Your immaturity is unmatched, and I told you after you got removed from Attack Reg to take a long look at yourself in the mirror. I didn't expect you to shatter the mirror. I think that you are decent at RP on your senator. You have your fun Techno Union gimmick, which is cool. However, when it comes to actually roleplaying, you either refuse to, or act like a child. A prime example of this was during a CIS op, you were captured. Now I can understand not wanting to be captured, as it happened to senators quite a lot. However, rather than joining our channel and saying "Hey look guys, Ill participate, but after this, I want to talk about doing capture operations less." Should you have said that, I would have commended you as I agree with this point, and you are doing it in a mature way. Instead, you decided to act like a petulent child, and whine in OOC. You then went AFK before we could march you to the CIS base, so we brought you. You then told us you didn't want to be captured, and you were going AFK. However, Myself and the grievous at the time went in the channel you were in while you were "AFK" and you were just chatting with the guys in the channel. Not only did you lie, whine, and act like a child, you proceeded to bitch when we called you on it. You have all but gotten worse since your removal, and if you got this position I would be truly shocked. 


Gonna have to be a -1 from me. What ShockPoint and bbstine said

Ex. Veteran Admin  Ex. GMO   Ex. 212th Warrant Officer

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-1 most of the encounters we’ve had haven’t been positive and some responses I’ve seen you post on the forums have proven to me that you are not ready for this position. Yes, you have the experience on your side, but not the attitude.

Take time to reflect on yourself, as most people say, the wound of the ban is still fresh and needs to heal over. Try to be in our shoes and look back yourself and see what you may need to change. Once changes have been made, you can try again. 

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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I believe that the other candidate can do a better job at the current moment in time. I also believe that other votes on this post has brought some concerns to me attention and I do believe that what many others stated is true and accurate.
Simply put, I believe Robb will do a better job as Mas.

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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This will be my one and only public statement made on both Comics' Application, as well as Robb's Application. I endorsed both of these people for going for Mas Amedda because, as many of you know, I am also Wolffe. 104th has, and will always be my main priority. I told every member of the Senate this when they decided to vote me into the position of Senior Senator. Now, that does not mean I simply "don't care about Senators," my time as a Senator has been amazing and extremely fun. It's a challenge which I love, it's a breath of fresh air and it allows me to only RP without having to worry about exterior issues. With all of this being said, I've chosen to stay completely unbias during this whole situation and have decided not to +1 or -1 either applicant, however. For some of you questioning why a statement has not been made from myself, this is why. I told both applicants that neither would be getting my vote for or against them, it's my duty as acting leadership to look at the Senate with a completely unbias opinion, which also applies to these applications. I personally think that whatever the outcome, either Comics getting it or Robb getting it, or neither of them; I will be able to work well with both of them to put the Senate in the right direction. Like I said at the start, this will be my one and only statement on these applications just to give everyone some insight of why they haven't heard anything from me on these applications. (Posted to both Comic's application & Robb's to ensure everyone get's the point.)

  • Agree 2
  • Informative 1

Full-time Server Boomer



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Im not going to leave a -1 or a +1 on this because of how in between i am. As your time within the battalion, you were a constant center of problems and sometimes drama. You were given multiple warnings regarding your behavior and you never improved it all though you said you would. In any topic, when you give your opinion, its usually a bit toxic. If you don't agree or someone else disagrees with you, you tend to get a bit hostile and call them names proceeding with what you think is right. This stubborn attitude can lead to a bit of uproar within what ever group you may be in. You have a good character when not in game but other than that I cant say many things positive. 

  • Confused 1
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16 hours ago, Deku said:

This will be my one and only public statement made on both Comics' Application, as well as Robb's Application. I endorsed both of these people for going for Mas Amedda because, as many of you know, I am also Wolffe. 104th has, and will always be my main priority. I told every member of the Senate this when they decided to vote me into the position of Senior Senator. Now, that does not mean I simply "don't care about Senators," my time as a Senator has been amazing and extremely fun. It's a challenge which I love, it's a breath of fresh air and it allows me to only RP without having to worry about exterior issues. With all of this being said, I've chosen to stay completely unbias during this whole situation and have decided not to +1 or -1 either applicant, however. For some of you questioning why a statement has not been made from myself, this is why. I told both applicants that neither would be getting my vote for or against them, it's my duty as acting leadership to look at the Senate with a completely unbias opinion, which also applies to these applications. I personally think that whatever the outcome, either Comics getting it or Robb getting it, or neither of them; I will be able to work well with both of them to put the Senate in the right direction. Like I said at the start, this will be my one and only statement on these applications just to give everyone some insight of why they haven't heard anything from me on these applications. (Posted to both Comic's application & Robb's to ensure everyone get's the point.)

^ What he said (Except I'm not Wolffe or Senior Senator)
I don't feel as though I have a reason to vote on this regardless of who may get it out of the two (if either of them do). I will still be RPing in the same capacity I do and (unless they make a massive change to how the senate works, AND make a change to the personality and characteristics of Lux on his lore page) I will not be changing how I portray my character. With that being said I think you are outgoing comics, but you come on a bit strong from what I have seen (specifically recently, I remember you to be much more different in the past).


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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On 2/4/2021 at 10:23 PM, Slak said:

I agree with this statement although I was on the fence at first. 

Someone who is more fit so changing to a -1.

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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On 2/4/2021 at 11:34 PM, Bbstine said:

Personally no Comics, I don’t believe you should be Mas Amedda. your time as Attack Regimental as I heard was atrocious and you were either very hard to reach or when they did reach you, very hard to speak too because you were always upset. Comics, I know you from my time on the server, you’re a great guy; and I will in no way say that being Mas Amedda is as difficult as being attack regimental, but how can I trust that this term of a potential new Mas will go smooth. As I hear it you have two strikes and are pretty close to being out the door as Senators go, this does not instill confidence that you will bring unity or discipline when you have been the most disciplined senator.


Sorry Comics, -1.

Agreed, sorry but i will have to -1 this fam, good luck tho!

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

This is due to Community Feedback on the application

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


  • Agree 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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