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Everything posted by Sinister

  1. Question Answered by Dragon. If issue still persists after Dragon's fix, please post again.
  2. Come back someday once you get life figured out. o7
  3. 9/10, really enjoyed this event, especially for a low pop time period and with no helpers.
  4. He was in Null with me on Rishi. I *think* Duck was Kal at the time if that rings a bell
  5. Long time no see. I was Prudii when you were Jaing I think. I was the second or third prudii, would've been the first but I failed that BS final trick question in the tryouts if you remember that lmao
  6. +1. I figured y'all would run with no GL forever, I'm glad you applied.
  7. Griffin > all in pvp in my opinion, i’ll just always hold a special place for PT’s from pre-griffin ARK I stopped playing official right around the time manas started getting used a ton so i’m not good w them
  8. I was a pvper on official for 2 years and I only used griffins and ptera’s, i’d enjoy the challenge ;)
  9. Monitoring activity with things like signins and checking hours are only necessary if the group is small enough that the Leader cannot monitor it themselves such as SOBDE imo. Like Guac said, I also prefer quality over quantity where people's hours are actually spent contributing to their group. When I was Guild Leader I had far less hours played per week than most, but got far more work accomplished. Because of this, I also judged the people below me based on things accomplished instead of hours played. If I judged based on in-game hours alone, I would've had to remove everyone including myself. I'd rather have a guy that plays 6 hours a week and does a damn good job roleplaying & contributing to my unit than a guy that logs 30 hours a week by afking or running laps around the map by themselves to fulfill a quota. This isn't a part time job at Wendy's, it's a game.
  10. -1 for reasons stated above. Edit the post, tag a forum mod and ask for the post to be removed/hidden. Naffen typically has a superhuman reaction time to the pings, so it won’t take too long.
  11. Nope, there's not an option in the settings menu to change it. This is what my video settings are currently: I've tried lowering the quality of everything, as well as lowering fov, nothing in the video settings seems to help.
  12. I got a new computer recently, and it seems my render distance has gone way down. In the picture below, I'm only able to see halfway through CY from inside the hangar when on my old PC, that was not the case. In the second picture, I'm not able to see the entirety of CY from the mountain top. Is there a way to fix this? During events it's near impossible to see ships in the sky, or use a sniper at range. I searched around the internet and all I could find was using the commands "r_lod" and "r_screenfademaxsize", neither of which did anything. Maybe I'm just stupid and this is what it's supposed to look like, but I was able to see further before I switched to my new computer.
  13. It’s a mentality shift that needs to start with the council and trickle down to the player base. I’ve been gone for about a month so i’m not caught up with any recent changes you’ve made. From what I do know, the current Jedi “play-style” is when you hop on your job you’re supposed to find a battalion to be with 24/7, and then occasionally participate in some branch stuff or a tournament. If you don’t have a battalion, there’s nothing happening. I personally don’t enjoy that at all. I enjoy playing on a Jedi to interact with other Jedi, or do “Jedi Things”. If I want to join a battalion, I have a clone. There really is no easy way to shift the mentality, nor do you really have to. It’s a different style of the Jedi Order that’s been used in the past, and this is all just my own opinion. If you want to make a change, try to work with the council on ways that Jedi of every tier can interact with each other without just forcing RP. If you try to force a new system down the chain on people that they don’t want, it’ll just crash and burn. Shoot me a DM on here or discord if you want me to explain more, I’m not sure if I explained that well or not
  14. I wholeheartedly agree with these statements. This is the main reason I quit Jedi and haven’t planned on returning
  15. I left Sith pretty early to work on MilitaryRP when it first came out, so I didn't get to fully experience the "degredation" phase. While I was Sith with Joah, Jackson, Kitty, and Tyzen I had the most fun I've ever had on the server. Due to the fact that I, like many other players, have been here since the beginning, I have reached the top rank or near it in every full time-faction, with at least 4 months of active playtime within each category (Naval, Jedi, Clone, BH, Senate, Sith). Because of this, I have very little interest in working my way up in those factions yet again. Just based on this alone, it seems like it would be great to re-add sith for people like me. Even though it would be a re-addition it's something "new" to do, and would likely pan out very differently than it's original addition to the server. However, I have strong doubts that the Sith Faction could be successful in the current state of the server, so I'm going to have to -1. Everyone else pretty much explained my thoughts. In my opinion, adding Sith now would just de-stablize the Roleplay dynamic that High Command works to control. I think it would be great for a small group of dark-side force users that could operate in a similar function to the CIS faction. Dooku could even oversee them so we don't have to add another applicable leadership role. I don't know if this would work out either, but I think it's a better alternative to the full addition of Sith.
  16. Has to be less than 1600 usd after tax and shipping. This is the best one I could find that’s available without waiting 6+ months
  17. I didn’t know about the difference so thanks for telling me, but luckily the computer comes with 2x8gb already as default
  18. NZXT is sold out, that was my first option
  19. Within the next week, I'm going to be buying my first desktop. I've always played on a laptop, and have never had more than 30 fps. All I really care about is being able to play without issues at 100+ fps on most popular games. Apex, COD, ARK, Valorant, etc. Doesn't need to be on high graphics either. https://www.dell.com/en-us/member/shop/cty/pdp/spd/g-series-5000-desktop/gd5090g540s?cartitemid=a0b22dc6-f48d-4bec-90e9-66ac0097c25f&ref=cartconfigedit&configurationid=2af59823-dadd-4bbb-a915-46a6e17caf20#techspecs_section This is the PC I am currently looking at. I know very little about computers from what I was able to learn on google, so I'd appreciate some help on if this would be a good purchase or not There's also this option, with the 3060 ti instead of 2060 https://www.dell.com/en-us/member/shop/cty/pdp/spd/g-series-5000-desktop/gd5000g561h?selectionState=eyJJVVByaWNlIjoxNjQ5Ljk5LCJPQyI6ImdkNTAwMGc1NjFoIiwiUXR5IjoxLCJNb2RzIjpbXX0%3D&cartItemId=36e3a778-a592-4790-a958-b8673ba03c87&ref=carconfigedittitle
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