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The Loss of a Great, Korm.

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Le Pied Piper (lepiedpiper) on Pinterest

Hello all,

I wanted to let those of you, friends of Korm (Alex) know that unfortunately he has passed away. His brother was kind enough to notify those in discords with him that he would no longer be here and has passed away due to health complications. I cannot exress how kind and giving Korm was not only to this community but all the players within it. From the hours and hours put into the ARK server, to SOBDE suggestions driving me insane, to general assistance with whoever needed it, Korm never stopped and always put himself out there to help those around him even at risk of his own personal gains. 

Korm's family has a GoFundMe setup for his mother, to assist with funeral costs and this difficult time. If you have a few extra dollars to put towards him, I would request you do so. It is the least we can do as a community to pay him back for the work he has done. I personally have already put in a donation. 

GoFundMe Link

I hope those of you that were unaware before this post can find your peace. I request we use this thread for respectful thoughts, support, or hopefully stories you shared with Korm, good or bad. Things you will hold onto to ensure that his memories remain and he never truly dies. I know he would of liked leaving one last laugh, or joyful memory to this community.

Memories become all that we are, I will make sure Alex's memory stays here, I owe him that.
I hope you all can do the same.

Rest easy, brother.
We love you.

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Korm was my role model for literally the entire time I’ve been in this community. When I first got the news earlier today I was speechless and I still am. I’m not good with things like this but Korm was one of the most genuine person I’ve ever met on the server. 

Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum

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i am literally captain tukk

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Ive never really  been good with wording these kind of messages but 
Korm always went above and beyond to make sure EVERYONE felt welcomed in the community
The amount of blood sweat and tears he put into this community is endless, didn't matter time of day or anything he would sit there and aid until the job was done
He was Kal under me when I was SOBDE and boy let me tell you was he the best god damn kal this server has seen

Korm in general was a role model just someone any new player can look up to and aspire to be

07 Korm may you rest in Valhalla
This community wouldnt be the same without you  


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Ever since I heard the news around 8pm I haven't really been able to put into words how this makes me feel.

I've known Korm for almost as long as I've known Synergy. It's insane to me that he's gone. He was such an influence to not only me but countless other people on this server and beyond. Truly a friend and a brother who was taken too soon.

Rest in Valhalla, friend.

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Like most people will say on this post Korm was like a Father, Brother, Role model to us all and it leaves us all empty to know that he is no longer. I first met Korm while waiting in line for Scorch tryouts back in 2017 and even then he was a nice, friendly, and gentle guy talking to me while I was waiting in line and even handing me credits and when I had passed he gave me another batch of credits saying congratulations. But this was one of many interactions when later on he would become my squad leader and me being Bardan. Korm once told me that everyone deserves a second chance when they screw up and those are words I will live by for as long as I live. May you rest in peace Korm I love you man.

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It's crazy to think that many hours ago, Me and Korm were talking in my stream getting ready for the new episode of the Mandalorian. Korm was not only an amazing person, but he was an inspiration to me. He was my first Kal and will always be my Kal'buir, He could never hate a single person. He was a warm, caring man. Truly one of a kind, he made Synergy for me. He put up with my bullshit and pushed  me to achieve things on the server,  he helped all of us whenever we needed it. 

Valhalla has earned its finest warrior, Rest in peace Korm.

Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la, ner vod. 

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Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Man honestly fuck 2020. You didn’t deserve this Korm. You did so much it is insane to imagine that just like that everything was over. However synergy and everyone you touched with your humor, your dedication and work ethic, your kindness will forever be affected and you will forever live on in the Memories of them. 

Semper Fi Korm. 
Do or Die brother. 

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I don't even know where to begin... Korm, I'mma fucking miss you. I can't believe the irrelevant Oddshot is going to hop on teamspeak and not hear your voice. I can't believe I'll never see your name in game when I hop in server. I can't believe that you're gone. I'll fucking miss you man.

I'll see you on the other side brother.

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Nothing but sadness fills my heart today, when I found out that korm had passed away I knew the world would be a little less kind. Korm was an amazing person in the community and I will miss him greatly. The one thing korm always did was be an amazing and welcoming person no matter who you are. 

I will never forget the ark days my friend and they will never be the same without you. May you Rest In Peace, I will miss you. 

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Man I just can't believe this is happening... I knew him ever since he became the Chancellor and then came to CG to help us through rough times. The man was like a grandfather I would call him that when we talked to each other when I was on. Korm (Alex) always wanted us to stay positive and keep doing our best. He will never be forgotten in my memories and I hope his in a better place.

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Current: Game Master | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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 Korm was one of the most genuine, friendly, and welcoming people this community has ever seen. If there's a Heaven or a Valhalla he is most assuredly there. Since I heard earlier I have been trying, and failing, to process the news. Just the other day I was watching his stream and I can hear his voice so clearly right now in my mind. I've been thinking about way back when, my mom was sick and I wasn't doing well and Korm was one of the people who was comforting. Not much to say but I am going to miss him, and I know everyone in this community will too.

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When I heard this news I was hit harder than I ever thought.

I think back on the laughs, the arguements and the stupid shit we got heated about and wonder what happens in a world where good men like him die.

I hope you find peace Korm, I have no words that can describe how it feels to know I won't be able to drop in and reminence with you about something that happened in the community.

May you rest in peace and your example be carried by those you mentored.

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From the moment I came to Synergy he was one of the people that I looked up to. He set a great example as both a leader and a person and when I first heard the news I was completely speechless. I still am...

Rest well, Korm. Your presence on the server and indeed in the world as a whole will be dearly missed, but you will not be forgotten.


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This was out of nowhere and felt unreal to read. He was a soft spoken chill dude, gave me a chance with Null when he knew my activity wavered a lot in RC and was the best Kal the server had in my time. What a true lad fit for Valhalla. He's probably up in the mead hall singing with the boys as we speak.

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Former: Director for a bit, Omega Squad Niner for a bit, uhh other shit for a bit it's been a while I forgot :angy:

I was around a long time ago. Now I lurk


Purple Pride Worldwide

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I was never too great with words to be honest and especially in times like these, so I will try my best. Korm was what every leader aspired to be. He was calm, kind, compassionate, collected, and inspiring. He was an amazing person that has been taken from us all far too soon and I am deeply saddened by this news. Korm was a friend to many and went out of his way to help people feel welcomed and encouraged people to do their best every day. If there is an afterlife out there, he better be at the top of the list of good lads in there. Thank you for all the laughs, advice, and great times korm. Rest well and may the gates of Valhalla swing wide for you.

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My condolences to his family, Korm was the guy you already knew was going to be a leader. An individual that you could go up to him and he would help you in any way. I didn't have many interactions with him, but when we did hang out in the TS together, we would crack out laughing about the weirdest stuff on server. 

Rest easy my friend. 


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Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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Man....when I saw the message in the staff discord...I immediately knew others needed to know about this. Korm was one of a kind. I won’t go repeating what many have said about him, but instead give what I thought of him. Korm was the kinda of man you ALWAYS wanted around. The kind of man who you can dump your personal problems onto, and he’d listen. Not in one ear and out the other. ACTUALLY listen. I’ve had many interactions with Korm. When he was Chancellor, I was Colonel Judge,  Commander Doc, Executive Officer Thorn, Sergeant Centurion, the list goes on. But one thing will always be labeled in my heart is what he said to me through PM’s when I got Fox. “Hey Cent, just wanted to say Congratulations on becoming Fox. I’ve seen you grow from a little CG that didn’t know his baton from his blaster. To a Commander that leads by example. During my time as Palpatine I had a blast interacting with you and seeing you lead and inspire your men, and I gotta say bro you’ve earned this spot.” He didn’t have to message me that. He could’ve just said something simple like, “Congratulations.” But he didn’t. He gave me words that still touch my heart to this day reading it. But after hearing this news today, it brought a slight sting. As Egg stated Korm is a leader to aspire to be. And I’m gonna take him up on that. All of you....aspire to be like this great man. o7 Korm. You’ll always be my Chancellor. 

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Was a Fox I guess. Just an old Synergy vet.
Explore roman centurian GIFs

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Korm was a great old guy that I looked up to for around fuck almost a year when I was in SOBDE.  I knew him as my Kal'buir for a while and he was always someone I could look up to as a leader and although we were not close I would consider him a friend.  He was a kind and compassionate man that would always tease me and the younger ones in the community but it was all fun and games.  RIP Korm you will be missed.

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  • Retired Founder

For the first time in a long time, I find myself fighting back tears writing this post.

Korm was one of the most influential people within this community and was what a lot of us aspired to be. He was always a positive person, no matter how much hardship he was always going through and always pushed through to apply his all to everything he did. He was not only a friend of the community, but to a lot of us a member of our little digital family and touched the heats of so many of us and inspired us all to be better than we were, no matter the circumstance and was always there to support us through anything.

I still can't believe he is gone.I know he's up there in Valhalla having his first meal in the great halls, something he would always joke about.

Love and miss you buddy.

Gone too soon but never forgotten.

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Holy shit, this one hurts so bad. I just found out about this while I was driving to work. Korm was one of the most down to earth people and was amazing to talk to and play video games with. I’m not sure people understand that this isn’t just a video game but it’s a community. I can’t imagine what his family is going through because I’m in literal tears. I cannot believe this happened it just doesn’t feel real.

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We didn't talk a lot as much as I wanted to, but it was really great working with him in 104th as the only two active Jedi for a long while. This hurts me. Rest peacefully in Valhalla, Korm

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Former: Rancor PVT | Special Operations SGM | Jedi Astromech | Guardian | B2 Battle Droid

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Korm was like a compassionate father to a lot of us, he was kind and caring. It really hurts to see that he is gone now and I can only offer best wishes to his family. I wish I had talked to him more, and I regret not taking the chances to get to know him better. It really sucks losing those people you had wished you knew better.

I'll miss you Korm, I can still hear your calm voice clear as day, I won't forget you ever.

Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum

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Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore - "Pressure makes diamonds, Ease makes decay"

2 time Rancor BCMD, 3 time Commander Havoc

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I was never really good with words, when it came to these posts, but Korm was an awesome guy. He did a lot for the server, and always wanted the best for SOBDE, and whenever I needed something as Reg, Korm would always be there giving me a hand. He did so much for us all, and It saddens me to see him go. Korm I hope you do well, and enjoy Heaven with the greats.




Edited by Pythin
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Former: Liaison


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I’m not the greatest with wording or writing these. 

I’m not even gon lie, when I first got word of Korm’s passing I really didn’t wanna believe it. It was mainly because I didn’t want too, Korm was one of the most genuine people I’ve meant on the server and I’m glad I was able to meet honestly. If I’m honest right now, I’m more sad then usual. Never really thought I’d be like this, I really didn’t want to believe he was gone. 

Fly high man. We all love and miss you. 

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Man this was not what I expected to wake up to.

Korm was one of the few people I’ve met that didn’t hate anyone and was nice to everyone. He wasn’t always the best at what he did, but he cared about everyone and put them first and I have yet to meet anyone who disliked him.

Gone way too fucking soon man.


Edited by Mitchell
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I really thought it was a joke when I first heard. Korm was incredibly kind to me and welcoming to SO BDE. I'll miss him a whole lot. He was truly a legend. To the core he was kind and caring, hardworking and dedicated, inclusive and welcoming, and more.

He will be missed and truly has a special place in my heart. Praying for his family.


Also, I just want to say thank you for everyone on the GoFundMe. We've raised 4000 dollars already. It's awesome what can be done

Edited by Eclipse
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Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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I didn't know Korm well at all, only heard some stuff about him. He seemed like a nice fellow, always kind and treats others the way he wants to be treated with respect, and creates these amazing events and dupes for the server. I wished I had the chance to get to know him. Rest In Piece, Korm, and o7. "

crisp salutes with respect" 

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Korm you will always be my chancellor palpy. May you rest in easy in Valhalla. You and I never really talked but when we did You and I got along very very well. It’s a shame I didn’t have the chance to talk more to you and become closer friends. Reading this post gave me a few tears. May you Rest In Peace Korm

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I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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Big 07...

 I never really got to know Korm well personally, but, he's always been a Madlad in my eyes. When I came here, after my first Server got ran into the ground, I had only been Frontline, Particularly 212th. At this point, my only experience with SOBDE, is that they were the Assholes who figured themselves special, because the only SOBDE I had experienced at this point, shouldn't be considered SOBDE. On my First Server, and the Server's that spawned from it, SOBDE had just been a Friend Group of High Staff, for when they wanted to mess about. 

This Server, showed me how good SOBDE can be, and Korm had a massive hand in that. I started in Rancor, It was strange being in something that wasn't 212th, but, after what I had gone through on my first Server, I needed something fresh. While Rancor isn't SOBDE, It's the closest thing to it, and we got to work with them on Occasion. These Missions were some of my Favorite, because it wasn't about a Pissing Contest, nor did it feel like we needed to be handheld. 

No Mission, showed this better in my eyes, than an Order 66 Event, that spiraled into an Order 67. It started with some ARCs, asking if they could have their chips out, and ended up turning into, those who wanted their chips out, could defend Kamino. I had briefly returned at this rate, and, being able to work alongside SOBDE, The best ARC's I know, and the best Leaders I know, on an All out Defense of Kamino, where we managed to kick some Salty Ass, causing Order 67.  While SOBDE Stole the show in the 67 Part, with most of us Crashing, only to return to find out they already killed Palpy, who could blame them?

I wish I knew Korm better, I wish I got to see him in missions more, and I really wish we could all see more of him, but we're going to be seeing the effects of the work he put into this Server till it bites the Dust. 


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o7 Korm, I know you’d talk to me about your own medical issues but I never thought it would lead to this. For what it’s worth he was the best damn Sno Koon 104th could’ve had. I miss you man, you’ll be missed by everyone. Gone but not forgotten. This year has been nothing but bad shit happening to good people. It needs to end... when will it end? o7 brother, I’ll see you eventually.

Edited by Deku
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Full-time Server Boomer



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Sadly I never got the time to know you more personally, but I wish I had. Rest easy now brother o7

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Current: Dumbass, Omega 15 CPL Fi (Again...)

Former: 501st ARFL LTC Boomer, 104th WP HVYL COL Sinker, Doom's Unit MEDL 1stLT Kortnul, 212th Ghost Company ARCL CPT Reed, Omega 15 CPT Fi, Omega 22 SGM Atin , Omega 09 CPT Niner , Veteran Admin x2

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I just received the news.

Sat here for 20 minutes in disbelief that Korm would be gone just like that - as he always was with the community and did his best to improve it.

My stomach is sick.


I knew Korm from the beginning of Synergy. He was one of the OG Nulls to me (and a lot of us). I still have pictures of the NULL drill training events he had for the server, some of the most memorable (and toughest) events I've been in.


At the end of the drills, he'd gather us in this room and give his feedback on every battalion's performance. He wanted us to get better and improve as a server with our combat/leadership skills.

Korm gave a lot to the community. Kindness, improvements, regulations, chances, content, intel, and more. Even throughout the years when the server was in a rough spot and everyone had the attitude of "Synergy is dying", this man would never utter those words. He would maintain his positive attitude and try to help EVERYONE to make the server a better place.

Despite his hardships in life, he got on to help the next player like it was his duty to serve this community. I can't fathom it.

Korm helped me with a ton of shit man. He helped me become a Sentinel Manager for the Jedi Order. He helped me when I became the 1st 212th Gregor, when SOBDE and 212th were at each others' necks. He helped me and 212th create/run Foxtrot tryouts. He helped me with a lot of roleplay on the server and the events.

My most recent memories with Korm was before I left, I was with 104th and we worked together with Jedi and CG to help out those guys and focus on just making the server fun. We realized in amidst of 2020 - with the pandemic and life problems, we should be the guys to make the server a place people can forget their problems and have fun. We talked about our interest in the Mandalorian show on Discord and in TS. We spoke about life vaguely with the sense of just having a good time, knowing anything can happen.

And sure thing, anything can happen.

It was an honor Korm, I was lucky to know you. You've given more to the server than anyone can ever know. Few knew your resolve, fewer knew your pain. I reassure myself with this sadness that you are now free of these worldly pains. Good fortune and pride onto your soul as you enter heavens, Vahalla, and whatever higher being place on your surefire path.

To anyone one else reading this, take advantage of Korm's beautiful life to realize anything can happen. And that while the person may be gone, they will never truly be gone - as to be truly gone is to be forgotten. As long as you hold a place in your heart and mind for them, they will always be with you.

Spartans never die. Requiescat in pace. Carpe Diem. ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكَ‎‎


Aay'han: A bittersweet moment of mourning and joy. Like mourning the dead after winning a war.

Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum. I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.


Edited by Jagger
Adding in some words.
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"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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My first interaction with Korm was when I was in delta squad and he was palpatine we just sat there and talked for a good hour and more recently we had more of those type of conversations when he was a master. Korm was one of the most humble people I’ve ever met on this server and it really breaks my heart hearing about this, you’ll always be missed! o7

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 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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This year has been tough, really tough. And it sucks so much. I wish I knew Korm as much as most people did but I knew he was a genuine good person who really cared for this community and wanted to help to his best ability. Every time I had a chance to speak to Korm I would to get advice and pick his brain when I was in the Navy needing help to figure out a issue. Or in the Jedi Order, he would ask me if he was doing well to get Master and well, he got Master. I was glad to work side by side with him when it came with RP to fixing issues in the Jedi Order he would always be a helpful and great presence. He was always such a approachable person and I'm super glad to have met him. My condolences to his family

Rest In Peace In Valhalla Friend...


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Just Finished a Trilogy Marathon so here are some Lord of the Rings  Reaction Gifs - Album on Imgur

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when i heard the news about this yesterday, i was devastated. 

Korm was always kind hearted and was a legend to the community and I’m sure he was the same to his family and irl friends. 

My thoughts go to the friends and family of his. 

Rest in Peace, Korm. See you on the other side.

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Very horrible news to receive, Korm was one of the biggest names in the community, especially amongst the SOBDE, and his loss will be a major hole. He was an excellent guy and he put a lot of time into the server and was loved by many. I don't think I talked to him much but I know he was a great guy, and may he Rest in Peace.

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Korm was a great guy, this just shocked me. One of my most fond memories with korm was when the entire 41st kidnapped him as palpatine on anaxes. He will be missed. o7

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- Your Local Headass, Bruise.

Former: Jedi Master,  BCMD Gree , Recon RCMD Head Admin , GMM, Adi GalliaCommander Faie X2, Cooker

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I talked to Korm a decent amount during the ark times, He was a super funny down to earth positive guy. This actually saddens me to hear this and even thought I personally didn't talk to Korm on a daily basis, I can say I will miss this man and offer my condolences to his closer friends and his family. 

Fly high buddy, You will be missed. Rest in peace you cheerful soul. 

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Hearing about Korms passing broke my heart and brought me to tears. 
I hadn't spoke to him for a while but it made me think back to all my memories of him. All that time in HC where I worked with him almost on a dailiy basis. All those talks and times we messed around instead of doing something productive. Some of my fondest memories on the server. He was a mentor of sorts, taught me alot in HC and made want to follow in his footsteps. He poured his heart into his work and it showed. 

I remember last time I spoke to him, he was checking up on Null and asked me to take care of the squad. It truely showed how much he cared about the community and speaks of what kind of a person he was. 

I miss you Alex, I really do. We all do. This community will never forget you.
Rest in peace, Your Excellency.

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 Papa Kal

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GM Leadership

Its taken me some time to get a way to say how I feel about this. Korm has always been a father figure to the Members of SOBDE and that of the server. I called you a friend Brother. You will always be remembered. 

Stay well in Valhalla Brother. 

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I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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I cant believe the news today... Honestly this notification left me speechless.
Korm was one of the most helpful and wisest individuals that I've met and interacted throughout my time in the server.
He would always provided great advise  on my how to tackle my problems, I hope he rest well, Rest in Piece my friend,
Thank you for all your words of wisdom.

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I saw the message and thought he was leaving the community, then I read it, my heart is broken at this news, korm was one of always a chill attitude, he never tried to pick fights or start drama, he was a great person, maybe the best, he was a true G and friend, im sorry for his passing 

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I don't have much to say that hasn't already been said. I knew Korm since when he joined the server in October 2017, he quickly rose through the ranks in 104th up to him being one of my Captains when I was Wolffe and I saw him off as he decided to try out something new (which was Null). 

Korm was the most friendly and compassionate person I've ever met on the internet, I don't think I ever heard him get truly angry. He was always there for me when I needed advice or just someone to talk to, and now that he's gone I look back at the interactions we had and wish I could've done or said more. Now that he's gone I realise how much of an influence he actually had on me. 

Goodbye Korm, if you truly did go off to Valhalla just know that I will love and miss you always.


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When I first met Korm after my term as Neyo got cut short (was removed for more room on the server the 1st time) and brought into SOBDE he was easily approachable and friendly, if you had a question or wanted an extra opinion Korm was the person to go to. The time Korm put into the server knowing there wasn't a reward besides allowing others to have a fun time while trying his best to please everyone. Only thing I wish I could've done more of was talk to him, he was a level-headed person and was always available to talk... Korm, we all miss you and cherish the moments we had with you. Thank you...



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Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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o7 this mf had a constant prescense on this server for like 3 years. This man loved the server, it's sad to see him go. He was one of the first people that stood out to me when I joined the server, in 104th.

Rest in power Korm


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"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Guest Harry_Potter

May not be welcomed but heard the news, Never really gotten to talk to you until joining sobde and you were a really laid back guy who was there to help and having late night talks and game nights were fun. He gave up his free time to help others trying to achieve their goals without asking things in return. May the afterlife treat him well o7.

Love, Regional <3

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As if this year couldn't get shittier.

Korn acted like a father figure to many people and as many people said, made them feel welcomed. 

In SOBDE I can attest to that as I never felt welcomed but he always Included me and made me feel like the rest. 

May he rest in peace.

a very sad o7.


Edited by Lix
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Korm gave me my first chance at Null in early 2018...He guided me through most of my SO BDE experience as Kal.


I was literally talking with him the day before when he was streaming and it was so nice to hear his voice again...


o7 Korm. May you rest in peace with the gods in Valhalla. spacer.png

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Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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I don't even know how to take this, I don't play the server much anymore. Anytime I did korms face was still on the server. I remember I didn't like him when cipher brought him in b/c I thought he got favortized in, however he was one of the only legit people to pass during ciphers term. It took me a while to realize that, and I regret that. Dude was a chill dude to always talk to, if you ever felt down he would just help ease the air by being there. He actively made sure everyone was having a good day in my opinion. Honestly synergy won't be the same for me when I pop in and out anymore,  Korms impact on the server was massive.

Korn you will be missed o7, the memories you created with everyone will be remembered for a long time even if this is just gmod, thats just the effect Korm's personality had.

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…Heard the news a couple of hours after the tragedy was known within the community. Absolute speechless. Korm was an absolute ball to play and communicate with during my leisure. I served under Korm while he was Regimental Commander for Special Operations Brigade and his Ordo when he was Kal. I was also his Kal, so I had developed many fond memories with him. I am truly sad and hope for the best wishes to his family, friends, and anyone who knew him. Korm was the heart and soul of Special Operations Brigade. Everyone knew Korm. Hell, I don't even think anyone had a problem with Korm. Korm was just an overall nice individual, easy to get along with, and a down-to-earth type of guy. 

My condolences to Korm's family and his friends, 

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oh my god.... too many people have gone and holy shit this hurts...bad like really really bad. He was a great person and an influential person to this community. He will never be forgotten and will always be with us in our hearts and minds always. 

o7 Korm.... You wont be forgotten my friend. 

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o7 :( Korm was one of the best people on this server. :( May he rest in peace. 

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What a great loss. I knew korm had health problems, but he never really explained it well. It was the person he was not to put the burden onto others carrying it himself. 

I can't say I knew the man well I dont many of us can truly say that.  I knew of him and spoke to him quite a bit as a director, always calm and laid back RIP Alex.

I hope he passed peacefully surrounded by family.  

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Damn. Korm was such a great guy, a great leader, and great friend. He was always doing the absolute most for whatever he was involved in. He will be dearly missed. His memory will live long. 


I only hope you rest easy Korm, as death never is. But you at least deserve that. 

Edited by Peace
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