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Egg last won the day on March 31

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  • THE Big Nate Brown

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  1. Egg


    That really sucks, I had 2 uncrustables (grape of course) and a v8 energy juice drink this morning for my breakfast
  2. Gamer is either a masochist, psycho, or maybe just LOVES Garry's Mod for that
  3. Homie really had that dog in him but those dogs gotta rest eventually. I know we had many differences and maybe weren't on fantastic terms, but I gotta respect the stuff you did and all the effort you put into everything. Good luck out there in the big bad world fellow gamer, I truly wish you all the best @Brooklyn.
  4. Egg


    Personally, I am a coke enjoyer, but also, semi flat soda is absolutely delicious
  5. Egg


    Hello once again friends! This morning at work, my coworker brings us donuts at our office before we all head out to work for the day, so for breakfast, I had a plain glazed donut. What did you all have?
  6. Egg


    Not warmed up, I ate them on my morning break, but then again I also prefer them just room temperature anyway. However, this morning, I will be having some oatmeal and waffles for breakfast, and I am very excited.
  7. Egg


    This morning, I had some delicious smores pop tarts and some fruit snacks
  8. Can't believe I missed it... Gl out there aussie gamer. Thanks for the memeries its been real.
  9. It seems that you miss the community and the people in it because you are insufferable and don't have anybody to move on to because nobody wants to be around you. You provided evidence to this yourself by "trolling" and spamming porn in places where literal children are, which is honestly the worst part. I know it can be brutal but this apology is half baked and you should stay gone. There is no place for you here in this community. -1 stay gone.
  10. Egg


    I had a four very tasty peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and a drinkable yogurt. They were all delicious.
  11. I am going to put my two sense in here because I received a ping and I may have some experience here. The battalion voices and votes are to get you through the application process. That is where their voices are heard and that is where they can help you to convince others to support you and your visions and ideas for the future of the battalion. The High Command gamers have a vote on entirely different criteria than just liking you, such as how most of the battalion votes. Additionally, there would need to be some sort of battalion representative in the high command voting chats to ensure things go smoothly and are voiced properly. Secondly, the subject of the voting is also primarily on your interview and how you're able to handle and prepare for that, which is supposed to be a pretty protected process. Basically what I am trying to say is that the reasons only high command votes are because they are promoting you to a leadership and role model position for a large part of the server and a rank with power and pull around the server, battalion, and forums, so the promotion effects much more than just that one battalion whose votes are being tallied. High command may act like a bunch of apes sometimes, but generally they're able to handle themselves pretty well and think pretty objectively. I know that's a lot of words and most people are probably not gonna read them, so I will give a TLDR: Battalion votes and support are for getting you through the application process and to the interview. After the apps, it's all on you to convince high command in the interview and actions in game and as a leader to prove that you're not going to be out there eating glue and licking windows.
  12. Egg


    I had a delicious helping of pop tart. Thank you all for reading. What did everyone else have?
  13. Overall, it's a pretty understandable changes that will in the long run probably be for the best with a minor tweak here and there after everyone adjusts. XO was cringe, always was, and always will be, and that's a hill that I will die on. Anyways, good luck everybody, and an obligatory before things get real autistically spicy. On another note, I will be chilling out eating my popcorn and may God be with you to those moderating this thread.
  14. Egg


    As many may have seen in previous posts, I have maintained a steady diet over the years. This should be evident when I say that I once again had pop tarts for breakfast. Anyways, Have a good rest of your evening friends.
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