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Retired Founder
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Everything posted by Joah

  1. Battalion buffs were the reason the server was so popular in the first place. People liked feeling like a special snowflake because of being (x) unit. I for one enjoyed the battalion buffs and felt like they made things more fluid. 501st on top bby. For anyone that was around for my Rex term, you an OG. 62 members online at once ;_; in the 501st alone. +1, I don't play but this is a good idea @Conrad
  2. Nah bro, I quit eatin bad, I'm getting into power lifting and shit. Hope you're doing well.
  3. @Freck@Taz@Chop https://gyazo.com/630a75e56d15da43156ef8071c2c60d7 https://gyazo.com/2aa6565792ef47d86e2074c4ff2e7666 You can make a new meme bro. Call it the Grinder post.
  4. Nah but for real, you guys doin good. Glad to see the community still pumpin.
  5. I can sympathize with the getting banned on league :*( 29 banned accounts and counting.
  6. That is the worst PNG ever
  7. Hope you all are doing well, <3 Love you boys. If the video was not enough, the title is a prank. Ya boy just memin.
  8. You were a huge headache back then bro. Literally beyond annoying with issues. I hope shit has changed. Not voting on the matter. Egg kind of a goat.
  9. Korm helped with our ARK server and was a dear friend to me. I genuinely am heart torn. He was one of the nicest individuals I think I ever had the pleasure of speaking to. It was an honor knowing him. My love and hopes go to his family and friends. https://gyazo.com/1dabac8ca94276e69cc79df8f0c66bda
  10. @Jayarr Fair points, I made some new points that clarified what you said in regards to this.
  11. I sincerely dont disagree with the issues at all, I just don't see anyone attempting or even somewhat interested in working together on a solution. It's a community effort not a high staff reliance. Agreeing with a post and doing something about it as a community is entirely different.
  12. At the end of the day a solution post would be epic.
  13. Sounds like a lot of issues and no solutions. (The typical issue of these posts) The only solution in this post is regarding perma-weapons. Hiring a dev team resulted in perm bans, probably not a good idea. (Already tried this, the user of this post should be aware of what I mean by this.) This endless cycle of complaining and being happy will never cease on garrys mod. At the end of the day, I see consistent events on the event server whenever I seem to open GameTracker. So I don't understand the lack of events, when I see the event server constantly in use. https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Check the past 7 days. As of the quality, I don't know. People have lives outside of gmod.
  14. Regional will [NEVER] be unbanned. This will never be discussed, it will never be a possibility. That kid is a toxic fume that can float to a different server. Abuse of Credit System, Staff Disrespect, Mass RDM of a debrief, constant OOC disrespect towards players. This. List. Goes. On. No, Nope, Nu-uh, N-E-V-E-R.
  15. @Carvis Said it perfectly. I'd also like to clarify, this is not the only issue we've had with this particular individual in the past. Jackson, Myself, the founders as a whole have had issues about Doc brought up multiple times. Doc was given an opportunity to speak like an adult then. Instead we were greeted with someone else to speak for him and an immediate attitude issue from Doc himself. (When you're given the opportunity to speak to the owners thats your time to speak up and talk like a human being) If you wish to remain silent and give a negative attitude, you're not going to go far. Again (I am not making a decision on this period) AKA. Doc I'm giving you a chance through other staff members decision. (Directors +) I have not even spoken to them in regards to this issue. They are able to make their own decision on this. The fate of his ban rests in their hands. My opinion of Doc is severely biased. I'd immediately vote no. I've had multiple issues (Personally) with doc in the past. A lot of behind the scenes shit and public. My opinion is extremely negative of Doc, and I feel my vote would be emotionally pressed and not logically. Good luck on your appeal.
  16. My two cents on this. Doc was incredibly ignorant during the entire situation, and allowed someone else to do the talking for him. When confronted, we got silence, and half assed attitude. I do remember exactly what Square is referring to. I'm not putting my hand in this decision, my answer is obvious. I'll allow a more mature audience to decide it. :)
  17. The original map was DMCA'd I can only imagine how fast this will be once it becomes public knowledge from the person who DMCA'd this map in the first place.
  18. I think Zim said it perfectly. Zim wasn't here for Havoc Squad. I did infact say players would be upset if we removed Havoc Squad " Specifically DU" So uh, yeah. No, I'm not removing Havoc Squad. Love you DU. And uh yes everything Zim said is factually correct.
  19. @BigBoss You're a retard, but I love you. Good luck lad. Take care <3
  20. @Rohan Ah, someone of my generation when I was rex +1 Rex approved.
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