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Freck's Palpatine Application


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Steam Name: Synr.gg | Freck

RP Name: Admiral Wullf Yularen | TRO Special Forces Advisor Iri Camas | MoH TRO 
501st MED SGT Freck

RP Rank: Admiral of the Navy | Jedi Master | SGT

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:190610964

I have gained a lot of experience in many positions such as:
- Shadow Company BCMD Blackout - Synergy’s first Blackout, who built Shadow Company from the ground up with the guidance from Max and the hard work from Bbstine, Ryx, and Vanhorn (Nerf Blaster).
- RC Delta Squad Scorch
- Null Squad Kom'rk 
- Jedi General Eeth Koth
- Jedi General Keelyvine Reus
- Sentinel Lead
- Jedi General Anakin Skywalker
- 501st TC REGL Commander Ridge
- Jedi Sentinel Gatekeeper (Current)
- Jedi Master / Special Forces Advisor Iri Camas (Current)
The experience I gained from these positions built me as an individual to help me pursue the following which I deem to be the most important:

Admiral Yularen (3 terms) - Vice Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin (Twice) - Quartermaster Lead
I was in Naval before I departed from the server for around 8 months. After getting into Naval for the second time, following an unjustified removal (I wasn’t logged on the docs), I ventured into what would become the main journey of my CWRP experience.Firstly, I single handedly built the Quartermaster branch from being perceived as “useless” to becoming one of the key pillars of Naval. This wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for my dedication to Naval combined with my reliable activity, as well as my strong leadership and confidence in my own ability. I strode through the ranks under multiple admirals, these being Reptilia, Forseen, Baller and finally Squeaks. Squeaks granted me the opportunity to be her Vice Admiral and successor, in which I gratefully accepted. My two terms as Admiral taught me many things, such as how to adapt to the constantly changing player base and how to remain consistent with my methods of approaching situations, I feel as if these qualities are both necessary when running for a position of such high calibre. My journey in Naval did come to an unfortunate end, however since returning I have reignited my love for Naval and the journey must continue, onwards and upwards.
Since returning to the server, I have been on a mission to “Make Naval Great Again”. My hard work over these two months has made me realise my love for the roleplay. I believe that I have changed Naval for the better, and I have created a structure that will help the future Admirals to develop the fleet.
CWRP Director & Trainer Director
My journey through the staff team and the trainer program taught me a lot, I was faced with many challenges along the way and ultimately made decisions that would not just impact the player base at the time but future generations of players. This has taught me the importance of my actions and the effect that it can have on not just a few individuals but the community as a whole. My love for the Trainer Program came to me quite early on in my staffing days, as a New Admin I would spend hours awaiting new cadets, sometimes training upto 15+ people a day. This alone demonstrates how I am willing to dedicate myself to a cause and help others within my community no matter what it takes. 
My promotion to Director of CWRP alongside Square was by far one of my biggest achievements, being just aged 14, I was Synergy Roleplay’s youngest Director. Sadly real life came first and despite my best efforts to stay, I left when it was necessary.

Game Master Chief
I was assigned Game Master Chief alongside the other Head Admins at the time in 2018. We revamped the branch and made it into something worth being a part of. My time as GMC was short due to the eventual promotion to CWRP Director, but I balanced TRD & GMC alongside Yularen, showing that I can easily manage my time between positions.

Why should you become Chancellor?: There are multiple reasons as to why I should be granted the position of Chancellor. I am a current member of the community that has shown an immense amount of dedication & determination into improving the roleplay.

I believe that I am the best candidate to reestablish the position of Supreme Chancellor alongside the senate because I have first-hand experience when it comes to establishing a new unit and restoring something to its former glory, a few examples of this being Shadow Company and Naval.I am a prominent leader and a former member of High Command, who has witnessed a multitude situations and have dealt with them through communication and with maturity.

Dedication - My extensive and unwavering dedication to Synergy Roleplay has brought me to many amazing positions and has given me many memories that I will never forget. I will remain dedicated to helping the community with anything and everything. I promised myself upon my return that I would promote the roleplay as much as I can, with this being said my dedication to the roleplay can only expand if I move up to the highest office.

Leadership - From my experiences within the server, my leadership has rewarded me with many things, such as Admiral, CWRP Director, Trainer Director, Game Master Chief and Medal of Honor. I believe that I am a leader that can be respected because I am fair but strict when I need to be. I think before I act, which is key for a leader when making tough decisions. Additionally, as a leader I involve as many people as I can, I believe that discussion leads to positive outcomes. As Supreme Chancellor I will remain a strong, dedicated, cooperative leader.

Activity - My activity since returning has been unprecedented compared to the current standards set. I have ensured that players across all timezones have interacted with me. With this being said my activity has led to Naval being more active, and has given me the opportunities to become a Veteran Administrator, alongside TRO, GM and Jedi Master.

Confidence - I am confident in my capabilities of being a leader of large organisations. I am able to use my confidence to inspire others to assist me in creating and maintaining the best possible outcomes. I have confidence in what I believe in, and as Supreme Chancellor confidence is imperative to success.

Honesty - I am not afraid to express my views on controversial topics, as I believe honesty is the only way to create trust between one and his colleagues. Honesty within a team strengthens bonds and allows us as a community to move in a more positive direction. I believe that being honest will allow people to fully develop themselves and improve upon previous mistakes.

Maturity - Despite being only 16, I believe myself to be incredibly mature. I was assigned to the position of Admiral Yularen and Director at age 14, I have managed the Navy and Staff for quite a long period of time, alongside many other units within the server. I am able to combat any situation with a mature manner without losing my sense of humour or ability to enjoy the game.

Do you understand the lore of the Republic Military?: Indeed I do. 

Monday - 1PM GMT - 10:30PM GMT
Tuesday - 1PM GMT - 10:30PM GMT
Wednesday - 1PM GMT - 10:30PM GMT
Thursday - 1PM GMT - 10:30PM GMT
Friday - 1PM - 1AM GMT
Weekends - All Day (Unless something pops up)
These times may be extended due to the current coronavirus situation and schools being closed.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: 
- CWRP Director 
- Trainer Director
- Game Master Chief
- Shadow Company BCMD Blackout
- Admiral Yularen - Three terms
- Vice Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin
- Quartermaster Lead
- RC Delta Squad Scorch
- Null Squad Kom'rk 
- Jedi General Eeth Koth
- Jedi General Keelyvine Reus
- Sentinel Lead
- Jedi General Anakin Skywalker
- 501st TC REGL Commander Ridge
Upon returning I have already achieved the following:
- Jedi Sentinel Gatekeeper
- Jedi Master / Special Forces Advisor Iri Camas 
- Veteran Administrator
- Staff of the Week x1
- Trainer Officer
- Game Master
- Medal of Honor (Granted recently)
- Admiral of the Navy, Wullf Yularen
- Reviving Naval to its former glory, and ridding it of the “event job” status.

What do you feel the role of the Chancellor is?
As Supreme Chancellor, I would be the overseer of all of the 4 branches of the server, these being:
- Clone Army
- Jedi Order
- Republic Navy
- Bounty Hunters
Alongside being directly in charge of the senate and the way in which it operates.
As Supreme Chancellor I will be tasked with RP oriented issues and will be entrusted with fixing player based affairs regarding their division. 
I as Supreme Chancellor will be responsible for creating and maintaining a non-toxic environment which welcomes and endorses new and old players alike. 
I will be in charge of the senate and responsible for enforcing high standards in filling the positions.
I will be allowed to sit in on all meetings for the 4 branches, including the High Council meeting and present advice/ideas on issues that concern the many.
As Chancellor I will be expected to run all High Command meetings and conduct the interviews for Yoda and Marshal Commander.
I will also have the authority to remove any applicable position, and MUST be in every discord.

Do you have a microphone?: Indeed.

Where do you want the Republic Military to be at the end of your term?:
I wish for the Republic Military to be more of  a prominent figure within the roleplay and members showing further dedication to their specific units. I want the Republic Military to have active leaders that are committed to their positions, aligning themselves as role models for not only their own battalions but the server as a whole. I wish for the G.A.R to act as a well-oiled machine, functioning on it’s own rather than depending on the actions of specific individuals. I wish for the Republic Military to actively demonstrate improved respect and responsibility, this includes Jedi, Bounty Hunters and Naval.
I want to ensure that every unit has the best possible candidate for their leader, holding each to a high standard, to guarantee that units are in the best hands possible.
I want to create a new system that promotes roleplay, this being through senators. I wish to construct more passive role play through the use of a brand new senate program, which will have active and devoted members. 
My time as Palpatine will lay down foundations for future prospects to build upon and further ameliorate the G.A.R. 

How do you plan to change the Republic Military under your command?:
I desire to work closely with the Marshal Commander to guarantee that there will be a positive impact on the Republic Military. 
I wish to implement a stricter senator system, that is centred around promoting roleplay which remains entertaining but also held to a high standard. A system which will require candidates to present their roleplay abilities alongside their ability to negotiate and perform diplomatic services.My idea for gaining members of the senate is application based which leads to an interview process involving roleplay scenarios. This allows candidates to present their abilities so I can make sure that I am choosing the best individuals for the positions. My aim is to fill all senator positions before assigning a Mas Amedda.
I will work alongside the leaders of the cabinet to ensure that Bounty Hunters are utilised as much as possible, allowing the roleplay to increase and ensuring that Bounty Hunters do not feel excluded and discriminated against.
For the Jedi, I aim to encourage the council to stick by decisions that will benefit the order as a whole. I wish to increase relations within the order but also to increase relations between the order and the other three branches. As Palpatine I will remain an impartial voter when it comes to the council meetings but will also offer ideas as an advisor so that all decisions are what’s best for the order.
For the Navy, I intend to continue assisting with promoting roleplay and gaining recruits, however taking a step back for the next generation to blossom and make Naval their own aspect of perfection. 
I aim to implement weekly competitions between regiments to keep troopers occupied when events are not occurring, and stay in contact with all BCMD+ to ensure things run smoothly and effectively.
Overall, I intend to strive for excellence within all applicable positions. I will work closely with everyone to make certain that we as a community can enhance the roleplay and make our server more desirable for new and aspiring players.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Indeed

Do you understand that your position has a three month term and you may only serve two terms maximum?: Indeed.

Edited by Freck
  • Winner 1


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Forum Admin

+1, I think he is experienced enough for the position and will suit it well. A-TEAM!

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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+1 This man has shown the utmost dedication to Naval and has essential revived it from the chopping block. As my Operations Brother I have full faith in him as Palpatine to get it all done. I'll look forward to guarding you in the little time I have left as Fox.

Was a Fox I guess. Just an old Synergy vet.
Explore roman centurian GIFs

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+1 but I only have one question. How would you balance this along with being ziti Camas, TRO, GM, and other things? Not saying you can’t, but would just like to know Your thought process?

Former: Liaison


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Smh didn't list covert ops.... covert ops machine goes ZzZzZzZzZzZ

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4 minutes ago, Square said:

Smh didn't list covert ops.... covert ops machine goes ZzZzZzZzZzZ

Hey man everyone bags on it but it worked it was just cause the models were ugly

but +1 Ive known freck for a good while every position he has been in he has fucking worked his ass off

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7 minutes ago, Pythin said:

+1 but I only have one question. How would you balance this along with being ziti Camas, TRO, GM, and other things? Not saying you can’t, but would just like to know Your thought process?

TRO + GM Work shouldn't be an issue, personally I've been able to balance this kind of stuff a lot before. 

Should I gain this position I will step down from Iri Camas, however managing my position of master shouldn't be an issue either. 


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Your approach to Senators is the exact same as in the past, when it was dead, you want people who can roleplay and that kind of stuff which is great but I fear it will end up dead.

And your point about " desire to work closely with the Marshal Commander to guarantee that there will be a positive impact on the Republic Military. " How are you actually going to do that, because I feel like all the other Palpatines in the past had said the exact same thing and nothing came out of it.

Although you do have a lot of experience, I dont think you are taking the right approach to being Palpatine and reviving the Senate.

You also speak of Bounty Hunters and Jedi and how you will have them be more invovled with the rest of the server. You dont say why, for Jedi you say you will come with ideas but you don't state a single idea that could help with this.

Overall, you bring on exactly the same points the last palpatine did and you dont elaborate on them. I dont believe that the stuff you are trying to accomplish will help the server all that much. You dont really bring new ideas you just come back with old ones. I think the Palpatine position needs some change and I dont believe that you will bring that. Even tho you are overly qualified for the position, this is still how I see things currently.

Now the reason I'm going neutral is because you have done a very good job with Naval and if you can do the same with Senate you could be great.


(Update 06/20/2020): +1 - He explained a lot of stuff in his recent post which I completely agree with.

Edited by Life-
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+1, He is honestly one of the perfect choices for this position. He has shown he can bring a branch back to thriving, his hard work, dedication, and determination has shown time after time his high quality leadership and I feel he can continue this in the position.

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 next Palpatine and HA

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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3 hours ago, Titanium_Satan said:

+1 been doing good with Naval and reviving it. Has held many positions despite him being at such a young age. Best person for the job.

young lol, man is 16 now. this boy grew up on this server, through the best and the worst 

and with that i will be +1 because I know Freck will do everything in his power and this man has the will to do what needs to be done

like the real palpy did

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Head Admin

+1, you got your shit ready.

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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+1 I don't think you could fuck that role up so yeah you will do good

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Veteran Admin

+1 Great guy hard working

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@Freck how about we implement ARC Senators?



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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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I am going to be completely honest, I don't see any of the other applicants qualifying for this position more than Freck. This man has revived Naval where most failed and almost turned it back to it's former glory. He has already shown that he's a incredibly dedicated, experienced and professional individual. I believe that Freck will do great things in the position of Palpatine and I think he will bring great feedback and improvements towards the server.


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+1 this big man actually came to me and asked my opinions on the server and what he should do as palpy. And as i said to him freck is a great leader as he doesn't just think about he would want the battalion ect to run but how it would benefit future people in his position instead. Also he puts on a 10/10 trap voice

  • Friendly 1

Hi I’m Pot

Current/Former: Child

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Thanks for the feedback, I'm going to go through your comment and answer any concerns in the hope that I clear things up.

17 hours ago, Life- said:

Your approach to Senators is the exact same as in the past, when it was dead, you want people who can roleplay and that kind of stuff which is great but I fear it will end up dead.

My approach to Senators will be slightly different to the way it has been approached previously. Yes there will be an application, yes there will be an interview. This however is not the end of the process. I am incorporating both an interview/application process alongside an in-game roleplay analysis. Why? This will allow me to judge the candidates on the positions that they are applying for in many different aspects to ensure I get the BEST candidates. The people told me that they had an issue with 2 hour long tryouts, and I will stand by my statement that I do not intend to do that.


17 hours ago, Life- said:

And your point about " desire to work closely with the Marshal Commander to guarantee that there will be a positive impact on the Republic Military. " How are you actually going to do that, because I feel like all the other Palpatines in the past had said the exact same thing and nothing came out of it.

I'll go through one of my main ideas, and if you wish to contact me for more Ideas I am always available via Teamspeak and Discord.

- Simulations, based on teamwork and leadership. These will be weekly. I intend to have more battalions working with one another in order to create a more positive environment for the players. My main idea is "Regiment Wars".

"Regiment Wars" will be a battle of pride between the regiments. We will be claiming the event server and setting up battles between the regiments (I.E Attack vs Specialized). This will bring people together. Prizes will be given out for sole-survivor, alongside best tactician etc.

My key to success has always been communication, I will be staying in contact with the Marshal Commander in order to implement Ideas that they may have to benefit the community. Palpatine and the Marshal Commander should be working as a team. 

17 hours ago, Life- said:

You also speak of Bounty Hunters and Jedi and how you will have them be more involved with the rest of the server. You dont say why, for Jedi you say you will come with ideas but you don't state a single idea that could help with this.

For Bounty Hunters, I intend on having an official "permission slip" form for those that are permitted on base. This will be logged on a document that the relevant individuals can see. This should prevent confusion and allow more passive, friendly bounty hunters to enter our base. I will be speaking to the Cabinet Leader when I get the chance to clear things up with him.

For Jedi, I will be working alongside the Council to ensure that decisions are stuck to. I will also be working on ensuring that we see more of the named Jedi Generals (I.E. General Mundi, General Skywalker) leading their men alongside the BCMD. I have noticed a lack of respect for the Jedi, and I aim to fix this. My main aim on fixing relations between clones and Jedi is helping them work together, ironing out any issues that people have to guarantee that everyone is on the same page.

17 hours ago, Life- said:

Overall, you bring on exactly the same points the last palpatine did and you dont elaborate on them. I dont believe that the stuff you are trying to accomplish will help the server all that much. You dont really bring new ideas you just come back with old ones. I think the Palpatine position needs some change and I dont believe that you will bring that. Even tho you are overly qualified for the position, this is still how I see things currently.

I must say that many of these ideas that I have brought onto the application can be seen as "old". However I have had first-hand experience of these ideas working before, they have made the server a lot more entertaining for many people, and upon discussing my ideas with battalions many people also would like to see my ideas come to life.


Thank you for the feedback, I hope this clears a lot of things up.

  • Winner 3
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+1 based off experience alone he is qualified. With the plan of action he is, I am sure we will be in good hands. 

Just make sure you don't overcommit and burn out!

  • Friendly 1

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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+1 I want to -1 this is due to the fact that persoanally i think Naval needs you, Personally i think you've done the best with them since the previous Admirals, but then again i think you'll do good as Palpy

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Haven't played in ages, but that won't stop a homie from backin' up another homie.


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Speaking from experience as the current Vice Admiral, 

Freck does amazing work with taking something in a completely new direction. I believe he is more an qualified to become the first chancellor with the new system just from working with him in the Navy. Always willing to work with others, takes advice and listens, communicates plans to those above and even below. A fine fellow for this position. 

Major +1

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"A word from the Navy..."

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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