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Everything posted by Reborn

  1. +1 Mystic is an amazing person to work with who is extremely responsive to feedback and messages. Overall after working with him for a more than 4 or 5 months I think he's more than proven himself, Good luck king.
  2. It was a lot of fun glad we could participate in it!
  3. +1 Man good lick no one else I would rather see as palpy
  4. What would be different from the last time you have come back? This isn't the first time you have said this and never changed. If you're being truthful and want to come back and change I'm all for it just want something that can give me hope that you are changed.
  5. Steam Name: Reborn RP Name: Reborn RP Rank: Commander Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:13970381 Battalion you are applying for: CG Experience: 104th PVT-CPT (2020) 501st PVT-BCMD (2024) 332nd XO Jesse | TC Fives 501st REGL ATK RCMD CG SGT-CMD (Current) DSL Stone | DSXO Thorn Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: The reason I would like to become a BCMD is to ensure stability and success within CG. After my time in the ATK regiment, I didn't know where to go and what to do. I ended up in CG because of the amazing people who welcomed me to join. I found myself in a position where I got to meet new people who not only care for the battalion but for each other. I want to give back to the battalion and push myself and those around me to improve not only the battalion but each other. I tend to ensure that arrests are handled fairly and efficiently. I plan to, if I get the position, continue growing our relationships within the SPEC regiment and get CG a little more out there in terms of interacting and participating with our regiment. The previous Foxes have done great work in the battalion, and I would like to continue their work and build a CG legacy that lasts for months even after my time is finished with CG. Availability Every day, I work 40 hours a week so whenever I am not busy I'm on the server Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 3300 Hours Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: NCO Core NCOs in CG have many roles and responsibilities, including tryouts, hosting trainings, and educating new recruits. The NCO core has been a little lacking, and we are still working on promo requirements and getting our NCOs used to the changes. I plan on continuing to find the perfect balance from rank to rank to ensure that NCOs aren't stuck at one rank forever, as well as ensuring NCOs have a firm understanding of their responsibilities before moving up. The biggest problem we have had with the NCO core is burnout. Many feel as if their sole purpose in CG is to make arrests, and during minge-con, it can feel more like a chore than an enjoyable experience. My goal is to take the weight off of doing every arrest and make it more of a team effort, allowing NCOs to focus on ensuring the battalion as a whole is entertained and enjoys themselves. Officer Core The officer core is currently in a strange position. I feel as if the core is lost as to what each rank's responsibility is and what they are expected to do. We currently have an Officer training guide that is a bit outdated. I am reworking the ranks and ensuring that each rank holds a real purpose. When we conduct officer trainings, each officer knows exactly what is expected of them. One of the biggest problems is SGMs moving up to WO and how they are chosen. Currently, whenever an officer wants to nominate an SGM, they put it in the channel and then we vote. The main problem with this is not everyone who is put up for the position wants it, or sometimes when a vote happens, the majority of the corps forget about the vote as it gets forgotten. I'm planning on tweaking the system and ensuring that the entire system is organized and successful. Arrests Most people look to CG to deal with any and all arrests on the server. My main goal with arrests is to ensure that all arrests are done in a timely manner, fair, and hold no favoritism. I plan on continuing training with the batons so that my troopers and I are able to handle these arrests in the fastest way possible. Jedi Jedi works a bit differently in CG than it does in other battalions, as we allow TG to join as well. My biggest goal with Jedi is to make them fit in more and set guidelines on what you can and can't do as a CG Jedi. The only problem we have with Jedi currently is many of our NCOs and Officers have no idea how to recruit a Jedi, so ensuring that all people are informed on how to recruit is my end goal. Trainings CG currently struggles to keep our trainings hosted on a daily basis as well as keeping things going. Negotiations are a part of our training, and unfortunately we don't get to do it often, and when we do, it often gets ruined. My main goal with negotiations is to ensure that all of CG knows how to properly conduct negotiations and that they are not disturbed. During downtime, I would like for my officers to encourage the NCOs to keep us entertained and involved in what's going on with the server, rather than just running around for hours at a time. Roleplay Currently, we are doing great in terms of roleplay and interacting in roleplay opportunities that come our way. Of course, the biggest thing that I would like to see at the end of my term is our lore characters really getting into their characters during important roleplay moments as well as all deployments. Overall, I want to continue on the right path and keep our battalion taking every chance we can to enjoy ourselves on the server. Diplomatic Services DS is the first thing that I think of when I think of CG; seeing 3 to 4 CG charging in with shields brings me so much joy. DS has a lot to offer and holds a big part of the battalion as all but one of our lore characters are tied to the subunit. Currently, Stone is the lead of not only DS but SRT as well. I would like to see a highly active DSO team within DS and continue to improve the roleplay opportunities that are offered with negotiations. DS currently conducts two joint trainings each week to increase interaction with each battalion; I plan to continue this and expand it to Trackers as well once it is more stabilized. Trackers Unit Trackers in CG are mostly forgotten about, shadowed by their big brother DS. Tracker may not have the lore or kit that DS has, but their strength lies in the roleplay of the subunit. The number one problem we have with the subunit is all everyone does with Trackers is look at it as ARF on a bigger scale, but they are so much more. During the end of my term, I would like to get Trackers to be our team that we send in first, and when things get hairy, then we send in DS to handle it. Trackers have a lot of potential in the right hands, especially now that our documents are being updated. I am not planning to forget about Trackers and truly work to make it something that is respected. SRT Special Response Team (SRT) is intended to be CG's most elite and is treated as such. Its main purpose is to serve as a QRF when we are on a time crunch. I have currently spent many hours reworking the docs and getting them on their feet. By the end of my term, I hope that we are finally able to establish a full SRT, as it's not an easy tryout, and of course, finally attempt to get SRT reserves off the ground and fully flesh them out. Overall I plan not only on working closely with my battalion but also on really ensuring that my officers are on top of their game and my NCOs know what their job is, but also on working with the other specialized regiments and really improving our relationships. I have the experience and the knowledge of the rules to not only ensure fair arrest but also to ensure that CG is on top of their game when they are needed. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes
  6. +1 Danny is not only a good friend of mine but he has done amazing work within CG and I am extreme excited to see him grow. Best of luck, buddy, I’m rooting for you.
  7. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  8. Hope you had fun while it lasted my mans, enjoy life and don't be a stranger
  9. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED. Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @. If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.
  10. Your resignation has been LOGGED. Thank you for your service to the Game Master Team.
  11. +1 W mans, Great guy only had positive interactions with him, not to mention he is insanely active. Best of luck!
  12. +1 great guy has done wonders for the Navy, good luck dude
  13. -1 No offense but your plans are not enough for me to support you, and you just started to not minge. with that said im not sure if I trust you in a position as BCMD yet Id like to see you climb and work with you more.
  14. Its really hard to vote without more ideas about your plans so I will ask for them to be expanded What are your plans with the NCO core? How do you plan to deal with the mass amount of officers in your battalion? Other than trainings how do you plan to improve Ghost company? What are your plans for Medic, HVY and HVO? What do you believe you can accomplish as a BCMD that you cant in your current rank?
  15. 4/4/4 For a first ever deployment it was good, try to sprinkle in some more role play opportunitys during then event but Overall it was a great time!
  16. +1 Out of ALL people in the 212th, only one person has been putting in the work and the effort to make a difference in 212th. I am not sure why the 212th High command feels that someone who is easy to talk to is always active and never shows any favoritism is unfit for the position. 212th high command must be scared for their position, but I 100% think that not putting this man as the next Cody is the worst decision you could make. Overall a great guy and should be given the opportunity and a platform to show what he's made of.
  17. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  18. 4/4/5 Easy fun early morning deployment
  19. +1 Not much to say hes the GOAT
  20. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the CWRP staff team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  21. +1 Love this guy 100% could run the battalion easy
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