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Posts posted by Zyner

  1. +1

    As much as RANCOR can be seen as an "Elite" and "Tactical" force, this was downright scummy and unsportsmanlike conduct. Winning at all cost seems to be such a priority that they will give up integrity. To me, even with the point brought up about if SOBDE winning that this suggestion wouldn't exist, it's still more about that time and effort was putting to planning and executing this for the purpose of gaining advantage rather than playing it straight.

    • Agree 1
    • Winner 4
  2. 1 minute ago, Bbstine said:

    @Joah @Egg @Bbstine @Zim @ttv.TheMedicTV @Esitt @Freck @Doc @Fizzik @Carter @Washington @Max @Fours @Nade Jones @Zyner @Nightmare @IKE @Korm@Firat/Abi @J.Jefferson @Bazoo @Maymays @Mike @Tyzen @Tomas @Forseen @Scribbles @Spooky @Jayarr @woeny23 @Sock Monkey @JBFox @Jorrdan @Baxter @Pythin @Jax @Snadvich @Chop @Heart @Thexan @traditional @Prince @Ginyu @Pyle @Marvel @BigZach @IndoX @Baelfire @Metro @Ron @Llama/Yoda @Andrews53 @Riddler @Jagger @Jackson @Faded @Quill Khan @Josh Schneider @Rush Cat @Zahariel @Poe @Banjans @Lucky @Red_Panda @CBlake @Bobonater3 @Lighig @PunishedDrayyen @Sinister @Kronos Jones @Square @Beb@BlackiSblack@Hero@Ryx@Oxen@Dragon@Derv@Hudson@Greek@Bolt@Twelves @Ching @Stern @Koval @Taur @Alfa@miguz@BlackMamba@Runs with Apache@Core@Blueberry Juice@Weeaboo@Buuged | Thermite@Buzz@Zander@LixCoffee@Panda@Scarecrow@Perri@conrad@Bananaberry@Lazer@Shakes.@silvers@Praydoh@Daytona211@Ratio@Oaks@BadDog@Venom@Mods@Sixta@Snow@Stockings@ASVO@ZigBach@Halpert@Duck@Blaki@Alec@Keo (old Pheonix)@Old Spartan@Unkindled@Weevil@Reddy@Dill@OneNiner6719@OldMateDreams@Qal@UneJamMut@Phil@Bruno@Styles12@Cabrera@Bart Versock@Turbine@Shockpoint@Eclipse@The Moose@Evan@Comics@BigMan/TimmyThicc@Wombat@Avavel@Chumbus @Vires@Xaze@Striker@Papa Piff@Elijah@[SR] Clank [NA]@Murdock@Alexz@Stahl@Woody@Deadly@Mitchel@Rogue@Fido™@BigBoss@Twrgy@Ryanzabby@Bacoon@COC4IN3@justuscloud5@Flynn@Venom/TJ@JaBaku@SmallJeff@vExalted@Omalic@Regional@Rexko Xeros@SquirtleKitty@KaneKi@Moros@Doug@Extinzion@SR_Kangaroo@Valkyri3@Gadget@Kool Kid Useful@Jags@Puck@Kon@Tinovious@Stix@Gene_Starwind@Gene Starwind@Nyon@Trixxy@Panzergrenadier765@Naavi@Joseph@Matra@Punybob@TrijiM@Naffen@Patrick@Vaal@Bro@Apexx@meowthemeower@Shovel@BGCrafter@Rick@GideonAlistair@MolecuI3@Matt@Anders0n@Jacien@Tybo@Porsche@Cipher@Heather@Heather@BravoActual@[SR] Draco@Loopy Newby@Tio@TTRaven@Jenko@TR GM 4thHRHL CSM Smokes@Hayley@Reptilia@Kane@XSilentJoe@Nap the oof@Mr.Acorn@Captin_Blackfire@Tessa@Bigben@Genji the Asian@Dolvek@Reaper@Peacock@Natsu@Props@Kain@Tracker@Crimson

    Gonna be honest this is 10 pages of the highest rep users on the forums and there are 170 pages, good luck kids if you want to beat this. Btw for reference that is 240 people.

    What the fuck.

    • Agree 2
  3. +1

    You will be a good leader, the only thing I would say is to have a stronger relationship with the legacy members that still care than Scarecrow did. A lot of the problems you're aiming to fix through your term had bee dealt with before by people who are still active and would be willing to help with guidance.

    • Agree 4
  4. Semi-Serious is how the server currently is, it is just advertised as Serious in order to not encourage FailRP behavior, minging, etc.

    Being labeled as Semi-Serious doesn't mean you can minge here and there or break Roleplay for your benefit. Exactly how things are now they would remain. In fact, it would help relieve stressful situations that happen between people wanting to have extensive RP vs those that don't. Things like "What's OOC?" "What's an event?" "What's Out-of-Character?" Etc. The people saying that want to RP and mock you for breaking the roleplay, but under the label of semi-serious you are allowed to break character every once in a while.

    Making it Serious would mean you'd basically be warned & then arrested if you said "OOC but _________". Small example, but you are breaking character, breaking roleplaying, failRP and ruining the roleplay for others. (Which happens now daily).

    Real fact is, the majority of the Community doesn't want SeriousRP. They want to have fun and slack off the RP every once in a while for whatever reason, they don't want to be in Character 100% of time and that's fine. The conflict comes from people wanting strict RP vs those that don't.

    • Agree 1
  5. +1

    As far as telling whos been revived, I'd say make the rule to a person can only revive the same person once. Going off a buddy/trust system more than anything, adding that a witness to someone reviving the same person 2 or more times can report them for FailRP and get Arrested during/after the event.

  6. Just because you don't want to listen to what Technodad says doesn't make it useless. 99% of the time, he says: Facts, things from experience,  pointing out the good and bad that he saw during the event, giving info on how some stuff could have been done better/differently, bringing up some points that when looked at are actually decent.

    Technodad doesn't go up there to waste your time on purpose, he is trying to enlighten people as he has a whole lot of years both with GMod Star wars and actual Star Wars lore, he is even able to bring up tiny bits of lore info that are true but you'd think twice because it's such obscure information.

    Honestly, if you can't stand Technodad, then just AFK. He is fully acting properly and within the limits of using his PTS at a Debrief; Considering his PTS' are way more thoughtful that 9/10 other people.

    As far as the report itself, I see it as a Regimental Commander misusing his power and judging a situation wrongly. Can only assume that due to logging off right after that it was the end of the night for him and he just couldn't stand hearing Technodad blabber on so he arrested him from possible stress or thinking nothing of it. Of course, this is my own assumption and may be wrong.

    • Agree 1
    • Winner 3
  7. 3 minutes ago, Marvel said:

    One of my problems with the Sith is that they take away from the Clones and Jedi number wise. If we added a whole other ranked gun faction then we should consider removing a lot of the Clone Battalions first.

    I'm just putting down the idea that I've had since the thought of adding an opposing faction was originally brought up. I could write down all the things about how I see it working and all but ultimately its Founders' choice on what they would do - I'm just suggesting an alternative if the Community feels strongly about the removal of Sith.

    • Agree 1
    • Friendly 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, Baxter said:

    I'm no server owner or community manager or anything like that, so this might just be me being ignorant, but this kinda just sounds like Clone Wars turned into MRP.

    It is, but so is the Sith order just less gun-centric. Fact is most people in MRP liked MRP for the PvP aspect, this could bring that into CWRP but while also keeping up the roleplay aspect. Would still work the same way it does now for the Sith, can't just blindly attack Republic; Need to have orders, etc. Plus, you'd need an army of Droids to fight the Republic as opposed to a few Sith who could stand a chance (lorewise) so it could even be ruled FailRP to try to begin a PvP-fest with a handful of Droids. To an extent, maybe even bring back War in a Defcon sort of way (Leads of both sides agree to let the factions fight each other for the hell of it) whilst [hopefully] adding some sort of story to as to why it's happening.

    • Agree 1
    • Winner 1
  9. I'm just curious if something will happen to the 501st that orchestrated such a traitorous deal; Even if a Founder/The Sith Lord endorsed it, seems like new ground.

    My 2 cents, revert the Sith Order into the CIS.

    People could be B1/B2 droids, Tactical droids, etc. Abridged rank system, could have Dooku be their Palpatine, Asajj as Mas Amedda and Grievous as the Marshal equivalents. Would be seen as just one big Battalion with some sub-units (Magna Guards, Commando Droids, etc) while underneath one or a few "BCMDs" (Maybe even bring in General Kalani as the BCMD of the Droids). They could part-take on the offensive side of events where the CIS is attacking and give more depth to the story/characters as there are on-going situations. Could even include CIS Senators and double agents where CIS Senators who are masked as Republic Senators have interactions. Also adds more to the role of Palpatine to be able to roleplay with the CIS as Sidious. It's simpler, more streamlined and doesn't require VIP so open to all. Best of all, lore friendly.

    • Agree 6
    • Winner 9
  10. 3 minutes ago, Carter said:

    Pretty sure Joah said there was massive issues wit it conflicting with WiltOS

    Was it this one in specific or the one that was suggested earlier? I tried to search on the forums with the Workshop link and couldn't find anything.

    Edit: Had to tweak the search settings since the post was in 2017. It did say "Denied for now" so perhaps the results might be different with how the server has progressed? Otherwise, you can probably just insta-deny it.


  11. Name:



    Replacing Rocket Boots with this Jetpack.


    Removing Rocket Boots from the server and adding this Jetpack weapon to every Jet Trooper and Troopers that currently have Rocket Boots (Ex: Cody, 104th)


    There were Jetpacks in the Clone Wars.

    Workshop content if applicable:
    (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")


    This is a weapon and you Left Click to activate/deactivate it, so no more accidental Jetpack-jumps.

    Almost all features of it are able to be changed: Fuel, Fuel Drain, Thrust Power, Gliding Power.

    The only thing that needs to be edited is the smoke trail removed.

    It is a weapon, not an entity, so you'll have to swap over to it to activate it and then can swap back to a weapon. Once activated, you can fly around and still shoot.

    The main reasons why I bring this up is to perhaps have an easier time finding balance between Jetpack fuel, how quickly it drains, its thrust power since all of it can be edited quickly and file size is fairly small.

    • Agree 1
  12. Your hand-held rockets wouldn't do anything to a Frigate regardless. Even the firepower of Frigates against other frigates takes a few shots to take them down, specially with shields. Pertaining to lore, blaster fire or any Trooper-based attack at that, has always been futile against Frigates. People just shoot at it because within the realm of being a game you can do damage but because that's how the game is designed.

    I do believe that if you freeze the Frigate then it becomes immune to damage so that may have been a part of it but not too sure anymore (I've seen it happen a few times but perhaps fixed now or different circumstances).

    I would add to the suggestion that usage of rockets against anything but vehicles/frigate should also result in an immediate FailRP+Arrest then if they are to be buffed because they can't take down frigates (which they really shouldn't be able to do.) but enforcing this will be difficult. You will waste minutes yelling "Who shot that rocket" and everyone just looking the other way.

    Have to also take into account the size of the Frigate - it is not accurate to the vehicle that is spawned on the server. To get a better representation, go into Singleplayer and put the Frigate in the Skybox then look at it from the ground. If you still think hand-held rockets could bring that down, specially with a shield, I don't know what to tell you.

    I'm neutral on the vote, result would rely on a Director commenting if they will encourage rockets being only used against vehicles and approve the punishing of people who fail to follow such rule(s) or Nade stating within his suggestion this to make it a part of it.


    Edit: Frigate for scale - 35fb5c53600e7652908d9a7d9024ec19.jpg


    Galactic Marine boarding for scale -1815a1fe61e6f09283aa23d60737fd95.jpg

    • Agree 3
    • Winner 1
  13. Tested it for a bit.

    I would definitely recommend adding the CIS & Venator that have working Hangars, can be used to Roleplay being deployed during an event or flying up/down to the ship. Would give GM a whole lot more to do with in terms of boading as the CIS ships have a lot more space. As well as use for the Venator one, could have better scenes where Venators come in for repairs or loading/unloading objects and people can fly up and down.

    As to the ones that can be destroyed, while cool, they break into about 3 large props and they seem to be collidable to large change to crash the server when they explode. I would say add the individual parts as wreckage for scenery during roleplay or even test the props that blow up and see how it affects performance.


  14. An individual of high stance within the community stated during a conversation in my channel that there are no current plans to increase event job healths or change the current system due to the knife buff. Per their explanation, it is difficult already to hit someone with the knife while both are moving and on top of that possible being shot at.

    • Winner 1
  15. 20 minutes ago, Ragen said:

    +1 i would say maybe shock as well so that we can let alk the comanders know if we have detained someone or so we could have a way to keep in contact with the high commander's so they know where we are during events 

    This one is an interesting one. Based on performance, I would suggest to let a few high/active ST get it so if someone is FailRP/Minging, a person can call a ST and show them directly so there's no confusion over what may or may not have happened and ST takes swift action.

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