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Posts posted by Zyner

  1. 1 minute ago, Feds said:

    Over half of our events have been called out for being shootem ups and the GM team was purged for doing this... Also what's wrong with adverting whats going on instead of not understanding whats going on during an event? I'm talking about quality of events and the quality of our events are not as good as what I've seen. Icefuse is a poor example.

    There is no perfect formula and majority of the server wants shoot 'em ups (just not mindless ones, they'll be happy as long as there's a purpose). I can only assume that the purge was performed after addressing the issue and attempting to help each individual GM that was later removed due to their actions. The biggest problem I faced in GM is that Creativity is not something you are born with. You learn it as you go on, train and experience it. We would like more creative events but people need to help each other to push their visions forward and evolve, you can't simply GM train a person and hope for the best; Then repeat the process after every purge. There's always a negative - Make an event out of an episode/movie and people will love it but also complain it was cheap cause it's just copy/paste of current SW material. Do something entirely new and some will praise and enjoy it while others complain that they did what they usually do and it didn't work (failure to adapt). There's many examples but the biggest takeaway is that the only way events will get better is if people help each other, there's been very few "Prodigies" where single people were able to make great events effortlessly but we can't count on them all the time.

    Advertising what's going on rather than trying to roleplay it through breaks immersion. You can still not understand what's going on if you don't keep up to what's happening or literally don't understand it; The reason why understanding is important through is so people aren't complaining over things that are happening 10 minutes later because there was no communication. Ex. Event jobs are in the base, people complain how they managed to sneak it all of the sudden - this splits the playerbase 50/50 where half takes the "excuse" given during the GM PTS in DB as what happened whilst the other half argues that the "excuse" wasn't roleplayed out and Event Jobs were simply teleported in.

    Quality for events is hard, unpredictable things can happen and people need to adept. Some make bad choices during this and it turns the event worse, others make it event the player's by going with their decisions (which can also make the event go bad or good). This is not a job. People do not dedicate more time than they want to do events. They give in what they can and if it's not up to your standards then feel free to go to the GM section in the forums and write up all your ideas of events, you can even be there with the GM and guide them when they play it out. Part of what made the events back in the day so great was the people that were in it both in the Event Job side and roleplayers, literally having Ginyu as either one would take your event on a rollercoaster; That's just an example of one person, imagine having the entire circlejerk of friends). Not every event will be great but everyone has every chance to help improve it, they just have to actually do it.

    Also, how is Icefuse a bad example? They've been a community for far longer than Synergy and have not only a larger playerbase but a Staff system as well which should further bulletproof their efforts. The fact that its failing in aspects we're either surpassing or at least doing better is a bit baffling still but they are still a "competing" server.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Feds said:

    The quality of events are one step behind all the other servers.

    Out of curiousity I've been trying out other servers and Synergy is miles above them.

    An easy example is Icefuse - they are still doing /me escape or even doing /me does the thing over advert in order to announce roleplay, unlike how we have here pushed for more of a verbal communication in regards to roleplay (where either the GM has the Event Jobs speak about things they are doing so it's more immersive or using a Narrator). Whilst playing on Icefuse for 2 days I saw a total of 2 events, 1 for each, and they were literally the same just swapped event jobs.

    For a long time now we've encouraged Game Masters to do new things and always ask for advice so things don't go terribly wrong. A great example was an event Dragon hosted where Order 37 was executed; Very questionable premissed and a lot of things had to go right for it to work but he made sure to have the proper authorization and help to see it through.

    To add to what Reed said, Community/Player involvement is important as well. Event Jobs roleplaying is only half of it, if players refuse to return roleplay or simply nod & shake their heads nothing much will happen. To bring back the Icefuse thing, their playerbase barely Roleplays at a minimal level. They more-so behave like they're cosplaying Troopers in an arena where there's objectives, etc. I was promoted 3 times during a debrief for literaly just Roleplaying and staying in character (through my actions and communication).

    • Agree 2
    • Winner 1
  3. +1

    This would be great for Event Server events where dupes are created, gives the GM more control over the path of the event (without it being too forced) and can not only create new ways of getting around a map but also utlize it for the event (say the elevator is supposed to get stuck and the troopers have to be rescued or find a way out)

    On another note, I previously suggested another form of travel but was denied; Teleporting. While the similarity is slim, you'd be able to take the teleporter just the same way as the Elevator although it wouldn't be as immersive - on another hand the Elevator can only go up or down, typically, while the Teleporter can take you from any point in the map to any other point wherever the GM sees fit.


  4. +1

    Game changer for sure. Revitalizes the Battalions who end up gaining a responsbility from this, more for them to do and lead on.

    QM = GM

    ATC = 212th

    MED = 327th

    ENG = 104th

    Ops = ST

    as examples. More trainings could be included and give each Battalion a responsibility to the server like RC/Null have with TECH, EOD, etc.

    Will also add population back into Battalions, less chance of some being either dead or on the brink of removal.

    As always Naval made sense for the Venator as that was where they mostly were, but being on a planetside base it would seem more fit for the Clone High Command to run it; as others have said, the same as it used to be on Kachiro.

    If giving too much power to certain people is a concern, I'm sure the Director(s) and High Command will see for it not to happen.

    • Agree 6
    • Disagree 1
  5. -1

    Lie and scheme as much as you want to get back on the server, waste as many hours as possible of Staff's time and do it all in the effort to just burp in debrief one more time.

    You're the class clown that keeps being held back and gets off on the praise the newer and naive members give you for you antics.

    It's clear the members want you back because they do not suffer for your behavior like Staff does, but you're not worth wasting hours of Staffing time for 5 seconds of your minging so you can have 5 more seconds of fame.

    • Winner 5
  6. Neutral.

    I gave up on Mike a long time ago. At every chance he got to be better, while he was here, he stomped on it and ruined many ties with some members. During the later times he was still on the server I questioned how he even managed to not only become a Master but Shaak Ti as well. Not only his attitude but simply the way he was as a person was not a positive one nor a friendly one to those outside of his circle of friends or people with similar mentalities (although not as extreme as his). Through small talk here and there I would comment on how his behavior is poor and he would just brush it off like I'm being naggy.

    It says a lot that the only reason to finally cause him to change is being exiled from the Community as a whole, that the only means for him to finally be better is simply to not even be allowed to be here. Maybe he finally took a look in the mirror and realized. Maybe.

  7. Have you tried talking to a Director+ privately about the issue regarding the past stance on this suggestion and how you hope to change it for the future? I feel you should do that before making another suggestion which will be linked to the previous just for being similar.

    • Agree 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, Scrape said:

    Well it's not just you guys. 104th has 17 jobs while again we only have 15. 104th also gets to drive AT-TEs and do Negotiations. The only thing special about 501st is the Named Characters.

    Using others as examples doesn't strengthen your cause, it just pushes more of a "I want it cause they have it" sort of mentality. In my eyes at least it only worsens your request for a suggestion; This is not about 104th or 212th, this is and only is about 501st so keep it that way.

    Don't base what you want on what others have. Base it on what you intend to do with it, what plans you have for it, what benefits it will bring and why it should be approved other than just because you asked.

    • Agree 3
    • Disagree 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, GlobalOffender said:

     He is convincing the community that chambers who has done ridiculous amount of work the server that he "abuses" power and that he is a general problem.

    There's no need to convince anyone if it's true. There's just little specks of it here and there, nothing on a scale of Billiam but the bullshit sure stacks up high.


    To add to the Grum situation, how is he even still BCMD if he behaves as such? This is supposed to be a community, right?

    • Agree 3
  10. Name:

    Zyner & Quill

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Elijah, Alexz, Logic

    Event Name:

    Volcano Weapon

    Summary of the story:

    Troops were deployed to a nearby planet where a multitude of CIS outposts were spotted. Their mission was simple, land and fight off the CIS until they took over the outposts.

    What was the result of the event?:

    Once the outposts were taken over and a pick-up was called, the Acclamator was suddenly shot down by the Volcano's lazer which caused the Troops to further investigate the island to discover a base within the Volcano. Scientist were being held captive inside, working on weaponizing the Volcano under the order of the CIS. The Republic fought their way in and were informed by the Scientists that the Volcano was overheating during their battle. The coolants in the Volcano's pit needed to be replaced but miscommunication delayed the procedure causing the Volcano to blow up and killing anyone still inside of it. Through the collapse, some managed to survive by waiting out the explosions inside a water tank and emerged later.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

    75% Shoot 'em up, 25% Roleplay (would have been more but there seemed to be miscommunication between the Troopers & Scientsts in-character).

  11. Name:

    Zyner (Hosted Price's idea)

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Price, Dolvek, UneJamMut

    Event Name:

    Vendor Bar

    Summary of the story:

    A multi-purpose bar containing various Vendors was in the vicinity of the Venator and requested to make service.

    What was the result of the event?:

    The Bar docked and contained a wide range of vendors. Gambling, drinks, weapons, music. All included for the Troops to enjoy.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


  12. Name:


    Steam ID:


    Staff Rank:

    Head Administrator

    Were you VIP:




    Reason for leaving:

    I have been staffing for over 2 years, ever since Icefuse and long before Synergy was even a thought by the single person who stood up against a tyrant and created a kingdom. Been through many ups and downs and have done what I could to get through them whether for myself, for others or the community. After walking on this long road it's my time to step off and take a new route. I've been in similar situations before but managed to pull through one way or another. I simply do not have the drive I've once had before and I think about daily, it's like when you love a band and you've listen to a particular song so much that you can't get through it anymore; I've burnt myself out to the fullest possible extent. It's just time I threw in the towel as it is not fair to any Staff who could be a great potential Head Administrator for me to hold the position when I'm not able to fulfill it like I used to. For this reason and others, I have stepped down from the position of Head Administrator and will be a Senior Administrator so I can return to do what originally was my entire reason for joing staff - doing events.



    I never got to thank you in a way that formally represented what it is you did over a year ago. Due to my schedule back then, I could only play during late hours and resulted in half the High Staff voting me on removal for inactivity while the other voted I was active. It was quite the limbo to be in but I accepted my removal and when I asked for my powers to be taken away you came in and investigated it rather than simply taking up the ticket and getting it done with. Because of your simple action of wanting to make sure things were correct and double-checking everything, you came to the conclusion my removal was a mistake and re-instated me. Since then I've remained Staff and if there is anyone I have to thank for where I've gotten or the things I've done is you because you took a simple 5 minutes to assert a situation which has spread to over 2 years of staffing work. When I got Head Administrator, one of the things I always kept in mind was taking up on every Staff member who felt they were being treated unfair or that their work was not being accounted for correctly and have done my best to look into each and every case for everyone to be given credit for what they've done and never be an oversight.

    Other than that, there are no farewells as I'm not leaving.

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