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GideonAlistair last won the day on May 3 2018

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About GideonAlistair

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  1. Good post, when I make the phase 2 Fives, Echo, and Jesse I'm making a version with the burn mark where he gets shot.
  3. Welcome my dude, you can call me my dude
  4. I'm impressed, how did you get so much negative points?
  5. Hello! My name is Gideon. I am a model maker who specializes primarily into textures. I'm slowly gaining knowledge and moving to different sections of model making such as working with SMDs. For the most part of my time on Synergy Roleplay will be dedicated to making models. I want to thank the highest rank staff for entrusting me and Kyle with the role of creating models for this server. This project would've not been possible without the community, so my gratitude also reaches out to you. Management Surprisingly I'm not only a model maker, in fact I use to own a server. I won't put the full name in-case it's advertising for a server that no longer exists. I was the co-owner of the CW:RP server of NN and have dabbled into server management and community management. Coming from that background, I like to think I have an understanding of when is the best time to push an update, so I won't hassle Zim all the time. Lua/Coding I won't push this too far because although I've done some lua coding in the past, I wasn't good at it. I went through a phase thinking I was hot shit being able to script custom weapons, but in reality those weapons were scripted to be easily customized. Oh well, after all this time I'm not going to say they were bad weapons. I still think they're pretty badass. [If you're curious: I made the Jet trooper EMP Launcher, (custom weapon) DLT-20X Gauss Sniper: It shot a high velocity explosive round, Emergency Flaregun, Clone fists, Titan Rocks: Like throwing a grenade but it's a massive boulder emitting green smoke and shakes the earth when it hits the ground, and etc. I have a good amount of custom weapons reusing assets so it gave more variety without any cost of new add-ons.] Gamemaking/Event planning I have two years worth of gamemaking experience. Although I was very limited during my days as a server manager and co-owner. If there's one thing that I both love and despise; it's gamemaking. It's an enjoyable thing to do to improve the community's strength at the cost of your own personal time. If you're an event planner I want to tell you now, your work is appreciated. You're an entertainer that pushes you out of your comfort zone to lead multiple groups at once and having to pull off what a team would normally handle in a game developement side. Keep strong and listen to feedback; some people may put you down and compare you to others, but you have a chance to improve yourself. Also optimize the hell out of your builds or else you won't be able to have insane skirmish battles with NPCs. Leadership I used to lead ARC troopers on NN before I stepped down to become the co-owner of NN. It was for the best to remain non-biased to any battalions. I have very fond memories of my ARC troopers because I gave them challenges that pushes people to anger, to work harder, and to watch them die repeatedly over and over. I was one helluva sadistic leader to push them that far. Making them do 1v1 duels with aimbot level snipers giving them 0.1 second reaction to take down a droid, making them clap while yelling "I'm a maggot and I love to clap" while doing physical training, forcing them to climbswep 72 stories or else they couldn't graduate the ARC program, having all of their comrades beat one person with stunsticks while they crawl from the engine room to the medbay three times as punishment, was all worth it when they graduated from the ARC training program. They make me proud and glad to say they are true ARCs in my eyes. (The program is labeled as the Bravo-Class ARC program, which is a custom lore to pretty much reignite the Alpha-Class ARCs but the second generation.) I will eventually make models for the Bravo-Class Regiment [comparable to RANCOR] in the future. Etc I used to play on TCG, any old veterans hit me up.
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