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Posts posted by Zyner

  1. -1

    Wolfpack is a squad, not a sub-unit, which is why it is only composed of named characters. As a medium, we've allowed other people to be WP by putting it in their name whilst being 104th troopers just to make it fit server-standards.

    • Agree 1
    • Winner 2
  2. What if the weapon can be edited? Small clip, longer reload time or lower fire rate?

    People voting here need to understand that even if the end result is the restriction of the flamethrower, what's important here is the reason. It is unfair for event jobs and it can not only ruin events but create mass lag to the server due to everything set on fire.

    Thermal Det was looked into for very similar issues, it can destroy dupes so it's banned during events if on a dupe.

    That's my input, to perhaps look further into the stats of it rather than restrict it outright.

    • Agree 1
  3. How does 50 armor for a speed boost seem like a fair trade? I'd say give up more.

    50 armor is gone after you get shot just a few times, can only get it back if you talk to GM. While speed boost is permanent.


    • Agree 1
  4. A very useful feature I forgot to add is that this has been made to work with PermaProps. For example; we could set the spawn points on Star Wars Universe to be on the Venator map and permaprop teleporters to each individual map in one of the rooms. Seamlessly going from the Venator to one map, return and go to another. This also brings the possibility of reworking the main server by creating our own teleports, example being putting a teleporter on one of the dead end doors on Extensive and having it come out through another dead end door to create shortcuts or continue the flow of patrol.

  5. Name:



    Adding a Teleporter Add-On. Would be useful in maps where traversing location is important for the way the event is set up, most specifically on the Star Wars Universe map. This would allow for seamless transittions between areas without having to spend 10+ minutes manually teleporting people. This can also dynamically change the map by allowing the Game Masters to create their own path for the map; where as normally you'd go through the map as points A-B-C, the Game Master could make it go A-C-B or etc and revamp the feel of the map by changing its normal path (Ex. instead of blocking an area, you are teleported ahead of it and walk to it backwards instead of waiting for a wall to be deleted). Another example you could take a map with caves and have a teleported in one to give the feel that you are entering through one cave and exit somewhere else through another cave (cave entrance/exit can be built, not just be mapped caves). This is only limited by imagination and will bring many possibilities.


    Adding the Add-On to the server and setting up the restrictions for it.


    As the late Smokes would put it, there are magical faeries that teleport us around so we might as well put down a machine that will do it for them.

    Workshop content if applicable:
    (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")


  6. Name:


    Staff Rank:

    Head Administrator

    Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible):

    10/6-10/20 | Two Weeks


    Taking a break from the server.

    I am still available on TeamSpeak should anyone need any assistant with anything that doesn't require me to get on the server.

    Feel free to come into my TS channel if you need help.

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position:


    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?:


  7. If the job is 5 slot I +1 it.

    14 minutes ago, Hero said:

    How? It has what every other GM class does except the medpack? 

    That's pretty much it, makes them a one-man army. Can unload an entire minigun then shoot a rocket to get behind cover to heal themselves. They won't need to depend on anyone for anything.

    • Agree 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, Snadvich said:

    Only 5 slots. This was also voted on during the Attack Reg Meeting. Also we've got enough people in KU currently to get a job 

    Out of curiousity where are you getting the criteria for "having enough people to get a job" ?

  9. How many people are in KU because that loadout is insanely OP.

    Also, how is this suggestion following up the original re-work?

    Says that KU just use the either Elite Marine so why separate them now?

  10. -1

    First you guys ask for an LAAT to be added just because it has your markings/colors or whatnot. Now you want a job specifically to fly it.

    On top of the whole argument that previously happened over piltos, it's clear you're not over it as you stated you were and still seeking to remedy it.

    CG goes into the LAAT and secures the person inside, you don't need an actual CG pilot (or to make it where only CG can fly). I haven't even seen a CG Pilot in lore because they would just get clone pilots instead because they're trained for flying.

    On the opposing side, if the entire purpose of the CG Pilot is to fly the CG LAAT, this means he would be useless during events or deployment because other Pilots can fly the regular LAATs since he's restricted, or specifically brought in, for the CG LAAT. Of course that's an extreme view but why would it not be a thing since you'll make it where only CG Pilot can fly the CG LAAT, may as well make it just that.

    • Agree 8
    • Disagree 3
  11. Not voting yet but trying to keep track of all the logistics. What is 327th getting from this, specifically? K-Company as a "named only" job or do they get a slot/K-Companmy section for Trooper, Deviss, etc?

    On another note, is the following correct?

    Remove 2ndAC Job category
        Remove 2ndAC Commander
        Remove 2ndAC Sharpshooter
        Remove 2ndAC Medic
        Remove 2ndAC Bear
    Remove Ghost Company Commander
    Add 2ndAC Trooper to 212th (DC-15A scoped, DC-15S, DC-17, Jetpack )
    Add Ghost Company Support Trooper (ARF Model) (Medkit + Repair tool, DC-15A Scoped, DC-15S)
    Add Jetpack to Ghost Company ARC

    What kind of training and requirements will the Ghost Company support trooper get in order to be rewarded with both a repairtool and medkit when it's an ARF job?

    What more reason is there for the Jetpack on GC ARC other than "41st have it"? Any reason to not also ask it for the 212th ARC since slots are shared?

  12. Will go into it later tonight but that list of things that can be done and just how much work was put into it through the years as stated in the description, +1 for both. Can be an Event Server map to go on a different Venator or a Main Server map to get away from how big and open Extensive is. What I really liked about the previous Venator maps is that it wasn't huge like Extensive nor small, everything was compact but the flow of things would get people together unlike Extensive.

  13. Last I heard this is up to Zim, that when 327th was re-added he specifically left our K-Company until he said otherwise.

    Although since this is in similar vein to 104th/GM where there won't be a job, just the name change - +1.

    It's not like 501st TC's 212th's GC or 41'st GC where they have a legit sub-unit with models and jobs.

    • Agree 1
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