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  1. ah shit, +1. You were an amazing gree.
  2. Apexx


    +1 everytime i've had an interaction with you it's been positive, I think you'll do great gamer.
  3. -1 Reasons stated above JK +1 you've been active and you're doing great.
  4. +1 from what i've seen he's been doing well and he's been on as much as he could. Btw maybe you boyos should have talked to him before this, people never talk to the person that is applying before they apply *even though they know the person will be applying*. Maybe if you talk to them before they apply, they could change your opinion on the situation by them explaining about how they're going to better the battalion/squad/regiment. Maybe if you talk to them BEFORE you post something on the forums you can actually get facts straight. Love you boyos though ❤️
  5. +1 was a really good admin when he was here.
  6. I also haven't heard him or seen him demote/blacklist people like that before. He only demotes or removes people he seems that are starting drama, don't deserve a certain position, or are slacking and not doing the work during that position.
  7. I haven't heard any of that from any of his high command or squee himself, i haven't talked to the officers that much really but if i hear about it i would like to see proof then.
  8. Ok, listen I left DU/Server around two months ago mainly because i was sick of drama and i was sick of starting it and everything, but I also didn't like the way Squee was running the battalion with a certain XO. *i've been here and there the last couple weeks* I was an asshole back then *still am pretty much but i feel like i'm improving with time* but now that i've talked to Squee about stuff I see it this way. Squee has been trying his best to get on, he has work with really weird hours. With the "paying people to join or stay" or whatever you guys are saying, the Trooper of the Week has been a thing for a while and that was when people are doing good in the battalion and are working hard, they get payed like 100K for doing good work. With the recruitment thing they've been doing the payments for recruits like 30K like every recruit for a while now too. The people who he has been promoting actually deserve the promotions, they've been doing work, they're doing hard work and they've proven themselves to actually be an officer or a higher rank when they were a junior nco. With two of the people he blacklisted, they have been given a couple chances already and they were still being rude and not changing the way they were acting. He gave them chances and they didn't change so he was sick of it, and since he gave them warnings before and they haven't changed something had to happen. With the other two I don't really know what happened but they were problems in their own ways. The people who left after the blacklists i don't really know. Squee has given a lot of chances to people, he's even said himself that he's "too nice" when it comes to him bcmd and with giving people chances about things, with the blacklists he's sick of drama so he did something "that needed to be done". I'm not trying to start anything but I just want to say that Squee is trying his best with everything at the moment so give him a chance with this. He knows when to put his foot down, he usually puts his foot down before anything bad happens, and if anything bad does happen he's usually the one who gets things to settle down. +1 squee hope everything goes well.
  9. tbh he's always been quite a minge but he got HA and he was serious about the community/server so yea. He got burnt out and he started being an idiot about stuff and started messing around and everything. But +1 just because he was mingy with SOBDE doesn't mean he'll be a minge with staff or with something he's actually compassionate about.
  10. +1 "redacted" you know the rest dennis
  11. ooh ooh best part is i heard he made fun of someone with a mental handicap today/yesterday ❤️ love you bruiser knew you didn't change
  12. -1 i don't believe his attitude has improved at all he is still a mingy cunt in the dooms unit teamspeak. I've also heard stories since i've been gone that he hasn't changed his behavior since the last time he put an application.
  13. Love ya but -1... With the recent things happening in the battalion and as meow said.. Work on your attitude please bruiser, you're a good boy but you just need to work on your attitude and mature a bit more.
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