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Moros last won the day on April 30 2019

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  1. -1 The information in this application just doesn't come together in a way that makes sense at all.
  2. 9/10 The combination of attention to detail, care, and planning led to a fantastic event. Overall there were certain areas that could have been improved such as the droid spawning and certain sections of props getting in the way of vehicles, but that didn't really hamper my enjoyment. Good job and keep it up.
  3. +1 I've heard nothing but good things. Currently the best candidate in my opinion.
  4. Well folks, I think it's about that time for me. Time to pack it in and move along, for good. I'd like to think that I had a pretty decent run on this server. I made it to the position of Wolffe, and at the time did pretty much everything I had wanted to do. But I can safely say that my crowning achievements are the fantastic friends that I made along the way. They are what kept me coming back for more, and dedicating my time to the server. As some of you may know, however, I took a brief leave from the server over the summer. That experience paved the way towards this moment. I quickly realized upon return that things were shifting on the server in a direction that didn't quite agree with me. Things just weren't the same. Those friends that I had once known had all but left. And of course, my best friend on the server had passed away over the summer. Those who knew him as well as I did would also attest to the fact that such an experience completely sucked the life out of the server for us. As much as I tried I just could not find enjoyment in it anymore. All of that being said, it's time for me to look to the future now. Garry's Mod has occupied a large portion of my online life since 2013. But I've grown older. I have a job to work, courses to study, and relationships to focus on. So it's coming to an end today. Thank you to everyone who helped shape my experiences here. Those who were there through good times and bad. I'm sure you know who you are, but I'll do my best to tag some notables. If I forget to tag you, I'm sorry. @Scarecrow My first BCMD. You were a great friend to me on the server and all the times spent with you and the rest of the 104th antics will not be forgotten. Thank you. @munchyVEVO Skunk. We may not talk much anymore, and we may not have always agreed during our time on the server. But the memories we made together were fantastic. I'll never forget some of the crazy shit we got up to. It's just sad how it all came to an end. Good luck, and thank you for everything. @Wolfro Of course I had to tag you once again. We may not have been in contact for some time but your help and friendship during our times together will forever be appreciated. Thank you. @Marion You were a great help to me Marion, and an even better friend. I'm glad to have met you. Hopefully we can talk more in the future. Thank you for everything. @Xain It's been a long time since we've talked. But working with you once upon a time was great fun. Thanks again for everything pal. @ Poe I'm gonna show up at your front door you shitter. But for real, thanks for being a real friend to me when I was in a rough spot. I'll always appreciate that. Thank you. @ Ratio Just tagging to say fuck you. @BigZach I won't be watching the discord after this. You know what to do. But for real though thanks for the laughs. It was good working with you while it lasted. @Vita You could have gone places my friend. But thank you for all the fun times while they lasted. @Caulin I hope you know that I always thought of you as a great guy. It was only ever fun times together and I cherished every moment of it. Thanks for everything buddy. @Razen My guy, we had some major ups and downs. But in the end I'm glad that we remained friends. Thank you for some amazing times. @Turtle You were a real cool kid. As harsh as I was to you sometimes I never held any ill will. Thank you for everything. @Coil You're a real shitter dawg. But for real, you're a better friend to me now than we ever were before. But our memories on the server are some of the funniest and most memorable. Thanks for everything man. @Rover One of the og. You were a great guy and super fun to be around. I miss talking to you buddy. Thanks for everything. @Shiny Keldeo You're an absolute legend for sticking with the 104th through all the shit thrown your way. You were an amazing help to me during my time in the battalion. Thank you. @Skylur Thank you for all the great memories and friendly conversation. Please take care of your child. @Father Michael You've always been and still continue to be a great friend. Thank you for all of the help and all of the fun times we've had. @Clank Always got the impression you didn't like me but we had some good times regardless. And I always thought of you as a friend. Good luck in the future and thank you for everything. @ Forseen Thanks for being a cool and understanding dude. And also thanks for being my tank when I wasn't allowed to have any. Good luck with everything. @Sinclair You've been doing great as Wolffe. I'm glad I came back one last time, not for the server, but because I got to meet a new friend. Thank you for the late night gaming sessions, and putting up with my drunken antics. I hope to be hearing from you soon. Thanks for everything. @Slate And last but not least. Slate. The closest friend that I ever had on this server. It was our late night conversations about life that honestly kept me going sometimes. Being there and having your back when you were in a rough spot, and knowing that I could count on you to have mine. Meeting you was the greatest reward I ever got out of Synergy. And it just tears me apart inside every time I realize that I'll never get to experience those moments again. I can't help but get a lump in my throat every time I'm idly scrolling my friends list and come across your name. As small as it was, I'll never forget your last message to me on my resignation from Wolffe. "Gonna miss yeah buddy.Thank you for everything you've done and all the help you've given me..i wish you the best of luck in your life and my pms are always open and wanna hear from you." If only I had known what was coming. If only I had taken you up on your offer sooner. I'll forever regret it. And I'll never stop missing you my friend. I hope you're resting in peace. And if there's an afterlife out there, maybe I'll see you there someday. Thank you for everything Slate. Again, I'm very sorry if I forgot anyone in that lengthy list. I'm tired and trying to think of people off the top of my head. If anyone would like to get into contact with me, I'd love to meet new friends or stay in contact with old ones. You can always message me through discord! Moros#4136 So long, Synergy! It's been a blast! Signing off for one last time, Moros.
  5. +1 You're pretty cool but you better still be on call when I need a tank alright?
  6. Hi Ron. Thanks for signing my e-binos. I decided not to sell it for the appraised $200 000 000, and instead I will be keeping it and hanging it up on the bunk wall.
  7. 8/10 I like shooting stuff with my tank, you allowed me to do so while also creating variety in the event. It was enjoyable!
  8. And you guys got stuck with the Cheeto that gets triggered over Twitter... take the F.
  9. You're definitely making a mistake. But don't worry because I made the exact same one. Welcome back.
  10. You're capable of doing great things if you put your mind to it. And I have no doubt that is exactly what you'll do. So go and show 'em that you're the best choice for admiral. Good luck pal. +1
  11. +1 I'm generally not a fan of perma-bans. Maybe not today, but in the near future I believe that the ban should be reduced at the very least. There's been a multitude of people who make good on another chance, and hopefully in the future Aaron can be one of those individuals.
  12. +1 I think it could be beneficial to test how these vehicles work on the server before claiming that lag will destroy everything. They can always be removed if something goes wrong.
  13. Good work on going into detail on your plans for the battalion. I know firsthand that it's a tough responsibility to carry, but you've convinced me that you're someone who should be given a chance. I'll be here to support in any way I can. Good luck, it's a +1 from me.
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