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Forum Sheep

Forum Sheep (2/6)



  1. Been a very hot minute since I've been on the server, but this was the first event I encountered during my visit and Overall it wasn't too bad! It was nice and simple with some good passive RP involved and a lil spicy action for those with itchy fingers, You may have done something more with it if you had wanted to, but for what it was, I had fun and hope you continue to strive for improvement where it's needed! I also hope the Community takes time to actually rate this and future events! Gameplay: 3/5 Care and Effort: 4/5 Server Performance: 5/5 Thanks for the Event!
  2. B R U H NAAVI!? YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Bring back that 101 baby! I believe in you! It's great to see you're still around and well.
  3. You're Welcome for my service PPstine
  4. Title says it all. Still waiting for Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander to be brought back so I can grind that shit and go inactive. :P
  5. @ShockpointCalling you out boi I appreciate you warming up my seat buddy ;)
  6. @Bbstine You saying I should put in my app? bet I'm bringing it back
  7. Suuuuuh Dude, Thinking MAYBE JUST MAYBE rejoining the GM squad
  8. Yo how my boys doing on the server? I hop in every now and then to see what's up. I hope y'all living your best life, I debate with myself if I should ever come back to the server to contribute my time and effort once more, but that shit gets intoxicated sometimes lmao, I don't know if I want to live that grind again. #BringBackSeniorAttackandDefenseBrigadeCommander
  9. Army is chill, same bullshit different day XD
  10. How my fellow Gamers doing? Hope yall staying out of trouble and staying safe from the gay (Corona)
  11. Joe

    Joe's Resignation

    @Foxey I did this half assed XD
  12. Name:Joe (aka Republic Intel Commander Joe) Steam ID: Fuck Off (check the Roster you Goof) Staff Rank: Head Ass (Head Admin) Were you VIP: Duh Date: 12/15/2019 Reason for leaving: Burnt out, It's time to pass the torch. "You Resign a Hero, Or Live long enough to see yourself become Inactive" Farewells: @Jackson - My best Friend ❤️ @Tinovious and SOBDE Brothers - Thanks for the amazing oppurtunity for letting me be a member in one of the best battalion on the server, one of my long goals in synergy has been fufilled and i wouldn't have asked to go through it with anybody else! @Sanchez Resident You're a Dent Baby, But You're my Dent baby ❤️ For real thought, you're the best Director in my opinion , Thanks for all the fun times and learning experieces, It was great. @Jayarr Jay-Rawr OwO @SquirtleKitty I'm still your number one fan! and will forever will be! ❤️ @Rohan You're an Awesome guy, dont overwork yourself and never change. @Rose You've been improving ever since you little "Slip up" and Im glad to see you make Head Admin, don't let the responsibility get to your head, chill out every now and then and look at the bigger picture. @Marvel Thanks for the training and dealing with me when i was also in SOBDE, You're a pretty awesome guy To everyone in the GM Program, It was an honor serving you all and Im sorry if I wasn't the best you could ask for, But I want to let the GMM's know that you guys are the best group of people to work with and it was a great pleasure and to everyone else, I hope you all progress in both the program and in staff!. And To The Community For Being fucking the best that you are! @Joah It was a great pleasure coming back and helping with your server to the best of my abilities, it's an awesome community and I hope all goes great with your SCP Server! I Love you all, This isn't goodbye, I'll be back......*whisper* 5th Fleet! 5th Fleet! 5th Fleet! *The Helmet of Republic Intel Commander Joe lies on the ground*
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