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staff problems

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Hello there, so basically i've noticed a lot of things recently when it comes to staff, and all in all, it seems like staff is no offense, but in a bad place due to the shit ton of resignations coming in and not having enough people to keep up with people resigning and when i look at all this i can't help, but to think the reason for all of the people leaving staff is favoratism. Let me explain

So basically there have been mutiple people who've put in the work and gotten basically nowhere cause either you're liked or disliked by people above you and well if you dont get anywhere you're not going to be motivated so of course promotions are going to be heavily based off of someones personal opinion on a person and you can say oh no its not all you want, but it is at the end of the day.

Now we move onto people who do nothing and get positons and of course ima have to give examples, get mad if you wish and if not good for you. So i'd say a very very good example of this is Crimson, i personally dont know if he actually does work with staff, but lets start off with this, So he gets SA without applying for staff and yes to my understanding, palpy gets staff, but once his term is over, i found it odd that he kept it, so here comes the fun part, im not aware of him applying for the GM team or doing TR work if he does than whoopsys on me, but regardless i cant be the only one to think so we got someone, who never applied for staff, from my knowledge never applied for GM or became a TR and he somehow got director. So basically, were just all prob going to be BS by oH hE dId gOoD wOrK, yet nothing shows where he did that work, which from an outside view this just looks like hella bias towards him and i mean i would say it is unfair towards those who are activily putting in the effort to get to a higher positions specifically the HAs at the time who were there prior and got to where they are by normal means and they get shit on like that.

like come at me and say this wasn't motivated by personal bias, but its kind of hard to explain all of this, its almost like the position got handed to him, anyways besides that, there are obvious patterns in leadership for most staff programs, TR i wont say much cause TR its fine due to the fact that it can run itself easily, but GM, there are new GM officers and managers here and there, but it always come down to people who were in these positions in the past are now in the position again and are basically rotated back into the position because they were it in the past like i said, and at this point this rotation of people seems to just be a terrible idea due to the fact that most of them are burnt out, and once again slap me with the theres no bias involved, but its obvious when the same people get the same positions and put in less work when others are working their asses off for the spot, and a good example of this is chumbus, this mans has worked non stop in GM for a higher spot and hes got it, but it should be people like this who are put in charge, not those who have prievous exp and are going to half ass lead the team and im not saying the current lead shockpoint is bad, but im just saying over the time since i was staff and till now somewhat its just old people getting easy positions.

and now i come to the conclusion that basically we always get told shit is based off of favoratism and instead based off their work ethic, but in the end, its not and its obvious to many people who just dont want to put in work for stuff that they aren't recongnized for and instead shit on by someone else. I mean dumb me all you want, but the favoratism in this server is beyond me and once again i already know half of yall are going to be like oh no its not, but in reality it is, and as much as i wish i didnt have to point it out, someone has to, cause i mean if this continues many people will be driven away from the server.

Also another point is the double standards in the server, heres a good example, so we got a man who goes by the name heart who kills a shit load of people and gets in trouble for it and it was also on the ES and yeah i know he mostly got fucked cause of how he reacted, but in a way its just fucked that he even got in trouble for it, we got people mostly directors+ giving minges weapons to continue to rule break and join in themselevs sometimes and fuck around non stop till the point where its annoying and we cant do anything about it, but if anyone else does it, they will get instantly fucked because why not they broke the rules, yes i understand they're a lot higher and for some reason above the rules, but that just sets up a terrible example of how unfair punishment is depending on who you are and honestly its stupid. And i would say most of the time the person who is minging who is higher than everyone else when they get AOSed they just release themself and continue to minge and get mad when they get arrested and you know who you are so i wont say who it is.

Anyways theres my piece of cake on the staff in general and the server somewhat, and im prob not the only who thinks this, but if i am, i do have brain damage from when i was a child

TLDR: Favortism rules staff, Double standards in the server, wee tiny staff member minges he gets fucked any Director+ minges or management+ minges, i break myself out of jail and throw a hissy fit when im arrested by CG 

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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Just now, Deathtiger said:

I agree with everything you say, I feel like staff has just became out of control and full of abuse and favoritism since Joah left. 

You realize it hasn't gotten any better or worse with Joah leaving, if anything it got better since he left.

  • Agree 2


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1 hour ago, Piff said:

, but GM, there are new GM officers and managers here and there, but it always come down to people who were in these positions in the past are now in the position again and are basically rotated back into the position because they were it in the past 


Just wanted to add some behind the scenes context to this point. I respect this post though some people certainly need to read this 

The GMO+ team never makes a decision solely off of previous experience. While they may have proven in the past that they have what it takes to hold a leadership position that doesn't mean they are up to it at the current time. We look at a lot of different factors such as event ratings, event numbers, community reputation, activity schedule, team opinion (if most GHs / GMs like you or not)

In most cases if you come back to the team after past service we monitor your progress like most other gamemasters and only promote if you are a top candidate among all other gamemasters (we often give "of the week" awards to people who haven't received them to avoid favoritism instead of the same 3 - 4 people)

We try to make everything we do in the GM team extremely transparent. Our weekly meeting are 100% public, our discord is public (join link here :) ) https://discord.gg/D4JcPkev
any info that we can't make public in a channel, we are happy to discuss in 1-1 in a private channel.

I think an issue we have in Synergy as a whole is people can often not be fully informed and make complaints / criticisms based on lack of information. This is often caused by lack of transparency / info on the part of leadership. But I want to emphasize ever sense my time as GMD we have always tried to be 100% open in every way and I know for a fact ShockPoint agrees. 

Any of the people tagged or GMO+ would be happy to answer any questions / replies
@Shockpoint@Mitchell @Snadvich @Foxey

  • Winner 2
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former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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  • Management

Damn I guess this became a We Hate Crimson thread.

He's a weeb what more can I say. Absolutely disgusting....


On a real note, Director is involved in so much more than just Staff. Directors overlook just about everything and are apart of High Command alongside the Chancellor and MCMD. 90% of the decisions made for this server go through those 4 members when it revolves around rule changes, roleplay, etc. I genuinely believe that Crimson put in the work in High Command and in staff to be a perfect candidate for Director. Shit I got Director from basically being HA for roughly 5 months and other than that I only ever was a SOBDE Squad Lead so I had all the staff knowledge needed for the job yet I had to go in and learn all this High Command related stuff and come to terms that I was basically top of the food chain. Me and the other Director at the time were in charge of so much more than just the Staff team now which for the most part all of the work is delegated to the HAs. Were there other good candidates for the position? Yes, I believe so. Was it favoritism? Maybe a little. Favoritism is such a loose term that people throw around so much just like 'toxic'. There will always be a bit of bias in choices made on this server, that's how the real world works. Crimson was chosen for the job for how much work he has put into the server as a whole not just how much work he happened to put into whatever staff branch he was in to fill a quota. Management+ have worked with him for awhile now and know he has a level head and will make the right decisions. 

Like I said since I have been on this server terms like favoritism, toxic, and mingey have been thrown around an unbelievable amount and most of the time those terms are used with little to no evidence. This is really all I have to say on the Crimson part of your rant because I don't know why you even needed to drag his name in the mud on the Forums. I guess it's that time of year on Synergy where someone has to make the "brave forums post". 


Although I agree with you for the most part on the rule stuff. I feel like a lot of people enforce the rules whenever it comes to someone they may not like or because they feel punishing that person for something so minor will teach them a lesson. Some people are just too anal about some rules and like to pick and choose which rules they want to punish people for and pick and choose who they want to punish breaking rules for. I always avoid AOSing people because it's just cringe and most of the time if it's real bad all you need to do is say hey don't do that. Roleplay > Ruleplay all day. I literally question 90% of the arrests made that I see when on the server. However I like to believe that we are moving away from the whole ruleplay culture that seems to have festered in the community for the last year or so and back to a more relaxed and fun mindset.

Edited by Marvel
Reason for edit
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i am literally captain tukk

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1 hour ago, Deathtiger said:

I agree with everything you say, I feel like staff has just became out of control and full of abuse and favoritism since Joah left. 

Favoritism will always be a thing. Nothing you or us can do about it. It sucks but that’s just how it is. I’ve seen hella people burn out because people jump ranks and what not. But I digress. I feel the high staff team has promoted too many people based off “necessity” instead of the people’s actual knowledge and experience. 

  • Disagree 1

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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29 minutes ago, Marvel said:

Damn I guess this became a We Hate Crimson thread.

He's a weeb what more can I say. Absolutely disgusting....


On a real note, Director is involved in so much more than just Staff. Directors overlook just about everything and are apart of High Command alongside the Chancellor and MCMD. 90% of the decisions made for this server go through those 4 members when it revolves around rule changes, roleplay, etc. I genuinely believe that Crimson put in the work in High Command and in staff to be a perfect candidate for Director. Shit I got Director from basically being HA for roughly 5 months and other than that I only ever was a SOBDE Squad Lead so I had all the staff knowledge needed for the job yet I had to go in and learn all this High Command related stuff and come to terms that I was basically top of the food chain. Me and the other Director at the time were in charge of so much more than just the Staff team now which for the most part all of the work is delegated to the HAs. Were there other good candidates for the position? Yes, I believe so. Was it favoritism? Maybe a little. Favoritism is such a loose term that people throw around so much just like 'toxic'. There will always be a bit of bias in choices made on this server, that's how the real world works. Crimson was chosen for the job for how much work he has put into the server as a whole not just how much work he happened to put into whatever staff branch he was in to fill a quota. Management+ have worked with him for awhile now and know he has a level head and will make the right decisions. 

Like I said since I have been on this server terms like favoritism, toxic, and mingey have been thrown around an unbelievable amount and most of the time those terms are used with little to no evidence. This is really all I have to say on the Crimson part of your rant because I don't know why you even needed to drag his name in the mud on the Forums. I guess it's that time of year on Synergy where someone has to make the "brave forums post". 


Although I agree with you for the most part on the rule stuff. I feel like a lot of people enforce the rules whenever it comes to someone they may not like or because they feel punishing that person for something so minor will teach them a lesson. Some people are just too anal about some rules and like to pick and choose which rules they want to punish people for and pick and choose who they want to punish breaking rules for. I always avoid AOSing people because it's just cringe and most of the time if it's real bad all you need to do is say hey don't do that. Roleplay > Ruleplay all day. I literally question 90% of the arrests made that I see when on the server. However I like to believe that we are moving away from the whole ruleplay culture that seems to have festered in the community for the last year or so and back to a more relaxed and fun mindset.

I mean hes a good example of favoratism cause i highly doubt that it was a coincidence that he was given SA and it wasnt taken away because if thats how palpy works now than fuck me someone shouldve said that palpy gets insta SA and keeps it and then can progress without doing any work within either branches and i mean just cause you had a positon doesn't mean you're the best man for the job, and its also the fact that its not fair to those like i said who were hoping to get it and i highly doubt there was no one who was hoping to get director. It just seems like a shitty reason for someone to get Director and promoted that fast compared to other people, this is similar to the way people apply for command positions and usually just base all of their shit when they come out of nowhere and apply and say oh i use to be this and then they end up doing jack shit when they get the position

And i mean calling it a brave post is stupid mostly cause this is usually the stuff people dont like to hear cause theyre in denial half the time cause as long as it doesnt affect them they dont care

Edited by Piff

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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  • Management
6 minutes ago, Piff said:

I mean hes a good example of favoratism cause i highly doubt that it was a coincidence that he was given SA and it wasnt taken away

You say this like they planned for him to "work his way up" and get promoted to Director. Ever since Qal every Palpy has gotten SA for their term so if they require the use of staff abilities for anything they do, they can then do it themselves. During his time as Palpy I'm pretty sure Crimson was actively doing things as if he were a staff member and he actually DID work up to GMM so once again you are throwing the favoritism card around as if he legit got handed SA and then was rewarded for doing nothing when he did in fact do something. He actively engaged in both the Staff team and Game Master program and progressed in both areas while doing his job as Chancellor. Being completely honest re apps for staff are literally so brain dead easy that imho it wouldn't of mattered if he re applied for SA or not. It's literally just a short interview/quiz on server knowledge which I personally have never seen anyone fail when reapplying for SA so in reality the whole him keeping SA after his Palpating term is such a minor complaint that holds no real weight to it. It's really just petty at this point. Yes Crimson progressed pretty fast after that but he didn't do no work like you are claiming.

15 minutes ago, Piff said:

 i mean just cause you had a positon doesn't mean you're the best man for the job, and its also the fact that its not fair to those like i said who were hoping to get it and i highly doubt there was no one who was hoping to get director. It just seems like a shitty reason for someone to get Director and promoted that fast compared to other people, 

Obviously people hope to get promoted higher. A lot of people play this server mostly to progress through the ranks and whenever there is a chance for them to get promoted they will hope to get it and try to put in a little more work to be noticed more. There's more factors in it then just which HA is filling quota and this is where a little bit of bias can come into play to be honest. They are looking for someone who they know can do they job. There have been several Directors in the past who were just so batshit crazy with their position that I don't blame them for being cautious and choosing someone they know can do the job. There is no TIG requirement to get promoted and just because someone has been there longer doesn't mean they deserve the position or are ready for the position. Shit Gears was literally an HA for a year before getting promoted because they wanted to be sure he was ready and not just thrusted into Director with no preparation which sucks when you get put into a high positions and you basically have to wing it because you don't know what you are doing. I didn't really like being Director because I had no idea what I could or couldn't do. Palpatine as of late has been treated as a 3rd Director and is involved in a lot of Director decisions so Crimson got some experience solely from that.

23 minutes ago, Piff said:

this is similar to the way people apply for command positions and usually just base all of their shit when they come out of nowhere and apply and say oh i use to be this and then they end up doing jack shit when they get the position

Also I don't see this situation anywhere near to as equal as to a Commander being selected because they knew how to talk themselves up in an application and interview but ultimately did not live up to any of their promises. Literally majority of BCMD+ applications are so fluffed up and most of the promises made are never fulfilled but this is a different situation like I said.

  • Winner 1


i am literally captain tukk

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  • Founder

@ Forum Mod @ Forum Admin

I'm perfectly fine with a post like this existing. If players wish to voice their opinions publicly instead of privately or through our millions of forms created to take feedback then so be it. Please feel free to continue this thread. Just remember general forums rules and avoid directly targeting any individuals so we can actually get some useful information out of this.

Edit: Also, if there are serious issues that are being pointed out. Please provide examples or have evidence, I know that's an obvious but we don't work off of hearsay.

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All imma say is my only problem rn is that there will be 2 hours of nothing going on and I’ll have like 10 people on and they all get off and it’s not just here it’s the server in general when there is nothing but walking to do then no one will want to get on 

Certified Giga Chad


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22 minutes ago, Marvel said:

You say this like they planned for him to "work his way up" and get promoted to Director. Ever since Qal every Palpy has gotten SA for their term so if they require the use of staff abilities for anything they do, they can then do it themselves. During his time as Palpy I'm pretty sure Crimson was actively doing things as if he were a staff member and he actually DID work up to GMM so once again you are throwing the favoritism card around as if he legit got handed SA and then was rewarded for doing nothing when he did in fact do something. He actively engaged in both the Staff team and Game Master program and progressed in both areas while doing his job as Chancellor. Being completely honest re apps for staff are literally so brain dead easy that imho it wouldn't of mattered if he re applied for SA or not. It's literally just a short interview/quiz on server knowledge which I personally have never seen anyone fail when reapplying for SA so in reality the whole him keeping SA after his Palpating term is such a minor complaint that holds no real weight to it. It's really just petty at this point. Yes Crimson progressed pretty fast after that but he didn't do no work like you are claiming.

Once again you’re proving my point, he didn’t even go through the normal process of becoming a GM because there is no GM app posted by him and like you said your self, the staff powers given to them are meant to be there if they need it, unless now it’s a thing where they keep it, so once again it proves my point of it being a unfair process that he can simply get SA and keep it and fly through the ranks like it’s nothing and you’re telling me that it’s completely normal for someone to get from SA To director in less than the span of 3 to 5 months like seriously you’re going to BS to me that it’s normal, it’s not and you keep dodging the fact that it’s clear favoritism from an outside look, none of this is normal and once again like you said yourself ex chancellors had staff powers to use them if needed and if I remember correctly no other chancellor had progressed so fast in such a short amount of time to even consider favoritism is involved, and like you’re telling me someone can get all these positions handed to them like this.

I mean this overall also shows the massive lack of transparency between staff and the community like khufu said, mostly due to the fact that there is no set in stone shit on how a Palpy with staff powers works and what they can and can’t do and I mean this is no normal situation compared to other people getting director cause people who’ve I’ve seen get director prior worked for months without end to get it and didn’t get slapped in positions this easily.


I mean at the end of the day it doesn’t matter say it’s not favoritism all you want, but there’s obviously a group of people who are always somehow in higher positions and control who gets what and usually those people are connected so I mean I could give two shits about him being director at this point, but it still highlights the fact for my POV that favoritism is something that just dominates the staff team and is ignored by people who usually are apart of those select few who can get any position in a snap which ironically enough they’re the ones always trying to shit on any post like this

also I mean when this is pointed out by multiple people throughout the existence of the server and everyone just goes out saying oh no this is not true cause internally they’re doing work and ironically enough, we can never find out what this work is cause we’re not suppose to know for some reason everytime and I mean I don’t blame the people who always disagree cause you know if you get on peoples bad side especially with those in higher positions you’re bound to get nowhere.

Edited by Piff
  • Informative 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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I don’t mean to but in with this who’s cock is bigger type shit but didn’t crimson have VA or am I just a retarded Hispanic that needs to pay attention when the ICE guard is speaking to me?

Certified Giga Chad


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  • Founder
1 minute ago, Cox said:

I don’t mean to but in with this who’s cock is bigger type shit but didn’t crimson have VA or am I just a retarded Hispanic that needs to pay attention when the ICE guard is speaking to me?


  • Agree 2
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24 minutes ago, Marvel said:

You say this like they planned for him to "work his way up" and get promoted to Director. Ever since Qal every Palpy has gotten SA for their term so if they require the use of staff abilities for anything they do, they can then do it themselves. During his time as Palpy I'm pretty sure Crimson was actively doing things as if he were a staff member and he actually DID work up to GMM so once again you are throwing the favoritism card around as if he legit got handed SA and then was rewarded for doing nothing when he did in fact do something. He actively engaged in both the Staff team and Game Master program and progressed in both areas while doing his job as Chancellor. Being completely honest re apps for staff are literally so brain dead easy that imho it wouldn't of mattered if he re applied for SA or not. It's literally just a short interview/quiz on server knowledge which I personally have never seen anyone fail when reapplying for SA so in reality the whole him keeping SA after his Palpating term is such a minor complaint that holds no real weight to it. It's really just petty at this point. Yes Crimson progressed pretty fast after that but he didn't do no work like you are claiming.

Obviously people hope to get promoted higher. A lot of people play this server mostly to progress through the ranks and whenever there is a chance for them to get promoted they will hope to get it and try to put in a little more work to be noticed more. There's more factors in it then just which HA is filling quota and this is where a little bit of bias can come into play to be honest. They are looking for someone who they know can do they job. There have been several Directors in the past who were just so batshit crazy with their position that I don't blame them for being cautious and choosing someone they know can do the job. There is no TIG requirement to get promoted and just because someone has been there longer doesn't mean they deserve the position or are ready for the position. Shit Gears was literally an HA for a year before getting promoted because they wanted to be sure he was ready and not just thrusted into Director with no preparation which sucks when you get put into a high positions and you basically have to wing it because you don't know what you are doing. I didn't really like being Director because I had no idea what I could or couldn't do. Palpatine as of late has been treated as a 3rd Director and is involved in a lot of Director decisions so Crimson got some experience solely from that.

Also I don't see this situation anywhere near to as equal as to a Commander being selected because they knew how to talk themselves up in an application and interview but ultimately did not live up to any of their promises. Literally majority of BCMD+ applications are so fluffed up and most of the promises made are never fulfilled but this is a different situation like I said.

Getting auto SA as Palpy then being able to join branches and progress in the staff team is dumb. That’s like saying fuck you to the people who start from scratch. I also don’t agree with the fact palpy gets handed SA. Marshal, reg, and bcmd dont. A squad lead doesn’t. If it’s a handed rank they aren’t staff. 

3 minutes ago, Jad said:


I think he meant bring back synergy ARK idk tho.

  • Agree 1

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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  • Management
2 minutes ago, Piff said:

Once again you’re proving my point, he didn’t even go through the normal process of becoming a GM because there is no GM app posted by him and like you said your self, the staff powers given to them are meant to be there if they need it, unless now it’s a thing where they keep it, so once again it proves my point of it being a unfair process that he can simply get SA and keep it and fly through the ranks like it’s nothing and you’re telling me that it’s completely normal for someone to get from SA To director in less than the span of 3 months like seriously you’re going to BS to me that it’s normal, it’s not and you keep dodging the fact that it’s clear favoritism from an outside look, none of this is normal and once again like you said yourself ex chancellors had staff powers to use them if needed and if I remember correctly no other chancellor had progressed so fast in such a short amount of time to even consider favoritism is involved, and like you’re telling me someone can get all these positions handed to them like this.

I mean this overall also shows the massive lack of transparency between staff and the community like khufu said, and I mean this is no normal situation compared to other people getting director cause people who’ve I’ve seen get director prior worked for months without end to get it and didn’t get slapped in positions this easily.

I never said he didn't go through some processes the proper way or that this is normal. This whole situation is abnormal and I agree with you but I'm saying that it wasn't purely favoritism and it isn't as big of a deal as you are making it out to be. Director isn't chosen solely of how long they were HA there is more to it.

Also small note. Freck was promoted to Director far quicker than Crimson and no one said a word. It's such a minor thing and other people will eventually have their shot at moving up if they be patient and continue to improve rather than crawl into a hole and hide like most people do. I wasn't playing at the time but I only heard good things about Freck when he was Director recently.

I'm genuinely not disagreeing with you but I don't think you are looking at the big picture here and rather you are hooked on the fact that he skipped the application process. Favoritism plays a small part in almost every decision made. Anyone who says otherwise is, in my opinion, ignorant.


i am literally captain tukk

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Idk if it's just me, but I feel like HA+ should be taking tickets into account more than they do. From an outsiders perspective, It looks like the only thing that gets you promoted is GM stuff, and it doesn't really give an incentive to do anything else.


Also Palpy getting auto SA is kinda cringe. Like, I don't think it's bad if he has it during his term, but the second it hits 91 days, they should go back to their previous rank. I don't have anything against Crimson, having never interacted with him, but him getting Director the way he did leaves a bad taste in my mouth, especially when (at least to me) there are other HAs that worked their way up, and arguably do more for the server than he does.

  • Winner 5

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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  • Management
4 minutes ago, Craigary said:

Getting auto SA as Palpy then being able to join branches and progress in the staff team is dumb. That’s like saying fuck you to the people who start from scratch. I also don’t agree with the fact palpy gets handed SA. Marshal, reg, and bcmd dont. A squad lead doesn’t. If it’s a handed rank they aren’t staff. 

I don't see how them helping out is dumb. Yeah they skipped a few steps but ultimately they ended up contributing in some way or another. However joining those branches and doing extra work on top of Chancellor is up to them. Really they could just chill with SA powers and do nothing their whole term and if that's the case they will most definitely not keep any rank or stature in the staff team.

 I was actually Director when we decided to give Palpy SA and originally me and Sanchez tried to get it for all of High Command however this was the middle ground decided by the Founders at the time. The thing is there is no negative outcome from them having these powers to allow them to create RP or other scenarios as the Chancellor. It's a little scuffed but it doesn't harm anything.


i am literally captain tukk

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So am just going to say this. This went from helpful stuff to the staff team to like forward to better themselves. To people Target each other and start more drama, which I don't think was the intention of this post but than again. This is Gmod Sever and the dumbest shit ever becomes Drama.


P.S---Also talk with the Person one Tier above you instead of jumping over people. It cases less of Head ache to the Chain of Command. 

-Love KillJoy have a Great Day and Stay safe


  • Agree 2

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Hi! This is going to be coming from a person who just recently got VA joining staff around 2-3 months ago so take my opinion with a grain of salt!


Palpatine getting SA shouldn't imo bother anyone, being a SA isn't the hardest thing to achieve if i remember correctly crimson did events and continue to helped the GM program during his time of getting SA.  If you can stand being palpatine for 90 days the biggest position on this server and from what I heard the biggest headache is nothing compared to the path of going from NA-SA. I really don't think its a big issue, was crimson my bet for director? no but saying he didn't do the work for it is a yikes moment. 

just my opinion on the whole SA palpatine matter :)

Edited by Bacta
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19 minutes ago, Marvel said:

I never said he didn't go through some processes the proper way or that this is normal. This whole situation is abnormal and I agree with you but I'm saying that it wasn't purely favoritism and it isn't as big of a deal as you are making it out to be. Director isn't chosen solely of how long they were HA there is more to it.

Also small note. Freck was promoted to Director far quicker than Crimson and no one said a word. It's such a minor thing and other people will eventually have their shot at moving up if they be patient and continue to improve rather than crawl into a hole and hide like most people do. I wasn't playing at the time but I only heard good things about Freck when he was Director recently.

I'm genuinely not disagreeing with you but I don't think you are looking at the big picture here and rather you are hooked on the fact that he skipped the application process. Favoritism plays a small part in almost every decision made. Anyone who says otherwise is, in my opinion, ignorant.

I mean yes the situation is abnormal but like Finn said the way Palpy and staff powers should be handled like he said and I wasn’t here that much during freck being director but I was here to hear him over the intercom, but most of the time favoritism plays a small role, and I mean favoritism for me in the server, I probably should’ve been more broad, but I’d say it’s been becoming an increasing problem from once again my POV in the server as a whole, which I mean staff usually doesn’t play a major part of it at least for the time being in the past it has, and I mean with staff I’m not going at it that much with favoritism mostly targeting the fact that there’s a double standard in the server

With staff usually I’ll have to get another look from the inside or someone else in general cause everything is so locked up within the staff team that we don’t know shit regarding staff else than this person got this and else than that the community knows Jack shit from that point

but else than that, that’s my fuss with staff.

9 minutes ago, Bazoo said:

I only came back to say, lmao.

Hope u and ur girl are fine 

anyways regarding more of my bigger problem which is the higher staff minging, so there’s two ways I see this, there’s the time where it’s actually fun even though it’s fucking retarded and then there’s the ones that get annoying, you know you’re getting annoying when you’re getting AOSed, then there’s also minges getting weapons to RDM with, that’s just a complete thing on its own, with it being fun when some of the higher ranking staff fuck around I’ll use woeny, weiner, weiny, whatever you wanna call him, I’ll say that when woeny messes around it’s not to the point that it’s annoying me and just wanting me to AOS you, I think me and as well, others are fine with the fact that he fucks around, than like I said giving minges shit to RDM with and then joining them or just going around breaking rules and than getting arrested and then breaking out of jail and repeating that’s what is dumb, how can someone be able to do that when others do it, they’re like I said fucked cause they’re a wee Lil staff member, like yeah I understand you’re higher ranking, but it doesn’t make it fair to others 

like what am i going to do fuckin staff report a founder lmao, look how that went when someone tried to staff report joah lmao

Edited by Piff
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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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39 minutes ago, Piff said:

I mean this overall also shows the massive lack of transparency between staff and the community

Transparency in relation to staff should always start with an HA+ as they are supposed to be the most knowledgeable individuals on staff and could speak on issues that may arise. Also let's not forget the existence of the Liason team if you have issues with staff and can't trust the HA's they need shit to do as well.


Yeah theres favoritism. How do you tell what is and what isn't? Gather evidence and report it to the right people. How hard is it for people to take the time exactly to get a bit of evidence? If you have the time to make a post complaining about something or other on the forums on a supposed "wide" topic such as this(which by the way seems like a hardcore target on crimson because "some" people don't agree with him being director but i digress). HA+ are supposed to deal with it as it comes up and so on. Of course what if the accusation is against the HA themselves or even directors? Contact Woeny or the Liason team. The Founders are the last line of people to message directly as they have shit to do. 

I guess the reason why i putting this here is because some of the people, not gonna name names, here don't bother using proper procedures to handle issues. You are more than entitled to complain about whatever you want, wherever you want, but as is the usual, be prepared for extreme criticism and/or rebuttals.


Staff Work/Promotions/Progression in staff:

When i was an HA , i always looked at performance and tried to keep in constant contact with the other HA's and sometimes talking to lower staff. I personally see people RIGHT NOW that could be promoted but thats not my area anymore. So when the HA's goto the high staff meeting and go over peoples numbers and what not, they look at everything and even ask the VA's for information to get a better understanding. If people REALLY want to get promoted in staff and they want to be noticed, they would join a branch and actually do the work and ensure they are getting proper credit.

Honestly i saw this post and immediately lost brain cells. The only individual making any kind of sense here is marvel.

Piff you complain that Crimson got SA or VA without an application process. You complain he got GM without an application process. You complain he got HA then Director without ever applying. Maybe this is a bit of biased opinion but i think in all circumstances being accounted for, he may actually be the best due to the enormous anount of trust he has gathered and the amount of hard work he has put into this community.

Let's name 2 other individuals who DIDNT apply for staff and are in high positions. Jad and Sock(to my knowledge they didnt) Jad was our Dev assistance for quite some time and he was moved into management. People didnt really question it because hes a trustworthy individual and has nothing but good intentions for the community and wants im assuming to further the goal of the community as a whole. Sock on the other hand wasn't staff but a TRD for the longest time. To my knowledge he was the only one ever to be offered Director like 15 fuckin times. Keep in mind, Not staff but an instant promo to help out not only the server, but the community as a whole.Of course he turned it down because he didnt want to. These 2 people are examples of sometime putting in so much hard work and love into the community. I think crimson is another example of such an individual, even if he is a goddamn motherfucking weeb ass.


Honestly, To tired to REALLY put my thoughts out there, But i feel like half of yall really didnt speak to anyone on high staff or kept it short at least to get a full grasp. 

(I know im gonna get mass dumbed but eh whatever.)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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  • Founder
27 minutes ago, Piff said:

like what am i going to do fuckin staff report a founder lmao, look how that went when someone tried to staff report joah lmao

I mean, yeah. Step number one to solving an issue is talking about it. We're pretty serious about talking to each other when it comes to resolving issues. Also I'm aware that active Founders server side is something the community is just starting to get used to again. But do keep in mind we're far from perfect just like everyone else. That is why it's so important for us to be aware of situations so we can learn and better ourselves from them.

  • Winner 1
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57 minutes ago, Bacta said:

Hi! This is going to be coming from a person who just recently got VA joining staff around 2-3 months ago so take my opinion with a grain of salt!


Palpatine getting SA shouldn't imo bother anyone, being a SA isn't the hardest thing to achieve if i remember correctly crimson did events and continue to helped the GM program during his time of getting SA.  If you can stand being palpatine for 90 days the biggest position on this server and from what I heard the biggest headache is nothing compared to the path of going from NA-SA. I really don't think its a big issue, was crimson my bet for director? no but saying he didn't do the work for it is a yikes moment. 

just my opinion on the whole SA palpatine matter :)

I want to shed some light on this, as I 100% agree with bacta here

When I became Gamemaster Director, Day wanted to enjoy his retirement, synergy was in a bad place, and we were still on shitty fucking Titan base. I was left with virtually nobody, and besides Jake, my best Gamemaster was Crimson. Who was Palpatine. Who didn’t need to be there. Who was doing better work than ANYONE ELSE ON THE TEAM WHO APPLIED FOR STAFF. Let that sink in. My team was 50+ people and the most eager and hardworking was a guy who didn’t even need to be there. I couldn’t have survived the last 3 months without Crimson being there, and I think he 100% deserved his position as he did do the work. The notion that high staff possesses favoritism is absolutely undeniable. It happens all the time, but Crimson has never been a part of this system. I think a lot of criticisms in this thread are valid, but don’t shit on a guy who put it 10x more work than any staff member during his palpatine term that didn’t require him to be there. 

Edited by Shockpoint
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If you use the RC Shotgun you are automatically cringe.

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Hi im chumbus

I got shoutout in original post lol yay

Someone said something about HA's need to look at tickets more and as a fresh HA/BestVA in history i can say adamantly i make sure tickets and brought up when discussing promotions and such

Favouritism is real fo sho but even if ur a minge like me but still work u can get up there

Hi @bazoo u french canadian fuck

and finally guys i get why we are having this discussion you want me to buy the server and i will dont worry owner chumbus incoming and im willing to pay major sheckles


Chumbus : Covid Recipient, Dead dog haver, Grandparent in the hospital also haver lol

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i have a crush on Zendaya

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2 hours ago, Chumbus said:

Hi im chumbus

I got shoutout in original post lol yay

Someone said something about HA's need to look at tickets more and as a fresh HA/BestVA in history i can say adamantly i make sure tickets and brought up when discussing promotions and such

Favouritism is real fo sho but even if ur a minge like me but still work u can get up there

Hi @bazoo u french canadian fuck

and finally guys i get why we are having this discussion you want me to buy the server and i will dont worry owner chumbus incoming and im willing to pay major sheckles


Chumbus : Covid Recipient, Dead dog haver, Grandparent in the hospital also haver lol

About tickets I’ve heard mixed things I’ve asked two people about them who use to be HA+, one told me that there is a way to track tickets and than the other said there wasn’t and I’m like so which one is it cause when I first got demoted and than got promoted again I did tickets and such still but I just didn’t do my GM stuff mostly cause I worked everyday and only had two days to do an event that was sometimes just shit from the top of my head cause I was still limited on time

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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GM Leadership

To clarify some timelines from getting Staff to Director, I officially joined the Staff Team 10/17/2020. Just to clear that up. 
Freck went from SA to Director in roughly 3 months. To be fair Staff HA team got wipped so it was easy but just making that clear.

For the other concerns of me going to Director I am going to abstain from answer as I do not want to come from a Bias source. If you want to talk I am more then welcoming for it.



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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8 hours ago, Maverick said:

Let's name 2 other individuals who DIDNT apply for staff and are in high positions. Jad and Sock(to my knowledge they didnt) Jad was our Dev assistance for quite some time and he was moved into management. Sock wasn't staff but a TRD for the longest time. To my knowledge he was the only one ever to be offered Director like 15 fuckin times. Keep in mind, Not staff but an instant promo to help out not only the server, but the community as a whole. Of course he turned it down because he didnt want to.

Sweating Jordan Peele | Know Your Meme

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GM Leadership


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I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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I forgot Sock was Management

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Posts getting hidden?

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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1 hour ago, Brooklyn said:

Posts getting hidden?

Indeed, I personally don’t know why, but you know forums mods are kinda like discord mods so yk, expect them to be like


As well, in regards to sock getting management there’s a huge difference here, homie has been TRD for the longest time on the server, this mans was TRD when I first joined the server so I mean I really wouldn’t compare that and than Jad I mean I can see why he was given founder by Joah since he showed dedication to the server since he first joined and he still does at the end of the day and I’m not saying Crimson doesn’t cause I’m not going to undermine the things he’s done in the past mostly from what I’ve experienced in CG and such, but it’s more abnormal than others besides freck, but I wasn’t even there for that so now I am informed

Edited by Piff
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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Makes sense, but hear me out. Yes, the turnover rate for staff right now is not so good and progression feels useless; but remember what staff is. Staff isn't meant to just be a promotion system like a battalion, it's a volunteer role to help better the server, everyone in staff should be working towards the same goal and I think that message got lost a long time ago. 


Yes, people who were positions a long time ago of course are going to have a better chance at getting those positions back because of a few reasons and I'll state them now.

a.) Experience, having that previous experience of the position shows that they know how to do the job that is being presented to them. I am in no regards stating that everyone with experience should be a better candidate then the other person who is applying for a position with no experience, it's just that it helps; and this is for the real world too y'know?

b.) Process, the process of getting a position hasn't changed that much in regards to the Game Master Team and the Training Team; for the Game Master team you get looked at with how many events you do and the quality of them and how much of an asset you are to the team, and for the Training Team you take a simple test that all trainers should really know; it's not exactly rocket science. People with the previous position experience know the process because they've done it before, they know what tickles the high staff when it comes to getting promoted. Of course they're going to use their previous positions to get the same one back or even better; that's why people but "previous this and that" in their forum signatures.

Call it favoritism, call it a good taste in people/bad taste in people, call it whatever you want; at the end of the day we are all just gamers trying to game and helping the server we enjoy playing on. I hope this atleasts inspires people to remember the core value of the staff team and what we are all here for.

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57 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

Makes sense, but hear me out. Yes, the turnover rate for staff right now is not so good and progression feels useless; but remember what staff is. Staff isn't meant to just be a promotion system like a battalion, it's a volunteer role to help better the server, everyone in staff should be working towards the same goal and I think that message got lost a long time ago. 


Yes, people who were positions a long time ago of course are going to have a better chance at getting those positions back because of a few reasons and I'll state them now.

a.) Experience, having that previous experience of the position shows that they know how to do the job that is being presented to them. I am in no regards stating that everyone with experience should be a better candidate then the other person who is applying for a position with no experience, it's just that it helps; and this is for the real world too y'know?

b.) Process, the process of getting a position hasn't changed that much in regards to the Game Master Team and the Training Team; for the Game Master team you get looked at with how many events you do and the quality of them and how much of an asset you are to the team, and for the Training Team you take a simple test that all trainers should really know; it's not exactly rocket science. People with the previous position experience know the process because they've done it before, they know what tickles the high staff when it comes to getting promoted. Of course they're going to use their previous positions to get the same one back or even better; that's why people but "previous this and that" in their forum signatures.

Call it favoritism, call it a good taste in people/bad taste in people, call it whatever you want; at the end of the day we are all just gamers trying to game and helping the server we enjoy playing on. I hope this at least inspires people to remember the core value of the staff team and what we are all here for.

For me, it feels like the biggest concern is lack of transparency. I don't know what goes on in deciding on who gets certain staff roles, but it doesn't look unbiased. It's incredibly easy for me to arrive at the 'High Staff are biased' conclusion when all I see are oldfags who are friends with the High Staff getting positions (I'm not saying that's how it actually is, but it can look like that to people who don't understand the process). It's a similar issue I have with commander apps, but I don't want to diverge the topic by going there. 

It'd be nice to have a bit more perspective into what sort of criteria goes into some of the more important decisions. Not 'explain why X person got it and Y didn't', but a general 'this is what we're looking for'.


Edit: Also unrelated but to whichever forum mod is hiding posts and not telling us why, can you not please? It's real annoying to not break a rule, have a post hidden, and not be told why.

Edited by Finn
  • Agree 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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All these issues brought up would be fixed by just making another ark server

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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11 hours ago, Marvel said:

I don't see how them helping out is dumb. Yeah they skipped a few steps but ultimately they ended up contributing in some way or another. However joining those branches and doing extra work on top of Chancellor is up to them. Really they could just chill with SA powers and do nothing their whole term and if that's the case they will most definitely not keep any rank or stature in the staff team.

 I was actually Director when we decided to give Palpy SA and originally me and Sanchez tried to get it for all of High Command however this was the middle ground decided by the Founders at the time. The thing is there is no negative outcome from them having these powers to allow them to create RP or other scenarios as the Chancellor. It's a little scuffed but it doesn't harm anything.

I’m in no way trying to discredit any palpy. I worked with Qal when I was HA he was a super cool dude and hard worker, and crimson seems to be the same way. It’s just my opinion still stands firm in that, players grind their way up from NA which for some is hard until that point where they get SA. It just takes away from the work others do. 

  • Agree 1
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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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3 minutes ago, Finn said:

For me, it feels like the biggest concern is lack of transparency. I don't know what goes on in deciding on who gets certain staff roles, but it doesn't look unbiased. It's incredibly easy for me to arrive at the 'High Staff are biased' conclusion when all I see are oldfags who are friends with the High Staff getting positions (I'm not saying that's how it actually is, but it can look like that to people who don't understand the process). It's a similar issue I have with commander apps, but I don't want to diverge the topic by going there. 

It'd be nice to have a bit more perspective into what sort of criteria goes into some of the more important decisions. Not 'explain why X person got it and Y didn't', but a general 'this is what we're looking for'.


Edit: Also unrelated but to whichever forum mod is hiding posts and not telling us why, can you not please? It's real annoying to not break a rule, have a post hidden, and not be told why.

Just get in contact with me man and I'd be happy to give you some insight on the things that I can actually tell you! And as a reply to your edit, it's not forum mods hiding the posts; it's forum admins >:( most of them are hidden because they're quotes with a single emoji added on. We're trying to get some relatively good feedback here.

  • Informative 1
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So, speaking from my perspective as someone who has been in the staff team for almost 6 months again. I've spoken with Gears and now Crimson and voiced my concerns to him and we shall see if a lot of these issues are addressed in the future.


As well, I am speaking mostly in generals here except when I mention specific people obviously.

1. Favoritism in staff is best exemplified by @Crimson he himself has admitted he hasn't done a whole lot, he is very VERY transparent about only wanting Director so he can get honorary staff, he was also thrown VA instead of SA because they wanted to fast track him into an HA position. Director promotions are always biased, you don't want someone you can't work well with as a Director partner. Crimson was far from the the first biased Director promotions and most certainly won't be the last. 

12 hours ago, Shockpoint said:

but don’t shit on a guy who put it 10x more work than any staff member during his palpatine term that didn’t require him to be there. 

@ShockpointThat is objectively false, Crimson will tell you himself he didn't do a whole lot outside of hosting events or telling people to take tickets occasionally. Again, he himself will admit this.

2. Double standards: The fact that the only HA I can see actually following the standards set forth from my conversations with Gears is Shockpoint is a slap in the face to the lower staff members who are constantly told that we need to do better or that they aren't doing enough. That they are told that they aren't doing enough for a promotion by people who don't do anything other than go into a staff meeting once a week and talk for 2 hours. When Shockpoint has to make several complaints that he feels like he is the only one doing any actual work within the team I think there is a problem.

3. No enforcement of standards: I have said several people of lower ranks aren't active enough, don't do enough for promotion, or don't have the qualities we want. I can NOT in good faith tell them that the guys who make the final decision deserve to criticize people on their work ethic.
We have VAs who don't do anything. The fact that the only only people using our VA doc to leave feedback on staff members is myself, Bluecar, and Chumbus before getting HA. How can we have several VAs not be doing what they're supposed to be doing and tell lower staff that they are meant to be examples or leaders within the team? (Not including new VAs obviously as yall got it literally yesterday.)

4. General high staff complaints: When people are putting in a lot of work but you guys think they have some issues to workout, they aren't going to improve unless y'all actually give them feedback and tell them they need to improve on stuff.
You guys have a lack of presence within the team and on server, at least from what I've seen and my discussions with other staff members.
You guys rarely seem to have bad communication skills and a general lack of professionality, the last staff meeting is the clearest example of this.
There are other criticisms I have that are member specific, but im not trying to call out each HA member, just giving y'all the general things that I have noticed from my time back.

While what @Bbstinesaid was true particularly

2 hours ago, Bbstine said:

Makes sense, but hear me out. Yes, the turnover rate for staff right now is not so good and progression feels useless; but remember what staff is. Staff isn't meant to just be a promotion system like a battalion, it's a volunteer role to help better the server, everyone in staff should be working towards the same goal and I think that message got lost a long time ago. 

I expressed this to Gears, that there are people within staff are treating it like a competition for promotions instead of a way to provide entertainment and make player experiences within the server better. There have always been people like this, however these are the same people getting rewarded with promotions / money incentives. We see that the people who are doing this are the ones getting rewarded, how else are people going to treat staff?

There is a lot more I can go on about, but as I said above I expressed my concerns to the current directors and Woeny, so hopefully things are fixed / improved and Im not here to call out specific people except Crimson who I talked to before this.

Also, to the lower staff members. You guys are really appreciated, and I see a lot of y'all putting in a lot of effort into the team. Hopefully you guys can get a better staff experience once things improve.

Edited by Mitchell
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Mitchell makes very good points i agree with most of them he is well spoken young lad and usually has some pretty good takes on things.  Clutch the main reason its extra bad RN is cause the event server down so people are burnt the heck out of doing main server stuff and to be frank there is only so much they can do and its putting a toll on the team as a whole. As for the state of the HA team, yes there is lots of stuff we have to do behind the scenes but in my opinion it doesn't mean we shouldn't be doing normal duties too, hence why you'll see me taking normal tickets and helping people out whenever they need and (when I'm not dying from covid) I'm on the server for most of the entire day so if anything happens or if anyone needs anything i can help out (((moneys just a bonus) AKA the in game pay they don't pay me real money lol)AKA the Credits i get from being AFK not like they give me credits))) and for the most part you guys might see me channel hopping and hanging out with different batts because I'm tryna make sure if anyone ever needs to say something that I and the HA team as a whole can seem more approachable and allow people to truly reach out and talk to us without having any fears. Finally in terms of favoritism at least from me, yeah if ur a cool guy and i like you i'll be more inclined to promote you when your name is brought up, HOWEVER, there is only 3 people i truly HATE on this server and that isnt a real hate its cause when i first came back they dumbed me on my forums posts lol so as far as it goes coming from the resident meme I will NEVER hold a grudge or be upset by a "bad take" or ur personal opinion so feel free to rant and complain and give feedback to me and i will do my best to convey it for you


Sorry for one long paragraph im lazy and still sick

Edited by Chumbus
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i have a crush on Zendaya

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1 hour ago, Clutch said:

We could use the GM team right now for an example there hasn't been an event/encounter in 14 hours

There have been 3 or 4 according to the docs (not including, patrols / unscheduled encounters)

Also for context this was last weeks numbers


Most of the GM team has been focusing on smaller scale encounters at the moment. Many of us (myself included) have things planned when the event server is ready.

Any other feedback on ideas for the GM team would be appreciated normally saying "we need more events" is not the type of constructive feedback we need. 

(not targeting you a lot of people have said this)

  • Agree 2

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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Forgot to say this but back when I was staff I was doing like one event and not filling my quota and I got warned and two days later I was demoted and the reason was I didn’t have time but I made up for this and took any ticket possible and every ticket possible. I know that a lot of people were in the same boat because I was seeing tons of people getting demoted or resigning because of this and I remember someone might have been deku saying so should we just take tickets when high staff is on because it’s true it feels like no one notices nor cares if you do tickets since there is no way to see who is doing it so chumbus god bless but y’all needa find a why to keep track of who is making tickets like every time you do a ticket fill out a form or some shit because the amount of tickets me and everyone else was taking was fucking ridiculous other then that I’m going back into the cage 

Certified Giga Chad


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  • Retired Founder
5 hours ago, Finn said:

It'd be nice to have a bit more perspective into what sort of criteria goes into some of the more important decisions. Not 'explain why X person got it and Y didn't', but a general 'this is what we're looking for'.

This was made a while ago, however it has been updated throughout the last year whenever the expectations have changed to accommodate the current High Staff team.

5 hours ago, Finn said:

Edit: Also unrelated but to whichever forum mod is hiding posts and not telling us why, can you not please? It's real annoying to not break a rule, have a post hidden, and not be told why.

That would be me. The posts I'm hiding are all unrelated to the topic. As this is a General Discussion post, it helps when the discussion is on topic. Memes have a place in all our hearts, but on the forums that place is off topic.

Side note: Some of them are pretty funny though.

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33 minutes ago, Forseen said:

That would be me. The posts I'm hiding are all unrelated to the topic. As this is a General Discussion post, it helps when the discussion is on topic. Memes have a place in all our hearts, but on the forums that place is off topic.

Side note: Some of them are pretty funny though.

Yeah guys, be like me and put the memes in Off-Topic :EZ:

  • Winner 1
  • Informative 1

Full-time Server Boomer



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22 hours ago, Dinaric said:

I do sorta agree with what Piff said, there are a few past VA’s (2 now HA’s) who have climbed up the ranks like theyre NCO’s along with Crimson getting Director within like 1-2 months, while I haven’t really seen him do anything staff wise except hold maybe 1-2 encounters bi-weekly. And I have literally never seen that in my time being on Synergy. And another thing is that I see a lot of Veteran Admin’s getting so burnt out when they get demoted to SA because they do so much effort just for them to get demoted, for example people like @Fenrirand @Jackare good examples

Pretty accurate

  • Agree 1


Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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  • Founder

I feel like there are some huge disconnects with everyone in this post regarding promotions and everything else. I just want to start off by saying that I was not really involved in crimsons director promotion hence my information is completely unbiased on this subject. When we look at someone to fill an open position that's director+, we aren't looking for whoever has the highest time in position. Although this can be a factor that is considered, it is in no way shape or form the most important. Now don't read that and get the idea that we don't care about dedication or loyalty etc because that is not the case at all. We value those things tremendously and we have a lot of hard working individuals in the staff team that are loyal and dedicated to the community. I want to use Gears as an example as he was in the Head Admin position for a significant amount of time while there were open Director spaces. It's easy to say "oh it's my turn I'm next" however the job is not that simple. Looking back at his time, Gears would probably be able to attest and acknowledge that there were a lot of things he needed to work/improve on before he actually ended up receiving his role as director and look what happened hard work, dedication, and consistent effort to make improvements upon himself, his attitude, and the way the community viewed him prevailed and he received the role. When a director or management member is chosen, we are trying to put up the best possible candidate into a position to help lead the community in a good direction. This does not mean that other individuals aren't also good or do not deserve the position because I will say there are a lot of good quality staff members and just flat out people in general in the current staff/high staff lineup. However, a lot of those same people also may have some things that they need to work on as well before progression can continue. We are obviously not going to publicly state them because frankly its none of your business and could be considered personal information. 

You can throw around the word favoritism all you want however I just think that's a lazy excuse for something that didn't go your way. People get promoted to get shit done end of story. If you truly believe that this decision solely relied on favoritism you are severely mistaken. It's not like Sock, Woeny, and Gears are best friends with Crimson and wanted to fast track his positions. They did evaluations on all the candidates and made their choice accordingly taking many different factors into account. 

In regards to the staff situation in general, as well as other concerns about the current state of the server, we are aware of things and that change is needed. We are actively working on making things better however it won't happen overnight and we need everyone in the community to be onboard. I came and spoke at a previous staff meeting recently, gave my peace on what I have seen going on, made it abundantly clear that I was not happy with the current state of the staff team, and that if shit doesn't change, we are going to come in and change it for them. That message went for general staff and high staff. 

Overall, I think a lot of the allegations and things that are being thrown around in this thread are unwarranted and unnecessary. It's good that you are all voicing your opinions on stuff like this, and we want to hear your stance, but I also notice a lot of misinformation and things that are being stretched to look different. I ask that before you guys post stuff, make sure you do your research and you aren't just reciprocating some other persons words. How do you think some of these things would make someone feel when you are basically implying that someone didn't do any work at all and got spoon-fed into a position that they actually worked for and demonstrated that they ready for more responsibility. At the end of the day it comes down to if you can talk the talk, and walk the walk. Not one or the other but both. Look at Jad and Sock. Jad was just a longtime player that would portray himself with a professional demeaner whenever myself or any other community member would interact with him, and eventually he was able to recognize that there were many ways he could come in and help out the community. He worked constantly on anything that was asked of him and expected nothing in return. Eventually he was moved into a community relations/part development role due to his outstanding maturity, character, and work ethic. Jad showed up, walked the walk, and could also talk the talk. Time and dedication showed who he was as a person and as a leader which prompted his movement towards management and eventually up to founder so that he could have the proper role and power to inflict even more positive change on the community. Sock is another great example in how an average player with no staff powers or title can inspire change within the community. The man was hands down the best thing that happened to the training department and he had the results to back it up. Consistent work ethic, demonstration of a level head, and dedication to his position as well as the community as a whole allowed him to work up to the rank and be given management to again, like Jad, help inspire positive change within the community. That type of exceptional behavior and standards are what I have always looked for when making decisions and I fully trust my counterpart founders and management to enforce that same level of quality when making decisions on people as well. 

At the end of the day, we are all in this thing together. We all want to see the community grow and succeed and we have no intentions of anything otherwise. Bbstine summed things up pretty good in his post. I am happy to address any questions or concerns regarding this issue or anything else related to the well being of the community. 


  • Agree 2
  • Winner 7
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2 hours ago, Square said:

I feel like there are some huge disconnects with everyone in this post regarding promotions and everything else. I just want to start off by saying that I was not really involved in crimsons director promotion hence my information is completely unbiased on this subject. When we look at someone to fill an open position that's director+, we aren't looking for whoever has the highest time in position. Although this can be a factor that is considered, it is in no way shape or form the most important. Now don't read that and get the idea that we don't care about dedication or loyalty etc because that is not the case at all. We value those things tremendously and we have a lot of hard working individuals in the staff team that are loyal and dedicated to the community. I want to use Gears as an example as he was in the Head Admin position for a significant amount of time while there were open Director spaces. It's easy to say "oh it's my turn I'm next" however the job is not that simple. Looking back at his time, Gears would probably be able to attest and acknowledge that there were a lot of things he needed to work/improve on before he actually ended up receiving his role as director and look what happened hard work, dedication, and consistent effort to make improvements upon himself, his attitude, and the way the community viewed him prevailed and he received the role. When a director or management member is chosen, we are trying to put up the best possible candidate into a position to help lead the community in a good direction. This does not mean that other individuals aren't also good or do not deserve the position because I will say there are a lot of good quality staff members and just flat out people in general in the current staff/high staff lineup. However, a lot of those same people also may have some things that they need to work on as well before progression can continue. We are obviously not going to publicly state them because frankly its none of your business and could be considered personal information. 

You can throw around the word favoritism all you want however I just think that's a lazy excuse for something that didn't go your way. People get promoted to get shit done end of story. If you truly believe that this decision solely relied on favoritism you are severely mistaken. It's not like Sock, Woeny, and Gears are best friends with Crimson and wanted to fast track his positions. They did evaluations on all the candidates and made their choice accordingly taking many different factors into account. 

In regards to the staff situation in general, as well as other concerns about the current state of the server, we are aware of things and that change is needed. We are actively working on making things better however it won't happen overnight and we need everyone in the community to be onboard. I came and spoke at a previous staff meeting recently, gave my peace on what I have seen going on, made it abundantly clear that I was not happy with the current state of the staff team, and that if shit doesn't change, we are going to come in and change it for them. That message went for general staff and high staff. 

Overall, I think a lot of the allegations and things that are being thrown around in this thread are unwarranted and unnecessary. It's good that you are all voicing your opinions on stuff like this, and we want to hear your stance, but I also notice a lot of misinformation and things that are being stretched to look different. I ask that before you guys post stuff, make sure you do your research and you aren't just reciprocating some other persons words. How do you think some of these things would make someone feel when you are basically implying that someone didn't do any work at all and got spoon-fed into a position that they actually worked for and demonstrated that they ready for more responsibility. At the end of the day it comes down to if you can talk the talk, and walk the walk. Not one or the other but both. Look at Jad and Sock. Jad was just a longtime player that would portray himself with a professional demeaner whenever myself or any other community member would interact with him, and eventually he was able to recognize that there were many ways he could come in and help out the community. He worked constantly on anything that was asked of him and expected nothing in return. Eventually he was moved into a community relations/part development role due to his outstanding maturity, character, and work ethic. Jad showed up, walked the walk, and could also talk the talk. Time and dedication showed who he was as a person and as a leader which prompted his movement towards management and eventually up to founder so that he could have the proper role and power to inflict even more positive change on the community. Sock is another great example in how an average player with no staff powers or title can inspire change within the community. The man was hands down the best thing that happened to the training department and he had the results to back it up. Consistent work ethic, demonstration of a level head, and dedication to his position as well as the community as a whole allowed him to work up to the rank and be given management to again, like Jad, help inspire positive change within the community. That type of exceptional behavior and standards are what I have always looked for when making decisions and I fully trust my counterpart founders and management to enforce that same level of quality when making decisions on people as well. 

At the end of the day, we are all in this thing together. We all want to see the community grow and succeed and we have no intentions of anything otherwise. Bbstine summed things up pretty good in his post. I am happy to address any questions or concerns regarding this issue or anything else related to the well being of the community. 


I agree with everything you said but I feel like you missed the mark a bit.

I believe this is more about perception then anything. 

Many staff member who left possibly perceived that Crimson got the position due to have "friends in high places" almost and people who were doing work got over looked.

I attest I get what they are saying but also that if you measure yourself against a promotion in a gaming server, then you need to get ready for the big bad world.

Staff team is in a weird situation, but uts a combination of new rules, new attitude and the transition involved. The team has been stagnate of change. Like batts, the staff team needs a change every once in a while, whether its  promotion or a rework.

Basically.to those with concerns, understand that there is more than face value in most situation.

  • Agree 2

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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Yall funny thinking it will ever be a completely fair playing field.


Staff Feedback on the forums exists, if I remember you can put positive feedback which is kinda like the old promotion request system.

Anyway, Sock is a cutie

  • Winner 1

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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7 minutes ago, Logic said:

Yall funny thinking it will ever be a completely fair playing field.


Staff Feedback on the forums exists, if I remember you can put positive feedback which is kinda like the old promotion request system.

Anyway, Sock is a cutie

There is also a literal Google form that get sent out in an annoucement in all Discords.

Here is a link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScn5S0hMaBNlktzxW4oeD1Slv7NdJ9eUntlGzhmoO6gcZY7AQ/viewform

Otherwise you can just talk to a HA about it via PMs in Discord or TS.


What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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I think one thing I have heard from a lot of people is that there were candidates that they all thought were better for director from an outside community standpoint, another thing that I have heard is that there are changes that are added that no one really asked for nor did they want because they were not needed whatsoever so those things should matter basically what people have said is that community voting and feedback should have more of an impact in changes that are coming or being added that not a lot of people want 

Certified Giga Chad


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11 minutes ago, Cox said:

I think one thing I have heard from a lot of people is that there were candidates that they all thought were better for director from an outside community standpoint, another thing that I have heard is that there are changes that are added that no one really asked for nor did they want because they were not needed whatsoever so those things should matter basically what people have said is that community voting and feedback should have more of an impact in changes that are coming or being added that not a lot of people want 

Could you give an example of a change that was not asked for or was not needed?

I know some rule changes occurred with very little information on them, sort of "it was at the community meeting. Oh you missed the meeting? Tough luck."

I am curious of what these changes are, as the server does need a change once in a whole, like it or not. If the server never changed it won't last. It'll add new, get rid of old and change things to keep it fresh. 

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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  • Retired Founder
13 minutes ago, Cox said:

I think one thing I have heard from a lot of people is that there were candidates that they all thought were better for director from an outside community standpoint, another thing that I have heard is that there are changes that are added that no one really asked for nor did they want because they were not needed whatsoever so those things should matter basically what people have said is that community voting and feedback should have more of an impact in changes that are coming or being added that not a lot of people want 

It's hard to listen to community feedback, when we have many ways in which we take the feedback in, but none of them ever get used until there's a public complaint made that everyone jumps on board with, such as this post. The feedback in which we are receiving here is actually quite decent, it's just a shame that the avenues we supply aren't used until it all piles up. For example, the staff feedback form that Gadget linked, has two responses in 3 months, yet there have been all these issues that came up out of nowhere?

Some people that are great at using these systems we have in place are people like Ratio, Crimson b.d(Before Director), Wolfro b.d, Freck b.d, Baron, Marvel, Mitchell & Foxey. This is one of the main things that is looked at by our High Staff & Community Management teams are the people that are able to, not just provide honest feedback positive or negative, but also be apart of the solution to the issue in any way that they possibly can.

There are a lot of different factors that go into the decision making of who gets a position in the High Staff team and there are always ways people can improve, however the High Staff team does a great job at communicating with people of the issues that are seen from the perspective of the team, aspects of their work that they do well and helping guide them along the way of where they would need to be to be able to move up. There's logs of this happening every single week with who was spoken to and what about dating back to the start of the community. However, the things that we speak to people about are usually kept between the High Staff team and the individual and it is generally up to them if they'd like to disclose the information that they were given and most of the time they don't.

Yes there will be people that get overlooked and may miss out, however you have to remember, we are all human and we can't watch everyone all the time but we have systems in place to try and help us see as much as we can when it comes to our staff team to give the fairest assessments possible when deciding on promotions & demotions.

I agree we are a community and communication needs to improve like most of you have all said, but communication is not a one-way road and needs to come from both ends, and there has to also be an understanding that we cannot always be as transparent as some of you may like either, however we do give you as much information as we can as much as we can.

  • Winner 4
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2 hours ago, Forseen said:

and there has to also be an understanding that we cannot always be as transparent as some of you may like either

So. Not trying to sounds dumb, but I am genuinely curious. It shouldn't be hard to be completely transparent if the decisions that are made have actual reason and evidence behind it. So does that mean you can't be transparent because you do not want to? Or because some decisions are just straight shady?

  • Agree 1
  • Informative 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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39 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

So. Not trying to sounds dumb, but I am genuinely curious. It shouldn't be hard to be completely transparent if the decisions that are made have actual reason and evidence behind it. So does that mean you can't be transparent because you do not want to? Or because some decisions are just straight shady?

This ^

Anyways, I'm here to give my 2 cents on staff as a whole. When I was NA -> SA I quite liked the staff team for a time. Then I was given positive talks, etc. until I eventually left because I didn't see a future in staff. I do believe that favourtism within the staff team falls on the leaders of the staff team, directors, etc. Maybe I'm too optimistic but like Brooklyn said, if there is a valid reason behind a big change/update, then transparency will never be an issue. Yes you'll have the odd few people that dislike the decisions made, but if it's a small minority of people, why not do it? 


2 hours ago, Forseen said:

It's hard to listen to community feedback, when we have many ways in which we take the feedback in, but none of them ever get used until there's a public complaint made that everyone jumps on board with, such as this post. The feedback in which we are receiving here is actually quite decent, it's just a shame that the avenues we supply aren't used until it all piles up. For example, the staff feedback form that Gadget linked, has two responses in 3 months, yet there have been all these issues that came up out of nowhere?

This however, I completely agree with. As a community many of us wait until there's one of these "brave" posts so that we can all hop on the train and start telling people the issues we have with staff, however when we have the tools given to us (i.e feedback forums, HA+ complaint forums, etc.) like Forseen said, there's 2 responses in 3 months. All of the issues I'm seeing in this forum seems to be pent up for many months and now because they have a public place to voice their opinion, they're doing so now. There needs to be work done on both sides to achieve transparency, work from High Staff to inform us on new features, updates, etc. and work from us as players/community members to inform High Staff on our complaints or problems we have with current systems in place. The more feedback people get, the better chance they'll change. But if we all suffer in silence, nothing will get done because it seems that nobody has an issue with current systems. 

Edited by Deku
  • Winner 1

Full-time Server Boomer



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I haven't had any complaints to use the form recently, but the one time I used it woeny literally responded 10 seconds after I submitted it with an explanation of the situation.

Moral of the Story: The Form Works

Edited by FatherHanz
  • Winner 1


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1 hour ago, Brooklyn said:

So. Not trying to sounds dumb, but I am genuinely curious. It shouldn't be hard to be completely transparent if the decisions that are made have actual reason and evidence behind it. So does that mean you can't be transparent because you do not want to? Or because some decisions are just straight shady?

It’s because there is a lot of things that can go into a decision that doesn’t need to be public knowledge. If you want to know why a decision was made you can always ask, in my experience @Jadis very good at explaining the reasons behind decisions made by the founders. Follow CoC of course

Edit: forgot to say this but, in my time back they’ve been pretty open about the decisions they have made. Of course this doesn’t mean you have to agree with them but I digress.

Edited by Mitchell
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  • Retired Founder
8 hours ago, Brooklyn said:

So. Not trying to sounds dumb, but I am genuinely curious. It shouldn't be hard to be completely transparent if the decisions that are made have actual reason and evidence behind it. So does that mean you can't be transparent because you do not want to? Or because some decisions are just straight shady?

That's a very fair question,


There's a lot of discussion that happens and quite often there are negatives brought up about people that the community may not see as they are not looking at the situation from the same angle as our high staff members are, and because of that we inform the person that was discussed about those negatives and choose not to disclose that information so to not talk negatively about our staff team to the rest of the community.


In terms of server-wide decisions, a lot of the time we do attempt to communicate with the appropriate parties about their upcoming changes however we generally see a lack of interest, lack of communication or lack of cooperation when discussing potential upcoming changes.

Two recent examples are the Jedi Order, in which initially very few members of the Jedi Council were assisting me when I was looking at potential changes to the WiltOs system FOR THEM. They have since come back around and are now helping out.

The second example is the potential change coming to SOBDE that we asked them to keep as an in regiment discussion so that we can work with them for the potential changes and also that we would talk to the rest of the community when things have been finalized so there was no misinformation but within literal minutes of us leaving the channel, most of the community knew about it.


To summarize for you, there are always reasons and we are open to telling you why we haven't been super transparent on some decisions. A lot of you are still on high alert about the new founders since Joah and the old Founders have left and are still weary about us, in which we understand, however we are here working to better the community, not to fuck you guys over.

  • Winner 3
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Why is it when IRL fucks me over the staff goes to shit it seems well hopefully geara and Crimson got this but hey I'm former high staff I will say with staff favoritism will never go away and also keep this in mind its a fucking game most people that play server are between I would say 18 to 25 mabey some 15 year olds point is grown ass adults but hey thats my two cents also unrelated @Forseensorry I left you hanging man IRL Sucks ass but hey at least im making money hope everyone is doing well despite drama happening 

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  • Coordinator

Alright seems feedback has died down some So ill will try to answer what ive seen from the thread so far

  • In regards to Crimson getting director

When it comes to the choice of director like stated in this post by Square, Sock , Myself, Gears and the Founders go over every HA in terms of personality, how they would interact with the other director. there path of action if something has been brought up (Just generalized) and what they currently are doing for the server/Performance as an HA (Keep in mind that your not gonna see everything HA'S do compared to what we see)

Crimson at the time was A gmm Fordo/Valiant and an active presence for High staff on the server,
-Personality, He can be pretty blunt and he will openly engage in conversation to discuss matters.
-Following that hes not the one to jump on top of the pile to solve a sitatution which in our views offsets @Gears who is always looking to jump in

  • Crimson keeping SA after Palpy

I was Director at this time when his palpy term ended and I was the one who granted him the SA privilege's after his term 
Now my reasons behind this
During his time as palpy he took these powers and RAN WITH THEM, from creating events for players to RP scenarios when he was around he was always doing something with them and had the results to back it

Him running with the powers showed to me he was here for the betterment of the community



On 4/19/2021 at 8:43 AM, Forseen said:


There are a lot of different factors that go into the decision making of who gets a position in the High Staff team and there are always ways people can improve, however the High Staff team does a great job at communicating with people of the issues that are seen from the perspective of the team, aspects of their work that they do well and helping guide them along the way of where they would need to be to be able to move up. There's logs of this happening every single week with who was spoken to and what about dating back to the start of the community. However, the things that we speak to people about are usually kept between the High Staff team and the individual and it is generally up to them if they'd like to disclose the information that they were given and most of the time they don't.


Now keep in mind the HS team isnt going to see EVERYTHING its only 8 members, so they can only see so much, so if you feel that like your being skipped over, Feel free to contact and HA+, Or you can also ask at the end of staff meetings when they state "If you would like to know why your not being promoted" 

There is also a report from like forseen stated before his post has 2 post within the last 3 months 
You can always use that aswell

Anymore questions feel free to shoot me a PM or reply 

  • Winner 2
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Most of the shit here, don't matter. Just general "My opinion is right, yours is wrong" type deal. However, there are two things that are super strong points.

1. So many people get burnt out in staff that if the server box had a smoke detector, you'd have to take the batteries out that bitch.

2. Favoritism exists.

Ain't much I can say about problem 1, I'm a burnt piece of toast myself, and most of it is due to what others have mentioned: people who don't deserve shit getting shit and bumming the mood. Nothing sucks more than pulling your work in TR, or creating them masterpieces of events, or whatever else staff be doing to vibe, only to go unnoticed/unappreciated/overshadowed by someone who happened to right place right time themselves into the spotlight. It especially sucks when some of the work that staff takes care of (particularly higher staff) goes unnoticed due to background shit. 

Now, onto the favoritism thing. I saw couple posts mentioning that there's "nothing you can do to fix it". This will be a shit analogy, but are you the kinda people who go over to protests and say in front of the crowds "Welp, there's nothing you can do to stop murder. It will always exist."? You the kinda people to go up to some homeless family in the middle of (most recent natural disaster here) and be like "Welp, nothing you can do, you're always gonna be homeless and constant fear of death."? Obviously, this server is nowhere near as high stakes as real world stuff, but that kinda attitude is the exact type of shit that allows these problems to continue. 

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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On 4/23/2021 at 4:34 PM, Merrill said:

Most of the shit here, don't matter. Just general "My opinion is right, yours is wrong" type deal. However, there are two things that are super strong points.

1. So many people get burnt out in staff that if the server box had a smoke detector, you'd have to take the batteries out that bitch.

2. Favoritism exists.

Ain't much I can say about problem 1, I'm a burnt piece of toast myself, and most of it is due to what others have mentioned: people who don't deserve shit getting shit and bumming the mood. Nothing sucks more than pulling your work in TR, or creating them masterpieces of events, or whatever else staff be doing to vibe, only to go unnoticed/unappreciated/overshadowed by someone who happened to right place right time themselves into the spotlight. It especially sucks when some of the work that staff takes care of (particularly higher staff) goes unnoticed due to background shit. 

Now, onto the favoritism thing. I saw couple posts mentioning that there's "nothing you can do to fix it". This will be a shit analogy, but are you the kinda people who go over to protests and say in front of the crowds "Welp, there's nothing you can do to stop murder. It will always exist."? You the kinda people to go up to some homeless family in the middle of (most recent natural disaster here) and be like "Welp, nothing you can do, you're always gonna be homeless and constant fear of death."? Obviously, this server is nowhere near as high stakes as real world stuff, but that kinda attitude is the exact type of shit that allows these problems to continue. 

I just want to  reply to this one post this one time. You'll get promoted easily if you are friends with the higher ups, but once they need to start filling up spots they start promoting lower ranks to look good. This has been going on foreverrrrr, but the only way to fix it is if the server gets professional leadership and do what's right for those who put in dedication to the server. All in all if the higher ups like you then you could probably reach VA+ in a couple of weeks/months.

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3 hours ago, Arroyo said:

I just want to  reply to this one post this one time. You'll get promoted easily if you are friends with the higher ups, but once they need to start filling up spots they start promoting lower ranks to look good. This has been going on foreverrrrr, but the only way to fix it is if the server gets professional leadership and do what's right for those who put in dedication to the server. All in all if the higher ups like you then you could probably reach VA+ in a couple of weeks/months.

Im going to say I do not know the circumstances around whatever is being discussed here im just giving my general opinion on the overall topic. 

One shut up. Dont spout nonsense, professional leadership does not fix how hard it is to quantify a staff member. You should never break down a person into number, but take them in as an individual and into account what they have done. It is very easy to say well they are friends with higher ups so they'll get promoted the issue is more nuanced than that. Most of the time previous experience is taken into account when doing high staff promotion. When that individual has a history in the server it is inevitable that they develop some sort of bond with the individuals that they work with. 

Even during my time favoritism existed and im sure that it still does in some fashion. Usually it comes into play when a tough decision comes. Comparing to similar people the deciding factor could be their past history. There has been instances where that is not even the case but most usually that is what the circumstances are. 

There is totally things that people can do against favoritism. In terms of higher ups is acknowledging their bias that they hold and separating themselves from that bias. Specifically for the rest of the server guys please please please fill out that staff feedback form. It is very easy for higher staff to forget something a staff member did or if they show a pattern in their behavior that is positive. 

Now thats enough of my ill relevant opinion.

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7 hours ago, Arroyo said:

I just want to  reply to this one post this one time. You'll get promoted easily if you are friends with the higher ups, but once they need to start filling up spots they start promoting lower ranks to look good. This has been going on foreverrrrr, but the only way to fix it is if the server gets professional leadership and do what's right for those who put in dedication to the server. All in all if the higher ups like you then you could probably reach VA+ in a couple of weeks/months.

This is a pretty far fetched take. It's shit like this which hurts the community because some person is gonna come to this post and see your comments and just automatically assume they are true. There's a huge difference between promoting only your friends versus individuals which do hard work to a point where it shows and is impossible not to notice. Also do you just assume that everyone in high staff meets up with each other to discuss who they all want to be "friends" with as a collective group? They are all different people and they all have different friends on the server. No one can just say promote this guy because I like him it goes through a process where they all discuss the candidate and then review their behavior and work conducted on the server. Of course people are going to get left out occasionally you are talking about 8 individuals who are monitoring a server with hundreds of active community members. That is why systems are in place so that individuals who feel they aren't being recognized can step forward and actually communicate. 


You guys throw the word favoritism out so much like its candy when in reality the situation is being escalated to a point much higher than it actually is. It's just getting kind of ridiculous. Moral of the story is do good work, maintain good communication, demonstrate good behavior and actions and you will get promoted PERIOD plain and simple. It's time to stop overthinking it. In a perfect world, every staff members would have 0 faults and promotions would be handled via a line of succession/time in position but that's not the case is it? Many people have faults and or areas of improvement that need to be worked on and hammered out prior to receiving more responsibility or rewards and not every decision high staff makes can be broadcasted to the public. 

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1 hour ago, Square said:

This is a pretty far fetched take. It's shit like this which hurts the community because some person is gonna come to this post and see your comments and just automatically assume they are true. There's a huge difference between promoting only your friends versus individuals which do hard work to a point where it shows and is impossible not to notice. Also do you just assume that everyone in high staff meets up with each other to discuss who they all want to be "friends" with as a collective group? They are all different people and they all have different friends on the server. No one can just say promote this guy because I like him it goes through a process where they all discuss the candidate and then review their behavior and work conducted on the server. Of course people are going to get left out occasionally you are talking about 8 individuals who are monitoring a server with hundreds of active community members. That is why systems are in place so that individuals who feel they aren't being recognized can step forward and actually communicate. 


You guys throw the word favoritism out so much like its candy when in reality the situation is being escalated to a point much higher than it actually is. It's just getting kind of ridiculous. Moral of the story is do good work, maintain good communication, demonstrate good behavior and actions and you will get promoted PERIOD plain and simple. It's time to stop overthinking it. In a perfect world, every staff members would have 0 faults and promotions would be handled via a line of succession/time in position but that's not the case is it? Many people have faults and or areas of improvement that need to be worked on and hammered out prior to receiving more responsibility or rewards and not every decision high staff makes can be broadcasted to the public. 

I will edit it for you. 

"This is retarted" 



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