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KillJoy's App Attack Reg


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Steam Name:

Bygod the Kill Joy


RP Name:332nd CT-7878 CMD Killjoy 


Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:438030370

Regiment you are applying for:Attack 

Experience:I started the server in the 501st[Pvt-CMD].  PVT-SSG I got to this ranks in a week. At this time I get HWST, this was the start for me on the server. SSG-WO Soon after that I change my name to KillJoy and got CMBOVR which I was over the HWS and the JT. I tried to keep those Branches filled and I did only problem was the JTL would always leave after a week. By this time I got Fully ARC trained and ARC for 2 days before I got the WO position which is Appo. In my term as Appo I was more focused on having a great image for the 501st. I took very little of people messing around on their jobs. As well believe in harsh punishment for this. As well as I would host trainings after day and put it on the NCOs to follow in doing. CPT-CMD After my Appo term I got the Rank of CPT. During this I helped guide the past Rex[BlueJay]. I helped 4 people that helped me to become a leader Omalic[ATK Reg], Cronis[501st XO x2] Tino/Oden[SO BDE Reg], Harte[Niner]. I kept leading the NCOs and also help build the relations with other Battalions. After my time as a CPT I got COL during this I lead the 501st. As both Cronis and Omalic was dealing with personal problems which I kept private. I hold battalion meetings and went to CMD meetings. I was pming both of them when they were gone. I was on during one person was on while the other one was off. After my time as COL I got the Rank of CMD. During this I let everything work out with the NCO and the lower officers I was just there to help guide. I am always open to listen to problems, as they gave me the job to deal with the new Ahsoka and Jedi when they first join. I was harder on the Jedi due to them joining and trying to powerplay the NCOs. I had everything in place for once I leave the regiments would not have any problems. 

After I left the 501st after being in for 4 months.


After I came back to the Server I joined Shock[PVT-SGT]. During this I joined shock under MorningStar. I always helped people and talked to them even new CTs that got arrested. I started as a PVT. I told the Officer corps that I did not want to be promoted due to the fact that I was done with High Commanding positions in Battalions at that time. I reached the rank of SGT in a week or so and I joined the Shock’s SWAT team as the Pointman. In the month in Shock I learned how to do Public Relations.


Soon After I joined Bad Batch as Crosshair. I have been Crosshair for over 100 days. Since I was Crosshair I worked with every battalion doing Outreach. From all the ATKs to 104th and Du. I enjoyed helping them as my main goal under Lucky was to build up on Bad Batches Rep on the Server. After Lucky’s term I was under Pythin who I helped on making new tryouts and also on building the squad to work better. After a month he left the server. People wanted me to go for it but I did not want it at that time because Unkindled wanted more than me. Under him we fine tune the tryouts and the Squad has been in a good place for a while and we have not had to change anything. This time in Bad Batch has been one of the best. However I have been the XO aka the second in charge behind Hunter for over 60 somedays. While I was Crosshair I worked with the 212th and then got the Foxtrot unit. Most people at the time hated the fact 212th was getting them as a sub unit. I helped the Commander Cody *Bro* at the time and the people that were going for the Gregor spot, which had three people going for it. Jagger got it and I helped him for a bit however with Football and going for Hunter I later let them handle it because I did all that I needed to get it started. I have worked closely with each Hunter that has joined other than Baxter. Who was the first Hunter on the server. 

Staff TRO, GMO, VA. In my time as staff which was 2 runs I don’t count this last one. During this I was focused on helping new staff to handle problems on the server. I was building Tryouts, SIMs, or just all around dupes for the Server. I hosted a lot of deployments for battalions. As well as deploying all regiments within battalions, to help build on them being unique rather than a cool load out. 

Hunter- When i was Hunter I focused on my squad. I worked on the image of Bad Batch as the Nulls at the time hated Bad Batch. I worked with the other squads mostly with Omega and Delta. Which was run by Fyi and Neptune. I was here for about a month and a half then the prop packs bit the dust and I left. I would resign before I get called inactive. 

Jedi- I never liked them as much as I did Sith but I started as a Youngling and got Padawan. I never went to Knight Trials. I earned it though Recs, I was in Temple Guard for 3 weeks before leaving due to drama with the leader which was Cin. I went to Sentinel and joined Rancor on my jedi because they need help badly. I earned the rank of Jedi Commander, only a few earned that without being a named character. After I left and came back for the past 3 weeks. I got the position of SentinelML which was in charge of the Managers for the Sentinel branch. Helped the Shadows to be full and hosted trials again. 

21stNC/Keller’s Unit- I joined 21st to help out the Bacara Qal. I was put into the GM(Galactic Marine) which I soon joined the Eng Branch. I got the position of EngO. Which nothing major happened as the server was dead at this point. After a couple of days I went for KU and got Vinnie who was the EOD expert. I was Vinnie for about a week or so before leaving. 


104th- I joined 104th as a 2ndLt they needed help with their medic corps which I helped out. I got the spot of Medo then so after I got MEDL (Dash-44). While there Medics now have many people in it, and are known for going healing people during events. Which I helped create and I am happy I did. 


Rancor- I was a Rancor HVY for a while the amount of time would be around 2 weeks or less. I helped with ARC training as well as no stop recruitment. 


212th- I have finally joined the 212th attack battalion. After a year and a half on the server. I joined the 2ndAC Branch but later switched to the pilot program to help the overall amount of pilots on the server. 


41st- joined to help Cronis and to build numbers so they were no longer the inactive battalion. While I was there I got Green Company ARC. As well as defend the wall which had a lot of bounty hunters getting in. 


501st- I rejoined the 501st getting out of boot camp as I heard they needed help badly. Once I saw for myself the daily numbers were low. I did activities and work with Nova and Bud to find some ways to create more of an interesting appeal towards the 501st. 332nd had a low number of members. I worked with phaser to get a tryout dupe done and started to host tryouts. After a while I got to the rank of Commander again, which I focused on the Officer corps. Which was not even a thing other than BCMD, CMD, LTC, and 3 2ndLts. I found good candidates for Officer as well I hope to guide Nova and Bud. I had Eagle *I put him in charge of the Trainings* started to bring the other battalions in on it. To create more of a bond, as well as I started to bring them along on any patrols that 501st does. 

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:The reason I want to become RCMD is to oversee the Attack Battalions. I have spent 4+ months within 501st, 1 month in 104th, and I helped 212th when I was in the Bad Batch. I want to do more than what I was able to when I was Crosshair in helping the ATK Reg. 501st and 212th have always had a strong bond together. I had slowly been trying to bond battalion with my deployments. If I become ATK Reg I want to have training for Seizing  enemies Forts with the full might of the ATK with 104th in AT TE, 212th jumping out of LAATs with their Airborne. As well as 501st in the main ground assault. As a Regimental Commander is to help guide the BCMDs. No to micro manage, and to help if they ever need it that goes for any member of the server. I will always be there to guide them as that is the job as an Overseer position. As well with all Attack battalions getting AT TE and TX130 training. I want all of them to work together, mostly 104th overseers by giving the Trainer certification to members of 501st and 212th as the 104th have a long history with these trainings.

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:Yes, from 104th to the 501st.

Availability: All the time on Discord.

In game Weekends all day 

WeekDays 3-9pm EST

Until I start class than it will change 

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:


501st ARC CSM-for 2 days

501st WO Appo

501st REGL Commander 

332nd REGL Commander 




Jedi SentinelM 2 SentinelML Commander 

104th PLT

104th MEDL Dash-44 1stLt

21st ENG Keller’s Unit Sgt


Rancor HVY 1stLt

2ndAC Sgt

212th PLT

41stGC ARC


Do you have a microphone?:Yes

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:I want them to be like a unit not as single individuals. When they are doing Deployments and on the server. Instead of always staying to themselves. I want the ATK Reg to work together and use their unique Battalion training to help better each other and the server. As well as Communications between each battalion this way they will work better and no one will have issues with each other. As well as to have people follow the chain of command if they do have a problem but if people are not on within their own battalion. They should be able to ask each other for help. So in the long run I want to have it so they act as one but still are their own Battalions. As well as I want the most stable Regiment, which should be easy with the 3 biggest battalions on the server but somehow not the case. I want the ATK REG to work close with the new Trainings system that came out.

How do you plan to improve relations within your

 Regiment?: By hosting training on Event Server. As well as make a communication line between each of the BCMDs that way things get to one another clear. If that is a Discord Group, that way they can handle issues that they have with each other and myself to bond each other. To become a unit that works like a team. Because even though we are all on the same server. People will still avoid working with each other and I want to put that out of people's minds. To better the community as a whole. As well as focus on putting petty little shit aside to work through it. To focus on the mission which is to have fun. Not to stress that affects their personal life. Mental health is something people need to look into and to help each other with. Which I will focus on better especially with how the internet is.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:Yes, I will leave before that happens 

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:Yes



*P.S*Yall are all perfect and have a great New Year. Life will get better, if ever having trouble talk to someone. Can be someone in your life or on the server. Mental health is not a joke, please take care of yourself. Suicide is never the answer, I lost friends. But people that are in low place might need someone to give them a call and talk with them. If you need someone I will talk with you. No matter who you are, no matter if I like you or not. I will help you and see what I can do to help. Everyone should be on Watch for their fellow Community Members. On the Server and Real Life. If i ever seem like a dick let me know and I will use other words. I have to know so I can watch what I say. You can DM at Bygod the Kill Joy#5655 . 


Song to make yalls Day 


Edited by KillJoy

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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+1 fuck yes he would be good fit i admit when I applied I need to foucs on 501st more but hey we live and we learn killjoy has helped me and the Legion and has set us on a path for success and he has well thought out plans and excuses which I think attack needs 

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lol first comment of 2021

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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  • Management

Assault Division a bit weird

On a serious note, you came and spoke with me briefly about this and showed me some of your ideas and I think you'd do a great job as Attack Reg.


  • Friendly 1


i am literally captain tukk

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Killjoy is a good candidate for this position, I've seen the amount of work you've put into 501st helping them regain controll. Also Assault Division kinda wierd




Edited by Jack
  • Friendly 1


Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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I have a few issues that I see that I would like you to address before I +1 or -1

Edit: Updating to -1

1. By my understanding you have been back on the server for roughly 20 days. In that time you have gotten CMD very quickly and I believe you just now hit the minimum requirements to post this application. In my opinion, you should continue working with 501st rather than trying to move up so quickly with how recently you have re-joined. With the lack of time that you have been back on the server, I doubt that you fully understand the needs of each battalion and it seems that you are going for this position because you are now able to, rather than because you actually have identified specific issues in the 3 battalions that you plan to solve. What specific issues in each battalion do you plan to address?

2. The reason that you listed as to why you should be attack reg was that you have been in each battalion at some point and that you would like to assist them more. It also seems that your main goal is to have each battalion work more closely during events. This is a fine plan, but in my opinion this should not be the center focus of your potential term as attack reg. In my opinion the attack reg should focus on actual issues within the battalions, rather than having their primary focus be on minor roleplay aspects. The idea of improving relations and connection between each battalion should be things that are improved outside of events, and the 3 battalions attacking a CIS outpost together is not going to cause major improvement or change for any of them. How do you plan for each battalion to improve relations with one another?

3. What plans do you have for each battalion outside of their specializations being utilized more properly during events?

4. A few more minor things: There were a decent bit of grammatical errors in this application and it seems that it may have been rushed rather than carefully considered. Also I am curious as to why you called this position the "assault division commander".

Edited by Blanca
  • Informative 1
  • Friendly 2


Jedi Youngling

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Forum Admin


You basically just came back And was jumped from 2ndLT to Commander to try help fix and stabilize 501st but from an outsiders perspective it looks no where in the shape of being in a stable position with the lack of numbers and officer corps. In my opinion, I don't believe you'd be able to help lead and command 3 battalions. 

  • Agree 4
  • Friendly 1

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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See the thing is, I KNOW you can do it, but you just came back. This seems way to early in your return to go for a Reg position. I don't think this is a power grab but I only think that because I know you. To many other people this may seem like, on top of you getting mass promoted, that you just want more power. I'd recommend to just chill for a bit with 501st.


Edited by A-a-ron
  • Agree 4
  • Friendly 2


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7 hours ago, Blanca said:

I have a few issues that I see that I would like you to address before I +1 or -1

1. By my understanding you have been back on the server for roughly 20 days. In that time you have gotten CMD very quickly and I believe you just now hit the minimum requirements to post this application. In my opinion, you should continue working with 501st rather than trying to move up so quickly with how recently you have re-joined. With the lack of time that you have been back on the server, I doubt that you fully understand the needs of each battalion and it seems that you are going for this position because you are now able to, rather than because you actually have identified specific issues in the 3 battalions that you plan to solve. What specific issues in each battalion do you plan to address?

2. The reason that you listed as to why you should be attack reg was that you have been in each battalion at some point and that you would like to assist them more. It also seems that your main goal is to have each battalion work more closely during events. This is a fine plan, but in my opinion this should not be the center focus of your potential term as attack reg. In my opinion the attack reg should focus on actual issues within the battalions, rather than having their primary focus be on minor roleplay aspects. The idea of improving relations and connection between each battalion should be things that are improved outside of events, and the 3 battalions attacking a CIS outpost together is not going to cause major improvement or change for any of them. How do you plan for each battalion to improve relations with one another?

3. What plans do you have for each battalion outside of their specializations being utilized more properly during events?

4. A few more minor things: There were a decent bit of grammatical errors in this application and it seems that it may have been rushed rather than carefully considered. Also I am curious as to why you called this position the "assault division commander".

1. I talked with the Officer Corps of each battalion and toke notes on a doc that is used to show them my goals and plans. It will always change. But I will post the Notes and ways to fix them. 

212th wants help in the server area, their infrustruce does not need help at the moment. Fixes talk with Game Masters about hosting events focused on Subunits to do special Objs to help show the server what they are about. As well as Once the Event server is up have GMs if doing Multiple Battalion Deployments have Objs for the Elite Units *Aka the SubUnits* 


104th wants to settle everything over the AT TE and TX 130. Also wants an Attack Reg that listens and does not take over from the 104th Officer Corps if in the channel as they had problems in the past. Overall just want Transpacany and someone that will put their foot down when for the Attack Battalions. Set up a program that will help them if they win their case with the Directors. As well as help get the Negotiations training and making it more known that it can be used more often.


501st working on rebuilding Officer Corps, as well as ARC and ARF branches. Giving NCOs the chance of being T 2nd Lts to see if they are good enough to stay officers or to be dropped down to their own rank. Same way the Navy does Chief Selectees. 




Within the Base battalions will avoid to talk with one and other. I want the Assault Battalions to be able to have help from one another if needed and vice versa. If one battalion is not getting new troops members. A brother battalion can help advertise for each other over the 1MC. However they can’t host the tryouts but they can get the word out to get the attention of the new. Members join training has come up many times on the on every other app but never works due to poorly executed plans. With the event server  getting ready to be up in running. I talked with GMOs about setting something up to have more Event Server Deployments for all Regiments as a whole. As well as trying to bring back Event Server Trainings that can be set up by SNCO Corps. This is where the true vision of the Assault Regiment can be met. 


3. Plans Change as new problems are coming up. That is why I would do a set down at the end of each week. To see what we can do better the next week. But to have plan must find a problem, each battalion had their own issues. Some needed help in other places. That is way I talk with Officer + before even putting up this app. Was so I could get the thoughts on what they needed help with. But I guess you could the plan is to increase Transpancey, get the sub units more notice, help up the enlisted to Officer Ratio in some battalions. 


4.This was not rushed I had this setting around since June 24, 2020. I just can't spell and writing was never my strong suit. Reason am in the navy. Also I put Division Commander as a meme for the Recruit Division Commander in IRL. But I can rename it. Becuase yall don't like nothing change. 

1 hour ago, Bleach said:

-1 I dont think you're ready. You JUST came back and already going for a HC position. Maybe wait it out. Help 501st get back on its feet before you go for ATK REG.

I have been talking about going for High Command for a long while. I rejoined the server to do that. But I saw how bad 501st was. 501st has a mass amount of recruitment since I have been back. Activity when it is not the Holidays was 10+ from 17 to 22 West coast time. I help get the 332nd running and having members, get it Regiment with a Lead and Officer to increase the amount of members in each one. As well as set up a system for the Commanders to over watch a section of 501st. Commanders can watch 332nd, Jedi, TC, Regiments, Officer Corps. These way High Command in 501st knows what is happening and what they need to work on. 


58 minutes ago, Naffen said:


You basically just came back And was jumped from 2ndLT to Commander to try help fix and stabilize 501st but from an outsiders perspective it looks no where in the shape of being in a stable position with the lack of numbers and officer corps. In my opinion, I don't believe you'd be able to help lead and command 3 battalions. 

Lack of numbers is due to the Holidays at the moment. As well as the Officer is getting fixed. We have multiple Candidates that will be great for Officer. We are waiting to see if they are good to make such a big jump from NCO to T2ndLT. 

  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 2

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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+1 You have done a lot of work in 501st and have helped us get back on our feet. We have a strong NCO core that has plenty of candidates to be officers in the near future. Our numbers are higher than most battalions on the server at peak hours and I do not understand why people still doubt us. Your plans for attack Reg are good and give each battalion/sub-unit a purpose.


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Ello folks it is i noble and i can now comment on applications. 
Firstly id like to start off by saying that killjoy has done more for the battalion than anyone currently in it. He has been on helping to increase numbers and it shows. As well as he has taken it upon himself to redo most docs and revive 332nd.
coming from me as both a legendary 501st and former MCMD ill be giving Killjoy a massive +1

Man Of The Past

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+1 KillJoy has been trying his hardest for the 501st doing the best that he can even though I believe he should go for BCMD first he still is a better candidate than half the people in the position to run next to him, he isnt even our BCMD and is making a change and if you think he isn't how about you join our Battalion and see what you can do. Everybody in 501st will stand by his side on how much he has impacted us, he has brought in so many good people in the battalion to help us grow, so give us a little and 501st will be strong in numbers and leadership, showing good example to every battalion on the server. Thank you for trying your hardest KillJoy We all appreciate you.

  • Confused 1
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 Although I can understand the standpoint that he did just become a commander regardless of his rank or not he came back and he helped revive the battalion and he busted his ass in doing it , One other thing that was brought up that I Majorly disagree with is people saying that the the battalion isn't in a good place , Upon Killjoy Joined back he was already fixing regiments and document and with the help of our ahsoka he helped revive 332nd , So like I mentioned earlier although this statement is gonna be biased I disagree with the statement saying we don't have numbers, Currently We Have Got around 40 Recruitments this month and we have an active NCO core, Although I do agree that our officer core is non existent we have plans to fix that problem but of course it will take some time. Major +1

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Has done a good job in his past leadership positions. 

A big factor to your personality is your honesty which is a commendable thing. i would just advise you to work on using a suitable customer service vocabulary when dealing with sensitive matters as I recall you had some colorful language a while back which can offend some people and make it hard to do the job. 

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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+1 yes, he's just joined back; however, he's been in all 3 battalions before and done excellent work in all of them. I think his idea on connecting the battalions and his thoughts on the inner workings of the battalions are very intriguing. Ill be honest, 212th is pretty good at the moment in regards to infrastructure. Finally, I like the idea of all the batts working together but not too much, lets focus on our own missions too yknow.


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Killjoy is overall a really good roundabout person that is experienced with everything on the server even though he’s only been back on the server for not very long I know he can do a good job as Attack Regimental and I’m sure he’ll do a good job managing all of the battalions that are under his command. I also think that he’s mature and not the type of person to go for this just for the rank I can see him doing well. Good luck my boy!

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I'm a little hesitant to give a +1 for this. While it seems like you have ideas, a lot of them seem surface deep. Having other batallions advertising is nice, but doesn't solve the issue of them being low in the first place. Transparency is nice too, but it's also expected. 


I also am very concerned at how fast you're getting promoted. It seems like it's less on your merits, and more of the position needing to be filled. 


Before I have my +/-, can you speak to this? 

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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13 minutes ago, Finn said:

I'm a little hesitant to give a +1 for this. While it seems like you have ideas, a lot of them seem surface deep. Having other batallions advertising is nice, but doesn't solve the issue of them being low in the first place. Transparency is nice too, but it's also expected. 


I also am very concerned at how fast you're getting promoted. It seems like it's less on your merits, and more of the position needing to be filled. 


Before I have my +/-, can you speak to this? 

I have no merits High Command promated me to XO. But for Commander that was because of the work I did. I never asked for the Ranks I was given for the work i put.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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+1 anyone saying killjoy doesn’t have enough experience or “He Is GeTtInG pRoMoTeD tO qUiCk” man shut the fuck up. This kid has been playing for 2 years going on three. He has more command experience than some of the current commanders in his left pinky toe then all of them together. He is the man to fix the attack regiment in its current state and I know he can get the job done, everything takes baby steps. 

  • Agree 4
  • Winner 1
  • Friendly 1
  • Optimistic 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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26 minutes ago, Dennis said:

+1 anyone saying killjoy doesn’t have enough experience or “He Is GeTtInG pRoMoTeD tO qUiCk” man shut the fuck up. This kid has been playing for 2 years going on three. He has more command experience than some of the current commanders in his left pinky toe then all of them together. He is the man to fix the attack regiment in its current state and I know he can get the job done, everything takes baby steps. 

Thats not the only point some people are making, they're saying that he shouldn't be trying to leave 501st same thing you said on buds application when you -1 it. While I agree the 501st is definitely doing better, it's no where near where it should be for now I'm going to -1 until 501st is in a more stable position, especially now that there's no battalion commander.

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-1, To be fair, you did come back approximately 20 days ago and went from 2ndLT to the current XO of 501st. 

I get it, you did A LOT for 501st but I don't think all of the issues in 501st have been fixed. You guys just lost your BCMD and I would +1 if this was a Rex application but sadly, it isn't.

Good luck and prove me wrong if so.

  • Agree 3

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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4 hours ago, KillJoy said:

I have no merits High Command promated me to XO. But for Commander that was because of the work I did. I never asked for the Ranks I was given for the work i put.

Do you think 501st will still be alright with no Rex and no XO (assuming you get promoted)? 

  • Informative 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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7 minutes ago, Finn said:

Do you think 501st will still be alright with no Rex and no XO (assuming you get promoted)? 

Yes, got really good people being looked at by us as Officer as well as High Command. Also am setting things up so all the responsibilities are spread out so it is not put on one person. 

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Killjoy know what he is doing. He is very dedicated to help out all of attack battalions.  +1

Current:  Retried

Past: 2Del, x10Boomer, x3Anakin , x2Eeth Koth, Lumi, Quinlan, Adi, x2Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti, 501st CMD, 91st CMD, Kano, Hawk, 2xAppo

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15 hours ago, Dennis said:

+1 anyone saying killjoy doesn’t have enough experience or “He Is GeTtInG pRoMoTeD tO qUiCk” man shut the fuck up. This kid has been playing for 2 years going on three. He has more command experience than some of the current commanders in his left pinky toe then all of them together. He is the man to fix the attack regiment in its current state and I know he can get the job done, everything takes baby steps. 


Also all this “you just came back” none sense is dumb. Yeah he just came back and did more work for 501st than a lot of people who’ve been here a while have done for their battalion for monthes. 

y’all need to relax lmao.
+1 boot

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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From someone who brought you into the 501st in 2019, watching your growth on the server. I know for a fact that you are completely eligible to perform the tasks of an Attack Reg, although It would be wiser if you went for Rex first as the 501st has been in a vary bipolar status for a while now. Now you may be going for reg due to the shorter term period, and you being in the military now might require you to leave on sudden notice to finish your training. You have good plans and execute them all well, but I think you should focus on the 501st before aspiring to move higher, in the long run it will only go further in your case to become attack reg. I'm sorry son, but -1.

  • Agree 1

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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20 hours ago, TheCyan said:

I like the app and I like the effort you’ve shown, BUT you’ve just come back. Let’s not have another Pythin where he came back, INSTANTLY got SOBDE reg, and then evaporated.

-1 I’m sorry :(


+1 you are doing good work, and I trust that you could help 501st AS A ATK REG! :PepoThink: I wonder who attack reg looks over?

Edited by Pythin
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Former: Liaison


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Love you BUT I just don't think you've been back in the climate of the server for long enough to take up a high command mantle. The server has changed a lot since you've been in your positions and its a lot different now with how things operate and things go. 

Wish this woulda been a Rex app.. you would've been great at Rex but I am hesitant to let boomers who are just returning go into HCMD positions.

  • Disagree 1
  • Winner 2
  • Friendly 2

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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22 hours ago, Eclipse said:


Love you BUT I just don't think you've been back in the climate of the server for long enough to take up a high command mantle. The server has changed a lot since you've been in your positions and its a lot different now with how things operate and things go. 

Wish this woulda been a Rex app.. you would've been great at Rex but I am hesitant to let boomers who are just returning go into HCMD positions.

This.  -1

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You seem to be fast promoting people. Like Tup & Kix have absolutely fired up the ranks in the few days or weeks they've been there (Tup getting Captain in 3 weeks). I understand sometimes you need to skip ranks for the better but this is like pretty insane. Huge jumps to do what I can assume is to fill ranks. People won't gain anything from mass promotion and will just burn out quite quickly. Also appointing yourself as REGL is suspicious at best , I'm assuming a Senior officer could have held this position and you took it for the sake of more centralised power. Or no one could've wanted it but I have no proof of the either just sticks out to me.

You've barely come back and I doubt you can be properly adjusted to the current server situation surrounding HC. You could have made a good Rex but you appear to have no ambitions towards 501st and seem to be using it as a stepping stone towards ATK Reg.  You just seem to be doing a lot of trainings, which sort of help relations, but they appear to be more of a show thing then actually genuinely useful.

I also have issue with the little to no grasp you could have of current High Command. You've barely been back and suddenly want to launch into High Command in a very important position with little to no knowledge of the current server standings. You've barely become the leader of 501st and just want to leave it behind. All your work in 501st is inflating numbers and regressing on many of the cores & traditions of 501st.

You don't really have a grasp on how either 104th or 212th work (and debateable if you understand how 501st is supposed to work). A lot of your promises & plans are just focused on making the battalions work more like they do in Lore. Less focus on out of event relations and more just getting battalions to work together in events.

Also you had a pretty insulting description of your own achievements. Especially when you described yourself as doing Bro's job (BCMD Cody) when you were an Outreach Colonel. You pretty much just went on about your achievements and old positions and how you helped carry 212th. But honestly those mean nothing in the way of modern Synergy.
(These accounts were when you were talking to members in TS)

The only really positive thing I can say about you is that you talked to a lot of people but I'm still not sure any of those comments got to you and you seem to just be applying to get the position. You did just apply as soon as you could, leaving 501st in the dust.


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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Just now, Taz said:

IIRC from when I was last in 501st, each Commander had it's own thing. 1 TCC, 1 REGL, 1 IFC (infrastructure CMD). Not sure if they still do it but that's how it was when I was in it in November/December 

TCC is currently a LTC & I don't think they have an IFC right now. So I'm not so sure about that being a rule

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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15 minutes ago, Comics said:


You seem to be fast promoting people. Like Tup & Kix have absolutely fired up the ranks in the few days or weeks they've been there (Tup getting Captain in 3 weeks). I understand sometimes you need to skip ranks for the better but this is like pretty insane. Huge jumps to do what I can assume is to fill ranks. People won't gain anything from mass promotion and will just burn out quite quickly. Also appointing yourself as REGL is suspicious at best , I'm assuming a Senior officer could have held this position and you took it for the sake of more centralised power. Or no one could've wanted it but I have no proof of the either just sticks out to me.

You've barely come back and I doubt you can be properly adjusted to the current server situation surrounding HC. You could have made a good Rex but you appear to have no ambitions towards 501st and seem to be using it as a stepping stone towards ATK Reg.  You just seem to be doing a lot of trainings, which sort of help relations, but they appear to be more of a show thing then actually genuinely useful.

I also have issue with the little to no grasp you could have of current High Command. You've barely been back and suddenly want to launch into High Command in a very important position with little to no knowledge of the current server standings. You've barely become the leader of 501st and just want to leave it behind. All your work in 501st is inflating numbers and regressing on many of the cores & traditions of 501st.

You don't really have a grasp on how either 104th or 212th work (and debateable if you understand how 501st is supposed to work). A lot of your promises & plans are just focused on making the battalions work more like they do in Lore. Less focus on out of event relations and more just getting battalions to work together in events.

Also you had a pretty insulting description of your own achievements. Especially when you described yourself as doing Bro's job (BCMD Cody) when you were an Outreach Colonel. You pretty much just went on about your achievements and old positions and how you helped carry 212th. But honestly those mean nothing in the way of modern Synergy.
(These accounts were when you were talking to members in TS)

The only really positive thing I can say about you is that you talked to a lot of people but I'm still not sure any of those comments got to you and you seem to just be applying to get the position. You did just apply as soon as you could, leaving 501st in the dust.


Alright so 

1. the promotions are agreed on before they happen. We don’t promote anyone we look at how your are do you can about the battalions. I never appointed myself REGL. Nova need someone that he needed someone so I said I could do that until he found someone else so he can focus on trying to safe his term. Also I stop being REGL once I got XO(Which I had no say in High Command Promoted me to that because I can stabilize the battalion.) 

2. I work closely with Cronis, Noble and asked how is the server doing overall. Ask Cronis asked him in a letter I sent when I was in Fucking boot camp. By the way I asked Wolfro before joining 501st about ATK because. I asked Forseen before I left if I can get waived for ATK Reg back in June. But I signed for the Navy and got told to hold off. Also I joined 501st help because seeing how people talked about how it was doing I want to help. I gave help via discord to Nova, Hanz and Bud. After a while I saw that Attack as whole needed help because between low numbers and the whole trainings getting changed. Also I had bee trying to work with GMOs to get deployments *Oh wait* Before I left I always tried to get attack to do Deployments together ask Brooklyn when he was Wolffe. 

I talked with 212th Officer Corps and 104th about all their problems and if they are doing good. Not a whole lot I can within their discord’s and have to take things a voice value. Also I tried to get an attack Reg discord so they can chill together and play other games it was shot down. 

By the way I did not do Bro’s job and will never be able to compare myself to the legend. I helped him because he needed it and almost all of SO BDE at the time avoid helping because 212th got all of Foxtrot instead of Gregor. By the way it was to show I will help in any way you need me to I don’t care. 

by the way everyone I talked to said go for it. No one said anything Negative. I even asked you and you said nothing. You was in the channel, funny when people don’t tell me stuff until I go for a spot. 

  • Informative 3

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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2 minutes ago, KillJoy said:

the promotions are agreed on before they happen. We don’t promote anyone we look at how your are do you can about the battalions.

Just it's agreed it doesn't mean it's not extremely excessive rates of promotion. A group decision can still be a bad one

3 minutes ago, KillJoy said:

I talked with 212th Officer Corps and 104th about all their problems and if they are doing good. Not a whole lot I can within their discord’s and have to take things a voice value. Also I tried to get an attack Reg discord so they can chill together and play other games it was shot down

Just because you've talked to people it doesn't mean you understand their battalions or how they work in anyway. You just haven't been around long enough to understand either battalion. 

4 minutes ago, KillJoy said:

By the way I did not do Bro’s job and will never be able to compare myself to the legend. I helped him because he needed it and almost all of SO BDE at the time avoid helping because 212th got all of Foxtrot instead of Gregor. By the way it was to show I will help in any way you need me to I don’t care.

This is just a blatant lie there are multiple witness who were in the channel when you literally said you carried the battalion as an outreach

5 minutes ago, KillJoy said:

by the way everyone I talked to said go for it. No one said anything Negative. I even asked you and you said nothing. You was in the channel, funny when people don’t tell me stuff until I go for a spot. 

And I didn't really have anything to say to you at the time cause I had literally 0 idea who you were. Your plans seemed pretty flimsy and under-baked but I didn't say anything cause I just wouldn't have anything to say. I've constructed these opinions way after you talked to everyone individually (15 days into you being back). Don't really know what you'd want me to say "I think you're incapable because you've just come back". It takes time to create opinions and criticisms and there wasn't much time between you suddenly saying you're going for it and you actually applying.

7 minutes ago, KillJoy said:

I work closely with Cronis, Noble and asked how is the server doing overall. Ask Cronis asked him in a letter I sent when I was in Fucking boot camp. By the way I asked Wolfro before joining 501st about ATK because. I asked Forseen before I left if I can get waived for ATK Reg back in June. But I signed for the Navy and got told to hold off. Also I joined 501st help because seeing how people talked about how it was doing I want to help. I gave help via discord to Nova, Hanz and Bud. After a while I saw that Attack as whole needed help because between low numbers and the whole trainings getting changed. Also I had bee trying to work with GMOs to get deployments *Oh wait* Before I left I always tried to get attack to do Deployments together ask Brooklyn when he was Wolffe

I also have pretty much nothing to say to this. I don't really know what you're trying to prove or even say. I understand working with the old Marshal and a regimental but that doesn't really demonstrate a knowledge of current High Command.

I don't think I'm allowed another comment so uhhh Best of Luck.

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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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34 minutes ago, Comics said:


This is just a blatant lie there are multiple witness who were in the channel when you literally said you carried the battalion as an outreach


If it came across that way Am sorry, I don't give a Fuck about a -1 but. I helped with Foxtrot and Trainings a stuff for 212th. I will never claim the work the Bro's has done. 

Also For the Commanders.
I worked on having it were we have a Commander overseering the Jedi. To make sure that Ahsoka and Anakin are working on Jedi and not just using their spots.

Edited by KillJoy
  • Confused 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Hi Killjoy! Its Bacta! I was extremly hesitant to put my vote/opinion for personal reasons but I would like to put some stuff here, I would love for you to respond!

The main 3 points hitting you is

-Short time coming back (You are just hitting the bare minimum to apply for the position)

-501st is gonna turn into a negative parabola if you leave the position (You were the catalyst for 501st doing good from your activity and such you leaving can damage the battalion again.)

-Plans are weak at best in your application. (Political buzz words)

      Personally from my perspective and what i said you will most likely be a non offensive ATTACK REG that will attempt to unify the battalions to a short term, a lot of your points are extreme buzz words of unity and such which is cool! But i think people want a more aggressive attack reg that's gonna focus more inside the battalion than unifying them. My personal experience was a very rough conversation with you Killjoy, it was a lot of mumbling and it just felt you were going off buzz words.  If it was just this I would have -1 BUT it seems your other conversations have resulted into +1 with confidence leading into your position. 

The main 3 points that support you is

-Past experience of being a great person (Crosshair XO | VA | Personality)

-501st having a comeback mentality (Great numbers recently with positions being filled)

-You have talked to the mass of the server it seems about you going for it , your responses have fixed peoples hesitancy on them going for it

     A lot of your shit people are hitting you for bleeds into the reasons people are supporting you for, your experience people have seen carries you above the criticism of only being back, your plans in your application have been overlooked as you have had talks from the ATK REG that have given them good faith,  501st being in a good state stem from the full workload you did to do it, doubts arise from you leaving that position.

Sorry for stalling ill hit you with the main thing I want you to answer.

How are you going to ensure that the 501st doesn't fail again like before, Nova suffered heavy because he was rushed into a position he wasn't quite ready for, 501st has been making some fast promotions, how are you ensuring that history does not repeat itself.

end of the day good luck man, i fucking love that you care this much about it and judging from others you are stand up guy! If you do get it prove everyone wrong if you don't get it prove everyone wrong. 



Edited by Bacta
  • Winner 2
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1 minute ago, Bacta said:


Hi Killjoy! Its Bacta! I was extremly hesitant to put my vote/opinion for personal reasons but I would like to put some stuff here, I would love for you to respond!

The main 3 points hitting you is

-Short time coming back (You are just hitting the bare minimum to apply for the position)

-501st is gonna turn into a negative parabola if you leave the position (You were the catalyst for 501st doing good from your activity and such you leaving can damage the battalion again.)

-Plans are weak at best in your application. (Political buzz words)


Personally from my perspective and what i said you will most likely be a non offensive ATTACK REG that will attempt to unify the battalions to a short term, a lot of your points are extreme buzz words of unity and such which is cool! But i think people want a more aggressive attack reg that's gonna focus more inside the battalion than unifying them. My personal experience was a very rough conversation with you Killjoy, it was a lot of mumbling and it just felt you were going off buzz words.  If it was just this I would have -1 BUT it seems your other conversations have resulted into +1 with confidence leading into your position. 

The main 3 points that support you is

-Past experience of being a great person (Crosshair XO | VA | Personality)

-501st having a comeback mentality (Great numbers recently with positions being filled)

-You have talked to the mass of the server it seems about you going for it , your responses have fixed peoples hesitancy on them going for it

A lot of your shit people are hitting you for bleeds into the reasons people are supporting you for, your experience people have seen carries you above the criticism of only being back, your plans in your application have been overlooked as you have had talks from the ATK REG that have given them good faith,  501st being in a good state stem from the full workload you did to do it, doubts arise from you leaving that position.

Sorry for stalling ill hit you with the main thing I want you to answer.

How are you going to ensure that the 501st doesn't fail again like before, Nova suffered heavy because he was rushed into a position he wasn't quite ready for, 501st has been making some fast promotions, how are you ensuring that history does not repeat itself.

end of the day good luck man, i will always appreciate someone that cares for the community and its obvious from you being here for so long that you do.  



I set in stone a new Time in rate across the board for all ranks. Because people was promoting them fast. Also I will still be doing what I have been doing for the command of 501st ever since I left 2 years ago which is help guide them. People think am just going to give them away like some unwanted puppy. That is not the case 501st was the first battalion I joined, I fell in love with it because of how Command was. Which I try to create with the new people joining. I have been putting in place a structure that will keep things running when I leave. 
4 key areas Commanders watch

Officer corps 





Areas Officers watch

NCO Corps 



Worthy of being Promoted

As well as to help brother battalions out by trying to keep the enjoyment of the Server by keeping actives for each other to do doing down time.


I trust Gears to oversee the Jedi Corps so I gave him XO rank with in the battalion.

Phaser has been nothing other than fantastic with 332nd, he created the tryout docs. Help me make the dupe and run some tryouts when I was 332nd Officer. 

Everything I set up is based of how the Military is set up with the person at top have the advisory that gives him news and data on their areas and the chain of command is broken down to the lower enlisted.  



  • Informative 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Killjoy is a solid commander. Back when I was Rex, Killjoy was my most reliable commander and served as my defacto XO despite not holding the rank. Killjoy has showed that he can command and that the ATK regiments stands behind him. I believe he is suited to be ATK REG. However I also believe that 501st is in need of a strong leader and if Killjoy becomes REG that there needs to be capable person to command 501st in his stead. I'd prefer you helping 501st as Rex, however, it can also be done as REG untill a Rex can be apointed. I understand the concerns with him recently having come back, which I mentioned to him when we spoke about his intentions to run for REG yet I believe that with how he's helped 501st get back on its feet now and from the work he's done in the past that I can look past this.

Killjoy was and is a good commander, I was more then happy to intrust him with command of 501st back in the day and from what he's shown since coming back that fact remains true. If he's able to work the same a regimental as he did/does as commander then we're in for a solid ATK Regimental. 

Best of luck!

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 Papa Kal

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i’ve not interacted with you much. However, after seeing your exemplary record with command positions, the support you are receiving from former and current ATK regiment members, and the collected manner with which you have responded to comments in this thread, I would like to support you. 

Good luck!

Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview

Please contact one of the Server Directors to organise your interview within 7 DAYS from this post or your application will be DENIED



Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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