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[Denied] Scribbles Ban Appeal


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Name: Scribbles 
Steam ID: 
Ban Reason: Jedi Boosting
Date of Ban: 4/1/2020
Length of Ban: Perm
Staff Member(s) Involved: Craig / Duck  (I think)
Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: Well, i know this was me boosting to try and get levels, and i know i messed up, i have been a community member around.....a few weeks after synergy was created, i dont remember, i still got screenies, it was early on, i know that. Recently i was trying to boost levels with the intent to see what the first prestige does, i of course decided to abuse staff powers and have received a permanent staff BL from here on out, regardless of the fact yes it was still abuse that followed up by a perma ban. I know this may seem a little much but at least i would like to be un-banned from the teamspeak, just because i would like to hang out with friends and what not. Mainly because i am a very chatty individual, mainly to voice my concerns and what not as there are alot of things that should need fixing, and definitely needs fixing. I thoroughly enjoy making events and keeping the server entertained.  All i can say is, if of course given a chance to come back, i will be working hard to try and make my name clean (Listen we both know the Lucario situation isn't going away) I appreciate all of you taking your time to read this! Only thing i am bummed about is not being able to chat through teamspeak. 
My pass offences involving rule breaking are as followed:
Money Glitching (Later 2017/early 2018)
Abuse of staff powers (When we first got the endor map)
And now, Jedi XP Boosting through NPC Farming (March 31st 2020)

Evidence to support your claims: 


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So before this post goes any further. Please understand a few things.


The accused has 4 major prior offenses.
Money Glitching (Later 2017/early 2018)
Abuse of staff powers (When we first got the endor map)
And now, Jedi XP Boosting through NPC Farming (March 31st 2020
Linking porn in the general chat.

^ The above is typically already permabannable before this offense.

The accused showed no sign of being sorry for what they were doing, and did not even hint at it during our covnersation

The Proof of exploiting can be found within Scribbles own post

@Scribbles Do not reply to anyone on this thread regardless of what they say or it will be instantly Denied.

If the community decides to take you back, you will be on a 90 day final warning, if you break even a singular rule. You will be removed from the community indefintely.

(The fate of you playing on this server is now in the hands of the community.)
My vote is an immediate

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@ScribblesNot only is it boosting it is blatant admin abuse. 



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-1 given the circumstances evidence, and past behavior. Sorry man it’s just not something we should have to deal with repeatedly 

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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Scribbles you and me had some good history but buh, you lied to everyone in the channel you were sitting in. Why? I cannot see myself supporting this sadly because you just didn't come clean when you were caught. You had to of known that you would be caught eventually. 

also, staff abuse? that's just painting a bad image. 


Edited by Andrews53
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Scribbles i love you man but you lied to everyone in the TG channel about what you were doing you said you were spawning in a few gonk droids to see if they rag dolled and from that video that is not what you were doing. You were probably the greatest gm but I am going to have to -1 sorry man.....

 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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Frankly, I know he has quite a record built up, but I believe he should be given one more chance. Keep him perma banned from staff, maybe jedi as well. But let him stay in the community for a bit. I have heard nothing but good things about him from the people around me personally. So I will give it a +1. Some other people have mentioned this and I agree, if he is allowed back, start him from the very beginning, no money, no levels, nothing.

Edited by Tarvos
Wanted to add something
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I knew scribbles and talked to him multiples times, hes a good guy but still man at least tell someone what your doing before your doing it. ima abstain on this but still man cmon.... i think letting him in TS is fine but on the server idk about that tbh.

Edited by Stalkerseven
more stuff i wanted to put in
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-1 , this hurts me as you are when I was in staff. But you lied to everyone in the channel which is the worst thing possible. 

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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This may get a lot of hate but.... +1. You really are a great guy scribbles and yes you fucked up but you have done so much for the community. You were fox, you were yoda, you made good quality events that the server actualy enjoyed. Ima be real when i first found out i was shocked but you did something wrong. With that being said i agree to get you un banned from ts and possibly the server with the stipulation joah put. Please put the shovel down and stop digging yourself in this hole my man...

Edited by Darkk
  • Agree 1

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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I think the simpler method of just revoking his staff access permanently, not letting him apply at all. Plus, I feel as if he had this many offenses, why the hell did he keep his staff if you knew these shit gonna happen? 

Keep him on TS3, he should atleast be allowed to chat in TS3.



Edited by SR_Kangaroo
Cuz i made some errors when typing fast.
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Aight, so I am gonna say this now.

Seeing this, fucking hurt. Cause I know how good of a dude you can be Scribbles. As a staff member, as Foxtrot, as a BH, you went out of your way to set an example. Then this? Look, man, I know you are better than this, but there have to be consequences. Some time away from the server might be a good way to think about the impact of everything. 

-1 towards a full appeal, but perhaps a +1 to a future shortening of ban, but there must be consequences.


Also, is this a Gmod ban or both Gmod and TS? Just cause TS isn't really a problem, all his problems have been in GMod

Edited by Merrill

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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-1. I understand wanting to fuck around with staff abilities. Trust me, I've done it more than anyone else has (besides the founders). Previously I thought I was the worst at it, and it pains me to see that you've beaten me out here. I'd never abuse staff in a manner like that to give myself an advantage in the server, it's basically cheating. Even after the first time getting banned through credit glitching, I'd hoped you would've learned. You're not one of the only people who got banned there. Lemme just pick some people out: Shakes, Acroc, Miller, etc. I watched them from the moment they got unbanned to the moment they left. All of them excelled, learned from their shit, got BCMD positions and because highly esteemed members. They knew about existing exploits but chose not to utilize them. This is how I would've expected you to end out. I don't think I've been disappointed more. This one sucks. Nah bro. Best of luck to you.

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Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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Im Gonna Have To do A +1 and a -1 Man Even though you a good friend. You shouldnt have Done what you did. I hate to see you go out like this you could of been better than this. You were The best Gm Ik You were always willing to do stuff for me. When Everyone ignored my dumb encounter/event ideas you stood up For me. Your a great guy but you shouldnt of had done what you did. I understand that the leveling is hard to do and it is slow but you dont need to abuse your powers. But Im just shocked to see you do such stuff like this. You were like 1 of the best staff out there. You shouldnt of had done this. It kills me to see you go. 

Sincerly: Otter 

Edited by gtedesco125
I had to add more i felt like.

Foxtrot/Alpha-23 EOD Otter


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Mate, I'm a sucker for second chances and I love your events but....4 wrong doings? I'm sorry mate it doesn't seem like you've learned. 

     If you wanted to see what the 1st Prestige did, should have went to Sims and AFK'ed like the rest of us..

-1 From me. Sorry mate.

  • Agree 1

Omega Three-Six "Darman"| "Blood for the Blood God!"


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I Love you Scribbles and your a Good guy, but this is a Major issue.

I understand how you feel and how you want to come back, but you should have thought that through before you did it. I mean if you Money glitched, then you should have thought it through again.

Sorry but I know we all make mistakes, but we should learn from them.

And im sorry but you haven't


I will +1 you being unbanned from TS. 


Edited by Pythin
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Former: Liaison


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-1 and heres why: We were in the TS when you got your level stripped, you said that you just killed a couple of gonk droids but this video shows its not the case. Many people wondered and watched in amazement how you climbed the levels so high and fast but now that everyone knows it was just pure admin abuse. I never thought you would do something like this as a long lasting member of this community and youve been on your final straw for a while with your previous offences. You shouldve thought long and hard about what you were doing after your first offense and just evaluated what you were going to do before you did it. I'm sorry but this is just too many things that add up way too much

Edited by Etc1440
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-1 now this is tough for me to say but there are a few reasons for my -1

1. At the time of the video you were in a ya channel with me and others acting like normal

2. You lied to everyone in the channel after Joah had reset your stats and stated why in staff chat

3. you lied to other people just to try and make sure you were not caught.

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- Your Local Headass, Bruise.

Former: Jedi Master,  BCMD Gree , Recon RCMD Head Admin , GMM, Adi GalliaCommander Faie X2, Cooker

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It pains me to give this a -1, but your history of similarly reprehensible actions does not reflect well on the server.

As one of our greatest GMs, you will always have my respect, but I’m afraid you’ve used up all your chances this time.

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Honestly dude, this is just more sad than anything.
I think the server as a whole respected you as a GM and you where probably the best GM we had in the team.
You have been given many opportunities to learn from your fuck ups.
1. You money glitched with Rancor.
2. You abused your admin powers on Endor.
3.  And now this.

How are we, as a community, supposed to trust you, when you can't even keep the promises you made when you first where un-banned.
Judging by the looks of this, you won't be unbanned Scribbles. Fuck dude I liked you, you where a good guy and one hell of a GM. But this is inexcusable.
At the very least, if you eventually get un-banned. You should never be allowed in staff again.




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Sigh this is difficult and sad at the same time. I've seen tons of staff abuse before hand but this is much much worse due to exploiting being the big thing. Always been the main target. -1 Sorry but 4 chances and lying to everyone in the channel....4 chances should've given you the moment for you to stop breaking rules and actually enforce it. But +1 TS to always a good chad to talk and so forth.

Edited by ArticIceWolf
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This is touchy, cuz on one hand I like scribbles and appreciate all he's done for the server, on the other hand I don't believe you should be doing stuff like this.


Sure, new update and all is cool. means Jedi can get levels, more health, ect. Dope. But bro, As cool as it is do you think exploiting for easy levels was worth it? It's not cool man.

+1 TS, you should be able to talk and hang out.
-1 ingame, at least not yet. Maybe soon.

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Scribbles. I don’t know what to say to you man. I understand your wanted to see what would happen if you prestiged but mate.....you of ALL staff should’ve known better. You’ve had previous offenses and all were forgiven. Yet you go back to doing it. I love you man, a great guy to talk to and an amazing GM. However I’m a man who’s goes by a 3 strike system. And I’m afraid you’re out of strikes. -1 for in game. +1 for TS. 

Was a Fox I guess. Just an old Synergy vet.
Explore roman centurian GIFs

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Look scribbles. Alot of people love you on this server and i think you are certainly a cool guy, But you fucked up BIG time here... that video is pretty damning im not sure what else to say but -1.. sorry dude but. You've had chances and you've run out of em

Autism made me do it.

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Just for clarification, this is not an April Fool's prank, is it? Cause me and the boys just realized it was still April 1st. I just wanna double check

Edited by Merrill
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The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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-1 The amount of droids....there's no excuse. Unbelievable. That CPU must be steamin still.

Edited by kojak
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I think he should get one more chance, even though he's had many past offences and all that, he's made really good events/encounters. From what I’ve heard, he's been a pretty good guy. You could've done done so many other things to be able to level up as a jedi but doing what you did was heartbreaking. I think that he should have a ban, but maybe a perma might be a bit too much, maybe allow him into the TS, and maybe give him a long ban, but not perma. I'm going to give him a +1, I hope you don't take this for granted and change for the better...

:NekoDance: Setogaya :NekoDance:

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Scribbles your nice and smart guy. You’ve held high up and good positions in this community. You should have learned from that and you’re multiple bans. Buddy I appreciate you being always helpful to me but I believe that the community and high staff have given you enough chances. Even as a staff member which again you just exploited your SA to get you skill points. I felt that your appeal was rushed to just be back, it sounded like you were only bringing up the fact that you were OG which doesn’t mean it’s a get out of jail free card bud. But of course I do wish you the best where ever this thing ends up. Perhaps a unban in TS as your still cool to talk to but ultimately on the server:


Edited by Matt_

Just Finished a Trilogy Marathon so here are some Lord of the Rings  Reaction Gifs - Album on Imgur

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Whoa wow. I don't know what to really say. You should know better not to do that, and I get it that you may have wanted to see it to see maybe what you can do for events, if they would help make it look more immersive or something. You were one of the best Game Masters in the program and always looking forward to what you would come with next. Hell even helping you was awesome, not because we would confuse the other Game helpers with our voices. We should have done one last twin brothers event before this all happened. 

 My brother, my younger brother, I will have to -1 you on this. (+1 for Teamspeak so he can give us good ideas for events lol)

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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-1 Because of the exploit rule actually applying to this. Although I think he should at least be unbanned from the TS because I really don't think someone should be excommunicated for this.

However, I will say it's kinda funny how some people are jumping to their high horse acting like this isn't a regular occurrence.  I know of people who have requested 1 health zombies for "simulations". I guess it's different because it's a SIM? Not really. Just sucks for Scribbles because he got caught doing something that practically no one on the server has any "moral high ground" on. Like you want a pat on the head or something because you "didn't cheat"? Lol

Gonna miss you, bud.

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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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GM Leadership

Honestly, I think you and me are good friends so for everyone else realize this vote is bias to all hell. I will agree with the Unban from TS. However this is almost a yearly meme at this point. I do not think you have lasted a year. SO good meme. *Cough* Good Links*Cough*. Also I want to point out the fact of what about people doing events that are just meant to kill players for exp or just pvp sims. Just saying.

So, +1 for Unban from Teamspeak for sure since there are public rooms to chill in. Also I enjoy your company.


However for the server man. -1, I know this will hurt the current gamemaster program but man #almostayear.

Edited by Crimson
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I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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Well i feel a perma ban for a man this active in the communty is a bit harsh but he did break a rules gonna have to give a -1 but i feel he should be unbaned from the ts and mabey like a few month ban from the server. If he were to get off with a few month ban from this offense i feel like it is fair u wipe his account to teach him a lesson as he has done stuff to warrant a perma ban in the past.



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This is like a punch to the gut.   :PepeHands:  I had a lot of respect for you and it hurts seeing this.   You really fucked up man. 

Rules are rules,  however.   You knew as staff and someone that has been around for a long time that shit like this isn't cool.    

-1 for the ingame unban,  HOWEVER  the only thing I want from this is allowing Scribbles to appeal this some time in the future or maybe even reducing it to a year / year and an half ban.   I think some time will help him to realize his mistakes.   

I will +1 for the Teamspeak unban at least.


Edited by Zensras

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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43 minutes ago, kojak said:

-1 The amount of droids....there's no excuse. Unbelievable. That CPU must be steamin still.


Dog, Im running a i5-4670k and a RTX 2060. He almost crashed me. I swear I saw smoke.

But no on a real note, you spawned easily 200 droids, you did it about 6-8 times while I was watching you. You only stopped b/c someone came to granite. You lied to their face saying you were just testing the droid model for a future event. During the confrontation with you(With Highstaff, Jedi, and Witnesses) you did not like you regretted what you did 1 bit. This is further backed up by the fact, that you posted your appeal in under 20 minutes. You do not regret what you did, and you honestly have not thought about how what you did might affect Jedi. Shit like this might be why NPC's will be nerfed.

Now onto if he should be unbanned from TS, my opinion no he should not. Why should someone who is perma banned from the server be allowed onto TS. Its a all are nothing. Lets face honest facts if hes only unbanned from TS, then hes always going to hold a grudge towards the server. Shit like this will cause more drama within the community. I feel if someone wants to be unbanned from TS they need to be unbanned from ungame. As by being unbanned by both it shows you have truly reflect on what the fuck you did.

TLDR; Why the -1

  • Spawned 400 Droids that almost crashed me each time. (Did it about 6-8 times)
  • Lagged the server massively and almost potentially crashed it.(He was using force repulse and spawned a large amount of droids in a small area)
  • Lied to multiple peoples face, "Oh I was just testing the Model for a event" "Oh no no no I was testing something due to a Gonk Droid Bug", the lies and excuses go on.
  • Has been banned 4 times not for small offense but each offense are massive
  • Did not even wait 20 minutes to appeal
  • If someones perma banned its a all or nothing, not just one server.

In my opinion try to atleast wait a week before you appeal again, if its a perma ban.

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Wow exploit round two eh?

Lost all respect for you awhile ago after you showed yourself to be a pathological liar and abusing the positions you held to stir up drama.

No half measures you need to learn actions have consequences and you have been given way too many chances.



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GM Leadership


12 minutes ago, Teaa said:

-1 no wonder I kept timing out ¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯


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I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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Ima miss you Scribbles. As much as I hate seeing it, ya got caught, and ya gotta deal with that. I don't understand why you're being TS banned though, you didn't break a TS rule.


If you ever manage to get unbanned I'll getcha back into 212th no worries 

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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I only recently returned so i don't know scribbles too well, and perhaps i am too empathetic or forgiving, but aside from the chat post, which ive heard about a bit, it all seems like abuse of power, so black list him from having admin powers again, but allow him to play, i don't really see a reason to perma ban someone who genuinely likes the community, and such, perma too me seems much more like a...no intention of actually playing, racism, etc. just my opinion on the matter, sure i'm just fucking wrong, but the choice has been left to us. and this is my choice. To Scribbles directly, i hope you can understand why people are mad, and my position doesn't mean i think you did no wrong, better yourself whether they allow you back or not.



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Head Admin

Dang... gonna miss your ass. I hope u get back someday but it's not the time yet for a perma appeal. I see no issue in TS unban tho.

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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My say isnt very much but been having led staff on gmod and arma for along time now even one of your previous offenses would've been a no return perma ban, nothing against synergy fool me once shame on me fool me twice shame on you, fool me three times and I must not be doing my job.


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Aye, I've known you since late 2017, you're a great guy and were always fun to hang around with. But you've fucked up not once, not twice, but 4 times now. 
As much as it pains me. -1

+1 for being unbanned on TS tho


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-1 Honestly. Scribbles you've been given so many chances. I’ve known you for a while my guy. You do seem like a nice and chill guy. But still. It’s against the rules and you shouldn’t have done it in the first place. I’m sorry bro 😢 

I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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Such a blatant act of exploitation requires no words and only deserve a well just punishment.  This will suffice.


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People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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Scribble me and you had some good times together. But you do some crazy stuff. But you broke the rules, sorry buddy -1 from me. 

+1 to get unbanned from ts

Current:  Retried

Past: 2Del, x10Boomer, x3Anakin , x2Eeth Koth, Lumi, Quinlan, Adi, x2Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti, 501st CMD, 91st CMD, Kano, Hawk, 2xAppo

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Well shit, didn't see that coming.


I'm just gonna reciprocate  stuff already said

4 past offences, most holding large bans if not perma

You could have crashed the server with the amount of droids and in saying it was an events.

Some people are fixing you "friendship" +1s, in other words you ate my friend and I dont want you to be banned.

Staff ban, which I have never heard of.  So I 100% agree with that.

Maybe shorten the ban to like 1 month or 2 weeks. Maybe.

You are a nice guy and well liked. But this stuff is almost unforgivable for most. 

I will be honest I bet if we look at past staff I know of staff member who used to do something similar to this to grind out money when the server was dead. Someone even tried to get me to do it for them but I said no as it seemed cheap. I won't disclose those past members as they aren't around anymore.

I think everyone is doing what I'm about to do with a heavy heart.



At least not just yet, give it sometime. TS is fine unless you fuck that up.

If people react with the agree tick if you agree with a 1 month ban then the 90 days final warning instead of perma. As a compromise.

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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I am legitimately gutted about this. Scribbles man.... You are such a great guy but you messed up deeply buddy.  I would be down for at least unbanning him from TS but in-game I think you must serve at least a 6 month ban.  Didn't expect this whatsoever so I am kind of shocked.  Please learn from this mistake as I have made so many here too but time does heal and maybe you also need a time out bud. o7 buddy! <3  


-1 For the unban in game

+1 For the ts ban

Edited by COC4IN3
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You lied to us in the TG Channel. As we were talking you were doing this. I personally feel betrayed. Sorry man. -1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Scirbbles, I loved ya man but when I see someone doing this it just shocks me and makes me upset to see this. I loved your events, personality, RP, and most of all the joy you brought to the community. But when I see someone doing this type of stuff to just grind XP after you told other Jedi to not farm XP, its just not right. 
ILY Scribbles it would be nice to have you back in TS.

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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Scribbles, you and I have a bit of a history and I've seen alot of things with you along with dealing with alot of different issues together. With that said, I am surprised and frankly very disappointed with you with these actions. The fact that you had so many different strikes against you should have know alot better in doing shit like this. Shoot I thought you were better then this, I mean i knew you we're memey but this takes the cake since you we're in a position of power as staff, and your past high level position, you are someone people look at to mold behind. 


So for in game pan appeal a huge-1

for TS +1 with conditions. These are a good 2+month ban and a strict monitoring for 4+ months. because why the F would you post a link to porn my guy. 



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i mean weve all done it tbh. i remember a little ducky spawning the lightsaber rifle as an admin on the shitty endor thingy map. (not me btw) just cant get caught. big up cloves. you were probably one of the best game masters, tieing with silvers. its a shmae you went full pp head and did all these things. i mean +1 for TS Unban tho 

Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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Can’t you just remove his Jedi skill level and wipe it back to 0 or is that not possible at all?

Obviously you’ve done fucked up by abusing your staff powers which is why I’ll give you a big ol’ what the fuck? Keep your BL on staff and just take a 6 month hiatus, it’s reasonable and that way it’s not permanent.

I believe that the TeamSpeak is a hub for all things synergy and that anyone as long as they aren’t continually harassing the player base they should be allowed to communicate with friends they’ve made on the server.

And Scribbles if your ban does go through and your permanently gone just know, you were given that second chance after you posted the porn in the server adverts. It was just borrowed time at that point.

Be safe y’all and be nice to each other.

Good luck Scribbles.

Edited by Bbstine
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IF we let him come back, just make him start at level 0, make him a youngling/padawan and let him work up again. Someone with this much server time should know the consequences of his actions and should Stay banned to be honest, however if were gonna let him back, make him work for everything again and prove to the server that he really wants to stay. Of course take away his staff powers permanently.

Edited by Agua164

Null-5 "Prudii"

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sorry man but as a previous Yoda and other high positions (rp and staff) you know the rules. Being mingy is one thing but you have already been warned for exploiting and it has happened again, the other offenses dont even matter at this point

-1 for in-game


+1 for ts but be careful what you say in there

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  • Retired Founder
2 hours ago, Bbstine said:

Can’t you just remove his Jedi skill level and wipe it back to 0 or is that not possible at all?

Obviously you’ve done fucked up by abusing your staff powers which is why I’ll give you a big ol’ what the fuck? Keep your BL on staff and just take a 6 month hiatus, it’s reasonable and that way it’s not permanent.

I believe that the TeamSpeak is a hub for all things synergy and that anyone as long as they aren’t continually harassing the player base they should be allowed to communicate with friends they’ve made on the server.

And Scribbles if your ban does go through and your permanently gone just know, you were given that second chance after you posted the porn in the server adverts. It was just borrowed time at that point.

Be safe y’all and be nice to each other.

Good luck Scribbles.

I like Scribbles, so +1 to TS.
But fuck, you're dumb to exploit again after already being banned for it (Twice? Previously). People would obviously notice if your level was un natural. Also, for Bbstine, yes we can reset anyones stuff, or wipe them. But the problem is the reocurring theme of this situation, anyone else would get reset and sent to the staff team to deal with.

-1 to the appeal. Sorry my dude, I apprciate the help with the update but you fucked it right up. 
Edit: Also kinda upset you were doing this to "test out first prestige" knowing you could of just asked me like you have everything else. That reason is bullshit and you know it.

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There really are no words I have for this. There are so many chances you have had over the years and this just pushes it over the edge for me. There are so.many things we kept quiet for you and handled within high staff while I was director and you just threw it all away for self gain. Shame on you scribbles. The community has always supported you through every fuck up and you turn around to lie to them and betray their trust again and again. 


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Honestly scrubs I've known you for a long time and this was a shock for this to happen and many people are most likely "dissapointed" in you for this and other past offenses. But honestly for the work you've done from shock to jedi I think you should be unbanned from ts and/or have your ban shortened, as you are an extremely well known member of the community and have done a lot more good than bad. I know you were on a 1 strike warning but in all honestly sometimes doesnt make sense because you could get banned for doing some retarded shit 2 years ago but literally get the highest positions on the server and get fucked for one fuck up. We let people that deleted models and started more drama than anyone could imagine back into the community and honestly XP boostin doesnt seem on the same page as that for someone has done so much to snapped away. In all honesty the ban for ingame should be shortened to like 1 - 3 months/or just unbanned altogether and unbanned in TS. +1

Edited by justuscloud5
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-1 bruh just go AFK and meditate so need to do something like this. 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Jesus man, based on all the other offences and the fact you apparently weren't sorry at all. -1

Why didn't you just ask Zim what the levels did, why didn't you ask Zim if you were allowed to do this if you got your level reset after you did it, there are so many better ways to do this but you abused in "secret" you consciously went to Granite so no one would see you do this. You knew what you were doing was wrong.


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I'm Disappointed Scribbles. You and I are friends. However, you have not learned from your past. I have to support this with a -1

However. Excommunication is not apart of the punishment for Exploitation. I Support an unban from TS & Forums as there are More then 1 Game this Community uses. 
You have Lied to the Founders before, so I Understand the initial "I'm done with your shit Goodbye Excommunication". However, I Feel that you should be able to be apart of the Community in a different light.

Scribbles Does have "Bad Past", but He has also done a bunch for the Community. AFTER The first Exploitation with Rancor's High Command.
He became Yoda, Senior Admin, Game Master, and has Helped the Community in these Lights but, this is not an excuse to Exploit Again.

This is just my two sense.

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Scribbles.. Scribbles.. Scribbles..

I like you man, I really do, but surely the 1st wrong doing would have taught you not to do anything bad again, but you decided to do an extra 3 wrong doings?! MAJOR wrong doings might I add. We aren't talking the occasional mass RDM and minging! 

Let's be real though, as sorry as you are this can't go on. I'm surprised you were allowed back after the lucario shit if I'm being completely honest with you. If I were you I would also be thankful that @Joah has allowed the community to decide your fate, because I know that usually this would just go straight to the big boys, ans if it was up to the usual people I can guarantee you that you wouldn't have even been able to make this report. You would have very simply been hung, drawn and quartered. (Not a dig at the higher ups btw)

Your time has come, Scribbles. Thanks for playing, but rules are rules and your actions mean you can't be welcomed here anymore.. 



Edited by Freck
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