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About Alec

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Forum Rat

Forum Rat (3/6)



  1. 3/3/3 was an encounter, nothing special, not bad
  2. Woah, this is such a big surprise that no one could have ever predicted, woah
  3. Yet another suggestion for 327th and 91st
  4. Alec


    -1 jesus christ, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
  5. +1 this whole character system is weird
  6. 2 of the bounty hunters were Havi and Kaneki Dean Also 3/3/5
  7. -1 I cant snipe with a minigun :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
  8. -1 the whole point of the guns being expensive is that everyone doesnt have every gun..
  9. Some dude said he would rape me and I killed him, then I told my commander to fuck off and got removed from SO Then I joined 104th after 2 tries cus my first trainer just left
  10. -1 if you need to join staff to be mature then somethings wrong lmao. Idk consider therapy
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