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Bacta for Cody Round 2


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R.I.P. George Frayne, Commander Cody of Commander Cody and His Lost Planet  Airmen at 77 - Noise11.com

Steam Name: Bacta

RP Name: Commander Cody

Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:91592661

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 212th BCMD

How many terms you've held the position?:1

Why do you wish to maintain this position?:

I have really enjoyed my time in the battalion through my term, the 90 days has been the most fun time i have had on the server interacting with my troops and in general has been such a blast

Stability in the 212th-The 212th for a long time has reached a point where the battalion has gotten extremely stable.

Passion: Seeing 212th grow this much has really put me into full enjoyment of the server, the 212th hit a tiny rough patch compared to its previous terms but seeing it bounce back getting 30+ people some of the best feelings i have had in CWRP, the 212th needs a strong leader that will maintain and ensure the battalion will keep moving forward.

Current availability:In General I am able to be active most days, my schedule fluctuates so much that i cant really put specific time, my only issue with my schedule is that i cant confidently get on Saturday peak time zone due to work commitments, every other day is a legit throw up if im gonna be active

What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?:

-Revamped WO

One of the first things I did in my term was revamp the position of WO. It was changed from the leader of the NCO corps to a “junior officer in training” position, leaving the responsibility of watching over the NCO corps to the general JO corps. This was done to put more pressure on the officers and make sure that NCOs are doing their responsibilities. This change has worked very well with our 3 recent WO’s all flourishing under this new system. Ultimately, I’m very happy with this change It has led and matured more officers and given more risks that have won, the JO team now focuses on the NCO core resulting into a excellent balance between it where everyone is doing there job correctly.

-Merit changes

During my term more merits for the battalion and in general buffed some that needed to be buffed.his was done to push for*push what for NCOS?* NCOs. The most highly requested change I received was passive recruitments.In general, this has worked in our favor a lot. At the time of writing the application we are also putting into place SNCO ability for SNCOs to shadow This is all being done in the effort of making the NCO grind more natural and focused on being in game. Merits have been doing alot of better and now with the power of Senior OFficers ability to waive Merits, it doesn't feel to bad for alot of NCO's to survive that grind set.

-GC | 2ndAC Synergy

At the beginning of my term starting when we got the new models, I brought both the GCC and the 2ndACC together in a channel to communicate issues and in general bring up points of contention. 212th has,for a long time, had issues with a lack of communication between the two. This was one of the best meetings we had, where issues were brought up and solved. This set  both of the subunits for victory. At the current moment GC is blossoming with highly capable roleplayers, while 2ndAC is a great starter subunit offering interesting avenues to take. With the recent changes of our job slots, I also cut Parjai to 4 members. This makes our leadership not to top-sided, giving more power to in general. Both subunits have extremely stable corps with people next in line. Currently Parjai is full while GC is about to get their new GCC, i have been happy with both subunits ushering in great changes making it more effective and bringing it into modern SWRP


-How I led my HC

I would like to list out how I structured my officer core/HC team as I am one of the first cody's (in a while) to have 2 XOs in the team. I would like to be fully transparent and show you guys how I had my HC team. In general, I have set up most of my HC team to have excellent points, every single one of my members serves their point in a way that I have been extremely proud of. Even my decision to make my Obi XO (Which hasn't happened in my entire time in 212th) has proven to be extremely effective in the long run.I value their opinions alot and talk  to them extremly candidly, the HC i have chosen are some of my closest allies it feels and everyone of them have radical views on the battalion, the compromises of all solutions make the battalion even better, I feel confident with my HC team, and know if i were to ever leave to personal reasons my HC would be strong head and ability to tackle it.


-How I led my Officer Team

  In general, my officer team is the backbone of the battalion.  I have put a lot of trust into them, especially with deleting WO, they have proven so many times that they are one of a kind. Every officer is a key part in the battalion, ensuring stuff is going on in general. Unlike other officer cores, my officers arent afraid to speak their mind but they can still keep it professional. This is what I would like to continue to see more in the battalion. Every day we have had the small goal of getting 1 recruit a week. This, in my opinion, is extremely healthy for the battalion (Not a quota) and more in the sense of our big goal.  My thoughts and motivation has always and will always be to be there #1 supporter no matter what, this has lead to minimal drama between our officer core as the HC has fixed it.  My officers like said are my #1 heros, i push them constantly and want the best for them, no matter what i will work with them and praise them, the officer team was able to work with recruiting when we need more NCOs and it has worked alot, i love my entire officer core and excited to see what we can do with new additions to the team.

 What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?:

-Ensuring 212th is stable

I have been in 212th for over a year, at this point we have achieved a perfect balance, active SO ,JO, and NCO corps. efore, in 212th,it would be extremely 1 sided.ow we are starting to push for a lot more, which, to me, is very effective. I want to build onto the base, think of the 212th as this, a Lego set perfectly built, taken over 4 years to make its extremely sturdy, my last 3 months has been shining the lego set, my vision for the next 3 months is adding onto what i am building to ensure nothing is broken down, a common issue a lot of battalions face is consistent and constant restructuring, this happens in 212th a lot also, my goal is to make sure when we are changing stuff its for the battalion and such


-Passive Rp

During my time as Cody the highlights has always been sending my battalion to fort Besh or another fort to roleplay and be troopers. These moments have been some of the best RP and best way to show how everyone is, doing these trainings to get people to join back the battalion. I want to push for this 10x more and award what the battalion in general. The past month of my term i have been hosting daily huge ass training gaining alot of numbers for the battalion and in general entertaining everyone, it has worked so great with our peak numbers hitting higher and higher.


-Open Trello

I want to start making our trello super public, to ensure the battalion notices and such. The issue with these things as people forget it a lot of the time. At the start of my term I want to introduce it and consistently use it. I have extreme ADHD when it comes to these so I would love to throw my ideas in. Looking at my term i forgot a lot of small projects i wanted to perform so i would love to actually tackle it early on to ensure everything is being communicated


 -And for the finale, 

Ensuring the next candidate is ready for BCMD


I am going to be extremely transparent when saying this; the beginning of my Cody term was extremely rough, coming in I only had experience from a different server of being a BCMD. It was an extremely rough first month for me trying to adapt. At the time I had barely a month of HC experience, so I was thrusted into it. It’s obvious who the next Cody is going to be, and my plan is to make sure that they are going to be prepared and fully ready to take on the position without any issues. It will be a extremely slow crawl, but in 90 days after my term I think our next Cody is going to be the best the battalion has ever see. I want to make sure the next BCMD doesn't bang his head on the wall for the first month or two, and then start hating the server in their third month.  This will come slowly to ensure the person responsible will hand off in a effective matter, 


-Battalion does like me

Talking to most of the battalion they have all agreed that they will support me for a 2nd term. I would like to put this as I want to ensure I read the room before just going into things, if my officers didn't approve me of going for Cody i would not have put my application up, I have confidence with all my men



Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


@Cannon is my best friend on the server


I would like to end this with putting my favorite moments of Cody where i felt my best ever on synergy


This was promoting my 2lt to 1lt, i felt so fuckign awsome, this was a casual event that went extremly well, i remember after doing this just fucking around endor, laughing my ass off.

B6B14E7DFAEF6698AB00CBC140352704A16E469D (1920×1080)

This was my first ever big training deployment, i muted everyone in TS and demoted everyone to the rank of PVT, I made someone a field SGT in charge of the daily base activites and a BASE LT in charge of the entire base, this was so much roleplay and seeing everyone listen to each other was such a fun and enjoyable thing, i did this type of training twice and every time i have gotten at least 20+ 212th on.


This was right before the model update, in a 2ndAC event it was so awesome seeing 2ndAC at full capacity, we had some assistance with 104th but i will always remember that event with a awesome feeling, I felt so proud especially remembering when i first joined the battalion seeing that 2ndAC had legit only 2 members on, Katy and Cubby.



These are my boys in black, i wasnt at the picture in the right but just seeing all of GC at full capacity also gave me a tear in my eye, since it was my initial company i joined in the battalion and stuck with it, I remember some of the best roleplay scenarios in the battalion roleplay with @Striker in a order 66 event where we hunted down the other GC losers that tried running away.


I will end this by saying this, i would like to thank my entire team throughout my BCMD term, there were alot of ups, downs and stress and i would like to thank my entire HC team before and even current thank you to finn,sixta, katy,spieler,wren, and lyonxois, and ian crafton 

Edited by Bacta
  • Disagree 1
  • Winner 1
  • Confused 1
  • Dumb 3



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  • Management

Maybe the biggest goofball I have ever met on the server hands down. 

+1 I tolerate Bacta now

Edited by Marvel


i am literally captain tukk

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From having an inside and outside perspective of the battalion, I've seen a lot from your last term as Cody. There's been many ups and downs in many spots, but, overall, I believe you're still the best choice for Cody right now. Your last term was mostly positive, and the battalion has been coming back from it's inactivity and issues that were rising as summer started. But, even if you get this position, please still try to improve. You know what areas you need to work on personally, as your HC team is there to keep you in check and make sure everything is running smoothly. Keep it up Bacta. I'm confident 212th will continue to grow under you.


GMD HA / Guild LT / Dev. Assistant Mavelle 

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+1 does great as a versatile BCMD.

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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Because I keep getting this question in game, In pms, Over teamspeak, etc I have decided to lay it to rest here. I will not be applying for Cody. I do not have the time needed to make a good/attentive BCMD. I love 212th and it will always be my home, but it is also time for me to experience more things and put myself in a position where I’m more accessible to the rest of the server. Frankly I’ve been very insulated as Longshot and Cody, focusing on just my battalion. I have not been making friends in other battalions or have really acted like a community figure. I rose really high extremely fast because my work ethic and dedication to 212th was what was needed in their command structure at the time. My plan for the next few months on synergy is very simple: Engage in more RP, Try and make friends within and outside of my new battalion, and be a good officer in 212th. Maybe one day, after I have had time to open up experience new stuff, I will return to 212th as Cody. As of right now, I’m leaving it to those with more experience.


However, I do have a few questions. As a former BCMD I have to agree with Comics on this statement:

On 10/23/2021 at 3:58 PM, Comics said:


I have never heard of you or seen you do anything with the 212th. I'm not sure if this application is a joke or why I haven't heard of you, but my first question is: Who are you????

I have a couple other questions, please answer each one to the best of your ability. 

I will be -1ing for now, but if you can answer these questions properly I may change my vote.


Before I +1 or -1 Got some questions.  Follow up questions will be Green to prevent Cluster

1. The Communication issue that 501st has had for awhile now have been tried to been fixed by several BCMDs now, With your Ideas presented what makes us positive that these ideas can be stuck to? 

Follow Up - What makes you able to fix these problems that the previous BCMDs couldn't?

2. With the "TC Wipe" A lot of 332nd members went to TC, how can you ensure 332nd wont die like TC did?

3. When you talked about the 501st Jedi Leadership, there has been 1 major concern for the Jedi leadership and that is you really only have 2 Jedi in 501st that I know of, one being Anakin and the other Ahsoka. How are you as a BCMD going to fix the Jedi Program and make other Jedi want to be apart of the 501st?

4. You talked about a Disconnect from TC and High Command. As you are currently the TC how are you going to make sure there isn't a disconnect with the Next TCC?

5. In the previous statement, you said the "State of the Battalion is kind of weird, Our future is bright but we could easily die again with a Lazy High Command" What is currently wrong with the current High Command and how are you going to fix these?

Follow -up: You stated that the Communication is not going to be fixed with a "lazy high command" Are you planning on revamping the High Command, or bringing in new Commanders? If you plan on bringing in new Commanders how are you going to ensure they are not lazy?.

6. What currently makes you a better candidate then the other individual?

7. You have stated that when you were a 2ndLT you were not mature and that was holding you back from progressing, But you then stated your Maturity improved in and outside the server. Currently other believe you have not improved enough yet, could you explain in more details how you have improved your Maturity?

8. When Nova resigned, he stated that he didn't realize how much work the job of a BCMD is and he also stated he wasn't ready for the position, what makes you ready for this position as BCMD? Do you understand what your taking on? How will you balance both the job of a BCMD and IRL?

9. I assume you are aware that the 501st Reputation hasn't been the been the best lately, how are as a BCMD going to fix the Reputation?

10. With the "TC Wipe" you were a TCO at the time, but you also stated that TC and HC Had a disconnect. Were you apart of the decision to wipe TC? and what were your thoughts on the situation at the time as a TCO?

11. What are your opinion currently on the state of both TC and 332nd, and what are the current issues in these sub units?

12. What are your opinions currently on the Regiments in 501st and are there any issues in the regiments?

Follow-up: How are you going to work with the REGL to ensure all regiments are in good shape?

13. Currently what is your opinion on Trainings within 501st?, do you guys have regular trainings or irregular?.

14. How are you going to better Battalion Relations with other Battalions outside of the Attack Regiment?

15. What are current thoughts on the Reserve Roster?

Follow-up With your LOA/ROA rules and the Reserve Roster is meant for indefinite LOAs, are you still going to implement the Reserve Roster? are you going to remove it? and if a Officer goes on reserves with your Rules will they be removed etc.?

16. Another question regarding communication, With Phaser being Ahsoka and equal to a Commander, he has shown his frustration with being left out of the loop and 332nd things aswell, How are you as a BCMD going to ensure everyone is on the same page and if not how are you going to get on the same page? you stated weekly Officer Meetings, but will they be Weekly? or will they be Bi-Weekly because you have previously had "Weekly Battalion Meetings" That have gone from Weekly to Bi Weekly. And how are you positive they will fix the communication issues?


Thank you in advance for answering these questions, and if you somehow get this position I wish you the best of luck.

Edit: Updated to +1. He will be the greatest BCMD this battalion has ever seen.

Edited by Pog
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Jedi Youngling

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+1, I've seen what you can do and how much this battalion means to you. 

Looking forward to growing the battalion from a jedi perspective, don't be afraid to ask for advice/help on anything, it's what I'm here for, I know a thing or two <3


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  • Management
4 hours ago, Pog said:

Before I +1 or -1 Got some questions.  Follow up questions will be Green to prevent Cluster

1. The Communication issue that 501st has had for awhile now have been tried to been fixed by several BCMDs now, With your Ideas presented what makes us positive that these ideas can be stuck to? 

Follow Up - What makes you able to fix these problems that the previous BCMDs couldn't?

2. With the "TC Wipe" A lot of 332nd members went to TC, how can you ensure 332nd wont die like TC did?

3. When you talked about the 501st Jedi Leadership, there has been 1 major concern for the Jedi leadership and that is you really only have 2 Jedi in 501st that I know of, one being Anakin and the other Ahsoka. How are you as a BCMD going to fix the Jedi Program and make other Jedi want to be apart of the 501st?

4. You talked about a Disconnect from TC and High Command. As you are currently the TC how are you going to make sure there isn't a disconnect with the Next TCC?

5. In the previous statement, you said the "State of the Battalion is kind of weird, Our future is bright but we could easily die again with a Lazy High Command" What is currently wrong with the current High Command and how are you going to fix these?

Follow -up: You stated that the Communication is not going to be fixed with a "lazy high command" Are you planning on revamping the High Command, or bringing in new Commanders? If you plan on bringing in new Commanders how are you going to ensure they are not lazy?.

6. What currently makes you a better candidate then the other individual?

7. You have stated that when you were a 2ndLT you were not mature and that was holding you back from progressing, But you then stated your Maturity improved in and outside the server. Currently other believe you have not improved enough yet, could you explain in more details how you have improved your Maturity?

8. When Nova resigned, he stated that he didn't realize how much work the job of a BCMD is and he also stated he wasn't ready for the position, what makes you ready for this position as BCMD? Do you understand what your taking on? How will you balance both the job of a BCMD and IRL?

9. I assume you are aware that the 501st Reputation hasn't been the been the best lately, how are as a BCMD going to fix the Reputation?

10. With the "TC Wipe" you were a TCO at the time, but you also stated that TC and HC Had a disconnect. Were you apart of the decision to wipe TC? and what were your thoughts on the situation at the time as a TCO?

11. What are your opinion currently on the state of both TC and 332nd, and what are the current issues in these sub units?

12. What are your opinions currently on the Regiments in 501st and are there any issues in the regiments?

Follow-up: How are you going to work with the REGL to ensure all regiments are in good shape?

13. Currently what is your opinion on Trainings within 501st?, do you guys have regular trainings or irregular?.

14. How are you going to better Battalion Relations with other Battalions outside of the Attack Regiment?

15. What are current thoughts on the Reserve Roster?

Follow-up With your LOA/ROA rules and the Reserve Roster is meant for indefinite LOAs, are you still going to implement the Reserve Roster? are you going to remove it? and if a Officer goes on reserves with your Rules will they be removed etc.?

16. Another question regarding communication, With Phaser being Ahsoka and equal to a Commander, he has shown his frustration with being left out of the loop and 332nd things aswell, How are you as a BCMD going to ensure everyone is on the same page and if not how are you going to get on the same page? you stated weekly Officer Meetings, but will they be Weekly? or will they be Bi-Weekly because you have previously had "Weekly Battalion Meetings" That have gone from Weekly to Bi Weekly. And how are you positive they will fix the communication issues?


Thank you in advance for answering these questions, and if you somehow get this position I wish you the best of luck.


  • Informative 1


i am literally captain tukk

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Edited by HunterCeltic

Former: Tiplee, TC Ayar, Chief of Communications Coburn  (Assisted with creating ATC)                                                                               
Current: 501st Knight E Consular Manager Lydus, Rancor TUO SUP SGT Drop

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+1 do you kiss your homies good night


Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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20 hours ago, Pog said:

Because I keep getting this question in game, In pms, Over teamspeak, etc I have decided to lay it to rest here. I will not be applying for Cody. I do not have the time needed to make a good/attentive BCMD. I love 212th and it will always be my home, but it is also time for me to experience more things and put myself in a position where I’m more accessible to the rest of the server. Frankly I’ve been very insulated as Longshot and Cody, focusing on just my battalion. I have not been making friends in other battalions or have really acted like a community figure. I rose really high extremely fast because my work ethic and dedication to 212th was what was needed in their command structure at the time. My plan for the next few months on synergy is very simple: Engage in more RP, Try and make friends within and outside of my new battalion, and be a good officer in 212th. Maybe one day, after I have had time to open up experience new stuff, I will return to 212th as Cody. As of right now, I’m leaving it to those with more experience.


However, I do have a few questions. As a former BCMD I have to agree with Comics on this statement:

I have never heard of you or seen you do anything with the 212th. I'm not sure if this application is a joke or why I haven't heard of you, but my first question is: Who are you????

I have a couple other questions, please answer each one to the best of your ability. 

I will be -1ing for now, but if you can answer these questions properly I may change my vote.


Before I +1 or -1 Got some questions.  Follow up questions will be Green to prevent Cluster

1. The Communication issue that 501st has had for awhile now have been tried to been fixed by several BCMDs now, With your Ideas presented what makes us positive that these ideas can be stuck to? 

Follow Up - What makes you able to fix these problems that the previous BCMDs couldn't?

2. With the "TC Wipe" A lot of 332nd members went to TC, how can you ensure 332nd wont die like TC did?

3. When you talked about the 501st Jedi Leadership, there has been 1 major concern for the Jedi leadership and that is you really only have 2 Jedi in 501st that I know of, one being Anakin and the other Ahsoka. How are you as a BCMD going to fix the Jedi Program and make other Jedi want to be apart of the 501st?

4. You talked about a Disconnect from TC and High Command. As you are currently the TC how are you going to make sure there isn't a disconnect with the Next TCC?

5. In the previous statement, you said the "State of the Battalion is kind of weird, Our future is bright but we could easily die again with a Lazy High Command" What is currently wrong with the current High Command and how are you going to fix these?

Follow -up: You stated that the Communication is not going to be fixed with a "lazy high command" Are you planning on revamping the High Command, or bringing in new Commanders? If you plan on bringing in new Commanders how are you going to ensure they are not lazy?.

6. What currently makes you a better candidate then the other individual?

7. You have stated that when you were a 2ndLT you were not mature and that was holding you back from progressing, But you then stated your Maturity improved in and outside the server. Currently other believe you have not improved enough yet, could you explain in more details how you have improved your Maturity?

8. When Nova resigned, he stated that he didn't realize how much work the job of a BCMD is and he also stated he wasn't ready for the position, what makes you ready for this position as BCMD? Do you understand what your taking on? How will you balance both the job of a BCMD and IRL?

9. I assume you are aware that the 501st Reputation hasn't been the been the best lately, how are as a BCMD going to fix the Reputation?

10. With the "TC Wipe" you were a TCO at the time, but you also stated that TC and HC Had a disconnect. Were you apart of the decision to wipe TC? and what were your thoughts on the situation at the time as a TCO?

11. What are your opinion currently on the state of both TC and 332nd, and what are the current issues in these sub units?

12. What are your opinions currently on the Regiments in 501st and are there any issues in the regiments?

Follow-up: How are you going to work with the REGL to ensure all regiments are in good shape?

13. Currently what is your opinion on Trainings within 501st?, do you guys have regular trainings or irregular?.

14. How are you going to better Battalion Relations with other Battalions outside of the Attack Regiment?

15. What are current thoughts on the Reserve Roster?

Follow-up With your LOA/ROA rules and the Reserve Roster is meant for indefinite LOAs, are you still going to implement the Reserve Roster? are you going to remove it? and if a Officer goes on reserves with your Rules will they be removed etc.?

16. Another question regarding communication, With Phaser being Ahsoka and equal to a Commander, he has shown his frustration with being left out of the loop and 332nd things aswell, How are you as a BCMD going to ensure everyone is on the same page and if not how are you going to get on the same page? you stated weekly Officer Meetings, but will they be Weekly? or will they be Bi-Weekly because you have previously had "Weekly Battalion Meetings" That have gone from Weekly to Bi Weekly. And how are you positive they will fix the communication issues?


Thank you in advance for answering these questions, and if you somehow get this position I wish you the best of luck.

Alright I'll the best first to say it:


  • Agree 3
  • Pay Respect 1
  • Confused 7

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 I have been back in the Battalion for a while now and everything is running smooth, the troops are working together, communication is good, and the battalion acts as a family. These 3 things show and prove the BCMD did their job, focused up, and executed what he wanted to do.

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I saw Bacta at a Khols in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Commander Cody Funko Pops in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the funko pops and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by saying "WAKE UP MR. WEST" really loudly.

Strange interaction  overall but +1 anyone who has that kind of confidence deserves a second term.

He also is one of the main reasons 212th has been as strong as it has the past few months. The man is just a riot to talk to and play SWRP with. 

Edited by Daytona211
  • Agree 3
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former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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@BactaDo you plan on responding to my questions? I've heard Kohls keeps you very busy so if you want to go over them in TS that would work as well. I will be sticking with my -1 until you can answer. There is no excuse for you to take nearly a week to respond to a simple set of questions.

Edited by Pog
  • Agree 3
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  • Dumb 5


Jedi Youngling

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4 hours ago, BigBoss said:


can you elaborate?


4 hours ago, TheCyan said:

-1 The meme below the picture at the top was a pretty bad meme. Please pick up your math grade and then I will know that you will be BCMD worthy

can you elaborate?



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Good cody +1

Edited by Sixta


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  • Coordinator

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


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  • Coordinator

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


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