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Bane last won the day on January 25

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  1. Name: Bane Staff Rank: SA Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 7/9/2024 Reason for leaving: I have experienced a rapid decline in my mental health. I cannot force myself to log onto the server and no longer find joy in playing. I tried to come back and make a good run of things, but I just cannot put in the effort needed to maintain any positions. I am sorry. Farewells:
  2. Name: Bane Staff Rank: SA Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): One week Reason: Mental health Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position? Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: Yes
  3. 1. No quest was used to initiate the takeover of brig. 2. Yularen was captured for passive RP as no event was happening at the time. 3. You failrp'd/power gamed in the cell, clone armor doesn't work that way. It's a metal alloy, you aren't going to kick it apart. 4. No base raid was called and no clones were being randomly killed.
  4. RP Name: Bane Steam ID32: STEAM_0:0:458597577 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 24 Timezone: CST What was your previous staff rank?: HA/SA Are you currently staff on a different server?: no Why did you leave the staff team?: No time Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): Gurk begged me to rejoin. Seriously though, I have noticed a massive decline in even the quality of shoot em ups. There are times I get on the server and nothing happens for hours. Also, I want to host events on the new map bc it looks dope as fuck from the trailer. How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): I was an average staff member tbh. I filled my quota and did my time. I didn't really have the drive to achieve a ton, as I had just returned from a long stint in high command and high staff. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes
  6. Bruh this is Rakata Prime
  7. +1. Having been Spec Reg I understand some of the unique issues SOBDE faces, both because of its structure and insular nature. What really sells this app for me is you drawing a hard line and refusing to regulate non-malicious activity in the SOBDE teamspeak. I think one of the benefits of having experienced people in important positions like these, on an occasion, is that they remind everyone that this is first and foremost a game. In terms of Cuy'val Dar, I think the major thing SOBDE/The governor need to work for is getting the word out there. How do you plan on letting the server know this position even exists? There are tons of hunters who have no clue that you can even try out for this position. I think once you manage to keep the position consistently filled with high quality people the issue of kit and models will solve itself through sheer demand
  8. Raven's rest or Darkwatch
  9. Bane


    5/4/5 Thank you for the early morning event
  10. Civilian needs a lot of TLC. More models, more darkrp type stuff, like we need the ability to actually tangibly be criminals, assassins, smuggles, or guns for hire, and civilian in general needs to be expanded. Less hunters, more actual civilians
  11. Bane


    1/1/1 This event is a classic case of a GM overlooking aspects to their event and then punishing the players for finding the aspects they overlooked. Look, as a GM you can simply ask people to not skip over your event. "Hey I didn't have enough props to cover over x, please don't use it to skip", "Hey there's an issue with my rayshield here, please don't skip it", etc. That is not what happened. Instead I got my balls stomped on by hordes of perfect accuracy T21 droids because my battalion decided to be crafty and find an alternative solution to the deployment. You think you're solving a problem, but you never asked anyone to play the event linearly. You gave us an objective and told us to go, and so we did. And we got punished for it. That fucking sucks, and it goes to show what the GM team is coming down to. We're not meant to strategize or RP anymore, we're supposed to throw ourselves at the event in a linear fashion and thank the GM for slapping us in the face with his greasy balls.
  12. +1, DS really needs an overhaul to be effective at their jobs
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