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Tessa's Fox Application


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Steam Name:

Tessa Kitty | Synr.gg

RP Name:


RP Rank:

Executive Officer



Battalion you are applying for?:

Coruscant Guard


Galactic Marines: I joined in 2017 and after initial struggles I found a home in Galactic Marines. Over time I became the Medical Lead of the battalion and held the rank of 2ndLT. I went through many struggles with minging and eventually in 2018, was pushed to resign from the battalion and server.

91st Mobile Reconnaissance: When I returned to Synergy later that year, I joined the 91st and rather quickly became the Medical Lead under the command of Grum. At this time I went by the name Pluto. While there, I managed to rebuild the medical branch of the battalion and turn around the medical RP efforts of the people still there. However my aspirations outgrew my rank and unfortunately led to more problems than what might have been desirable. I stepped out of line when it came to making judgement calls for the leadership of the battalion which in turn resulted in my removal from the battalion. At this time I held the rank of CSM. 

41st Elite Corps: At some point in 2020, I found my footing in the 41st with a clean slate under the name Sparklez. I decided to try a new mindset. I would be an obedient member of the battalion while offering my help in any way possible. While I was there there was no BCMD. Brooklyn was a senior officer and I believe the highest rank of the battalion at that time (Maybe Logic was higher). Our battalion operated on a fairly flat structure where everyone was able to help. I took over the Jet Trooper branch as the JETL and stayed there until Brooklyn lost his BCMD app to an outside member of the battalion that frankly, none of us wished to cooperate with. So I took my leave at the rank of SGM.

Coruscant Guard: Since I first joined Synergy back in 2017 I made a bit of a name for myself as a minge and as a result of that, I was permanently blacklisted from CG. However my primary goal on Synergy was then and always continued to be to prove myself to CG in many attempts to be unblacklisted. Over the years, I made several appeals. None of them managed to succeed, primarily due to my own behavior. However as time went on and I got older, I began to mature and understand how to control my behavior for my own betterment and the outlook of my battalion, however the damage had been done. I was unable to clear the blacklist. Eventually I returned in early July this year and to my surprise, my blacklist had been cleared. All server blacklists had been cleared and so I did what I had waited several years to do, and I tried out for CG once more. When I rejoined Synergy I had no intention on sticking around. But the familiar faces I saw pushed me to stick around. At this time, the state of CG was at an all time low. We peaked at 2-3 members at a time and the amount of roleplay outputted from the battalion was a solid 0. And so I made it my mission to be the model soldier for the unit. I took everything seriously, used a voice changer and kept in character at all times. All while doing behind the scenes work like giving advice, feedback and just generally getting involved in any way I could. I became a TKO and recruited 4 new trackers to the unit within a week. As such I went up through the NCO ranks rather quickly. As Mercy's term came to an end, his final promotion was to send me from CSM to 1stLT. I became the REGL and took charge of a lot of the present issues in CG. The support lead was replaced with people I saw fit, and as such the support branch is now the most popular and active branch in the battalion. This was my best accomplishment as REGL and I am most proud of it. Myself and Clutch were brought from the LT ranks upto the rank of Commander to form Arizona's new high command team. Together we turned around activity, mentality and professionalism. The battalion is now considered by many to be one of the most active battalions due to our combined efforts. I credit myself for being the most hands on member of CG High Command and as such, I became Arizona's Executive Officer. We butted heads on a lot of decisions which is what cemented me as the right choice for XO. 

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

After many years of problems within Synergy, I have learned many lessons. Many more than I'd care to admit. These lessons have taught me not only about the server but about myself as a person. I have gained the ability to handle and control people in a fair and disciplined way. As such, I have created an unyielding bond with all of the members of CG, and it is my understanding that these members will continue to support me through any future positions I may hold. My promotion to BCMD would be a seamless one from which I may continue my work toward improving the battalion. Overall, my years of experience, my ability to work with people, my leadership qualities, my passion for the battalion, and my overarching passion for Roleplay are the defining qualities that I believe I am fit to lead the battalion.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion:

The Coruscant Guard is the primary Clone security unit operating across Republic territory and originating from the Capital, Coruscant. Led by CC-1010 "Fox", the battalion is made up primarily of Shock Troopers, but also consists of ARF troopers specially trained to track down criminals with the aid of Massiffs. The CG "Trackers" are led by Sergeant Hound. The Coruscant Guard can be recognised by its distinctive red markings. The battalion also includes a Diplomatic Service division led by Commander Stone. This team of CG Troopers specialise in diplomatic affairs, primarily revolving around escorting and protecting senators or other civilians holding diplomatic status within the Republic. CGs top priority is to keep VIPs and civilians safe.


All work I do is done from home. As such I am able to get on the server every day whenever I'm needed. There are no set times but I can guarantee a minimum of 5 hours per day. More often than not however, I can be on the server for significantly longer than that.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay:

1560 Hours

Do you have a microphone:


Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

I wish for Coruscant Guard to make great strides toward a return to serious RP. In time I want CG to be a prime example of what serious RP can and should be. By the end of my term, I wish to see all officers performing admirable levels of Roleplay on the server, and I want to see our new NCOs and enlisted members following in their footsteps. I want CG to branch out into a new generation of Synergy players, all raised and ready for serious Roleplay. I want to see these members inspire the other battalions to rise up and follow too in our footsteps toward a more serious roleplay environment for the server and its vast community. Each of my specializations will be active and have its own form of passive RP to apply to the battalion and server as a whole. For example, I expect pilots to start interacting more with the environment around them by doing things such as aerial patrols and performing stop-searches on citizens outside of the base. I want CG Medics always to stand by to perform checkups on detainees and always be present for interrogations should the need arise. Due to the recent uprising of the Senate Guard, I wish to reshape the Diplomatic Service into something that covers more ground than simply protecting senators. I plan to have them implement much more interactive RP towards bounty hunters, villagers, event characters, and senators alike. I believe that CG has what it takes to be the first step in the right direction, and I'd like to have been the one to make that first step with our battalion and then hold us to that mark for as long as I am in power to do so.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position:

I understand.


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?

I understand.

Edited by TessaKitty
Grammar Adjustment
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  • Optimistic 1

Ex - Minge, Commander Fox, 14th RCMD


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-1.... Nothing but bad interactions from you and you have been banned before and from my POV (and im sure many others) have not changed since. Therefore i dont think you are fit for the position at all. Furthermore, you were CSM around a month or so ago and therefore i think you completely lack the experience to go straight to a Fox... Not to mention, you dont even know your own guidelines and rules as seen by you trying to arrest people for leaving DB even though it ended and naval messed up the DB threatening to arrest us... You also RDM'ed people with brig doors and killed a ct in a cell. Because of that, i need to emphasis the fact you have been captain+ for only 3 weeks. 


Also could you put it up any quicker LOL.

  • Agree 2
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  • Dumb 7

Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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I remember the days where you were blacklisted from CG, watching you bring in an AT-ST into debrief "because it could fit" and to a lot of us, you were just another minge. The last thing I think I would have ever expected would be to come back, see one of the most notorious minges reformed so much that she would literally be leading CG.

My trust in you always came with reservations due to your multiple blacklists and watching your history throughout Synergy, but that quickly did a 180 degree turn when I see how much passion you actually have for the Battalion I love so much. Watching you quickly take up the reigns of XO without a second hesitation and do everything that you have for, not just CG, but the server as a whole is truly a show of how much you have reformed and how much you want to make all of this work.


For this, you have my +1
I truly believe that you taking up the reigns of Fox will help bring CG to the "old head" days where we were respected and got along with everyone else, and people loved to have CG around.
And i'm pretty sure all of CG feels the same too.

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Current: Retired
Former: 2019/2020 Hound, Thorn, TKL, ARCL SGT-CMD - First and Last Commander Grey, CG XO Broadside

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6 minutes ago, ThorpyVEVO said:

-1.... Nothing but bad interactions from you and you have been banned before and from my POV (and im sure many others) have not changed since. Therefore i dont think you are fit for the position at all. Furthermore, you were CSM around a month or so ago and therefore i think you completely lack the experience to go straight to a Fox... Not to mention, you dont even know your own guidelines and rules as seen by you trying to arrest people for leaving DB even though it ended and naval messed up the DB threatening to arrest us... You also RDM'ed people with brig doors and killed a ct in a cell. Because of that, i need to emphasis the fact you have been captain+ for only 3 weeks. 


Also could you put it up any quicker LOL.

To start off with, I have never been banned from Synergy. It just isn't a thing that happened.  As for the DB incident. rules were cited before anyone was arrested and so I believe that though this was a clear lack of understanding to guidelines, was not that major of an issue. I then made it my business to look further into the rules of debrief. I went as far as to contact directors to find out as much as I could to prevent it from happening again.  Finally, if I had ever intended on killing anyone with the brig doors, I would not have made a forum post trying to get it fixed. And if it wasn't easy to kill people with unintentionally, the forum post wouldn't have gained so much weight and furthermore the issue would not have been resolved. I'm unsure about the CT killing you're talking about but it was likely either also with a door after trying to get out of the cell, or was an order for execution. With all of these points touched on I believe it clears up everything you mentioned. Thank you for the feedback!


  • Funny 1
  • Informative 1

Ex - Minge, Commander Fox, 14th RCMD


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Personally, I think the application is lack-luster. The only real plan it has is passive roleplay based on branches, most of which should be happening anyways. I don't see why that requires a BCMD position. The only thing I like, actually, is the plan to make Diplomatic Service actually useful-ish. CG has more problems than just roleplay.

Your behavior was also immediately called into question several times, which I find very concerning. You say you've "learned lessons", but you fail to actually admit fault or say that you've changed because of it.

I can't get behind this application, or for you as Fox.


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Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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2 minutes ago, Lovestruck said:

Your behavior was also immediately called into question several times, which I find very concerning. You say you've "learned lessons", but you fail to actually admit fault or say that you've changed because of it.

By mentioning my history my exact intention was to admit fault. I brought negatives into light to show a stark contrast between me 4 years ago and me today. I have taken everything on the chin and made every attempt to change my behavior over the years and I believe that people that knew me back then are able to see it.

Ex - Minge, Commander Fox, 14th RCMD


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While I understand your main focus appears to be Roleplay which you have been doing great at doing, credit where deserved. Your overall attitude has not been brilliant at all, while this could be due to you having bad days, After a situation that happened when I was BCMD, of course there was fault on two halves as it was agreed upon, afterwards you proceed to go out of your way and attempt to make "X" individual's time on the community worse by going out of your way and contacting multiple people for evidence to make a point it seems. I genuinely do not trust you at all. Not qualities in a BCMD.  

Edited by Void
  • Winner 2
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+1 coming from CG directly, Tessa has my fully support in leading CG due to her absolute grind behind the scenes and publicly leading us in activity every single day, for more than 5 hours per-day. She continues to not only show her activity and drive, but her commitment by continuously trying to improve our relations with others and improving our own faults. 

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-1. While you're a funny community member you seem to fail to understand what some people want. I've been told by a few people in CG (i won't disclose names they know who they are) that your moving to XO and CMD as a whole made people uneasy.  You also just came back to Synergy just a few months ago no? I think you should give it some time and spend more time with the members of CG and find out what each person wants before jumping into a BCMD position

You have moments too where your behavior is questionable and not befitting of a BCMD position. Your entire application is just roleplay pushes, which while needed, aren't the structure or the type of guidance a battalion like CG needs. They have always needed leaders to maintain structure as they aren't self sustaining like 212th 501st etc. 
If you make it to interview i wish you the best of luck. At the end of the day its just a game.

  • Informative 2

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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6 minutes ago, TessaKitty said:

To start off with, I have never been banned from Synergy. It just isn't a thing that happened.  As for the DB incident. rules were cited before anyone was arrested and so I believe that though this was a clear lack of understanding to guidelines, was not that major of an issue. I then made it my business to look further into the rules of debrief. I went as far as to contact directors to find out as much as I could to prevent it from happening again.  Finally, if I had ever intended on killing anyone with the brig doors, I would not have made a forum post trying to get it fixed. And if it wasn't easy to kill people with unintentionally, the forum post wouldn't have gained so much weight and furthermore the issue would not have been resolved. I'm unsure about the CT killing you're talking about but it was likely either also with a door after trying to get out of the cell, or was an order for execution. With all of these points touched on I believe it clears up everything you mentioned. Thank you for the feedback!


You failed to address your interactions and thus behaviour. Im sorry for being vauge so ill just format it into questions for you to properly respond.

What you listed is what pretty much an officer+ can do and is meant to do and doesnt even require a BCMD for it, so what else can you build on except the obvious needs of a battalion + DS? (roleplay (on a roleplay server lol)). 

Ok, so u made a forum post and tried to clear it up, you have a track record of not knowing or needing to clarify yourself on the rules, are you sure you now know all of them t to be fox without having to go to directors???

You were recently caught disclosing an X battalion had a "Gang mentality" essentially disrespecting them as an officer+ just for you to do the same thing to another member and get caught. Do you think these are qualities of a BCMD? How can you amend this?


:pepeThink: cheers for the feedback on your cell incident. 

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Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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Out of all the interactions I have had with you, it has been RP oriented and professional. I do think your plan for the battalion is a bit lackluster, but I have said it time and time again, you don't need to reinvent the wheel to be successful in a leadership position. CG is one of the more currently active battalions on the server(though that isnt saying much, since the servers dead xD). I am attempting to judge you and your application on my current experiences(within 1 year), not previous ones, and that is something I think should happen more often when people look at commander applications.

  • Friendly 1

Null-5 "Prudii"

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3 minutes ago, ThorpyVEVO said:

You failed to address your interactions and thus behaviour. Im sorry for being vauge so ill just format it into questions for you to properly respond.

What you listed is what pretty much an officer+ can do and is meant to do and doesnt even require a BCMD for it, so what else can you build on except the obvious needs of a battalion + DS? (roleplay (on a roleplay server lol)). 

This is correct. Any officer can make something like this happen. That's exactly what I've been working towards during my time in CG. I'm fortunate enough to be building on a foundation set by Arizona. There's really not many physical things to be brought to the table. I don't intend to reinvent the wheel, I intend to keep it turning. 


6 minutes ago, ThorpyVEVO said:

Ok, so u made a forum post and tried to clear it up, you have a track record of not knowing or needing to clarify yourself on the rules, are you sure you now know all of them t to be fox without having to go to directors??

I believe I've since developed a higher understanding of the rules since my before mentioned discussion. 


7 minutes ago, ThorpyVEVO said:

You were recently caught disclosing an X battalion had a "Gang mentality" essentially disrespecting them as an officer+ just for you to do the same thing to another member and get caught. Do you think these are qualities of a BCMD? How can you amend this?

That comment was never intended as an insult, just an observation. I shouldn't have said it and I apologise for doing so. There isn't much I can do to make amends for something I said but I would like to move past it. Holding personal grudges is not something I'd like to do, whether I'm a BCMD or a PVT. I will try my best to make amends with anyone that I've wronged. 

Ex - Minge, Commander Fox, 14th RCMD


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4 minutes ago, TessaKitty said:

This is correct. Any officer can make something like this happen. That's exactly what I've been working towards during my time in CG. I'm fortunate enough to be building on a foundation set by Arizona. There's really not many physical things to be brought to the table. I don't intend to reinvent the wheel, I intend to keep it turning. 


I believe I've since developed a higher understanding of the rules since my before mentioned discussion. 


That comment was never intended as an insult, just an observation. I shouldn't have said it and I apologise for doing so. There isn't much I can do to make amends for something I said but I would like to move past it. Holding personal grudges is not something I'd like to do, whether I'm a BCMD or a PVT. I will try my best to make amends with anyone that I've wronged. 

Undersandable, -1. Have a great day and I hope i can +1 you in the future once i've seen an improvement. 

  • Optimistic 1

Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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I have enjoyed interacting with Tess from the first time I met her CG character. She has always seemed to put it in her best interest to make things enjoyable for everyone around her. Even when dealing with serious situations. And from my experiences with peeps in CG and hanging around them for a couple months now, I see that drive to make things fun for others happening more and more. Plus, after recently joining CG, I have noticed how seriously she takes being in a higher position of Command within the ranks. She seems to always be working to better those in her ranks and herself at the same time. Also, hearing in on some of the plans she has and the way she includes others into these things shows how much she is dedicating herself to CG as a whole. So, all in all. Best CG.

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ill be honest. Your fast promotion really raised an eyebrow for me.  I dont think there was anything suspicious however. Im a bit concerned with your app, specifically the part about Diplomatic Services, While we have Senate Guard yes, We are able to get a more consistent guarding from DS and it sounds like you want to take that away.

I think you get accused of being mingey alot but I feel alot of what you do is in good faith. Im just really concerned what your relations with Senate is going to be like.


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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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6 minutes ago, Gears said:

ill be honest. Your fast promotion really raised an eyebrow for me.  I dont think there was anything suspicious however. Im a bit concerned with your app, specifically the part about Diplomatic Services, While we have Senate Guard yes, We are able to get a more consistent guarding from DS and it sounds like you want to take that away.

I think you get accused of being mingey alot but I feel alot of what you do is in good faith. Im just really concerned what your relations with Senate is going to be like.


Apologies if it came across that way. I'm not looking to replace DS's job, just add more depth. Senators should always take priority, as with the rest of CG. However when Senators either aren't available or are being protected by plenty of SG's, I'd like DS to have plenty to fall back onto to really flesh out the sub-unit.

Ex - Minge, Commander Fox, 14th RCMD


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4 minutes ago, Lovestruck said:

Personally, I think the application is lack-luster. The only real plan it has is passive roleplay based on branches, most of which should be happening anyways. I don't see why that requires a BCMD position. The only thing I like, actually, is the plan to make Diplomatic Service actually useful-ish. CG has more problems than just roleplay.

Your behavior was also immediately called into question several times, which I find very concerning. You say you've "learned lessons", but you fail to actually admit fault or say that you've changed because of it.

I can't get behind this application, or for you as Fox.


I do concur that the application could use more work and I have heard of numerous examples of less savory behavior and seen an example or two myself (these are in this time in CG as an Officer/Command member, not ages ago). The application also do not mention Battalion Relations much AT ALL. With how many problems there have been between CG and other battalions, as well as with being too strict on arrests (a Director literally had to make a CT get unarrested yesterday to hold a fair standard to ALL players of the server), the fact that this is not a big focus of this application is beyond concerning to me. There is a huge double standard between CG and the rest of the server, where it took around 30 minutes for a CG Officer to get arrested for blatant wrongdoing due to CG vouching for him when they weren't even present... I also see a huge lack of using warnings before arresting people at times. 


1 hour ago, TessaKitty said:

Due to the recent uprising of the Senate Guard, I wish to reshape the Diplomatic Service into something that covers more ground than simply protecting senators.

I spoke with you and Clutch regarding this. It would be best to further continue discussions as we have a potential idea for increasing DS' RP with Senate besides just guarding, you just need to be willing to work with us besides just seeing that we have a few Senate Guard on at times (not even close to 24/7 or even always when a Senator is on). SG by no means is a replacement for DS, and in fact is something to work alongside them for.

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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+1 I think you would fit the spot amazing, I've seen you doing so well and been putting in so much effort to help and support CG. I want to see you, as fox and hopefully one day work with you as an officer.

  • Friendly 1


Current: 501st Ajax

Former: TC REGL Kano, TC REGA Dogma, TC Hardcase TC REGL Tup      41st Clanky,   41st Cooker WP REGL Sinker WP Mortar 332ndO Ross 332ndO Gunner

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9 minutes ago, Bleach said:

Now this is…. Something. Both. CG and Rancor have butted heads in the past which has been put to bed and hopefully will never awaken again, however with that said, during those alterations where I had asked yourself and Arizona who was the current Fox and got your side of the story it seemed as though you weren’t taking those as serious as myself and the rest of the people in the channel, one instance that I can recall is when you and Arizona during the middle of a very serious talk between somebody in your and battalion and someone in mine, right in the middle of that talk you blurted out something that was completely unwelcome in the talk we were having. Now yes that was the past and you may have changed, but I don’t think that your current level of maturity will mesh well with High Command.

So for now until I see with my own two eyes that you have improved your image and maturity I will have to -1 for now. This is not a set in stone vote however, this can be changed, I just need to see a little more maturity is all. 

Sorry mate, I still enjoy your taste in music tho 

I'd actually like to pin this one on someone else who I would rather not name at this time. If you recall, the person in question pulled Arizona out of the channel and then came back and yelled it. Myself and Arizona only joked about it in post to being outed like that. That said, it was a disrespectful and immature thing to have brought up and I apologise.

Edited by TessaKitty
  • Agree 1

Ex - Minge, Commander Fox, 14th RCMD


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I think that the growth of CG has been great. I can see how many people in CG have stepped up their game and new faces  joined and notables/legacy came back and are doing a great job. It's actually amazing to see the numbers. That being sayed a sizeable part of it could be attributed to Arizona and Tessa, because I standby the thought that so many people joining CG from other batallions and actually STAYING in it, must mean that the environment is good for growth and it's a great place. The same goes for notables and legacy it's a achievement in itself to keep those bingo playing grandpa's without resigning after like 1 week, so all that is great. Joking and Sync are a good duo for the spec leadership so the branches is good. Now after saying that I really wonder what that leaves me with, it leaves me thinking that you do great things for CG and the batallion likes you and endorse you for the position, nevertheless, I feel like right now you're in a good spot to stay as XO and actually being one of those  rare XO's that see through 2 BCMDs and continue bringing the counter balance to the table.  Don't rush it or if no one goes apply later, a XO can run a batallion without a BCMD.With being sayed it's +1 leaning towards -1, but hey it might be the best fox we've ever seen yet, just for my taste there's a bit too much mess surrounding the app and the community feel on it and the speed of joining vs applying for BCMD, just unprecedented, but if you can jump over this hurdle I don't see CG struggling as you have many capable people there and they like you and honestly it could be real good.

Good luck on interview!




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Future Dev Team Assistant
Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky, Republic Intelligence Jedi Agent Tec :sittingred:
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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Tessa may joke around from time to time, but has always been serious when she needs to be and seems to really be pulling CG together and leading well already. She has been keeping CG alive and whipped into shape as the XO so I don't see a reason for her to not be BCMD. She has been very active and motivated us to be around and doing more.

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Hey there!

After reading through your application, I've noticed a lack of an actual plan, I don't know if this was intentional or just an oversight. But I'm sure more people would like to see what kind of plan and direction you are going to go with in CG other than heavy passiverp & behind the scenes work. So, I'd just like to ask, do you have a plan of action at this current moment ready for CG, or are you still thinking of what direction you'd like to take CG in?

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16 minutes ago, chysk0 said:

Hey there!

After reading through your application, I've noticed a lack of an actual plan, I don't know if this was intentional or just an oversight. But I'm sure more people would like to see what kind of plan and direction you are going to go with in CG other than heavy passiverp & behind the scenes work. So, I'd just like to ask, do you have a plan of action at this current moment ready for CG, or are you still thinking of what direction you'd like to take CG in?

I touched on this a little in a previous response. I strongly believe that with the current foundation of the battalion, there isn't all too much space for physical change. Mentality is the key to pushing forward with our current progress. That said, a few more specific things I have planned revolve around the different ranks and their expected duties. I intend to give frequent tasks and jobs to different rank groups. This way I can keep the officers active and make everyone feel useful towards the cause. I intend to utilise the warrant officer to its best capability by having our WO micromanage the NCO corps. Formations, faces and standardised procedures will become a basic component of the battalion taught to every new member. The objective here is to make the battalion feel more involved and add more to the process of being apart of CG.

Ex - Minge, Commander Fox, 14th RCMD


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First things first -1 and Ill give some of my opinion behind it. First with your plan that you have I've seen people say it but I'm gonna repeat it again with your plan almost anyone can do this as XO and Commander so why would someone want to promote to BCMD when it can already be done and "keep the wheel turning".

As well your attitude towards other people is generally negative form what I've heard even when its with someone whos had little to no interaction with you. As well when told to start acting responsible and serious like your trying to push in CG your first response is to tell someone that CG is being targeted which can cause problems even when it comes to receiving criticism especially as a BCMD when you are the face of the battalion. Im sorry but until you improve on these things and show improvement not Yeah I've improved and I'm doing better

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You have definitely changed. I remember having you in 41st in 2019 and you were way different. You have been a leading force in the RP that the server is now promoting whether people see it or not. You discipline people without remorse or bias and I think that is very important. Good luck +1. Bring back the server's discipline and roleplay standards. 1 Arrest at a time

  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Truth be told, I just recently met Tessa as I don't really play anymore but come on every now and then. I like to personally know people for a while before giving my opinion on apps before given a vote. Thus being said I won't vote but I will point out that I believe it is a mistake to oppose someone because a battalion doesn't need a BCMD. I think to the contrary a BCMD is a big morale boost and everyone battalion should have it filled. I also believe that a person shouldn't need to change a bunch of things to be labelled as a potentially good commander. Sometimes things are good as they are.

Either way, good luck.

  • Dumb 1
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25 minutes ago, Maverick said:

Application is funny to read. I get to see all the hypocrites and retards say what they themselves have done so much over the years. 

+1 what brooklyn said.

"oh no someone who doesn't play server is voting on apps, hurr hurr, yur opinion doesnt matter boomer." :)


Takes one to know one, but anyways

Before i vote, i'd like to address somethings

So of course as a Rancor person, i was never personally involved with the situation between you and thorpy and the arrest, as well, with other issues regarding CG and ARC, i won't give my opinion on either side of how i think both should've handled it else then both sides were being quite stupid to be honest, but how can we expect you not to have personal bias come into CG when there's been hints of it when it comes to you accusing Rancor of stuff and vise versa and along with that, how are you, yourself going to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen, not just with Rancor, but as a whole, especially with the new arrest rule which is for sure going to cause issues mostly cause of no offense how stupid the rule is and how easily it can be exploited.

Also i dunno who addressed this, but your rise through the ranks has been quite questionable if i may say so and if i could possibly get more insight on these promotions that'd be dope, if not cool, but i personally find it questionable when someone rises through ranks that fast without some type of bias or anything.

Personally i could give two shits about your past, ill still clown on you for it like for example how Naffen use to be an idiot, but hes now a part of the queens guard, but besides that i hope to see you not let that get to you.

Also, I'd recommend on improving relations with other battalions cause any arrest to a significant individual in a battalion can leave quite the sour taste in their mouths.

Also if all this has been mentioned/answered already, mb i don't bother reading most reply's

Edited by Piff
  • Informative 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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3 minutes ago, Piff said:

Takes one to know one, but anyways

Before i vote, i'd like to address somethings

So of course as a Rancor person, i was never personally involved with the situation between you and thorpy and the arrest, as well, with other issues regarding CG and ARC, i won't give my opinion on either side of how i think both should've handled it else then both sides were being quite stupid to be honest, but how can we expect you not to have personal bias come into CG when there's been hints of it when it comes to you accusing Rancor of stuff and vise versa and along with that, how are you, yourself going to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen, not just with Rancor, but as a whole, especially with the new arrest rule which is for sure going to cause issues mostly cause of no offense how stupid the rule is and how easily it can be exploited.

Also i dunno who addressed this, but your rise through the ranks has been quite questionable if i may say so and if i could possibly get more insight on these promotions that'd be dope, if not cool, but i personally find it questionable when someone rises through ranks that fast without some type of bias or anything.

Personally i could give two shits about your past, ill still clown on you for it like for example how Naffen use to be an idiot, but hes now a part of the queens guard, but besides that i hope to see you not let that get to you.

Also, I'd recommend on improving relations with other battalions cause any arrest to a significant individual in a battalion can leave quite the sour taste in their mouths.

Right so the first point you made is entirely valid and a really good question to bring up. Unfortunately theres no way to guarantee any way to fix bias, or prove to you that I don't have any. However I can tell you that up until now CG has had no negative run ins with Rancor. A couple of our members felt bias against them in ARC trainings but we haven't acted against anyone in Rancor since the Thorpy incident. In fact, very recently you were arrested for killing a trooper after mistaking him for a commando. I was brought in to talk to Bleach about it and expressed that it wasn't your fault. Even though you were due no punishment, I fought in your corner to defend it. I believe we may have had a couple of negative run ins in the past over the years Piff, but I didn't take any of that into consideration when defending your actions. I hope this is a good example I can use against the idea of bias. 

The rise through the ranks happened as a direct result of the effort I was putting in. In Arizona's words, as an NCO I did the work of an officer. As an officer I did the work of a high command member. For that reason I was consistently put into positions where I could utilise my skills and strengths for the betterment of the battalion. I've tried my hardest to prove my dedication and passion for CG and it paid off. With the battalion being dead previously, mass promotions were somewhat needed to restore order. And needless to say, some order has been restored. 

Honestly not many people have brought up my past which is extremely motivating. When I came back to Synergy this year everyone that recognised me seemed genuinely happy to see me. It was real refreshing and all round exciting. So I'm glad to see that for the most part, a lot of people see me in a positive light. I agree whole heartedly about improving battalion relations though. Repairing things with Rancor is definitely something I'd like to do. At times I feel a little uneasy around members of Rancor and it genuinely feels pretty uncomfortable. I'd like to remove the stigma and build a stronger relationship between all the members of our regiment.

I hope this clears everything up for you!

  • Winner 1

Ex - Minge, Commander Fox, 14th RCMD


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+1 :NekoDance:

Edit: In all seriousness, the writing is on the wall. You're incredibly active and put in tons of effort, which clearly shows in the current state of affairs.

CG as a whole is still a work in progress, but definitely has a rock solid base to build off of, and I'm certain it's a major improvement from before (I wouldn't know the full extent as I am newer here). Those who find your quick promotions dubious, and worry about underhanded dealings are likely concerned that they were not earned fairly, as they cannot see the full extent of the work you've put in behind the scenes. I'm sure there are a few who are just venting their jealousy and envy at not having been able to achieve what you have, but it does highlight that things aren't able to be fair. Not everyone has the time you do, and it sucks that some cannot make major strides due to circumstances. Please don't burn yourself out, and uh... don't set the bar too high for the rest of us? I will say CSM to 1LT is a bit much, but I'm sure there are perfectly reasonable reasons, and I will humbly accept my promotion from 1SGT to LT COL. Regardless, it seems you have a plan, though I personally feel a bit more transparency would be nice, as it sometimes feels as if you hide away in offices having private conversations for hours on end, only to emerge and give us a chicken nugget of progress/information. Putting up a to-do list, timeline, or just a little bulletin board of "Hey, we're working on restructuring XYZ", so that way we can look and say "Oh cool, they're in talks for reworking DS. Oh now they're adding X to trackers" would likely go a long way in helping others see your vision, and potentially even lead to more suggestions or help.

As for your plans with CG, you bring up a noble vision, but how do you plan on addressing the current issues such as the bloated NCO/Officer corps? The ratio of Officers and NCOs to enlisted is very skewed, which may project an unwarranted level of elitism, or the image of the battalion being a glorified Officer's Club. Adding on to that, you mention that you want to see serious roleplay, but I'm failing to see consistent seriousness. How do you propose we turn serious RP from "Use Voicemod, walk in formation, and be sheep", into "Think in character, care about lore/mannerisms/etc., and taking initiative"? What I mean by that is, I should want to use terms that are from the Star Wars universe, get confused by people using IRL terms (ones that can't work both ways), and want to go out of my way to interact with the world around me as my character would. Currently it ends up being more along the lines of stay near the detention center, ready to act in character when something is going on, do what we're told to do (zero questions or PT), and try to decipher utterances filtered though voicemod. That isn't to say using voice changers and filters is bad, but it's being used to a degree that impacts immersion (Get your helmet fixed, you must have damaged it), instead of enhancing it (Wow you're actually wearing a helmet and it sounds like it). To bring it back around, your propositions look to be great roleplay, but with no way to promote seriousness.

You're no paragon of serious RP, you're not the best leader, nor are you always the most tactful person; but you're always there, always trying to improve, always seizing the day, and trying to bring out the best in others while doing so. Your only human, and have the vision and the will to bring about change.

I will fully support you in your endeavors. +1 Gods this turned into a bit of a ramble...




Edited by Aegis
Actually giving feedback/information.
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13 hours ago, TessaKitty said:

stayed there until Brooklyn lost his BCMD app to an outside member of the battalion that frankly, none of us wished to cooperate with.

You mean the longest Gree to ever play this server, Egg. He was a very valued member of the community. This just shows that you are not willing to work with other people.

-1 that line makes no sense and FRANKLY was not needed.

  • Funny 4
  • Confused 1
  • Dumb 8



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ima +1 regardless because going from being blacklisted on every roster known to man to being XO Thorn in CG of all battalions is an obvious extreme change in character so W there, but i do have questions.

First what are you’re plans for outer battalion relations? army wide or even just your sector

Second (prolly a easy ass question) What are your plans for the senate as a whole? i got dropped as Aang twice yesterday infront of brig

Lastly (i can understand if you dont want to answer) how’s your mental. I heard in the past that was a major factor contributing to your emotions and actions in game so i wanna know if it could be a problem in the future 

  • Informative 1
  • Friendly 1

the Darman Keller guy

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First of all,   Tessa has made an impressive turnaround since coming back to the server.   As someone whom witnessed the shit she pulled,   I can tell you there is a difference now.   She has admitted both publicly and privately that she was really regretting what she did and wants to make a change.    I would put here on the list of people whom made a comeback after falling really hard.  

One of those people is Fyi.   I was going to put Bacta as well but...I can't call him out because I'll get beaned by Naffen.  

Second of all,   CG being more focused on RP is actually pretty good.  I liked when CG focused on RP more when we had Conrad as paply.    The one thing I will agree is that CG in the past has been a little arrest happy here and there.   I'm confident that will change.  

Finally,  It's worth mentioning there is one person here whom +1'd that is a former CG HC that I NEVER EXPECTED to +1 anything Tessa did.  

I feel like she deserves a chance at the interview.  

Just a small note:   I don't know why the Brig Door situation was brought up,  but as far as I'm aware that only happened once and she was trying to keep a minge from breaking another minge out.  It was completely by accident and nobody had a clue the rayshield in brig could kill you.   I happened to be watching when it happened due to someone saying that said minge was trying to glitch out of his cell.   


Edited by Zensras
  • Winner 1
  • Informative 1
  • Friendly 1
  • Optimistic 1

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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7 hours ago, Grief said:

You mean the longest Gree to ever play this server, Egg. He was a very valued member of the community. This just shows that you are not willing to work with other people.

-1 that line makes no sense and FRANKLY was not needed.

I believed that it was important to give a backstory to every time I left Synergy.

Ex - Minge, Commander Fox, 14th RCMD


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+1 I've been on server for roughly the same amount of time as Tessa and I've seen her at her Lowest moments and highest moments while on the server and I actually do think she has changed as a person and has come back as a leader helping out CG in all aspects and she definitely has shown positive results in terms of there activity and RP and I think we should give her a try and see what she can do. 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Wildfire

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PHat +1

Really an awesome person to hang around. The experience is there, I don't see why people need to concern themselves about how long someone's been at a rank or even which rank when most of them mean jack shit anyway, it's just seniority in a given batt. People who climb ranks fast could be from nepotism, sure, but that really isn't the case here. What matters is she's capable and I don't see why "HICOM" in a Battalion shouldn't put anyone motivated and competent in a spot to better the whole unit. Not like there's actual organization or billets that any rank can't fill lol. But yea, she'll do fine by CG, that's what counts imo.

Kick ass, Tess :HYPERS:

  • Friendly 1

𝓞𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓡𝓲𝓶 𝓒𝓻𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓻 𝟝𝟘𝟝𝟚 🢩

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8 hours ago, Misfit said:

ima +1 regardless because going from being blacklisted on every roster known to man to being XO Thorn in CG of all battalions is an obvious extreme change in character so W there, but i do have questions.

First what are you’re plans for outer battalion relations? army wide or even just your sector

Second (prolly a easy ass question) What are your plans for the senate as a whole? i got dropped as Aang twice yesterday infront of brig

Lastly (i can understand if you dont want to answer) how’s your mental. I heard in the past that was a major factor contributing to your emotions and actions in game so i wanna know if it could be a problem in the future 

So first things first for battalion relations, a lot of the problems we have stem from personal problems. Members of CG disliking members of other battalions, members of other battalions disliking members of CG. Everything can be solved by just talking things out. Once we're on neutral grounds I'd like to start cooperating with more battalions for things like joint trainings, deployments, base defence RP and stuff like that. Theres a lot of opportunities for strengthening relations through just playing together and RPing together. 

Secondly, when I saw the senate guard make a big comeback on the server, it was really a thing of awe. I was inspired by their professionalism when it comes to VIP escort and I'd love to move in a similar direction with DS. Our DS should be more highly trained in advance protection tactics, while the rest of the battalion should also be focused around general protection. Things like formations, positioning, awareness are all high up on the DS's to do list when it comes to training. And we could definitely be doing a better job with all three of these things.

Finally, I'm happy to report that my mental is quite strong in comparison to how I used to be. I still let a lot of negativity get to me and affect me emotionally, but I've gained a lot of discipline in regards to how I handle it. I would never let it get in the way of me and the job that needs to be done. Recently I was trying to figure out words I could use to describe the perfect Coruscant Guard. One of them is "Unflinching". Unflinching is exactly what I aim to be. I will maintain a steady hand and a cool head no matter what as I stand by and enforce the rules both outside and inside of the battalion.

I hope this clears everything up for you ^^

  • Winner 1

Ex - Minge, Commander Fox, 14th RCMD


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1 hour ago, TessaKitty said:

So first things first for battalion relations, a lot of the problems we have stem from personal problems. Members of CG disliking members of other battalions, members of other battalions disliking members of CG. Everything can be solved by just talking things out. Once we're on neutral grounds I'd like to start cooperating with more battalions for things like joint trainings, deployments, base defence RP and stuff like that. Theres a lot of opportunities for strengthening relations through just playing together and RPing together. 

Secondly, when I saw the senate guard make a big comeback on the server, it was really a thing of awe. I was inspired by their professionalism when it comes to VIP escort and I'd love to move in a similar direction with DS. Our DS should be more highly trained in advance protection tactics, while the rest of the battalion should also be focused around general protection. Things like formations, positioning, awareness are all high up on the DS's to do list when it comes to training. And we could definitely be doing a better job with all three of these things.

Finally, I'm happy to report that my mental is quite strong in comparison to how I used to be. I still let a lot of negativity get to me and affect me emotionally, but I've gained a lot of discipline in regards to how I handle it. I would never let it get in the way of me and the job that needs to be done. Recently I was trying to figure out words I could use to describe the perfect Coruscant Guard. One of them is "Unflinching". Unflinching is exactly what I aim to be. I will maintain a steady hand and a cool head no matter what as I stand by and enforce the rules both outside and inside of the battalion.

I hope this clears everything up for you ^^

thank you for the response!

the Darman Keller guy

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On 8/31/2022 at 5:39 PM, TessaKitty said:

Do you understand the lore of your battalion:

The Coruscant Guard is the primary Clone security unit operating across Republic territory and originating from the Capital, Coruscant. Led by CC-1010 "Fox", the battalion is made up primarily of Shock Troopers, but also consists of ARF troopers specially trained to track down criminals with the aid of Massiffs. The CG "Trackers" are led by Sergeant Hound. The Coruscant Guard can be recognised by its distinctive red markings. The battalion also includes a Diplomatic Service division led by Commander Stone. This team of CG Troopers specialise in diplomatic affairs, primarily revolving around escorting and protecting senators or other civilians holding diplomatic status within the Republic. CGs top priority is to keep VIPs and civilians safe

Did you really copy-paste that? :pepePopcorn:
also I can’t support someone who tries/did witch hunt someone into losing their positions. I think you don’t have the qualities of what a Fox should be, and for that -1


This probably will get over looked since I don’t play, but what I stated above happened during my time on the server 

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 4
  • Dumb 8

Former: Liaison


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Know you for years, and how much you've changed over time. 


I believe you are a capable person to lead CG.  It certainly seems that way with your current members and the way they appreciate you.  It's something I can take notice of rather easily.  Finding someone that can work well with their existing members will make being BCMD a breeze. However, I do not like how quickly you were promoted, but that's not your decision, that's of the previous BCMD.   Furthermore, I'd be one to consider a different candidate and have to ponder more around the applications, but there's not a second applicant.  I think your attitude brings a rather good touch to the server and I expect to remain that way if you become BCMD Fox.  Best of luck going forward with CG.

  • Agree 1
  • Pay Respect 1

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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Just now, Stockings said:

Know you for years, and how much you've changed over time. 


I believe you are a capable person to lead CG.  It certainly seems that way with your current members and the way they appreciate you.  It's something I can take notice of rather easily.  Finding someone that can work well with their existing members will make being BCMD a breeze. However, I do not like how quickly you were promoted, but that's not your decision, that's of the previous BCMD.   Furthermore, I'd be one to consider a different candidate and have to ponder more around the applications, but there's not a second applicant.  I think your attitude brings a rather good touch to the server and I expect to remain that way if you become BCMD Fox.  Best of luck going forward with CG.

Didn't expect to hear this from you. Genuinely means a lot, thank you

Ex - Minge, Commander Fox, 14th RCMD


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7 hours ago, Tripoli said:

I don't see why people need to concern themselves about how long someone's been at a rank or even which rank when most of them mean jack shit anyway, it's just seniority in a given batt.

Seniority in a given battalion is an important thing to have when you are going to lead said battalion. If somebody who is fresh and new in the battalion rapidly shifts to a leadership role and attempts to full on run the battalion that they have not been in for an incredible amount of time, it is likely that they are not fully aware of the climate of the battalion, its in depth needs, and fully familiar with what is going on. Not saying that Tessa doesn't know these things, but this is why to many it is taken into consideration.


I will hesitantly +1. I believe that other people have summarized reasons why you should and shouldn't get it well. I think the reasons you should outweigh the reasons you shouldn't, but not by much. You will need to do a very good job! Good luck

  • Pay Respect 1
  • Confused 1
  • Dumb 1

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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+1 the only reason I may have been hesitant before was your climb through the ranks but honestly that does not mean much now you put in constant hours and work to get the spot you are currently in. Whether or not your previous experiences on the server were good or bad people change and a lot of people currently/previously on the server have messed up bad before and if they manage to reach leadership positions they typically do the best or leave lasting impressions to the server. lets see what could happen.

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Back from the dead to comment.

Firstly, there has been instances where theres been fuck ups with arrests and RDM but, everyone fucks up and it wasnt JUST tessa that had involvement. Holding on to this for a -1 is dumb as fuck. Minor issue happens - Minor issue gets resolved = move on. 

Secondly, why are we holding onto "behaviour issues" from years ago or even of recent, when half the server doesnt RP and people don't care anymore. If you act in a negative way to someone you're arresting, its in character? which is the whole point of the server no? If it was such a big issue about bans, and community behaviour, why the fuck was i BCMD? I got banned 3 times on synergy and no one questioned me about for cody or for staff.  Imagine +1'ing someone that got banned for "Muslim RP" - Anyway, stupid reason to -1. 

And finally, all the comments about "Not ready for BCMD" or "No plan" makes me laugh when it comes from people outside of CG and with NO BCMD experience. Why the fuck do CG need a set in stone plan! They have like 9 active good people on everyday RP'ing BETTER than the whole fucking server. If theres no need for a physical change then why try to implement one. 

In game your interaction with everyone including new members of the community is spot on, your RP is fantastic to co-inside with that too. You're in character when you need to be, which is all the fucking time, have taught many members of this community how to RP well and how to enjoy playing a character. You were clearly trusted enough by CG HC to be promoted, and we even spoke about this. It wasnt about what you did or your experience at the time, it was about a player who actually fucking cares about the battalion, being promoted to a position that they are worthy of, to lead by example, teach others and help keep CG stable. You have done an awful lot for CG in the time you've been here and why not go for fox, you clearly deserve it.

Keep up your shit tessa and if you dont get it, continue to lead the battalion ANYWAY as XO! You DON'T need a change in a plan, you don't need to change CG to fit other members of the server, so keep doing what your doing. +1

  • Agree 3
  • Winner 5
  • Informative 1
  • Pay Respect 1

Discord: Mason#2710

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You dissed egg In your commander application, if this doesn’t say something about your moral compass I don’t know what does.


  • Agree 2
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  • Dumb 8

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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I personally believe in second chances and that people change over the years. I'm even suprised how much me and my friends have changed over the past couple of years even though we officially are adults. Even though I know that the past is important I believe the present is even more significant. Facts are that CG is doing really well and you have done a lot for them. Your RP is top notch and all my interactions with you personally have been great since you joined CG.
As of your plan I agree with Mason on this. CG is doing really well. As long as you keep it that way any big plans are not needed.
Make sure to use the feedback given in the other comments.
I wish you the best of luck +1


  • Friendly 1


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On 9/1/2022 at 12:59 AM, TessaKitty said:

Right so the first point you made is entirely valid and a really good question to bring up. Unfortunately theres no way to guarantee any way to fix bias, or prove to you that I don't have any. However I can tell you that up until now CG has had no negative run ins with Rancor. A couple of our members felt bias against them in ARC trainings but we haven't acted against anyone in Rancor since the Thorpy incident. In fact, very recently you were arrested for killing a trooper after mistaking him for a commando. I was brought in to talk to Bleach about it and expressed that it wasn't your fault. Even though you were due no punishment, I fought in your corner to defend it. I believe we may have had a couple of negative run ins in the past over the years Piff, but I didn't take any of that into consideration when defending your actions. I hope this is a good example I can use against the idea of bias. 

The rise through the ranks happened as a direct result of the effort I was putting in. In Arizona's words, as an NCO I did the work of an officer. As an officer I did the work of a high command member. For that reason I was consistently put into positions where I could utilise my skills and strengths for the betterment of the battalion. I've tried my hardest to prove my dedication and passion for CG and it paid off. With the battalion being dead previously, mass promotions were somewhat needed to restore order. And needless to say, some order has been restored. 

Honestly not many people have brought up my past which is extremely motivating. When I came back to Synergy this year everyone that recognised me seemed genuinely happy to see me. It was real refreshing and all round exciting. So I'm glad to see that for the most part, a lot of people see me in a positive light. I agree whole heartedly about improving battalion relations though. Repairing things with Rancor is definitely something I'd like to do. At times I feel a little uneasy around members of Rancor and it genuinely feels pretty uncomfortable. I'd like to remove the stigma and build a stronger relationship between all the members of our regiment.

I hope this clears everything up for you!

Late response, but I see where you’re coming from with my arrest I personally didn’t care I only cared cause Toaster was arrested without logs checked, and as staff, hands were tied since I don’t want to take my own battalions sit.


I also understand the doing officer work as a NCO since I was mass promoted back then by Miller when I was in Rancor for doing officer work and Intel work and being Alpha so that’s understandable and I’ve seen it happen more then once obviously I don’t know the reasoning or what supports it so I just wanted the clarification on it. 

besides that I’ll give you a +1 and hope to work with our sector in the future all together soonTM.

  • Pay Respect 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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As a former BCMD, I can tell that you actively engage your battalion and encourage then to roleplay. I have had nothing but good experiences with you on a professional level. You were promoted pretty quick and that was kinda sus, but unless CG has a problem with you being fox I don't see a reason you shouldn't be given a chance.

  • Friendly 1


Former: A lot of shit dude

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After the talk Tessa and I had I am switching my -1 to a +1. Everything that I layed out in my previous reasoning you really made me rethink everything I had written down after that talk, during that talk you showed me that you can be serious, you can lead, and you can be mature and that is what you need as a BCMD. During your time under Arizona made me think that you weren't ready for the next step and that you would continue your mingy antics from a few years ago, but that wasn't the case. I strongly believe that you can lead CG in the right direction and that CG is in safe hands knowing that you're going to be the next BCMD. Now knowing what I know about previous members of Rancor and how they acted not only towards you but the rest of CG made me open my eyes about each and every negative interaction that Rancor have had with CG and made me think that the members of Rancor were right and that CG were in the wrong for whatever happened during the situation at hand, this is no longer the case and I do very much apologize for the way that certain members of Rancor past and present were treating not only you but CG as a whole. 

I hope that the beef between Rancor and CG can be squashed and never happen ever again. 

I wish you the best of luck in the interview Tessa!

Edited by Bleach
  • Friendly 1
  • Pay Respect 2
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I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

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I look back about a month and a half ago to 2 months ago... Personally I don't think I woulda ever predicted seeing the state that I see CG in right now. I remember meeting Tessa in Bounty Hunters around when she first joined CG and I didn't know she was like a CPL in CG and it put a bad taste in my mouth that she was there as I personally don't like any kind of military police on any server I go to. Not to mention the battalion was SUPER inactive  at that time (2 Fox's ago). Though I do try to be open minded to individuals opinions there was nothing she coulda said to convince me that CG were alright. Moving forward to when she was about a SSGT and I was a Marshal in the Guild dealing with a situation with another bounty hunter. That was my first interaction with Tessa as both of us being a leadership figure and truly I was impressed with with how she handled herself. For the first time ever I was able to sit and talk to a Military Police member on an RP issue and it didn't feel 1 sided but instead she admitted fault on the CG side of things and personally that takes a bigger person to admit fault. Moving forward I watched her ascend through the ranks all the way up to XO of CG and truly I was ecstatic to see her making a change.
I look at CG before and after... What was 2 months ago the most inactive battalion to today what is arguably the most active battalion. I see CG overall being well behaved with respectable members. I see a battalion I personally would have never considered joining due to my own personal distaste from previous servers and just recently with a change in battalion only days ago I had serious consideration to joining CG because I trusted the current XO as I was seeing the changes.  These changes don't magically happen over night, it takes hard work and dedication from a special kind of person to make those changes and uphold them. truly there was a point were I woulda -1ed this app because I didn't personally see what she was doing that made her fly through the ranks. But after taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture of things honestly I cant think of anyone more deserving of this position within the community overall. Wrapping up this long essay lets make this easy for those who don't wanna read it all and just want to know that this is a FAT +1 as there is nobody who wanted to step up like Tessa did when CG needed it.

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+1, I think you have the best intention for CG in mind in addition your growth on server and the skills you have picked up can be noted. I remember when you were a minge officer of the 212th years ago, but here you are. You have picked up strong communication skill, a push for leadership, and a passion to help the battalion that gave you the chance. And here you wanting to return the favor and take the final role to help your battalion. You kicked everyone into gear and have elevated those around you and I believe someone who does that and have those intention will make a good BCMD.

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Personally, Im split between the good and the bad here.

There are plenty of valid concerns here made by other people, especially regarding your behavior. 
However, Ive known you for years now and there is a VAST improvement from how you used to be. 
Still not happy that when I joined, I got promoted from PVT to SSG in less than 2 weeks for doing ZERO work by Arizona and yourself, then saw you go from SSG to XO in the span of like 3 weeks. Definitely felt like favoritism and power-playing within the battalion. I wont deny that the promotions were due to hard work and effort. Just still doesn't sit right with me that I had to bitch and moan to battalion higher ups to stop doing mass promotions just to get ranks in the battalions. 

Promoting people for the sake of promoting people is something I will always hate and personally, you didnt seem against it at the time when it was occurring. Personally, I dont think you're quite ready for XO, let alone BCMD. 

Thats not to say you havent done wonders for the battalion in whipping us back into shape, but it feels like the battalion as a whole is putting out fires as they pop up instead of actually moving forward. 

You're a friend and fun to play with at times but I dont think you would be the best for the Battalion at this current moment. Sorry

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Why am I still here?


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12 minutes ago, BigBoss said:

Still not happy that when I joined, I got promoted from PVT to SSG in less than 2 weeks for doing ZERO work by Arizona and yourself, then saw you go from SSG to XO in the span of like 3 weeks. Definitely felt like favoritism and power-playing within the battalion.

When you joined the battalion, there were 4 active members. You were promoted quickly to a rank where you'd be able to actually help do things like host tryouts. Its hard to play favorites when theres nobody else to promote. That said, your opinion on the matter is your own. But I believe that context is important.

Edited by TessaKitty
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Ex - Minge, Commander Fox, 14th RCMD


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Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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i am literally captain tukk

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