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Everything posted by MasonA

  1. Personally I feel this would be a great addition to 212th, providing that standards and expectations from RC in general are met which kaiser said they will be. They were held to a very high standard before, and we had very strict tryouts, and trainings after being successful. With correct implementation this would be great, and there is not a major loss in job roles with the ones not used in 212th. Losing jobs to gain jobs is how it should be, not gaining extra ones on top. +1
  2. Gameplay - 4 - It was good, plenty of action, good use of props, map and positioning on the enemies. Decent amount of RP, saving civvies and defusal of bombs. Care and Effort - 4 - Didn't require lots of effort as it was a pretty standard event with just enough RP, but there was thought, and planning on the event which made it enjoyable and no real issues. Server Performance - 3 - Weak at times, however i don't think that was completely down to you, try clean up props and missed droids + entities left when players move through the event. Well done, thank you for hosting.
  3. Name: Mason Staff Rank: SA Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 08/03/23 - 20/03/23 (12 days) Reason: Hospital and surgery is popping off atm (Level 4 internal which means theres no bed spaces for patients that have urgent ops and we're low on staff) and im pretty much on call every night, or on long shifts. Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position? Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: Yes
  4. RP Name: Trapper Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 / 76561198202443948 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 21 Timezone: GMT What was your previous staff rank?: SA Are you currently staff on a different server?: No Why did you leave the staff team?: Resigned to travel abroad for medical training. Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I would like to produce high quality, fun events for the server regularly, whilst posing as an active and helpful staff member for people to go to for help. I feel odd playing this server and not being able to help out where necessary and provide service whilst playing. During downtimes it is lacklustre when it comes to the help from staff members due to time zones and i can help with this immensely. How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): It went well. I produced a number of intuitive, fun and quality events to keep the server entertained whilst being an active SA to help spawn things, and help with events. I felt like it could've lasted longer, but i needed to leave the server for a good amount of time. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes This application was waived by Cubby due to past PO's on my time on synergy.
  5. Firstly, welcome back Tomm. Thanks for hosting downtime shit for us. Gameplay - 5 - Really enjoyed it, was quite tasking with 2 muni's, outdoor and indoor combat with a variety of droids. Mini story with a tac droid and data which allowed for more RP in game and in comms. Care and Effort - 4 - Seemed like a low effort event which always works so well. You took time to develop it, create tough situations and chances for roleplay so good job. Performance - 5 - No performance issues on my end.
  6. See you on the server fella
  7. Gameplay - 4 Care - 5 Effort - 2 Performance - 5 Gameplay was good, we had good action with decent spawning and a variety of enemies. It got a 4 rating due to the different weapons the droids used too - good shit mate. Care was there, you cared to host it and even spawn things on your own alongside playing with us so thank you. Effort was minimal (not a bad thing) it did not need loads and loads of effort, and still your range of event style and effort is limited due to being an Admin so well done for making use of what you have. Looking forward to the future. Performance was spot on, no lag and no latency my end. But then again, skill issue, get a better PC.
  8. Chance to improve roleplay = +1
  9. As Xase correctly said "Great BCMD's are bad RCMD's" - So you just might be the best RCMD ever bro good luck! +1 <3
  10. +1 Fuck yeah dude. Totally rad! Thought you were already rex?
  11. So basically finn could’ve been a GREAT BCMD love you finn
  12. Whoever promoted this guy to commander needs an award tbh. Yeah sure why not - +1
  13. Back from the dead to comment. Firstly, there has been instances where theres been fuck ups with arrests and RDM but, everyone fucks up and it wasnt JUST tessa that had involvement. Holding on to this for a -1 is dumb as fuck. Minor issue happens - Minor issue gets resolved = move on. Secondly, why are we holding onto "behaviour issues" from years ago or even of recent, when half the server doesnt RP and people don't care anymore. If you act in a negative way to someone you're arresting, its in character? which is the whole point of the server no? If it was such a big issue about bans, and community behaviour, why the fuck was i BCMD? I got banned 3 times on synergy and no one questioned me about for cody or for staff. Imagine +1'ing someone that got banned for "Muslim RP" - Anyway, stupid reason to -1. And finally, all the comments about "Not ready for BCMD" or "No plan" makes me laugh when it comes from people outside of CG and with NO BCMD experience. Why the fuck do CG need a set in stone plan! They have like 9 active good people on everyday RP'ing BETTER than the whole fucking server. If theres no need for a physical change then why try to implement one. In game your interaction with everyone including new members of the community is spot on, your RP is fantastic to co-inside with that too. You're in character when you need to be, which is all the fucking time, have taught many members of this community how to RP well and how to enjoy playing a character. You were clearly trusted enough by CG HC to be promoted, and we even spoke about this. It wasnt about what you did or your experience at the time, it was about a player who actually fucking cares about the battalion, being promoted to a position that they are worthy of, to lead by example, teach others and help keep CG stable. You have done an awful lot for CG in the time you've been here and why not go for fox, you clearly deserve it. Keep up your shit tessa and if you dont get it, continue to lead the battalion ANYWAY as XO! You DON'T need a change in a plan, you don't need to change CG to fit other members of the server, so keep doing what your doing. +1
  14. Battalion: 212th RP Name: 212th BCMD Cody Date: 02/09/22 Reason: So, been on this server too long now, and its beyond the point of being able to enjoy it. I can't rebuild any memories or fun times i had and its the only thing in my life right now that feels like a chore. Soon, ill be headed off to study to become an orthopaedic surgeon, and im loving life right now, too much to be stuck here and remain in the community. Goodbyes: Sorry for leaving early into the term, i finished some things i wanted to do, but i value my own wellbeing over the server, its selfish, but you have to be.
  15. +1 No doubt A lot of people nowadays don't know how good of a GM you are.
  16. Who helped (If applicable): Dono Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Nah Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Predator goes brrrr Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: no Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  17. Gameplay: 4 - Health was good, great action and RP was playerside, but enough for the server. Care and Effort: 4 - Seemed to be easy to manage, good detail with the eggs and the cave props were fun. You also adapted to us very well, when we used a TX and extra guns. Server Performance: 5 - Server ran perfect.
  18. Who helped (If applicable): No Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): No Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A tiny little taster of an event i plan on doing based off the original predator films. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: No Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  19. You fucking legend pog, the only person to have the AUDACITY to post this pic, im actually crying with laughter. Have fun going outside, and good luck at college my brother.
  20. Who helped (If applicable): No Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): No Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Rocket droids and Vultures attacked Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: no Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  21. +1 man, you were a great staff member before, be great to have you on the team :)
  22. MasonA

    Deathwatch attack

    Gameplay: 5 - Just great, really, really fun. Had a blast with some RP and being able to combat good opponents that weren't too hard or easy. The whole server were great with comms and having a good laugh, so yeah, awesome mate, no complaints. Care and Effort: 4 - Looks like some good effort went into the initial set up, and being able to adapt to the whole server joining was good. Doesn't seem like it took hours to set up hence the 4 (Not a bad thing) But it was quick, simple and effective mate. Server Performance: 5 - Server ran great for me. No issues my side.
  23. Gameplay: 4 - Gameplay was good, it was a great mix of action alongside roleplay and we were able to fulfil our roles successfully, especially @TessaKitty, you did awesome. Care and Effort: 4 - Seems like a decent amount of effort went into actually setting up good characters with a small story to follow, it allowed us to immerse, and have better RP as a whole. Server Performance: 4 - Server ran fine, small drops with some spawning, but shit happens, for me, it ran great and i could enjoy myself. Keep it up egert.
  24. My experience with squishy has been a really positive one since he came to the server. I think with a good team you'll smash it. You're at least deserving of an interview, so good luck man. +1
  25. MasonA

    The Compound

    Who helped (If applicable): Nah Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Nah Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Compound: Push on base, push back, defence of outpost, gone boom bit of RP and base attack Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nah Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
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