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VIP - Mystic
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Mystic last won the day on July 17

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  1. I got a goodbye! o7. take care Super. Clutch also says goodbye!
  2. 3/3/2 Gameplay was meh. Not much direction and kinda weird with the EJs jumping in vehicles etc. Care and Effort: I wont knock the effort or care, but it was executed in a mediocre way. Server Performance: 300 ping most of the time, Somewhat high HP droids and EJ fights were so laggy.
  3. o7 Brooklyn. From my first resignation in 21st talking about how i wish we did more together when i was a wee newbie, to you resigning wishing i still spoke to you more. Probably the first server resignation that i'm genuinely torn up about man, I appreciate all you did, Criticisms, Honesty, Work etc. You've done more than 99% of the people to grace this server. I hope you stick around, and i hope that dropping this server improves your quality of life. Be the best you can be man. I'll be here awaiting your return someday.
  4. +1 he gave me Windu
  5. Kinda saw this coming but, o7 man. I know that we had some rough patches but ill always have fond memories of you man. I'll miss you.
  6. This server has never been more casual friendly than it is now. The events and players may not be the same level of quality, but its good enough to put 4 hours of your night into casually and then hop off for two days. Aside from the physical things mentioned above, we've had lots of rule changes, regiment adjustments, Factions do different things etc. It is REALLY hard to list here, @Xazeput the server on his back and ran in a direction with it. @Jayarr popped back into the Dev team and has made some incredible maps, @Marvelis old now and the Server tenured him to Management. Our Directors are both competent and honestly the current server state is so diverse that you can't really be told it without having experienced it.
  7. Not a bug. You need to be careful where you click. Prestige takes all your abilities and removes them and gives prestige tokens which you use to unlock special perks that just don't work right now. There isn't much that can be done aside from re-leveling. Which thankfully doesn't take too long looking back on it.
  8. I love you Bane :( stop coming back. take care man
  9. Yeah I’m sure it’s the best event you’ve ever played Opa. You’re an old head. Don’t cave to lazy ratings
  10. Disliking new procedures doesn't constitute map editing. Seems unreasonable to want a map adjustment rather than accepting the change. -1
  11. +1 One of the greatest Fox's i've ever worked with. He has the activity and personality to work with everyone he needs to.
  12. Of course your 2 pizza eating ass made a thread about food
  13. So uh. Ill ask. What are you plans? You have been somewhat absent lately and you currently have an LOA up for burnout. How do you plan to combat this? How do you plan to make up for your lack of experience? What did you learn in your Six Months here that makes you better than Holo? How do you plan to manage the balance you mentioned wanting to keep in 21st? This app is way too short and is the average length of a Regimental Lead application in most battalions. I'd recommend an edit of this application. Best of luck.
  14. +1. This guy refound his footing under Iron's first term. He likely held off on term 2 due to Iron's reapp or perhaps still contemplating. He has been a backbone for 21st, and while i don't agree with everything he's tried to push for in the past, new ideas are welcomed regardless of what people outside the battalion think. I remember joking about this to you and Centurion when you came back for the first time. Won't forget that 6 hour convo we had with Crimson, Centurion and Snadvich. Hopefully you bring 21st grand ambitions after how well Irons did. Don't mention Devil Dogs. 44th is just DD. Don't ruin something good here.
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