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Tec last won the day on April 7

Tec had the most liked content!


About Tec

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Forum Sheep

Forum Sheep (2/6)



  1. Well deserved retirement, don't be a stranger bud. Hopefully we can have pre-director Ollie back now!!! Also no @Golben is crazy
  2. I've seen your attitude in these positions first hand in both SOBDE as well as GM. Our recent conversations about naval have only reinforced my faith in you going for this position. My only real concerns have already been addressed by you in response to Mystic, so with that I can give you a confident +1. Best of luck in your interview, and keep Naval rolling please
  3. +1 its about time
  4. this is so real Baron thank you for one last great take. On a real note though, gonna miss your presence around here, don't be a stranger! Hope to see you around sometime, thanks for all the chats and RP we've had. PS @Xazeand I have already discussed my taking of your spot on the Dev team.
  5. jedi update when??? +1
  6. bye bye Sarge, hope to see you around again!!
  7. Quite scuffed, but still enjoyed the outcome. Thanks to both you and Jake for rolling with all these problems and still getting us an event to enjoy lol. 4/5/5 <3
  8. While I do have some gripes with your physical application as it seems a few others have had, I do truly believe you're a great candidate for this position. I've seen your dedication to the faction firsthand since your early days in the Navy and the Engineering branch. You're truly a force within the faction and honestly, nothing makes me happier than to see you go as far as you have. If I can give you any advice for the future, assuming you do make it to the position, make sure to fully utilize your position to the best of your abilities when ingame. Yularen is a position that has a ton of versatility to it with what you can do ingame. Use it to be an active presence for not just the faction, but the server as well. By doing this, not only can you create a ton of fun for yourself and others, but you'll also continue to inspire others to try out Naval. Oh and don't get too hung up on doc work, I know you love it, but it shouldn't take away from the in-game side of the position. If you haven't already, make sure you have some other intel sappy folks to help you out so you're not trying to balance it all yourself. Hope to see you on the job, best of luck in your interview, +1 oh and i'm always a DM away if you ever need. keep doing great things for the faction.
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