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Katy's Yoda Application


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Steam Name: Katy | Synr.gg

RP Name: High General Luminara Unduli

RP Rank: Jedi Order Overseer/Chief Instructor

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59565043

[212th PVT-CMD 06/2020-11/2021]
I joined Synergy in February 2018 and went on and off between battalions until 2020, but never achieved anything significant. It wasn’t until I joined 212th in June of 2020 where I have since been an active member in the community. In my almost year and a half in 212th, I was MEDL, SUPL, Support Overseer (essentially REGO but only for MED, ENG, and PLT at the time) REGL, 2ndAC Commander, Intel Officer, and 212th Commander. I helped tweak various systems or created my own, oversaw the previous corps below me as I rose through the ranks, and always worked with others to make 212th the most active and friendly battalion to be a part of. I went from being relatively quiet and preferred to do things on my own, to always giving my opinion and finding a lot of enjoyment in helping and cooperating with others to achieve many goals on the server. Without 212th, I would not have the current capabilities to make things better for others.

[Pre-41st Jedi 07/2020-10/2021]
In my early times as a Jedi, I went by the name of Jojo. I passed Youngling Trials, became a Consular the day I became a Padawan (Consular Manager not too long after that), and skipped having to attempt Knight Trials because I had gained enough Master Recommendations to obtain the rank of Knight (actually Knight Initiate at the time). At Knight I joined 104th Jedi when the battalion was struggling with numbers. In my time I became Wolfpack Jedi, Intel Manager, Jedi Lead while there was no Plo Koon, and re-worked 104th and Wolfpack Jedi Trials. At this time I was also Shadow Manager and eventually Shadow Manager Lead (when it was a thing). However even though I was considered to potentially be the next Plo Koon along with Codified/Lelouch, I had to step down from all Jedi related positions because 212th kept me very busy and could not allow me remain as active as I wanted. 212th would become my main focus on the server. This was early 2021. It wasn’t until June where I touched Jedi again and became a Guardian Manager and held the title of “Blade of the Jedi.” Later in October of 2021, I decided to join 41st on my Jedi, then that following November is when I decided to resign from 212th and fully main Jedi.

[Jedi Knight-Jedi Order Overseer/Chief Instructor 10/2021-Now]
Since I had decided to main Jedi, my main goal was to become 41st Jedi and eventually Luminara Unduli. The day I became a 41st Jedi I also became a Consular Manager. I helped Kevi at the time do trials and give my input on Consular business. Less than two weeks later I was promoted to Consular Manager Lead to assist Kevi in getting new managers into the branch. She resigned from the position of Consular Lead because of IRL things so it wasn’t too long after that I became Consular Lead. I now oversee the Consular branch as Consular Master. A few weeks after I got Consular Manager Lead, I was put up for Master. I was then interviewed and accepted for Master shortly after. I also soon became Luminara Unduli. Since then I became a Council Member and then applied for Jedi Order Overseer/Chief Instructor as soon as I could. The role of Chief Instructor is considered High Council and is in charge of overseeing all Youngling, Knight, and Lore Character Trials. I would then re-work the Knight and Youngling Trials to make them more consistent, more roleplay oriented, and accessible to the Masters hosting the Trials. Since then I’ve always given my input at Council meetings/in Discord, pushed for new ideas/changes, hosted and discussed interviews, hosted weekly Youngling and Knight Trials, or Lore Character Trials if the need came for one, and hosted the occasional Master Tournament or Jedi deployment. All of which I continue to do as I write this application.

[41st Jedi and Luminara Unduli 10/2021-Now]
When I first joined 41st I noticed a lack of organization (intel wise) and structure that the 212th had. The first thing I did was become an Intel member to assist with logging. Within a month I became Intel Director and helped re-work the roster, Discord, the overall Intel structure, and worked with Jovanovic and Finn with Jova’s Discord bot/roster integration. While this was going on I obtained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, became Green Company Deputy (Green Company XO) which allowed me to host Green Company tryouts and determine who gets certain Green Company lore positions, and of course Jedi Lead as Luminara. I continue to help organize 41st by helping with new systems and giving my opinion as to how 41st should continue.

Why should you become Grand Master?:
I believe I have the capabilities of maintaining the systems, such as the process of getting Master, Knight ranks, branch structure, the new rosters, and so on that, Ja’Baku, Conrad, Jumes, and Marr have created as well as adapting to changes and creating new ideas I or other members of the Order (of all ranks) may come up with. I feel that the Order is in a great position currently and will ensure that all Jedi systems remain transparent, accessible, and healthy. I’ve seen every Yoda since Gear’s second term and heard about the inner-workings of said terms and previous Yodas, so I believe I have a good understanding of what a Yoda should and shouldn't do. My experiences on the server have molded me into someone that will always give their opinion and be the first one to try to make a change for the betterment of others.
I thoroughly enjoy mentoring and teaching new people, so I would ensure Padawans, Knights, and Masters remain just as knowledgeable on the systems, processes as if they were Yoda themselves. Whether it will be done hands-on by me or others will be entrusted to teach the same exact thing.
I am also a more roleplay oriented person and Yoda is the best position to help create new and dynamic experiences for other players when it comes to Jedi. I am a Game Master Officer, so I will be using my status and deploying Jedi at least bi-weekly as Yoda as well as creating passive RP events/encounters on the main server.

Do you understand the lore of the Jedi Order (as relevant to Clone Wars)?: Yes

Availability: Generally from 12pm EST to 10pm EST everyday

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:
Clone: 212th CMD
2ndAC Commander
Intel Officer

Jedi: Chief Instructor/Jedi Order Overseer
Luminara Unduli
Consular Master
Consular Lead
Shadow Manager Lead
Manager of each branch except TG, WS, and Sage
104th Jedi Lead
Wolfpack Jedi

41st: Lieutenant Colonel
Intel Director
Green Company Deputy

Staff: GMO x2
Senior Admin x2

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?:
Over the course of my time on the server, I’ve noticed a few things that keep changing between some Yodas. Those things are Knight ranks, branch/rank structure, the process of getting Master, and Knight/Youngling Trials. Since Ja’baku’s term these things have remained relatively the same, and for good reason. I and other members of the Order have expressed our grievances over time from those said systems/processes constantly changing, as it only makes newer members confused and make it feel like a job and older members also confused and unintentionally spreading misinformation to newer members on how the processes actually work. By the end of my term, I want those systems to remain relatively the same with tweaks only made to further enhance the experience of Jedi and to make it more accessible and transparent.
I’ve heard from a few Masters in the past that Master only feels like they do nothing but host Knight and Youngling Trials. By the end of my term, I would like for all Masters to never feel this way. I would start by asking each Master if there’s something that they might want to work on. If they wish to collaborate with other Masters and even Knights and Padawans, as they hold excellent ideas as well. I would like for every member in the Order to feel as though there are a lot of potential avenues for new or updated ideas/systems;either to revolutionize the Order or enhance small roleplay functions. Anything they can think of is something I’d like to hear from and assist them with.
Lastly, I want the Jedi faction itself to be recognized as mostly roleplay. I would accomplish this by doing the things previously mentioned and by doing something very simple: working with the other roleplay factions, (those being Senator, Naval, and Bounty Hunter). There are hardly any systems for any sort of cooperation between Jedi and these factions and the systems that currently exist remain largely forgotten (Jedi Ethics Advisor for Senator, Antarian Ranger for BH) I am confident those in the VIP factions (as well as any Padawan, Knight, or Master) to already have ideas in mind that can create more unique roleplay opportunities across the server, so I would be searching for ideas from others or creating them myself.

How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?:
The rank/branch structure that Ja’baku and Conrad made is great and solved most of the issues I and others had with the branches and its relations. However I will be re-evaluating the branch’s Master positions (Guardian, Consular, and Sentinel Master) to ensure the people going for said positions understand the role itself and the expectations that come with it. Something similar applies to the role of Branch Overseer. I will also ensure the people in those positions that they must make it aware and solve the issues when one branch needs help. Problems with relations between branches only arise when the lack of attention for a struggling branch cascades, so having the right people keep a sharp eye for those issues is an easy solution on the matter.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Grand Master rank?: Yes


Former: Rancor PVT | Special Operations SGM | Jedi Astromech | Guardian | B2 Battle Droid

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Huge +1. 

I fully support Katy becoming Yoda. She has been a great member of the Council and quickly became one of my most trusted Masters. 
-Current Yoda 😏

  • Informative 3


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+1 Katy is extremly consistent member of the community, constantly being dedicated into most of her positions, she has GROWN into something even more, she has a voice and has a opinion, she was the first person i meet on synergy and has been a honor seeing her move up like this 

Edited by Bacta
  • Dumb 7



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4 hours ago, Bacta said:

+1 Katy is extremly consistent member of the community, constantly being dedicated into most of her positions, she has GROWN into something even more, she has a voice and has a opinion, she was the first person i meet on synergy and has been a honor seeing her move up like this 

Shut up Bacta

+1 Katy does good stuff, gl

  • Agree 3
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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I've worked with Katy a lot in 212th from 4 months under her in 2ndAC and the two months as her fellow CMD and it was always a pleasure. Katy is definitely one of the strong CMDs I've seen under 212th.


Former: Parjai MEDO Captain Four | Parjai MEDO Major Bear | 2ndACC Commander Barlex | Commander Cody

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 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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+1 you've worked hard with Sixta to lay a good foundation for future improvements.
i'm confident with your work in past as well as your plans for the future that you will be a successful Yoda. 

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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Question for @Katy 

1. as someone who doesn’t pay a ton of attention to the Jedi ordered a ton and it’s activity etc. however from a staff perspective during my time as HA/VA we have had to sit down with you on more than a handful of times about activity and consistency with staff. This also translates in my eyes to activity on the server as well, I rarely see you on (as I’ve always said it could be time zones) what are your plans to increase your overall activity and the activity of the Jedi order?

2. What are your plans to make sure Jedi stays balanced on the server?

You can ask anyone who has to fight a Jedi on any job is unbearable and makes no one wants to fight them and it’s easier to just avoid them. Do you plan on restricting or limiting the use of any force abilities? 

3. do you have any plans to deal with the Jedi who force lead into the horde of droids? Along with making sure jedi role play  on the server? 

  • Informative 1
  • Confused 1
  • Dumb 9

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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+1 Yoda Yoda Yoda

Future Dev Team Assistant
CT PVT Alpha-14 Tec
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky (For Real this Time), Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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Clone Army | 21st Sergeant | Keller's Unit | ARC Trooper | NCO Core
Jedi Order | Jedi Knight | Unaligned


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As someone who is planning to possibly try out being a Jedi sometime in the coming months, I would love to see how you'd be as Yoda. You sound extremely credible, you've got a great reputation, and you sound like you have a very solid plan as grandmaster! I'd love to see you as Yoda once I try out to be a youngling!

  • Friendly 1

I was the leader of the Dogma Balls movement

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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