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Sixta's Yoda Application


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Steam Name: Jumes 

RP Name: Mace Windu    

RP Rank: Master of The Order

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:70342705

[2018 - 2021]
Jedi Master - Mace Windu

Back in November of 2018, I passed Barriss Offee trials. After about a month of working with the 41st with their Jedi program, I was granted the rank of Master. I became Jedi Master Luminara so I could continue working with the 41st. I was equivalent to the rank of Commander within the 41st.  With this rank, I would host mandatory simulations and trainings in order to promote higher quality leadership and standards. During my time as Luminara, the Council deemed me worthy of the rank, High Jedi General. This was not only due to my work within the Jedi Order, but also my work with the 41st. This made me the second person to ever achieve that rank within the Order that played as a regular named master. 

Being Luminara, I was tasked with filling the role of Jedi Commander Barriss Offee. When looking for a Barriss, I made sure that the candidate had great leadership skills and were a great fit for the 41st. Throughout my time as Luminara, I had mentored over six Barriss’, most of which became masters for the Jedi Order. 

After being Luminara Unduli for several months, I decided to go for another named master. I went for Aayla Secura and stayed within the 327th for about two months. I enjoyed my time as Aayla but decided to leave for Cin Drallig as I wanted to pursue a greater responsibility within the Jedi Order.

Cin Drallig -
After leaving the 327th, I decided it was finally time to go for a named High Jedi General. I decided to go for Cin because Shaak Ti was occupied at the time and I wanted to be a part of the Jedi leadership. I passed the trial and was placed as Temple Guard Lead at the time. My first goal as Cin Drallig was getting the Temple Guard branch active again. I did this by getting active TGMs, and an active TGML. After getting active managers I started hosting Serra Keto trials. Over my time as Cin, I’ve only had two Serra Keto. I made the position of Serra Keto an honorary TGM spot where if they wanted to, they could host TG trials but were not forced to.  

During a Council Meeting around November of 2019, the role of Cin Drallig changed within the Order.  He was now tasked with not only leading the Temple Guard but also take up a leadership role in the event of an absent Branch Lead. I welcomed this change with open arms as I wanted more work to do as Cin Drallig and really earn the position of being the 4th highest member in the Jedi Order. After becoming branch lead I took no time in seeking out new managers for the inactive branches. During that time I uphold the standards of branch managers and make sure that they are actively hosting trials. 

Due to my outstanding contribution towards the Order, the council at the time deemed it fit to grant me the position of Honorary Master. 

Around the time of December 2019 I was promoted to the position of Rancor Battalion Commander and took a step back as an active member of the Council, but always kept up to date with things going on in the Order. 

Fast forward after my terms as Rancor BCMD. In July 2020 I was looking for something to do on the server as I was burnt out of Clone. I decided to take up an active position within the Order again. Unfortunately this term was cut short as Gears wiped the council. 

After a bit of a break from the server I started playing again in November of 2020. I mained Jedi for a long while as Elder Knight Aaray. About a month after being back I decided to ask Maverick, who was the current Yoda at the time, if I could get my Honorary Master position back. Maverick had his council vote on it  and I was regiven Honorary Master back.

After waiting two weeks I decided to go for a named master position. This character was Aayla Secura. I got the position and since 327th didn’t exist on the server anymore I decided to join the 212th. During my time within the 212th as Aayla I assisted Luther (who was Jedi Lead at the time) with getting active Jedi within the battalion and increasing the battalion Jedi’s presence. Due to my work within the 212th, the council deemed it fit to promote me to the rank of Jedi General. After Luther got Shaak Ti and I went for Obi-Wan Kenobi and was accepted into the position. Being Obi-Wan I continued my duties with the 212th by getting new Jedi, assisting the battalion leadership with decisions as I was commander equivalent. I still continue doing this on a daily basis. 

During my most recent term as Master I’ve tried to implement a lot of ideas for the Order. My most recent idea was the Council of Reassignment. This project was to assist Padawans that failed Knight trials by teaching them things related to the Jedi that could help them in their trial. During my short time as Mace Windu I assisted with helping Yoda with tasks, IE Hosting meetings,  

[2019 - 2020]
Rancor 1SG - Battalion Commander

Nearing the end of June 2019 I left the 41st and transferred into Rancor. Miller, who was BCMD at the time, gave me the rank 2ndLT. I played with Rancor for a bit and went to the eARC tryout and got the Alpha Designation. Unfortunately, I decided to leave the battalion and became a CT as the server was really boring at the time.

After being CT for about a month I decided to join again and I got the rank of 1SG. I started grinding in the battalion by hosting a lot of tryouts for new recruits as an NCO, assisting the high command in the ARC trainings and participating in events with my fellow NCOs and enlisted. I joined the Rocket Trooper branch within Rancor Under Stockings who was RTL at the time and being the most active RT at the time I got Rocket Trooper Officer. I revived the branch and made it the most active branch within Rancor. Shortly after, I was promoted to Rocket Trooper Lead and 2ndLT. After being promoted to 2ndLT, I continued with my normal duties like recruiting and taking up any leadership opportunities that were available for missions. I joined the intel team within Rancor so I could have something to do during the off-hours. For my good work within the battalion, I rose through the officer ranks and was promoted to the rank of Major. After obtaining the rank of Major I now had permission to host all of the ARC trainings for ARCTs. I was often willing to host the trainings when required. I really enjoy hosting the ARC trainings for ARCTs as I feel I am teaching the newer generation what it means to be an ARC trooper. 

Why should you become Grand Master?: 

Not much has changed for my wanting to go for Grand Master, however here are some ideas. 

The main reason I am applying for Yoda is because I feel I could further the order greatly as Grand Master. I feel this way because during my more recent run as Jedi Master I’ve noticed that the Jedi Order has issues with it’s activity and presence on the server. I feel an easy way to combat this and have Jedi actively on the server is to have increased presence of Jedi Leadership on said server. I know that having named/key characters on the server encourages others to get on and take part in whatever may be happening. 

If I were to get this position I am going to reevaluate the current council and work with the masters to help guide the order in a positive direction and a positive place for players to voice their opinions or concerns without having to worry about having any repercussions. I am going to do this by hosting Jedi Wide meetings on a bi-weekly setting where members of the Jedi Order can meet and discuss current topics.

Do you understand the lore of the Jedi Order (as relevant to Clone Wars)?: Yes

Availability: Work evenings so mornings and all day on weekends. However I will always be contactable through Discord. 

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: My most prized achievement on the server was being Rancor Battalion Commander for two terms. My second biggest achievement is being a part of the Jedi Order for a long duration as a master. (Three years) and achieving the rank of High Jedi General without being a “big four” named character. I am a Medal of Honor recipient due to my work as Rancor BCMD. I also achieved the rank of Head Admin in the staff team! 

Do you have a microphone?: yes 

Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?: 

As any Yoda would want at the end of their term is for the Jedi Order to strive and have a large presence on the server. I want to help the people under me strive and learn the ways of the Jedi as they will be the next generation of Jedi to maintain the Order and keep this goal going. 

How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?: My main plan for improving relations between branches is to use the mission board that was recently implemented. I plan on adding certain missions that require different branches to work together in order to successfully complete the mission. 

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: yes 

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Grand Master rank?: yes

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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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@Sixta besides I want to make the order active, what do you actually plan on doing is there anything you have now that is ready to go or that you feel free to disclose publicly? 

Also what is your thoughts on the current Jedi force powers, such as reflect, diamond storm, etc the more “over powered” ones and any plans to try and balance them. 

Along with Jedi health limits being able to go close to 2k do you think this should be balanced in any way? 

  • Funny 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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On 11/7/2021 at 5:31 PM, Dennis said:

@Sixta besides I want to make the order active, what do you actually plan on doing is there anything you have now that is ready to go or that you feel free to disclose publicly? 

Also what is your thoughts on the current Jedi force powers, such as reflect, diamond storm, etc the more “over powered” ones and any plans to try and balance them. 

Along with Jedi health limits being able to go close to 2k do you think this should be balanced in any way? 

Appreciate the question! 

As stated previously in the app, I personally believe that having active Jedi Master on the server, and partaking in whatever may be going on the server is the best way. Once people see them, they most likely would like to get in on whatever maybe going on. I will encourage my council to actively seek out Padawan's/knights willing to RP and help push them to create scenarios/situations,

As for the Force powers/branch questions, If I were to get the position of Yoda, I will actively work with the Server's leadership to ensure that both parties (Jedi/other factions) will be balanced to ensure both sides are equal.  This being said, this particular thing is mostly up to the Founders/Developers. 

I hope this answers your question,

If you have anything else feel free to post below!   

Edited by Sixta
Grammar hard


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2 hours ago, Dennis said:

@Sixta besides I want to make the order active, what do you actually plan on doing is there anything you have now that is ready to go or that you feel free to disclose publicly? 

Also what is your thoughts on the current Jedi force powers, such as reflect, diamond storm, etc the more “over powered” ones and any plans to try and balance them. 

Along with Jedi health limits being able to go close to 2k do you think this should be balanced in any way? 

We already spoke with Forseen it's been almost 3 weeks since we spoke on it, Force reflect will be going from 100% damage to 30%

Diamond Storm has already been nerfed and is easy to side step

Health can max out at 1400 with 500 armor but is only attainable by cross branching which isn't allowed (sub branches ex. Guardian can't go into Sage etc.)


Edited by JaBaku
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so from personal with my experience working with sixta from the multiple times i've been on council i couldn't think of anyone else to take my place as yoda, i have been pleased with his time as Mace Windu and I trust him to be able to up keep and help progress the order further from where I left it +1 and good luck 

Edited by JaBaku
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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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+1. Man has literally been nonstop jedi for 3 years, he has earned this!

Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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has taken leadership in many aspect of the server at some point in his time and always delivered high quality work / solutions. 
If he was capable of doing this for Rancor, Staff, etc you already know he will knock it out of the park for something he is super passionate about like jedi. 

(pls don't ask for weekly jedi deployments yet😿)

  • Friendly 1

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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  • Management
On 11/7/2021 at 4:31 PM, Dennis said:

Also what is your thoughts on the current Jedi force powers, such as reflect, diamond storm, etc the more “over powered” ones and any plans to try and balance them. 

Along with Jedi health limits being able to go close to 2k do you think this should be balanced in any way? 

Average NT user

+1 he has been an excellent shadow BCMD for the 501st. All of our recent successes is because of this guy!

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i am literally captain tukk

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@ VIP - Brooklyn @Conrad You guys like butt buddies or something what's going on here? 

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18 hours ago, Square said:

@ VIP - Brooklyn @Conrad You guys like butt buddies or something what's going on here? 


Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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So I’m going to have to +1 for various reasons

first off, So basically after you got blitz oh my lord, I have never seen so much arguing within the battalion and fighting with each other that people like me and silvers for example who don’t even play actively on the server have to yell at you guys to stop fighting with each other, it’s like you just sit there and let it happen, you’re in the channel while it happens which just looks bad on you because like this isn’t the way people should act, and you might be like oh they’re just playing around, but it’s not that they’re playing around all the time either, for example, me and Nigel arguing that’s just us playin around, but lord oh lord, I’m not going to name people because I rather them just see this and be like oh that’s me, but some argue more than others and start it for no reasoning. Also it looks worse on you when you start laughing at the people arguing or adding onto their arguments when it should be something that should be handled in a different way.

2. Activity, Rancor is at its lowest activity for sure. I hop on hoping there’ll be some rancor on, but nope, 1 or 2 usually on consistently for the majority of the day unless someone announces there’s an event or ARC training, that is the only time people actually are on, and I haven’t seen you take any initiative to actually doing something about that, maybe I don’t know, but I’m not just going to take oh were working on it, cause anyone can say that.

3. So overall battalion standards also dropped and I just see people acting like normal troopers who haven’t been ARC Trained, during events battle comms is a such an issue with everyone talking, I’ve seen non ARCs have better battle comms in my time on the server, as well NCOs kinda just sit there on their rank for weeks and weeks without no punishment for not doing their requirements, it’s usually the same NCOs actually doing something and as well same officers. Trainings, they’re like unknown to NCOs I’m pretty sure cause they can’t really do them if there’s not anyone to do be there.

4. The lack of leadership is just awful and officers not helping lower ranks is even worse, I see enlisted asking for help all the time but there’s never anyone there for them, same thing in Teamspeak, I’ll hop in for about an hour when there’s not more than 2 or 3 people in TS and some enlisted in there are kind of just lost without having guidance as what they should be doing, so basically what I’m also saying communication within the battalion is shit.

5. last but not least, behavior, so when I hop in Teamspeak I won’t deny being a dumbass sometimes but I mostly do it in the alpha ARC channel, but the amount of just mingy shit that goes on is more than usual and nothing is usually said about it, which it shouldn’t just be left unnoticed because if it’s left unnoticed than that person will have the mind set of oh look I got away with it so then I’ll be mingy again and keep having that attitude and behavior and the only thing that’s usually done is moving them out of the channel and that’s it, also another thing moving people out of the channel for no reason just to troll them isn’t something you should do, cause it looks bad on you or whoever does it, just cause you have the power to doesn’t mean that you have to abuse it, if you have a good reason to use it go ahead, if not don’t.

6. So I didn’t even think of this before, but this isn’t just towards you, but to all of HC, but all of your behavior is questionable, some of you are very impulsive to say the least, Pranzer I would say it probably the most mature out of all the HC and I think he should serve as an example to the rest of you, When people are arguing like i said before, some HC are apart of this issue and add onto the issue by yelling too, yelling wont fix anything else than adding onto the noise and continuing it, I would expect y’all to be at the point of where not just you guys but everyone is capable of speaking without yelling, and some of y’all act immature at times.

also forgot to add that even though yes you’re active, but the thing is, are you even putting that time that you’re active to use, because I’ve hadn’t seen many changes else than Battalion ARC changes and that’s it and as well as dealing with other HC stuff that I just hear about.

anyways i hope this is readable cause I wrote this with one hand cause I burned my other


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Jedi Youngling

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


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