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[WAIVED] Cyan's SOBDE RCMD Application


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This application was waived by both current Directors (Gears & Crimson) as well as Palpatine (Bro).

Steam Name: [SR] Cyan


RP Name: Delta MKMN 07 Sev


RP Rank: CPT


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:67176800


Regiment you are applying for: SOBDE Regimental Commander



-CMO (~6 months, ongoing)-

While it may sound trivial or as “just some Naval position”, being Chief Medical Officer has actually taught me many things about holding a position of authority. To reference a specific scenario, I was given false information about server rules and made an announcement regarding the information. What I didn’t realize was that I would be pulled by *founders* to discuss the situation and misinterpretation of the announcement. From this scenario, I learned that to hold a position of power means you need to make sure you are informed, as well as realize how your authority has consequences if you make a mistake. Otherwise, CMO has taught me how to manage a multitude of docs & systems which is a useful skill to have for RCMD.

-Doom’s Unit Commander & REGL (~2 months)-

In 2020, I held a commander rank in DU, along ith REGL (REGL was for approx. 3 months). Both of these positions were the apex of my time as “high command” and introduced me to how being in a Commander+ position works on Synergy. During my time as REGL, I was evaluating many different branches as well as taking an “overseer” role to make sure Officers + Leads were operating with professional attitudes and met standards. As a Commander, I had experience with talking to many different CMD+s, discussing ideas for my battalion’s future and how to maintain and develop DU. Overall, being a Commander + REGL in DU was my experience as a Commander+ as well as taught me lessons about professionalism and standards that need to be maintained as a RCMD.


-SOBDE Sev & Fixer (~3.5 months, ongoing)-

All of my experience in SOBDE has been in Delta Squad, the first time as Sev and the other as Fixer and then again as Sev. While this has been a relatively short time, my time in SOBDE has come AFTER my previous experience as an Officer in other battalions. Thus, I have gone into SOBDE experience and knowledge. I feel that my time in SOBDE has been ample enough to be able to run for a RCMD position. I have spoken with many previous Squad Leads and other SOBDE members about what SOBDE is, how it works, as well the direction that SOBDE should move in. Overall, with the exposure I’ve had, I believe that my time in SOBDE has been beneficial to my development/learning and I have gained enough to be a good SOBDE Reg.

There are other experiences/accomplishments that I have achieved on Synergy, however, I feel that what I learned/gained was either not relevant or not incredibly noteworthy to put on this application. These are a *few* core experiences that I want to include, not everything ever.

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I should become Regimental Commander because I have a lot of new visions and ideas that can pull SOBDE up and make meaningful changes that will improve SOBDE. During my term, I will pursue the continued development of these ideas:

1: Fair Rule Enforcement
SOBDE has not had the most consistent rule enforcement over recent months. There have been members of SOBDE that incurred 2 valid, non-successive RDM arrests that have remained in their position with little consequences and others that have been AOSd for minor trespassing and have been almost instantly removed. As the server moves away from the “gotcha” culture that was discussed in a Community Meeting, I feel that SOBDE should also be following this behavior. Many members of SOBDE spent a lot of time and effort to get to their position. To be arrested for a “gotcha” rule such as a minor misunderstanding about rank clearances and then fully REMOVED from SOBDE should not be a baseline to judge punishments. If it was, there are many SOBDE that have been arrested for much harsher crimes and maintained their position. Ultimately, punishments should reside with the Squad Lead & XO, however, as SOBDE Regimental I would make sure that AOS/RAOSs are thoroughly investigated and made sure that it is judged not as a “one mistake and you’re gone” but rather an assessment and evaluation of the situation and the best course of action for the future. By ensuring that there is a proper discussion and behavior adjustment after the incident, SOBDE can move away from the inconsistent punishments and into a more stable mindset.

2: Opening Suggestions for SOBDE to the Public
A small change I wish to make is to open an SOBDE suggestion form to the public. This form will output to the SOBDE discord in a channel for discussions. It may be difficult for those outside of SOBDE to be able to assess and properly suggest a course of action for a group they are not a part of, however, external opinions should at the minimum be heard. Even if the suggestions are not possible or are based off of misconceptions about SOBDE, there is merit in listening to what other have to say. This form may also be utilized by SOBDE members if they choose to.

3: Meaningful Weekly Activities/Campaigns
As of writing this application, I have already started on a campaign/events that will occur on a weekly basis. Rather than having large deployments that happen maybe once a month or on an irregular schedule, I want to have a stable and recurring activity for SOBDE to partake in. These mission will resemble a structure of the “Shadow of Mordor” games, or even GTA V Heist Preps. They will be progressive and repeatable in order for SOBDE members to have an event to look forward to. The current plan is to have these SOBDE: Black Ops missions to occur 1-2 times a week at a currently unplanned day. As I continue to test what works best, these will happen at a set time every week. Many Regimentals in the past have done similar weekly/planned events and I want to continue the practice as it allows for SOBDE to stay on its toes.

4: Enforcing / Monitoring of Activity Standards 

Activity has been a real issue within SOBDE recently. Some members are active but are not interacting with SOBDE, while others scrape by with the minimal hours required to not be removed. Obviously, life has its twists and turns and not everyone is able to do 100+ hours every 2 weeks. However, there are still standards to uphold. One small change I want to make to taking an ROA is to require 1 hour every 3 days for those on ROA. This is a minimal requirement that is meant to keep people accountable when they take ROAs. In the end, it’s all about communication and dialogue. Making sure to communicate is the most important thing any SOBDE member can do when it comes to activity/inactivity.

5: Dialogue with Squad Leads + Tryout Changes

A behavior I saw in the past was the SOBDE Regimental taking a seat very far back and away from SOBDE. While Regimental is not the hands-on position like a Squad Lead, the Reg should still be active and involved with SOBDE. I average about 100+ hours every 2 weeks and I am constantly on SOBDE looking for ways to participate with SOBDE. Additionally, I am always willing to talk and communicate with any members of SOBDE. Additionally, tryouts have become very stale and are filled with a lot of filler/uneeded sections. Anyone that has tried out for SOBDE knows that there are multiple sections that can be cut to lower the time of fluff in tryouts and focus more on the important skills. Without revealing SOBDE tryouts, here are SOBDE tryout plans that are public:
- Max of 5 rounds total hosted per squad per day

-No more than 2 squad tryouts per day
- All characters will have applications that are completed before the tryout to inform Squad leadership as to who is attending tryouts and the qualifications of yourself. These forms will be posted in the SOBDE Public Relations Discord or however the Squad decides they will advertise it.
- All tryouts will have an important emphasis on LORE and RP. These are vital parts to being a SOBDE and the squad will decide how they want to implement it into the squad.

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

The Special Operations Brigade consisted of multiple different units and detachments that would undergo different types of missions ranging from assassinations to sabotage. On Synergy, there is Omega Squad that consists of RC-1309 Niner, RC-3222 Atin, RC-8015 Fi, and RC-1136 Darman. Delta squad consists of RC-1138 Boss, RC-1207 Sev, RC-1262 Scorch and RC-1140 Fixer. Null consists of Kal, Null-5 Prudii, Null-6 Kom’rk, Null-7 Mereel, Null-10 Jaing, Null-12 A’den, Null-11 Ordo. Bad Batch consists of Hunter, Tech, Crosshair, and Wrecker.



9am - 4pm (School, can be active)
4pm - 12am (Freely)

All day freely


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

After being on Synergy for 2-ish years, I’ve achieved a lot that I am proud of. To list a few, I’ve achieved Consular Lead in Jedi and proudly led the Consulars into a state where we were RPing with Jedi and being an active part of Jedi. As CMO, I’ve revolutionized how MED trainings are received and what medics do in battalions and on the server. In my time in DU and 21st, I’ve held Senior Officer positions or higher for extended periods of time, as well as Junior Officer positions in 104th and 212th. Passing SOBDE tryouts and getting both Sev and Fixer are things that I am proud of because it has revived my interest in Synergy and has led to me joining one of the best groups on the server. Additionally, I was (and still am) the first long-term Marshal that the BH Guild has had since the position was introduced.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:


To put it very simply, I want SOBDE to be in a better state than it currently is. I want the changes I bring to the regiment to be not only good for the present but also built well enough to be sustainable into the future as well. SOBDE will not always need a very active and present regimental commander, however, there are a lot of core issues that I feel need to be addressed and changes that can be made for the future of SOBDE (see above).

I also want my behavior as Regimental to set an example for how future Regimentals will interact with SOBDE. A good SOBDE is always remembered and I want to be a part of that positive memory and to spark lasting change and a shift in legacy and behavior. Someone coming into Regimental position that has new ideas and visions for SOBDE, a group that is often filled with “older” people, can encourage those newer members to strive for the positions they want to go for and achieve the goals they have set for themselves.


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

The outreach program and TECH/EOD Trainings are the number 1 easiest and best way for SOBDE to increase relations outside of SOBDE.

1: TECH/EOD training are super simple and are typically done by request. I do not want to touch any of the procedures we have in place unless SOBDE as a group decides to update and rework it. I will continue to encourage the use of the SOBDE Public Relations Discord as well as the in game adverts in order to do more trainings for those that need it and need 


2: Outreach programs are a great way for SOBDE to interact with other group and battalions. Going into Reg, I want to give the opportunity for SOBDE members to outreach to multiple places and in general loosen restrictions on outreach in order to allow for more outside interaction within SOBDE. However, each squad would still be able to run outreach how they would like.

Generally, SOBDE is a very tight knit group and as Reg I would encourage for all of SOBDE to hang out in and interact with each other more as well. The culture of being in SOBDE is very friendly and you get to be part of something where you matter and your voice is heard.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes

I used to play this server for too many hours at a time.

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Cyan, you've poured a lot of time and energy into talking to all of the members of SOBDE (both before and after our meeting with the founders) attempting to work with the entire regiment in order to draft the best plan for our future. I wholeheartedly support your application for this position. You care. You're reasonable. And frankly, you're someone we can unite behind. I wish you the best of luck my friend. 


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*Takes Sip from Mug* REG is a bigger beast than you think bud. Atleast spend some time as a Squad Lead. But am not going to a lil Bitch. +1 you could do it, just don't get to stressed out of it. 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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+1, Cyan vividly expressed to me this interest ever since I was still Boss. He has the right workflow and can achieve his goals when he puts his mind to it. Good luck buddy!

(P.S. I'm still a little shocked that you actually went through with this and got waived, but it's whatever- lmao)

  • Funny 1

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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5 hours ago, Dinaric said:

I believe you have the experience and as well as the knowledge of the squads to be able to really help them out simultaneously. Small piece of advice is that if and when you get the position, remember you’re the RCMD, and not a BCMD, so don’t stress yourself with like 4 squads or something, rather youre just sorta enforcing and helping them out when need be.

Otherwise, +1 I have a good feeling that you can do this!

Thank you Dinaric. This is really good feedback and I want to take this opportunity to say a little extra for my app. SOBDE is looking for ways not only to improve tryouts but to change our perception on what’s important to an SOBDE member. I do have a lot of ideas for changes that will positively effect SOBDE, however everything that would come as a change will ALWAYS be discussed with all of SOBDE. In addition to enforcing and helping, my focus as RCMD would also be to ensure we are developing and growing in our conduct on the server. Once again, thank you for the feedback Dinaric.  

I used to play this server for too many hours at a time.

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10 hours ago, Luther said:

-1 meh ima be honest, you have some good ideas and a good vision. But in the past I have seen a few issues with your attitude and I personally don't think that is something we need in a RCMD.

I have to agree with Luther's statement. -1


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Cyan has been very transparent about his interest in running for REG, and he’s actually already been doing really great work to show SOBDE that he is qualified and devoted to the position. 

Good luck Cyan! 

Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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11 hours ago, Luther said:

-1 meh ima be honest, you have some good ideas and a good vision. But in the past I have seen a few issues with your attitude and I personally don't think that is something we need in a RCMD.

I agree with luther -1

Foxtrot/Alpha-23 EOD Otter


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*insert irrelevant opinion because noone cares about people who don't play here anymore opinions* Hi, Cyan you seem okay. -1 though because i think you need a bit more time in sobde as whole. Also Etain was always mineeee. Much love brother.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Edited by Maverick
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12 hours ago, Luther said:

-1 meh ima be honest, you have some good ideas and a good vision. But in the past I have seen a few issues with your attitude and I personally don't think that is something we need in a RCMD.

Hello Luther, thank you for replying on my application. Just following up to ask what exactly you mean by this. If this is coming from a Jedi perspective, I believe this is regarding Consular Lead? If so, I'll explain why I left the Consular branch and the Jedi itself.

To be simple, I just wasn't in support personally of decisions as a Jedi. For the few months that I held CL, I witnessed a lot of behavior and actions that I just didn't personally agree with. Being a Jedi and Consular Lead was something that was optional, and if I disagree with the system I am a part of, I just feel like removing myself from something that I no longer enjoyed or was willing to support was the best course of action.

I'll leave my resignation message here to reference as well.

On 03/04/2021, I posted in the resignation channel:

Name: Cyan Rank/Branch: Consular Lead SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67176800 Resignation from Consular Lead. It was fun while it lasted, however, I feel as if the things I have worked for and the ideals/morals of the Jedi are changing, and I am not willing to put in time, work, and effort for this system no longer.

If this isn't about Jedi, please let me know and I will try and reply to the best of my ability

Edited by TheCyan

I used to play this server for too many hours at a time.

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8 minutes ago, TheCyan said:

Hello Luther, thank you for replying on my application. Just following up to ask what exactly you mean by this. If this is coming from a Jedi perspective, I believe this is regarding Consular Lead? If so, I'll explain why I left the Consular branch and the Jedi itself.

To be simple, I just wasn't in support personally of decisions as a Jedi. For the few months that I held CL, I witnessed a lot of behavior and actions that I just didn't personally agree with. Being a Jedi and Consular Lead was something that was optional, and if I disagree with the system I am a part of, I just feel like removing myself from something that I no longer enjoyed or was willing to support was the best course of action.

I'll leave my resignation message here to reference as well.

On 03/04/2021, I posted in the resignation channel:

Name: Cyan Rank/Branch: Consular Lead SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67176800 Resignation from Consular Lead. It was fun while it lasted, however, I feel as if the things I have worked for and the ideals/morals of the Jedi are changing, and I am not willing to put in time, work, and effort for this system no longer.

If this isn't about Jedi, please let me know and I will try and reply to the best of my ability

I mean there is a lot of backstory behind your resignation that other people may not know and I do not want to start any sort of drama so I will leave it out of this message but if anyone wants to know you can PM me on discord and I will go further in detail. But besides this I have never seen you really take anything serious from the times I have talked to you. Don't get me wrong, I like you as a person but I don't see you fitting in with the rest of High Command and I think you need some more experience within SO BDE, such as hold a squad lead position first to prove yourself before going on to being a RCMD.

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I'm not going to give my vote on this yet, at least until we have a talk. But regardless of what luther said, I can only think back to how you left DU (even though I tried to change your mind since I wanted you to still be there with us). The main thing I want to ask you on the post and not in private (though I would still like to chat with you in private) is with regards to your handling of confrontation.

I know that you are passionate about the things you do, and I know from experience that focus begins to blur when someone cares about something too much.

1. Can you say with certainty that you have changed for the better (not saying you were a bad person in the past, because it's quite the opposite from my interactions with you) and can bury any issues you have with individuals in order to work with them to better a group?

2. Will you promise to me and to all of SOBDE that you won't abandon it when things get difficult and will stand you ground, trying to get what's best for them?

3. Do you feel that you are the best option for commanding all of SOBDE right now (even if you remain to be the only one that applies right now)?

Please answer these honestly, because there is nothing worse that a leader that can't be trusted to do the right thing.

  • Informative 1


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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+1 He has most of SOBDE supporting him. I think Cyan will do a great job. Good luck in the future.

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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-1 Honestly I would give you a chance. However after seeing you also run for Boss, it seems more like a power grab at this point in my mind especially since most of the time you have to wait 30 days to put in another Commander application. Wish you luck though with your endeavors.

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+1 the concerns are valid and I almost -1ed but your plans are good, but I feel like any of the concerns can be overcome if you take it the right way.

He also has the support from a lot of SOBDE

Edited by FatherHanz
  • Friendly 1


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Forum Admin

Cyan, you have a reputation of being a bit toxic and mingey, do you believe that you've changed from that since your last time's in RC squads? (If you do believe that these assumptions are even valid in the first place)

  • Disagree 1

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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I trust Cyan. Here is why.

1. Cyan directly came to me about many different ideas and thoughts he has. He explained these ideas and thoughts in many different ways providing many examples and giving many options. This shows he can actually communicate and is willing to tell people whats going on.
2. Cyan's ideas are all intended for big SO BDE changes. All of the changes will benefit SO BDE in a positive way and I feel Cyan can roll them out quickly and well.

3. Cyan will likely be REG for a full term and therefore will actually be able to do all the plans. The last regimentals (god bless their soul) went to pursue higher positions before completing their goals and their full term. Cyan, I think, will likely be staying as REG for a term.


I trust him and so should you.

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  • Friendly 1

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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1 hour ago, Willyworm1 said:

I'm not going to give my vote on this yet, at least until we have a talk. But regardless of what luther said, I can only think back to how you left DU (even though I tried to change your mind since I wanted you to still be there with us). The main thing I want to ask you on the post and not in private (though I would still like to chat with you in private) is with regards to your handling of confrontation.

I know that you are passionate about the things you do, and I know from experience that focus begins to blur when someone cares about something too much.

1. Can you say with certainty that you have changed for the better (not saying you were a bad person in the past, because it's quite the opposite from my interactions with you) and can bury any issues you have with individuals in order to work with them to better a group?

2. Will you promise to me and to all of SOBDE that you won't abandon it when things get difficult and will stand you ground, trying to get what's best for them?

3. Do you feel that you are the best option for commanding all of SOBDE right now (even if you remain to be the only one that applies right now)?

Please answer these honestly, because there is nothing worse that a leader that can't be trusted to do the right thing.

I feel like also meeting in TS would definitely be beneficial and more informative. I will also answer your questions here as well.

1) In terms of when I was back in DU, I've definitely changed. I think it was just that fact that I'm not really meant for large battalion like that. However, ever since really being dedicated to SOBDE I've definitely grown as a person as well as professionally. While I still believe in what I said then (DU has also changed since then which is good), I do regret not talking more with the others in DU about the issues that existed then. Since then, I've been really talking with SOBDE about how to change for the future and my communications skills have definitely improved since then which will be useful for a REG term.

2) If we're being honest, SOBDE hasn't been a breeze the past few weeks. Even for this waive, I spent 2ish weeks talking and developing the plans that you see on this app and had to try 2 times. In terms of ideas that are listed I've been talking with a lot of current and those recently resigned from SOBDE about suggestions and changes that would fix many of the problems currently plaguing SOBDE. There are also some talks or SOBDE however I am not at liberty to go into detail other than the fact that I have been communicating thoroughly with SOBDE members about how to formulate ourselves. 

3) There are no perfect people and I am in no ways an exception. That being said (without sounding like an egomaniac), I do believe that I am capable and the person to lead SOBDE for the future. Being someone who's relatively new but also informed (been in SOBDE for 3.5ish months), I offer a perspective that some other SOBDE members do not have. I've been making sure that all my ideas have been communicated to SOBDE and ensuring that these are changes that will have a positive impact for the future. I personally believe it is important that everyone should agree behind a course of action however that's not always possible. In terms of people trailblazing new ideas for SOBDE I believe that I am at the forefront and am someone that's developing new ideas and fresh perspectives.

Let's definitely meet in TS to talk more, and hopefully I was able to offer a satisfactory response response to your concerns.


  • Informative 1

I used to play this server for too many hours at a time.

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39 minutes ago, Forge said:

-1 Honestly I would give you a chance. However after seeing you also run for Boss, it seems more like a power grab at this point in my mind especially since most of the time you have to wait 30 days to put in another Commander application. Wish you luck though with your endeavors.

Thank you for the feeback, Forge. Let me offer a little bit of clarity to hopefully clear up the air.

Both myself and Thunder did apply for Boss. The feedback I received (even though I didn't get the position) was actually very positive and is what led me to think bigger picture. In terms of my personal goals, I love SOBDE and think that it's filled to the brim with amazing people that deserve a lot of love. It's the culture of SOBDE that makes me want to get more involved with the Regiment and the best way to up involvement in SOBDE is to get XO, Lead, or the big Regimental. I do not want to rob someone else of an opportunity by transferring or trying out for a position that someone else would want, so I've set my sights high for RCMD. While this may look like a "power grab" and is within the 30 days, I have been reinforced with the fact that this waive was not something that happened easily. At first I was actually rejected the waive due to the lack of development for my ideas, however, I spent the next week or so making sure that my ideas were for the betterment of SODBE as well as matching with what the regiment wants. After solidifying my resolve and making sure that the ideas were rock-solid I was able to secure a waive for this application again. This, in honesty, is the easiest part for now and it all get's harder and goes uphill from here. I hope that this clears up any misconceptions and even if it doesn't change your opinion I hope that it does at least show why I want this position.

I used to play this server for too many hours at a time.

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38 minutes ago, Guac said:

Cyan, you have a reputation of being a bit toxic and mingey, do you believe that you've changed from that since your last time's in RC squads? (If you do believe that these assumptions are even valid in the first place)

Thank you for the feedback Guac. Previously, about 5-6 months ago was my first stint in SOBDE and I was removed for this general idea. the specifics of which were vague but valid. Since then I'd like to think that I've improved greatly and have turned into a part of SODBE that is beneficial to the future. If I was still "mingey" or "toxic" I would have been removed from SOBDE as we do not like to harbor those behaviors in SOBDE. Additionally I've been told that I've improved by members of SOBDE and DU as well. I hope this clears up the air between us and I'll be happy to answer any other questions you may have.

  • Agree 1

I used to play this server for too many hours at a time.

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I think you're a great guy who can be a little toxic, but no one is perfect and I think it won't hinder your leadership skills. You got vision, you got plans, you've got the gall.
SOBDE's support is a clear sign you're the man for the job.

+1, you are competent, devoted, and are exactly what SOBDE needs in the coming times. You are the best current candidate so I give you my full support.

  • Friendly 1

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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After the talk I've had with Cyan, I can tell that he wants to help SOBDE, that he has improved. I hope that things go in the direction he wants them to, and I hope things go well for SOBDE with him in charge. +1

  • Friendly 1


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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I've played with you a while Cyan and I'd like to think that I've gotten a good understanding of how you are as a person and a member of SO BDE. And in my opinion this last week or 2 you've done a complete 180 in your intrest and engagement in the issues that SO BDE face which is fantastic yet new to me when it comes to you. I believe that we need alot of engagement in the near future for SO BDE and I'm glad that you're being apart of this yet I simply can't state that this is how it's always been with you, it's a new Cyan for me and I'd like to see that this is a more permenant change and work that you're doing rather then just something being done due to your bid for SO BDE REG.

More time and consistancy in your work is what I want to see before I'd support you to run for SO BDE REG

  • Agree 1

 Papa Kal

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Forum Admin

Thanks for your response cyan, I hope as you mentioned SOBDE will uphold it's standards even through this confusing period the server is in. +1

  • Agree 1

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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15 hours ago, Omalic said:

I've played with you a while Cyan and I'd like to think that I've gotten a good understanding of how you are as a person and a member of SO BDE. And in my opinion this last week or 2 you've done a complete 180 in your intrest and engagement in the issues that SO BDE face which is fantastic yet new to me when it comes to you. I believe that we need alot of engagement in the near future for SO BDE and I'm glad that you're being apart of this yet I simply can't state that this is how it's always been with you, it's a new Cyan for me and I'd like to see that this is a more permenant change and work that you're doing rather then just something being done due to your bid for SO BDE REG.

More time and consistancy in your work is what I want to see before I'd support you to run for SO BDE REG

-1 ill have to agree with omalic and others cause i've usually never seen you engaged in much at all that you're apart of and it seems a lot like a power grab to me and SOBDE is currently in a position where its place in the server seems to be in discussion by the founders and at this time yall need someone to flip everything around and from preivous leadership positions i seen you hold, i feel like you'll just give up and do the bare minimum

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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45 minutes ago, Taz said:

Oh my lawd he just said that. Ain't no fuckin way. No way he just said that. And he's goin for Reg.


+1, I think he should go to the interview process. Good luck Cyan!

Yes, and Echo :p

  • Funny 1

I used to play this server for too many hours at a time.

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Can't speak super much to your work ethic, but we have had loads of interactions together. Everyone has been great i always enjoy talking to you man. And at the end of the day i think that one of the most important characteristics for a REG, being able to talk and interact with the people below you on a personal level. Just keep doing what you do and you'll be fine.


  • Friendly 1


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Man has good anime taste


Also Luther is a salty boy who only ever sees things from his high horse. Cyan was a god tier consular lead, a god tier fixer, and Im sure he was a god tier sev. Also hes good at minecraft (bro hmu after finals for some mc)

Man knows how to encourage communication, manage and lead. Not only that, unlike some smooth brains on the server, he gives people a chance rather than acting like a highschooler and ostracising people. 



  • Pay Respect 1

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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From what I have heard and what I have seen, you are one of the more inactive RCs. 

Using Battle Metrics, you were on for 3 days out of 7, most were for long periods of time, which signifies to me some was AFK or hosting tryouts, which SOBDE mindlessly do for hours upon end.

I have had comments from other members of the server upon you application calling you the least active. 

I was also made aware that you applied for Boss but lost out so this feels like a Power grab.

Personally I dont feel you are ready, especially as I can think of anything you have done of note. I remember you as an officer in 21at but not much more than that. 

From member the comments on your app (the -1s) they are all genuine critiques and I can see the point of view.

Most of the +1 are more friends plus ones, where they try to encourage others to +1 but explaining how good you are, but I just done see it. Also Omalic mentioned how you changed from being disinterest in SOBDE issues 5o suddenly taking an issue after applying for SOBDE Reg.

Also the REG position is not one to be taken lightly, you are not just a RC, you have a lot of responsibility and you have to have a good attitude. 

-1 from me for now.

This is my opinion, take it as it is. Also a warning, you can't change my mind as of now, so don't bother.

Edited by Gadget
  • Disagree 1
  • Confused 2

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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7 hours ago, Gadget said:

From what I have heard and what I have seen, you are one of the more inactive RCs. 

Using Battle Metrics, you were on for 3 days out of 7, most were for long periods of time, which signifies to me some was AFK or hosting tryouts, which SOBDE mindlessly do for hours upon end.

I have had comments from other members of the server upon you application calling you the least active. 

I was also made aware that you applied for Boss but lost out so this feels like a Power grab.

Personally I dont feel you are ready, especially as I can think of anything you have done of note. I remember you as an officer in 21at but not much more than that. 

From member the comments on your app (the -1s) they are all genuine critiques and I can see the point of view.

Most of the +1 are more friends plus ones, where they try to encourage others to +1 but explaining how good you are, but I just done see it. Also Omalic mentioned how you changed from being disinterest in SOBDE issues 5o suddenly taking an issue after applying for SOBDE Reg.

Also the REG position is not one to be taken lightly, you are not just a RC, you have a lot of responsibility and you have to have a good attitude. 

-1 from me for now.

This is my opinion, take it as it is. Also a warning, you can't change my mind as of now, so don't bother.

Hi Gadget, thanks for the feedback. Regardless of if I can “change your mind” or not, I would really like to address this statement: “you are one of the most inactive RCs” and “least active RC”. Rather than saying in words, I’ll just show you in pictures:


(100+ is a norm for me, take that as you will)


SODBE has a sign in system so all my hours are logged for SOBDE. Here is the past few weeks of hours:









These are my sign ins, with witnesses. 

I’m not sure what battle metrics is but it seems wildly inaccurate. As well as claims that I got on synergy 1 month ago.


Battle Metrics isn’t affiliated with Steam and I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to be reading here so I’ll leave it in case anyone is curious.

Edit: To add on, I normally don’t AFK overnight because my PC will start to make demonic noises and let out the screams of the damned so if you think those are mostly AFK hours think again. Both when I was on my old laptop and my current 15 year old PC have this issue so I usually don’t AFK unless I really want credits for some specific purchase.

Edited by TheCyan
  • Winner 3
  • Friendly 2

I used to play this server for too many hours at a time.

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aye ima +1 as long as you keep ya demon pc away from me and my half ass pc

now so i don't get 35 dumbs ive seen you improve every time we talk. and if isnt improvement its you generally getting more and more serious about what you're doing on the server like on ya BH and when you were a Jedi. compared to how you were when you joined DU when we switched back to the venator for like a month before anaxes, you're a COMPLETELY different person

  • Friendly 1

the Darman Keller guy

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15 hours ago, TheCyan said:

SODBE has a sign in system so all my hours are logged for SOBDE. Here is the past few weeks of hours:

I don't think its fair for people to judge activity based around their own schedules. Cyan is on alot late night, I'm on usually between like 9p-3/4am and stuff so I know how it can be to be on late at night time. I think I would like to see how things turn out. I'm pretty optimistic and I think that people should be given a chance especially with someone with experience and plans.
Worse comes to worse you get booted :P

  • Winner 1

love 212th <3 og sith gaymer

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  • Friendly 1


                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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