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Scarecrow's Yoda app


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Steam Name:Scarecrow


RP Name: Master of the Order Mace Windu


Steam ID :STEAM_0:0:155761626







 Well I started my time on server as in SO but I didn’t really do much till I got into CG where I made a home for time it has really helped me appreciate the work they do and taught me how be strict but fair in how certain issues need to be dealt with when it comes to unruly players. My time there also really helped me learn how to be a strong leader in and out of events. For examples for out of events keeping trainings going communicating with other battalions and keeping relations going strong. I also have had to take initiative as there was a point in CG where we had no eastern leadership which I practically took over there for a time while our leadership was very ill spread across time zones I had to learn to handle all the responsibilities of leadership whether that's dealing with people who had gone inactive and had to be dealt with or people who got themselves into trouble and i had to deal with or just listening to the enlisted and NCOs who may be not having the best time in the battalion or may just need help learning what does what and how the server works in all.


After my Time in CG ended I moved to to the 104th where I rose in the ranks helping around and getting more involved with the doc work and actual command side of the battalion weather that's helping with reforming promotion requirements. Helping those new recruits find there way in the battalion wether that's helping them decide on what branch to join and what they offer and doing my best to organise them and get them set on whatever path they have set with trainings or just requirements met such as ARC where I had a few perspective ARC troopers who were not necessarily the best candidates at the time and they had failed there selections then later leadership this was not due a poor attitude or anything just a lack of understanding so i them to one side with a squad of my troopers and I thought him how to ideally lead a team of troopers and how to show that you can lead can lead it just takes patience and understanding but not being afraid to take charge if people don’t listen. Because of this attitude over time this landed me with Spot of Wolfpack Lead which I am currently running and I am shaping into being our elite unit where our best troops end up.


Wolffe 1st term

From my time as Wolffe I have learned from things that I didn’t know were a fault of my character things like relying on myself to do the bulk of the work and hoarding important roles because I didn’t think I could trust people to handle them but then I realised how childish I was being with that sentiment and opened up roles handed off responsibility and that helped me grow into a better leader I feel. I have had to make tough choices when dealing with people who have acted out of turn when I came to punishment removals demotions that kind of thing I helped set up a new Wolffe pack system where they would act as overseers and mini regimental managers over the battalion’s sub units to help the people who got the lead positions to help guide them. I also revamped our promotion system the battalion tryout and lots of training systems and documents to help train people into their new positions I revamped the WO system to where it acts as less of a bottleneck system to where it’s one of greater respect and more importantly one of higher responsibilities where now the Warrant Officer now takes the spot of the Mechanised lead (That means they handle the inner and outer battalion tank trainings) along with this they are reviewed on how well they perform in the role and get promoted accordingly based on well they performed in term. We also revamped our negotiations training to where the 104th as a whole should be well versed in negotiations after 1SG of course troopers will still be trained before that but the advanced classes happened around 1SG to coincide with this the rules for negotiation were added then to the server rules I also revamped alot of our documentation system regimented used our intel team is divided into mini teams where on a biweekly basis they are set on a particular task set on the roster for example one handles the Regimental one the main roster the other one promotion reqs this is to better manage the team and better tell who are fulfilling their roles as they should be and those who are slacking but it also helps keep on top of the more neglected parts of the roster had it been left as it was. Also during my term I helped along side Wolfro (Plo Koon) helped rebuild relations with the jedi were previously they hadn't really been any and with him we rebuilt the 104th Jedi core and I’d like to think we have some of the best where they help in events, trainings, patrols, meetings and generally spend time with the 104th and it’s troops. I have also revamped the promotion requirements to that they were more balanced and fair and that key skills for the server would help like attend role play trainings such as TECH EOD MED ENG things that would come in handy to help out in events. I have worked with other battalions done joint trainings and helped keep relations good with other battalions. I worked to  implement an officer review system where the NCOs and Enlisted can put anonymous thoughts how officers are doing to review them so that they know what they can improve on and how we as the higher officers can help them improve.


Wolffe 2nd Term


When my second term began I focused the refinement of our NCO’s and building up a new and improved officer core by implementing a more efficient officer training system that explains roles responsibilities in more detail permissions and other general aspects in becoming an officer. From there I have revamped the regiments within the 104th so that they are more accessible and placed more efficient leadership into the roles required refined trainings for the 104th such as our Negotiations training so it is more accessible to those within the battalion. We have reworked our pilot programme so it is clearer to understand and easier to get trained. I have kept the troopers actively engaged with events happening on server weather that's a literal event BVB Trainings Patrols things to keep the troopers enjoying themselves in the battalion and wanting to be active. From there I have separated and helped delegate tasks to the responsible troopers.


Spec Reg

My time as a regimental commander was a brief one in all honesty but what I did during that time was help watch over the battalions I gave advice to the BCMD’s to try and help them make decisions when then needed the advice come up with Ideas that would encourage the battalions to do more and function better. I have also  helped with some disciplinary issues within the battalions I worked with, I spent time with some of the BCMD’s to help them refine their disciplinary systems and it made the battalions stricter but it worked out. I also resolved some internal drama with one of the battalions I where there was a dispute between troopers and positions held I worked with the BCMD to smooth everything over and got the battalion back into a functioning order.


Jedi Order 

TempleGuard Knight

Well Jedi it is probably best to start when I first got knight as that's when I started to properly play my Jedi I started out as a Temple Guard Knight Initiate where I learned and familiarised myself with the Jedi rules and regulations, I did my best to help promote RP and less mingey behaviour by arresting those who broke the rules and by trying to help people who did act out a lot improve how they acted during their time on the server by explaining the rules that prevent certain things and restrict others and how they are there to improve the general experience for everyone and not hamper them.

Later I became a manager of the Temple Guard branch as many Knights often I during this time I held many trials, and helped train people that struggled to grasp the lightsaber system so that they would have a better experience around the server. I also helped redesign certain parts of the trials or I had to adapt them due to updates with the lightsaber system changes or map updates due to changes that would I would have to adapt to I also helped during this time with a lot of Youngling a Knight trials and was even points during that time where I would have to help lead them at points if the master during the trial was busy handling other things these cases were rare however the did happen so it is worth mentioning.



During my time as a Master I have accomplished quite alot from helping amend the Youngling trials and Knight Trials by reworking certain sections so that they would offer a different challenge and hopefully be more immersive as a result of trial I also helped make key decisions within the order and helped reform other trials such as the temple guard branch I had also helped reform some documents create some new ones I have helped in disputes and disciplinary issues within the Jedi.


Obi Wan Kenobi


I revamped the system of how jedi entered the battalion by creating several new documents refining the rights for the jedi within the battalion I helped the 212th wherever I could in issues where my assistance was needed whether is was dealing with Jedi issues or helping the clones within my command that needed the assistance.


Mace Windu


During my time as Mace I completely reworked the disciplinary system within the Jedi by creating a document and enforcement system where if someone breaks a rule there is a set punishment I know that sounds basic but at the time there was nothing in place for that so I created one that was simple to run and is efficient.  I also implemented a weekly report system for all managers of branches similar to the Jedi Military report where the managers could voice their thoughts on the branch how it is run and could mention any changes that they think a branch needs and the ability to comment about the leadership of the branch and that helps the entire council keep a constant track of all the branches and how many trials each is pushing out a week. I have cracked down on misbehaving Jedi who minge and act out a lot by handing out punishments who frequently offend or those who just act in away that is unfit for a Jedi to act.


    Why should you become Grand Master?:


I should become the Grand Master because of my dedication to the Jedi order and the many improvements I have made to it and plan to make I want to rework a lot of our documents so that they are more clear to understand and are simplified. I want to get rid of a lot of our excess documents that no longer have any real use and update outdated ones that still are used but the content is no longer up to date, but overallI will try to improve the infrastructure of the jedi so it functions better. I also want to give masters more responsibility and more duties that they will have to uphold. 


I believe that my experience speaks for itself in terms of the leadership positions I have held during my time on the server but I have had many challenges during my time as a BCMD,Reg,Master that I have had to overcome from reworking an entire intel system in the 104th to revamping and motivating troopers to play more and play together and create a healthy and enjoyable environment for people to play in while being strict and holding people to a necessary standard that they should hold themselves to and this helped people trust my leadership and my judgement when dealing with situations as I am willing to listen to both sides of an issue and help resolve it.


    Do you understand the lore of the Jedi Order (as relevant to Clone Wars)?:


The Jedi order first became involved in the clone wars on the apoun first battle of Geonosis when the Jedi order went to rescue Obi Wan Kenobi who had been captured by sepertist forces after discovering the clone army on Kamino he found out that the Separatists were preparing an army of their own on Geonosis but before Obi Wan was captured he reported the Spertists new army to the Jedi and this lead to the inciting battle of the Clone wars.  


The first battle of Geonosis the Jedi initially assaulted the colosseum to rescue Obi Wan Kenobi but the initial assault failed and the Jedi strike force was about to be terminated by the orders of count Dooku but then Master Yoda and the gathered Clone army attacked and caught the CIS forces by supprised and they managed to recuse the Jedi in the Colosseum. From this point on the Jedi were the acting generals of the clone army leading them into battle and leading the Republic forces to victory.


From there the Jedi participated in nearly every battle during the clone wars form Naval battles to ground assaults infiltration missions setting up terrorist cells to other throw governments in the name of the republic.


This all eventually culminated in order 66 which was Palpatine's plan to destroy the Jedi order.



Due to it being the summer and not having any real constant responsibilities I am available any time 13:00- 23:00 GMT 


    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:


CG PVT -> 1stLT Thire

104th 2ndLT -> 104th BCMD Wolffe x2

Specialised Regimental Commander

Jedi Master

Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi

Master of the Order Mace Windu 


    Do you have a microphone?:



    Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?:

I want the Jedi order to be in a stable place and for it to be in a better position that I would of found it in with better infrastructure that should prepare the order for the future. I plan to be improving the master role with more clear responsibilities that the Master must uphold. I also want the Jedi branches to be in a spot were they are well maintained and are constantly updated whenever a change happens. I would want the general quality of the role play from Jedi to go up were they will act as Jedi and react accordingly in the RP situations that they will be in and I want less minging as a whole from the order.


    How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?:


I plan to improve the relations by pushing more of what I have already started as I mentioned earlier the weekly branch that I implemented where branches can bring any issues they have to the council each week. From there really it is making sure that the branch leads are doing their jobs and making sure that each branch understand which branch has what priority in RP with certain situations and make sure they all understand their respective roles so that no issues will arise and if they do I would handle them by sitting down with those with the issues and seeing what can be done about it.



    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



    Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Grand Master rank?:



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With recent events, Scarecrow is the obvious choice. Originally intending to wait a bit, he's now having to make this application. With that being said, there is no more deserving master than himself in the council to get Yoda and I have the confidence to say he will do the order proud.

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I was hoping you'd do this one day

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  • Management

+1 better have a good Yoda voice or we riot

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i am literally captain tukk

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+1 Scarecrow you are a new hope. 

See what I did there a new hope Ahah.

  • Funny 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Head Admin


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Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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  • Retired Founder

As one of the longest standing members of the community and an ex-Chancellor, I can say with the utmost confidence that Scarecrow has what it takes to take up the leadership of the Jedi order.


Through talking and working with Scarecrow, we have discussed many opinions and ideas about the Order and I believe that should Scarecrow get the position of Yoda, he would move the order into a new era of greatness.



Edited by Forseen
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Scarecrow your work ethic and the amount of time put into Jedi is amazing, I know you’ll do great as yoda good look out there m8

Edited by Kronos Jones
We out here using the wrong your
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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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+1 you crazy flamethrowing British 

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Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Was a great Wolffe when I was in 104th, and really nailed Mace Windu. Take that Grand Master spot man. You got this.

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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