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Everything posted by Poe

  1. Welcome to the light. Adios Buckarroo
  2. I was gonna hop on the other day to mess around. But a certain ape sanctuary was missing
  3. GANG GANG your local shitposter is back for the day
  4. This mans been here since I was born
  5. Ummmm not RPing throughout my entire 2 years on the server but somehow becoming an HA, RCMD, and Bly while just shouting slurs at my superiors.
  6. Go back like the rest of us Best canadian you say? Try again
  7. Adios buckroo, good luck in your future endeavours! The 327th will return...
  8. See you in 20 mins boyo, I’m bringing over mcdicks
  9. @Usefulgamer fuck yea I did it. None of that pussy shit here boi
  10. Bruh when the fuck are we gonna link up at IHOP?
  11. @Regional [SC] I will give the order when we acquire our weapons and I pull my mercenaries
  12. Did I do what Regional explained? That is highly probable Am I proud of it? Of fuckin course I am To be honest I did way worse than whatever it is you described. Evidence is always key, and for the most part, actually going and talking to them will resolve the issue more quickly. It's not the end of the world. It's not like they spawned in 5 Nu Class shuttles for an event and told all of their event jobs to kamikaze hyperspace large groups of troopers and the Marshall commander. @Regional might remember that one. But it's not the end of the world. -1
  13. Marvel has finally seen the light. Now let me train you in the ways of inactivity and shitposting. See you in your channel at 4 am as per usual
  14. Adios buckaroo! Good luck in your future endeavours. I remember that event pretty well, I had all of my men steal the alchohol and spices while blatantly avoiding and mocking the orders of the Jedi. And when the Jedi told us we weren't needed there we just went to the event bar. And during the firefight my boys simply responded to Jedi and high command with "You said we weren't needed here. We only listen to Bly's direct orders, and he said we need a fucking bartender for the bunks" and proceeded to hide and escort you all the way down to our bunks in the middle of a base siege. Avoiding palpatines' and the Marshall commanders orders for us to return to the fight. Those were the good times.
  15. I said Commander not XO you headass
  16. Ah yes, my last remaining commander from my terms. Willy is probably my most loyal Commander of all. His ability to lead the 327th is outstanding. He understands the inner workings of the 327th and he knows what makes it successful. I promoted willy to Commander knowing that he would eventually do great things with the battalion, and I'm glad to say I was correct. Willy is an amazing leader, and I will be excited to see what he can do as Bly. Good luck buckaroo!
  17. +1 Semi-Serious RP is where I had the most fun. It was a time where people could have out of RP conversations with whomever they chose. Although sure you could just go into teamspeak, but why not have it in game? People could RP whenever they want, and for the most part events and actual RP scenarios within game was serious. But there was always that fun aspect of the game. And that's what it was, a time when people could RP if they really wanted, but people could always have fun. There was restrictions, but it was always acceptable and for the majority common sense. There was the ability to enforce the rules, but allow people the leniency to do whatever they want within reason. Offering fun for those that are looking for an RP experience, but also gives the option for people to just chill and have fun. People should be given the ability to express themselves within game. Whether it be a character that's a bit odd (that would break serious RP stuff), or somebody who acts like a real clone. I feel as if semi-serious RP was one of the best iterations of the server. With so many other servers, I felt as if it set us apart. A breath of fresh air for new people to truly express themselves, and not be locked down by a bunch of random rules. Personally, it was when I had the most fun on synergy, and I know it's the same for many others. Bring back Fun!
  18. Adios buckaroo! Goodluck in your future endeavours.
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