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Bacta for Count Dooku


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Confederacy Of Independent Systems | Wiki | Warfare Roleplay Amino

Steam Name: Bacta

RP Name: Admiral Trench | 212th LTC Peel 

RP Rank: Admiral Trench 

Steam ID:   STEAM_0:0:91592661


I would like to outline before that Synergy isnt my first server, I played on another server for around 3 years before recently leaving it mid 2020, 

327th HVY SGT Bacta [2019 SYNERGY]

This was my first position on the server, I joined it under the heel end of Poe lead in the 327th back around 2019era of the server,   I had a absolute blast with alot of people  like Omama/Lunch/Corvo,  I left it sadly as I was decently busy with the other server politics but I left with the intention to one day coming back. Please don't count this as real experience I just like putting this here as during this position it was purely getting on to have fun, I had such a blast meeting new people.


212th [9/26/2020]


I will go down here with general confidence, I joined 212th in a VERY rough spot , at that time it was the heel end of Comics term and there were only a few online, this gave me a lot of motivation to help the battalion by being a good NCO, during that time I did 100% into my position with the 212th, as officer I pushed for a lot of new ideas and genuinely put my all in all into every action I attempted to push into 212th. Currently as a senior officer a lot of my focus is helping general functions like WO and such with this I am also a part of the general document team managing a lot of docs at the same time ensuring they are all kept. 212th is my home and will continue to be home for the foreseeable future, I have genuine love and respect for everyone there and I'm proud of everything I have applied into the battalion and excited to see it grow even father Getting MEDL and being all these positions taugh me alot, Im thankful everyday to be apart of a great battalion like 212th, it taught me alot of battalions like on Synergy to be.



This was something that I took some time to nourish, I applied for staff around twice before getting comfortable with the position as being a staff member i picked up TRO/GMO to adapt and have fun with the position. I have had a absolute fucking blast, I have genuinely been fully invested into staff and love the idea of helping CC’s my general motivation is helping CCs and helping people this is the bulk, my personality shines and I just have this itching love to help out everyone.


Admiral Trench of the CIS Forces

I would want to start of by stating that I am not the oldest member of the CIS Faction but i like to think I have a full and confident understanding of the CIS enough to tackle the issues presented to me, I got into CIS when Narra told me to do a killer CIS deployment after 1 dud the other one made me fall in love with the evil roleplay in a way that I haven't felt in a LONG Time. After a while I applied for Tactical Droid and hosted the best operations I can be to give the Republic have fun, with my promotion to Trench I have been dealing with a lot of internal things that have helped the CIS flourish into a good position.

Why should you become Count Dooku?: 


I am extremly active on the server, the only thing stopping me at the moment is getting a part time job, during the summer I will be able to put my 100% with this in the future I'm planning on going to Community College which will relax my general schedule


I love to beat up myself with positions of my power to constantly raise the bar, the bar has helped me do 200% without getting burnt out as I'm never in a position to get lazy and constantly want to expand


I have a great vision for the CIS that will be discussed later in the application, with positions of power like this its vital to be able  have a clear cut vision for the position being pursued which is something I feel like I can do. 


I have a generally chill attitude but im able to connect to a lot of people through it, by being goofy I have been able to make relationships with both side of the coin and be able to handle it, I like to seem myself as a good mediator and someone that can tackle any situations with ease and come out both happy with the outcome. With this I put a lot of pressure into myself being the best with handling situations and ensuring the other party is satisficed. 

Do you understand the lore of the CIS?:


Availability: My schedule is constantly going up but generally I can be reached

24/7 on discord

After 12 on weekdays I am mostly available and on the computer as I have school during those days. My life is constantly changing with IRL things but I always find good time to be on GMOD, personally I'm barely even a gamer at this point as what people always say I only play GMOD.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

327th HVY SGT Bacta

212th PVT-LTC

Tactical Droid-Trench

What do you feel the role of Count Dooku  is?:

Count Dooku at the end of the day is a faction leader of the CIS, a more free and ease of access method of giving entertainment to the general community, as the Leader its my job to be a meditator and someone that can make the CIS the best and the most entertaining it can be. This is not easy task, with the idea of being a faction leader I'm dealing with people that aren't from my immediate battalion but I think generally this is something fun and something I can deal with. The position of Count Dooku is a big one and something that I personally feel I can tackle.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes!

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes!

How do you plan to improve relations between the CIS and the server?:

This is where Im gonna put a bulk of my ideas and what I want with the CIS

CIS is a very controversial faction, with the recent months it has been plagued with toxicity and negative attitude, this will be my FIRST goal that I will tackling with CIS to untoxic the CIS community and run the point that its ok to die in the video game. With this I want to tackle the idea of what the CIS is supposed to be and expand on the views,  I want to fix QOL changes with the CIS to make it the best faction it can be  that people are excited to join when they get VIP. 

Right now my goals for CIS follow into this

-Shift the general attitude to something more positive and something that the player base finds enjoyment not something to scream at this will be done multiple ways by being more strict with toxicity and with leadership ensuring the tactical droids are having this, steps are being made through the commendation system to reward this

-Make CIS OPs more fun, this will come into a lot of ideas but the biggest is giving elite droids more to do, this will come down to giving them more free reign, something I want to push is the idea of patrols where elite droids will be able to come out and actually have fun on the server, of course this is in development to ensure that its good

-One of the goals I want to also tackle is giving CIS a good relationship with BH, this is already in talks with Scarecrow/Ratio to give the BH more power, something I have in mind is making BH going down the route of Cad Bane and being leaders, this will be expanded but the idea if giving BH more of a connection to immerse the idea of CWRP. This goes deeper into more things I want to work with BH  that are already attempting to be worked with, the more we work with the other factions the healthier the server becomes.

-Negotiations to not be as cancer, this stems from talking to 104th BCMD  to make negotiating CIS more interacting instead of just small demands

-Work with GMS to make sure that CIS operations aren't stepping on the toes of events but enriching the environment of CWRP by killing the downtime.

-Fix Documents, right now a lot of them are in their beta stages and alto of them need to be rehauled, I will most likely work with narra with expanding and ensuring rules are properly followed by utilizing more documents. this bleeds into the idea of fixing QOL changes to make the best CIS it can be.

Alot of the ideas are immediate goals  I have in mind, albeit some are more fleshed out than most but I know for a fact that these will take time and effort to implement 

Do you understand that your position has a three month term? Yes

waived by woeny and gears (I ate a carrot during the talk)

Discord:King Kunta#1312

Hope you enjoyed reading :)

Edited by Bacta



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Only CIS leadership actively trying to improve the faction. +1


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+1, Unfortunately my app was denied but if there would be anyone id rather run for dooku instead of me it would be bacta. I promise that bacta and I have big plans for CIS that would make it a better and more respectable faction on the server.


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Forum Admin

+1 lets fucking go habibi

Edited by Guac

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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Bacta you have an amazing attitude and I have no doubt you’d do a great job as Dooku. Good luck!

Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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+1 send it

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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I mean..

Bacta is honestly one of the single most charismatic people on the server. He says, a lot of dumb shit. All the time. However, he is absolutely magnetic, and widely loved throughout 212th, CIS, and the server. I am big on having charismatic people in high up positions, and I think that while he is a little rough around the edges, I believe he is the sole person within the CIS that can revert its numbers threshold back to something respectable, and rebirth the CIS. I am skeptical in a few areas, but I am excited to see what you can do with the position. Just make sure you can balance it with the 20 other things I tell you not to throw yourself into.

Best of luck.

Edited by Shockpoint
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If you use the RC Shotgun you are automatically cringe.

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You get my fullest support on this, I see you on every day working on and off the server to try and make the CIS better than before. You show admiration, and a great leadership and inspire alot of people to better themselves with every time that you talk to someone about them, struggling in certain things and help them better themselves in many aspects.

Current Lore Character: N/A

Lore Characters Played: Hardcase x2 Tiplar Ridge x2 Fives Maze

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+1 goodluck m8


 Current:  Nothing                                                                                                                                                                        

Former: 104th BCMD Wolffe | 212th GCO ARFL Switchblade | 501st ARCO CPT Sina | Knight Etain Tur-Mukan  | Alpha-98 Nate 

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Bacta even though your so obese and take up have the room in 212th bunks . ..  +1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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+1 do what I couldn’t and have fun while doing it. Good luck trying to change the player bases attitude it’s next to impossible 

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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