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Omalic's Kal Re(re)application


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Steam Name: 

Synr.gg | Omalic

RP Name: 

Special Advisor Kal Skirata

Steam ID (SteamID Finder): 


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

Null Squad

How many terms you've held the position?:


Why do you wish to maintain this position?: 

I wish to remain Kal because I still believe that I have what it takes to run Null stably and proficiently. I'm well versed in the role as Kal and I still very much enjoying being apart of the tight little squad. While I'm happy to say that I have suitable replacements within my squad I still believe that I am best suited to continue running things as Kal and as such should do so. I believe Null is running fine under my leadership and as such don't see a reason why that would need to change, my Squad still wants me as their Buir and I still want them as my sons, and hopefully that will remain so.

Current availability: 

Afternoons and evenings on weekdays and most of the time over the weekends. Note: (GMT+1 Timezone)

What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?:

A major change between my 1st and 2nd term was the number of Nulls we had to replace. During my first term, 4-5 members of Null were removed from the squad. We realized that our rules and standard weren't good enough and that a change would have to take place to both make sure that the current Null members would behave and that any new Null would be of a certain quality. Many rules were changed and activity policies were enforced more. During my 2nd term, the people leaving Null were all on good terms, either with activity problems or a want for something else. I hated having to remove so many members yet it is the job of Kal, and I'm proud to say that my 2nd term was much better in that regard and as such that the quality and behavior of the members of null has improved.

Something that has been an ongoing change throughout my time as Kal has been changes in our tryouts. I believe we've come a long way in making the tryout fairer and more focused on testing the tryoutees skills, knowledge and attention, rather than employing tricks every other second. There are way less "tricks" and parts of the tryouts were entirely changed to make it challenging but also fun in a way. I hope to continue improving the tryouts over time and make it both more fun for us to host and for those who attend.

What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?:
Null has improved a lot in areas where we were laking in the past (mentioned above) yet one thing has always loomed over the squad, attitude. Null is special in many ways and one particular one being the way they are roleplayed, having a sort of superiority complex. I've been told that several other players perceive members of null as rude and cocky. While I believe that one should act as one's lore character would one also needs to be respectful and decent in their actions and words. We need to work on this more both by making a change in how we act and in informing people of how we do act and why one would do so. This also comes to OOC and in TS were Null need to improve in their overall engagement with other community members.

While there always will be room for more improvements other than that there is nothing specific that I want to make a major change to. Overall I believe Null is running fine and that I can continue to run it that way. Changing stuff just for the sake of doing something isn't good for the squad, if we're already in a good state then I will do all I can to keep us in that state.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes I do.

 Papa Kal

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hell yeah
Omalic has been a joy to work with and also sometimes he is funny. He will do great.
But I SWEAR TO GOD please do not rotate me with a normal null I like Ordo PLEASE omalic I am begging you rn

EDIT: I appreciate the "give me a turn" comments but it should be noted I am fine with Omalic running. If I was not fine with it I would've ran against him. I am willing to wait my turn a while longer before I shoot my shot.

Edited by Eclipse

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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+1 Keeps squad filled, active, promotes Rp. Checks all the boxes no reason not to support Omalic. Good luck man! 

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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From the small time I've been in Null, Omalic has put a great impression on me as Kal. He takes his role as Kal seriously and consistently keeps the squad in check.

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The man’s results speak for themselves. He’s managed to maintain a full and active squad, and his squad members want him back for another term. 

Good luck. Keep doing what you’re doing; it’s obviously working!


Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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+1 goodluck


Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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I mean I have heard that you have had activity problem idk. I think you are a good choice because you have done a good job, and I think that you should keep doing what your doing, but don’t burn yourself out. 


Former: Liaison


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I'm just going to say it the way I see it, Chief, You're remaining Kal just to hold onto the position. 
Anyway, In my short time of a whopping 46 days of being back into SO BDE, I barely see any of the current Null with the rare exception of it being your most active, Eclipse and Pancakes. Though, that is the current theme of SO BDE, A lack of presence on the server in the wake of being given new responsibilities. We all know that people don't read applications and it's just a large popularity contest with a lack of care for the actual squads. But let's dissect your application 

8 hours ago, Omalic said:

Many rules were changed and activity policies were enforced more

In the whopping 46 days of returning to SO BDE, I barely see any Null on with the exclusion of Ordo (Eclipse) and Prudii (Pancakes) and the occasional sighting of Mereel (Chaseman) (Kinda repeat myself here but it gets my point across). Now, I get that real life comes first, it's just a game. Other than the mandatory sign ins required by SO BDE members every three days with three hours minimum of playtime. I barely see yourself or the other Null's on. Seeing all Null's together, is an inspiring sight. Though it's like a solar eclipse and I believe that the activity policies aren't enforced.

8 hours ago, Omalic said:

I'm proud to say that my 2nd term was much better in that regard and as such that the quality and behavior of the members of null has improved.

In regards to behaviour, it may of improved. Although the quality of Null is hindered with the lack of actual engagement and RP with the community unless it's an event or something that actually includes them. On many occasions, I've seen Null hopping around the map, or sitting in TS playing minecraft, AFK'ing on their jobs and still including that on their sign ins. With such a position rich with lore. They lack the knowledge of their characters, and often have to be reminded of their lore, and wait for opportunities to come to them, not go out and find them.



8 hours ago, Omalic said:

Something that has been an ongoing change throughout my time as Kal has been changes in our tryouts. I believe we've come a long way in making the tryout fairer and more focused on testing the tryoutees skills, knowledge and attention,

When ever I've been to Null Tryouts, Helped in them or just been associated with them in general. My opinion on them is very high, because it's the path a member has to take into becoming a SO BDE member. There's always a boast that it "Took 80 something rounds to fill a position" which isn't good at all. I can't say much, As I'll technically be leaking tryouts. Though the current Null tryouts feels like a battalion tryout with a one strike system, that employs tedious tasks instead of actually testing said tryoutee with their knowledge of the character and their ability to RP or bring fresh new RP to the table. It's a very long, tedious process all together. Adding on, for the current Ordo to host tryouts, it often requires your permission to host, and requires a Null member to own the dupe. Especially when other active SO BDE squad members are on to help with said tryout which leads me to my next point.

There seems to be a large factor of yourself not trusting the members of your squad with responsibility or even other SO BDE members at that, it's a dupe. it's not like we're going to see the tryout itself, which all dwells within a document. Especially when your Ordo requires your permission to host tryouts to do something insignificant. On top of that fact that Null feels isolated more than ever.


8 hours ago, Omalic said:

While I'm happy to say that I have suitable replacements within my squad I still believe that I am best suited to continue running things as Kal and as such should do so.

Responsibility is a big thing, and my last paragraph kind of seems to contradict your point (Or it's my brain telling me it does to make me feel better). It seems that there is a total lack of trust for your fellow Squad mates, and which directs me to the earlier point of just holding onto the position for the sake of it when you've openly said you've got suitable replacements.

In conclusion, you've been Kal for six months with a little difference to the squad, and if you get another term that's nine (Quick math tings). Which is enough time to get the squad to be active, understanding of their situation and bring about a stop to the tiny tedious things and big things I've mentioned. Personally, I think you've been Kal for too long, and if these problems haven't been looked upon in a six month timeframe, it's going to be overlooked going on Nine. Anyway, Wish you the best of luck mate. Good luck in the application process. 

  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 1
  • Informative 6

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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1 hour ago, Tinovious said:

In the whopping 46 days of returning to SO BDE, I barely see any Null on with the exclusion of Ordo (Eclipse) and Prudii (Pancakes) and the occasional sighting of Mereel (Chaseman) (Kinda repeat myself here but it gets my point across). Now, I get that real life comes first, it's just a game. Other than the mandatory sign ins required by SO BDE members every three days with three hours minimum of playtime. I barely see yourself or the other Null's on. Seeing all Null's together, is an inspiring sight. Though it's like a solar eclipse and I believe that the activity policies aren't enforced.

1 hour ago, Tinovious said:

In regards to behaviour, it may of improved. Although the quality of Null is hindered with the lack of actual engagement and RP with the community unless it's an event or something that actually includes them. On many occasions, I've seen Null hopping around the map, or sitting in TS playing minecraft, AFK'ing on their jobs and still including that on their sign ins. With such a position rich with lore. They lack the knowledge of their characters, and often have to be reminded of their lore, and wait for opportunities to come to them, not go out and find them.

We have had several members of Null not meeting our requirements of activity and those members have not remained in the squad as such. In such our policies were enforced, we have the same standards as the rest of SO BDE when it comes to activity and in the past when we've had people signing in while being afk they've reprimanded for doing so. If you've seen this yourself when I haven't been on perhaps you should have told me or Ordo about it so we that we can do something about it, we can't see everything. Most members add information on their sign ins if they've been away or doing something else instead of doing several sign in, I myself do so.
When it comes to behavior during the start of my time as Kal we had to remove people for what they were doing and had to change rules and enforce new rules so that would change, you weren't around during this so I can understand it being hard to see a difference, in my opinion the number of removals mirrored this change which is why I brought it up. 

1 hour ago, Tinovious said:

When ever I've been to Null Tryouts, Helped in them or just been associated with them in general. My opinion on them is very high, because it's the path a member has to take into becoming a SO BDE member. There's always a boast that it "Took 80 something rounds to fill a position" which isn't good at all. I can't say much, As I'll technically be leaking tryouts. Though the current Null tryouts feels like a battalion tryout with a one strike system, that employs tedious tasks instead of actually testing said tryoutee with their knowledge of the character and their ability to RP or bring fresh new RP to the table. It's a very long, tedious process all together. Adding on, for the current Ordo to host tryouts, it often requires your permission to host, and requires a Null member to own the dupe. Especially when other active SO BDE squad members are on to help with said tryout which leads me to my next point.

There seems to be a large factor of yourself not trusting the members of your squad with responsibility or even other SO BDE members at that, it's a dupe. it's not like we're going to see the tryout itself, which all dwells within a document. Especially when your Ordo requires your permission to host tryouts to do something insignificant. On top of that fact that Null feels isolated more than ever.

It has been clear that we have a difference on opinion on tryouts. The one interaction we've had about the tryouts were you complaining and not being happy with the changes that have been made. If you have helped with out tryouts after the changes we made you might have a different view yet I myself at least have not seen you around those. We test all possible RP in our tryouts and especially the parts that relate to the Null position they are trying to get into. You know this if you've been helped over the entire tryout. My experience with you and the tryout was that you didn't like what we were doing and just called it dumb. Criticism is always needed and If you were to provide actual ideas for change we could have had a dialogue about it but at the time yelling and calling our way of doing it dumb was all it amounted to.

Now when it comes to trust and passing down responsibility Ordo has been able to host tryouts without me from day one, I however try to have us host together rather then alone as we can better discuss the people and attending. Yet he is not staff and can as such not spawn the dupe. The other members of staff in my Squad being Foxey and Chase have the dupe to be able to place it for him when I cannot. Other SO BDE members also have it just incase. As anyone in charge of an SO BDE squad I wish to keep the dupe secure, and as such keep it with fewer people. I prefer doing most things in unison with Ordo such as decision and such but he can and has made calls on his own when its been needed. Eclipse is Ordo and he wouldn't be Ordo if I didn't trust him with such things. To say that I don't trust him would be a lie.

1 hour ago, Tinovious said:

Responsibility is a big thing, and my last paragraph kind of seems to contradict your point (Or it's my brain telling me it does to make me feel better). It seems that there is a total lack of trust for your fellow Squad mates, and which directs me to the earlier point of just holding onto the position for the sake of it when you've openly said you've got suitable replacements.

Ideal would be that all Null would be suited for the position of Kal. There will always be several people suited for a role and the members of Null are free to apply for Kal if they wish. I've done a good job as Kal in my opinion, I still love being Kal and my Squad still wants me as Kal. As such I have run again. I made specefic remarks on my last reap that I wanted there to be more options for future Kals which there now is. Just because others also can apply for Kal doesn't mean that I shouldn't. I still believe in my abilities and believe that my terms have gone well and as such I wish to continue doing what I like and am good at. 

We disagree on many things Tino, if you have any concern, ideas or complains you can bring them to me. You've always been able to do so and will still be able to do so. In the future I hope that you do so if you have problems so we can try and improve Null. Having and outside view is always useful. 

Take care :)

Edited by Omalic
  • Winner 1

 Papa Kal

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19 minutes ago, Omalic said:

We have had several members of Null not meeting our requirements of activity and those members have not remained in the squad as such. In such our policies were enforced, we have the same standards as the rest of SO BDE when it comes to activity and in the past when we've had people signing in while being afk they've reprimanded for doing so. If you've seen this yourself when I haven't been on perhaps you should have told me or Ordo about it so we that we can do something about it, we can't see everything. Most members add information on their sign ins if they've been away or doing something else instead of doing several sign in, I myself do so.
When it comes to behavior during the start of my time as Kal we had to remove people for what they were doing and had to change rules and enforce new rules so that would change, you weren't around during this so I can understand it being hard to see a difference, in my opinion the number of removals mirrored this change which is why I brought it up. 

It has been clear that we have a difference on opinion on tryouts. The one interaction we've had about the tryouts were you complaining and not being happy with the changes that have been made. If you have helped with out tryouts after the changes we made you might have a different view yet I myself at least have not seen you around those. We test all possible RP in our tryouts and especially the parts that relate to the Null position they are trying to get into. You know this if you've been helped over the entire tryout. My experience with you and the tryout was that you didn't like what we were doing and just called it dumb. Criticism is always needed and If you were to provide actual ideas for change we could have had a dialogue about it but at the time yelling and calling our way of doing it dumb was all it amounted to.

Now when it comes to trust and passing down responsibility Ordo has been able to host tryouts without me from day one, I however try to have us host together rather then alone as we can better discuss the people and attending. Yet he is not staff and can as such not spawn the dupe. The other members of staff in my Squad being Foxey and Chase have the dupe to be able to place it for him when I cannot. Other SO BDE members also have it just incase. As anyone in charge of an SO BDE squad I wish to keep the dupe secure, and as such keep it with fewer people. I prefer doing most things in unison with Ordo such as decision and such but he can and has made calls on his own when its been needed. Eclipse is Ordo and he wouldn't be Ordo if I didn't trust him with such things. To say that I don't trust him would be a lie.

Ideal would be that all Null would be suited for the position of Kal. There will always be several people suited for a role and the members of Null are free to apply for Kal if they wish. I've done a good job as Kal in my opinion, I still love being Kal and my Squad still wants me as Kal. As such I have run again. I made specefic remarks on my last reap that I wanted there to be more options for future Kals which there now is. Just because others also can apply for Kal doesn't mean that I shouldn't. I still believe in my abilities and believe that my terms have gone well and as such I wish to continue doing what I like and am good at. 

We disagree on many things Tino, if you have any concern, ideas or complains you can bring them to me. You've always been able to do so and will still be able to do so. In the future I hope that you do so if you have problems so we can try and improve Null. Having and outside view is always useful. 

Take care :)

I standby the words that I have said and the conclusion I came too. I do not wish to squabble like chicken and entice drama on the forums.
That being said, I still don't think there is any progressiveness with yourself as Kal as the squad has been stagnate for quite some time now. During the tryout, I didn't shout. I said the checkpoints were a dumb idea and I told you why I thought they were dumb to which you said, "If you don't like it, you can leave the tryout" to which I did and then expressed my concerns of the checkpoints to our previous Reg to no avail.

If I wish to comment further on this, I will direct message you and we can discuss it there. Once again, Good luck.

  • Informative 1

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Man Build Good Furniture +1 Monke


  • Confused 1

Former 327th Former DU Officer x2 Former 501st TC Last ATKO Former Blackout and Shortest JetFormer 41st GCD Cooker Former CIS Droideka Former 104th Wolpack Lead Warthog 212th GC Jedi Knight Siri Tachi 

"Certified Clover Crew Member"-Lucky IKEA Squad 2019-Omalic

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-1 reasons below

1. Your activity is at what was barely acceptable when you were MCMD. at 41.5 hours in the past two weeks

2. Yours squads activity has been lacking

3. Your enforcement of the rules has been nothing but horrible. Chasemann has been arrested at least 3 times during your term as Kal and has yet to be removed for whatever reason.

4. Your Squads effort into roleplay and upholding the high standard that is meant to be SOBDE is lacking

5. it seems you are going to apply again for the sake of getting it again, i personally don't think you should go for it again.

6. Your squads culture from what i have experienced and heard from other SOBDE members is very toxic and self centered. Personally i think the only way to fix that is an entire wipe of the squad. You have allowed for a toxic culture to fester and grow promoting breaking of the rules and not removing members who break the overarching rules of SOBDE, because of whatever reason you decide at the time. I believe along with many others who are too scared to voice their opinions due to community not liking them or whatever that allowing you to continue to be Kal will not only harm the squad but SOBDE as a whole. 

  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 1
  • Funny 1
  • Informative 6
  • Confused 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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2 minutes ago, Dennis said:

-1 reasons below

1. Your activity is at what was barely acceptable when you were MCMD. at 41.5 hours in the past two weeks

2. Yours squads activity has been lacking

3. Your enforcement of the rules has been nothing but horrible. Chasemann has been arrested at least 3 times during your term as Kal and has yet to be removed for whatever reason.

4. Your Squads effort into roleplay and upholding the high standard that is meant to be SOBDE is lacking

5. it seems you are going to apply again for the sake of getting it again, i personally don't think you should go for it again.

6. Your squads culture from what i have experienced and heard from other SOBDE members is very toxic and self centered. Personally i think the only way to fix that is an entire wipe of the squad. You have allowed for a toxic culture to fester and grow promoting breaking of the rules and not removing members who break the overarching rules of SOBDE, because of whatever reason you decide at the time. I believe along with many others who are too scared to voice their opinions due to community not liking them or whatever that allowing you to continue to be Kal will not only harm the squad but SOBDE as a whole. 

Activity: I just came of an LOA (you can check the LOA post i made) hence the drop in GMOD hours, on a seprate note, my activity is publicly stated in the SO BDE sign in channel which is more then open to the SO BDE REG and the Marshal if they believe there are activity concearns with me, yet there have been none. Then again you wouldn't know of this so I get you. Members of the squad that failed to meet activy quotas are no longer in the squad that being 1-2 members.

Enforcements: We tend to remove for arrests yes, however if an arrest is falesed / reversed wich has been the case for the arrests you are refrencing then we as you have noticed, dont remove. During my tenure as Kal as a whole I've had to remove 5-6 members, we enforce our rules and remove when need be. 

The rest just seems like you opinion and POV which I wont really touch on. However if you've had toxic interaction with SO BDE please tell me about it, I see stuff from my POV but and outside view is always helpful but if you're experiencing this and not informing me or Ordo then we can't do much about it. Other people have told me their concearns about members of Null, for example a dispute with some 21st members some weeks ago which was dealt with ASAP between me, the Null involved and a 21st officer.

Also those "others" are more then welcome to share their concearns to me personally or on this post, one shouldn't fear sharing their opinion. Unless if that opinion is saying you don't like meatballs then we have a problem ;)

 Papa Kal

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+1, honestly you've been Kal for almost as long as I've been in the server, always have had great experiences with you and you continue to amaze me with the activity of your squad. I see nobody else fit for this position as of now, keep going for it until you think my boy Eclipse is ready. I want him to have a chance at being the dad too.

  • Friendly 2

Full-time Server Boomer



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Tin brought up an interesting point. Having the same leader for an extended period of time will inevitably cause stagnation within the squad. Do you think you're doing enough to combat that stagnation, and keep the squad fun and engaging for both the members of the squad, and the troopers/Jedi interacting with them?

  • Informative 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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After reading through replies and your (Omalic's) application, I'll list my opinion: 

Firstly, in your application, you claim your squad still wants you as their squad lead - I'll take that as a fact due to majority of Null have either +1'd, abstained, or haven't voted/stated their opinion yet. Then again, it's only been a day since your application has been posted. No doubt you have the experience and knowledge to run a squad, but you being the best man for the job will be something the Directors will have to decide IF you make it to the interview. 
Secondly, it seems every squad lead applications have the same bland stuff. The top three plans:

  • Changing the way the squad is ran.
  • Changing tryouts. 
  • Improving image of squad. Outreach work, ETC.

It's usually all the same. Anyway, the image of Null has been claimed to be "hindered" due to lack of engagement with other battalions and overall role-play. When it comes to tryouts, it's your squad. You run it the way you want, but don't be afraid to take criticism and hear other people's opinions. 

Omalic, I have some questions for you...

  • Do you believe you've had previous mistakes as your first and second term as Kal? If so, what are they and what are you going to do to learn from those mistakes? 
  • Do you have trust issues with your squad? (This was mentioned in a reply from another individual). 
  • What is your goal to improve this "hinder" on the image of Null? 
  • Do you plan on addressing the activity of Null? 

Overall, I still think you'd make a great fit as the leader of Null. No one seems to be running for it besides you, so like I said before, your squad apparently wants you in charge for the third time. Everyone makes mistakes and no one can fully master something. However, I hope you address your previous mistakes and learn to overcome them. As for the image of Null, I'd advise addressing this as soon as possible. Bring back Null Drills, interact with battalions more, host tournaments, ETC. Deploying with a battalion as an outreach obviously ain't improving your image. Tinovious listed some valid points, and I'd consider him as a credible source due to him being a previous Kal and current member of SO BDE. Take all the leadership from other squads leads and past your experience and combine it into your own. Lead Null the way you want them to be. 

"Don't try to be another Kal. Whether it be Cipher, Korm, or I. Make it your own because that's what will make you enjoy the role." ~Prince

Best of luck, +1


  • Agree 2
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Changing to a -1. Points brought up by both Dennis and Tino I can't turn a blind eye to them

I agree with everything said by both Tino and Dennis. 

And from my time with SOBDE Being Boss and Sev. I can say that the statements made about your squad Roleplaying with others ON A ROLEPLAY SERVER.

Now that I'm an outsider and the interactions in Roleplay between the Alphas and the Null have been lackluster. Multiple members (not going to name, names) just running away from an active RP scenario. 

Now to touch upon what Tino said about the sign ins.

On 1/29/2021 at 2:40 AM, Tinovious said:

On many occasions, I've seen Null hopping around the map, or sitting in TS playing minecraft, AFK'ing on their jobs and still including that on their sign ins.

During my time as Boss and Sev when you were Kal, Numerous Squad members some of which are still in Null have been doing this. And the fact that you haven't done anything about them beside maybe giving them a warning, Under a Fuck up and Get Removed policy. Normally if you were caught faking sign ins you would be removed no? Correct me if I'm wrong please.

Next. The only times that I have seen Null on were when they were hosting Tryouts, Last time I checked but this was a Roleplay server not a Tryout Server. And once you have completed the rounds for the day, Your squad doesn't do any form of RP they go to the nearest corner and stare at it for quite a while or they go to Bunks and stand there for a while. Not doing any RP.

On 1/29/2021 at 2:40 AM, Tinovious said:

Especially when your Ordo requires your permission to host tryouts to do something insignificant. On top of that fact that Null feels isolated more than ever.

This too ^ You should be able to trust your XO especially when they're hosting tryouts, I can understand maybe the first tryout that they host as XO I can understand spectating him but after that you should trust him. When Chew was my XO I trusted him to host Tryouts along with Young, I spectated both of their first tryouts after that, I trusted them. And I would trust your Current XO (Eclipse) considering his past as Bad Batch XO and all.  And I Completely agree with Tino when he says that Null feels isolated more than ever. 

You said it yourself that you have a suitable replacement right now, I say let them have a go at getting Kal instead of you running for it again. 


Thats what I have to say on this matter now that more comments are in.



  • Agree 1
  • Informative 3

I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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+1 like deku said Omalic has been Kal since I joined the server a few months back, to all the people saying "oh they are toxic" or "Oh they dont act like the nulls they are" You do realize some of them are just toxic because the null they are is toxic? I had to explain that to some people in my battalion but other then that Omalic has been doing a fine job, he also told me how to replace all my furniture since its all from ikea 

Certified Giga Chad


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10 hours ago, Bleach said:

Now to touch upon what Tino said about the sign ins.

During my time as Boss and Sev when you were Kal, Numerous Squad members some of which are still in Null have been doing this. And the fact that you haven't done anything about them beside maybe giving them a warning, Under a Fuck up and Get Removed policy. Normally if you were caught faking sign ins you would be removed no? Correct me if I'm wrong please.

Overall I'd advise you to have a second reading of my response to Tino, if you've even read it. There was a member of Null who was faking/siginig in while AFK , this along with activity issues got them removed. You were around in SO BDE during this so I'd assume you'd remember that but perhaps not. To further add, we don't remove without proof and certianty, if there are more that are still in the squad then why have you never brought that up to me? We we're both squad leads, I'd trust that if you saw a problem with my squad you'd bring it to me just as I would to you regarding your squad. Even now after the fact you can still contact me about it, if you believe there is a problem that we're missing you should tell us, all BCMDs/leads try their best but they can't know everything.

10 hours ago, Bleach said:

Next. The only times that I have seen Null on were when they were hosting Tryouts, Last time I checked but this was a Roleplay server not a Tryout Server. And once you have completed the rounds for the day, Your squad doesn't do any form of RP they go to the nearest corner and stare at it for quite a while or they go to Bunks and stand there for a while. Not doing any RP.

When I've hosted tryouts they've ussually been EU evening time, so by the time we're done I'd often head to bed with it being around midnight. Tryouts are a big deal and after having hosted for an extended period I'd get wanting to do something else for a bit, there are reasons we try and not host every day but every other day to have time for general gameplay and roleplay. Now when it comes to interaction, I've interacted with you several times outside tryouts, last time being yesterday outside of brig, when other Null were also ingame. Seeing that I've seen you several other time and us not even sharing time zones I'd say that the other Null would have to activly avoid you not to be seen by you. Then again I can't speak for what you see and don't, but I know for certain when it comes to my own interactions with people.

11 hours ago, Bleach said:

This too ^ You should be able to trust your XO especially when they're hosting tryouts, I can understand maybe the first tryout that they host as XO I can understand spectating him but after that you should trust him. When Chew was my XO I trusted him to host Tryouts along with Young, I spectated both of their first tryouts after that, I trusted them. And I would trust your Current XO (Eclipse) considering his past as Bad Batch XO and all.  And I Completely agree with Tino when he says that Null feels isolated more than ever. 

I feel like I made it very clear in my earlier response about this. I would advise you to read that, if you haven't. Now with this also you know yourself that Eclipse has hosted tryouts without me several times with you having helped or been around in TS for those times, both when he himself has hosted or when I've had to step away and he's taken over with no problems. I don't quite get where you are getting this from to be honest rather then what others have said were again where they are getting it from is not clear either. In fact during tryouts most of Null are given jobs to do that I could do myself but that they do beacuse I trust them to do so, now I can't mention specifics but you having been around our tryouts should know what I'm refeering to. Other SO BDE members also play key roles in the tryouts but again I firstly push Null to do it generally cause one day it will be them running these tryouts hopefully so they should be well informed of the parts.

 Papa Kal

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Some people complain about his activity but I know for a fact that those 41+ hours are actually active hours and not AFK hours like most of the people who are judging Omalic for them.

I would agree with the aspect of beinga but harsher and ensure NULL are of a reasonably high standard.


But overall, keep up the good work.

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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man idk what yall mfs talking about. When I was in SOBDE, Omalic was a Roosevelt kinda Kal. He'd be cool with ya till you fuck something up. I remember multiple times when he'd absolutely destroy someone for messing something up.

Now I haven't been on the server or seen how Null is now, but if Omalic has gotten more lenient, I believe he has what it takes to step it up a little. I've seen him do it and you have to believe me! Anyways, he's not new to any of this. He's easily capable of changing his weaker sides and making them stronger. +1 have fun with a full pregnancy as Kal.

Edited by Teaa
added 2nd paragraph

The only Wrecker that embraced his largeness. 

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6 hours ago, Teaa said:

man idk what yall mfs talking about. When I was in SOBDE, Omalic was a Roosevelt kinda Kal. He'd be cool with ya till you fuck something up. I remember multiple times when he'd absolutely destroy someone for messing something up.

Now I haven't been on the server or seen how Null is now, but if Omalic has gotten more lenient, I believe he has what it takes to step it up a little. I've seen him do it and you have to believe me! Anyways, he's not new to any of this. He's easily capable of changing his weaker sides and making them stronger. +1 have fun with a full pregnancy as Kal.

I was honestly about to type something quite similar until I read this. Omalic is a good guy and someone I personally drew inspiration from as a SL myself before I went semi inactive due to medical reasons. Though again, I haven't been on the server in months so take this with a grain of salt. Though for whatever it's worth he has my +1 and respect. 

  • Friendly 1
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On 1/29/2021 at 2:30 PM, Dennis said:

Your squads culture from what i have experienced and heard from other SOBDE members is very toxic and self centered. Personally i think the only way to fix that is an entire wipe of the squad

  WaitWhat by kaanvict - FrankerFaceZ

Bro you actually dont know shit about SO BDE, and it seems as though you haven't had an interaction with null since 2018, Omalic from my time in SO BDE was a great Kal, he worked with me as Ordo quite well, and sure he may have his flaws like being a goof, but tbh you actually wouldn't know anything Dennis, and a wipe? God damn thats like "OMG SO BDE IS MINGY???? WIPE WIPE WIPE" liek bro thats actually dumb as shit



btw +1

Edited by Inosuke
  • Funny 4
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On 29/01/2021 at 7:30 PM, Dennis said:

many others who are too scared to voice their opinions due to community not liking them or whatever

Honestly thought that was a really funny line.



+1, you're a capable guy, Omalic. I've rarely interacted with you but still have the utmost respect for you.

I think a lot of buzz words are getting chucked around as general ammunition to make Omalic look worse. Words like "toxic" & "inactive" are not really the best words due to them having such vague and subjective definitions. And a lot of people talking on subjects they just seem poorly informed on or just don't want to be informed on. 

I personally can't see how Omalic can go wrong with a 3rd term. Honestly one of the best Squad Leads I've ever seen.  A great example of what a leader should strive to be.

  • Agree 1

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Okay so I guess it's about time I've said what I gotta say. Also excuse my voice I have been a bit under the weather here lately.

Activity is not an issue to me at all. I know we are in completely different timezones, like most people here are, and I know you have just returned from a week long LOA. So I cannot judge your activity. I only hope and assume that when you are on the server that you are actively playing it and not AFK or doing little to nothing and just trying to meet your sign in hours for the day. 

I may have my little nitpicks here and there about Null. As a nerd and a SOBDE boomer at this point I tend to have my little opinions about the squads I lead in the past and Null has always held a place in my heart. However overall I don't see any *negative* things from Null. I see issues, things that can obviously be improved upon, so I hope you're not just going for a third term just to ride it out but rather to improve on all the little small things that people may or may not of already brought to your attention. 

Isolation is imo the worst thing from the current Null and I do blame you for some major parts of it. The squads may be considered battalions but we're not like the other Regiments. SOBDE has always had a really really close relationship with each other. Squads back then would all chill in the same channel for entire days and they would share and communicate with one another. A few Null seem to run off by themselves or with their previous battalions rather than hanging out with the rest of SOBDE and you yourself have contributed with the isolation by being stingy with your tryout dupe only allowing yourself and Null to have the dupe meaning that only yourself or Chaseman can ever spawn it in. This made Eclipse's job as XO difficult on several occasions because whenever he wanted to host tryouts to fill a position, he couldn't unless either of you were present. I have never, in all my time, seen a squad not share their tryout dupe with the rest of SOBDE. I myself built SOBDE's tryout dupes for well over a year and they're nothing special. Yours is just another basic tryout dupe and you keep it locked away as if it was actually unique and different but it isn't and it has only hindered your XO and your squad's relation with the rest of SOBDE. Overall isolation is Null's biggest issue, one that needs to be worked on.

My only other issue is are you actually going to complete another term? Can you do another 3 months? Personally if you were to get it and eventually just step down from the position a little while into your 3rd term I only feel like that wasted time. I commend you on 2 terms. That's more than most Squad Leads. Burnout is a big thing in SOBDE, especially in Squad Lead spots. My fear is that you burnout halfway into this next term and resign but for that short amount of time this next person running was slowly burning out and when they finally get their chance to run they end up resigning midway through their first term because they were already getting burnt out prior to even running for the position. I say this from experience. I was in SOBDE for nearly a year before I got a chance at Squad Lead and when I finally got it, I was already burnt. Then again I was also High Staff at the time and other little things and that drains a person as is.

It's the little things Omalic. The little things. People cling onto those moments and that plants a seed into their mind that your squad is bad or toxic. I always took roleplaying my character above all else and back when I was Null I got reported a lot for being "too mean" or what people like to generalize it as: toxicity. I've worked with you several times in the past from when you were my BCMD to when I was Director and you were Marshal and Palpy. I know you are capable and can handle a third term and I don't think you done an entirely bad job thus far. 

Sorry for the long winded response but I will give you a +1. Just work on the little things and ride out at least majority if not the entire term and you'll be fine in my book. 
(Also I imagine there are plenty of grammer fuck ups. I am sick and I wrote this really quick while eating Chicken Express.)

  • Winner 2
  • Informative 2


i am literally captain tukk

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+1 I joined Null back when Omalic had to remove several people over a short span of time and I can whole heartedly say that Omalic has and will always look to maintain and improve the quality standards within Null squad. Looking back at how it was then and how it was during his second term, he has improved Null to such a degree that I don't believe he gets the credit that he deserves. I've had many serious conversations with Omalic over the months when it comes to Null standards, and I can fully say that he is more than capable at resolving issues with tact and with a leaders mindset. With this said, I will continue to believe that Omalic is the best person suited to be Kal.

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GM Leadership

I have been actually thinking about this for a while now so I can take in information and gather my thoughts.

My issues do not stem from you or how you run your squad and for the most part I think I have voiced my opinion to you but I would like to gather more thoughts. So lets begin. First issue, The ability to have an influence on the server. What I mean by that is that Null has been mostly isolated to the server besides those who are former SOBDE or the battalions that they are outreached for.  Again not a major issues or anything wrong with that but my issue is that any time I speak to a general member of the community, Null is never known in terms of how known that member is or who they are. With that being said for a position that I would consider sought after, That is worrying to me.

Second issue, The portrayal of Null. Personally, I feel like the current members of Null do not act or try to be their character. The benefit of being a Lore Character is that you have an entire page or book dedicated to your characters personality, goals, and mindset. That should be easy to get into as there are examples. Again, nothing is wrong with putting your own spin on it however when you act completely opposite to who that character is, whats the point besides using the the benefits of SOBDE. {Typing this makes me thinks that's what they want.} 

Third issue. Irony is funny. In the past month or so, I have seen certain members of SOBDE slowly become only on to fill that spot for the minimal requirement or for tryouts. Not to sound like a boomer SOBDE member, But I have removed members of my squad for meeting the minimal requirement if the rest of the squad can clearly do more then that and so can that person but he chooses not too. The end of the day, that's why its called the minimal. Again, I can not see the sign ins so I can not point out anyone to be 100% like this but from a purely outside prospective that is what most of us noticed.

We have already spoken about this and I know you are not going to change your views. I respect that. However this is my opinion and I am going to stand by them. I am going to be -1ing this.

  • Agree 3
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I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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On 1/29/2021 at 2:30 PM, Dennis said:

Personally i think the only way to fix that is an entire wipe of the squad

That didnt work well for ARC anyways,

+1 I dont think people know youre EU but you know whatever, Activity is always good when im on during EU times, As well, Null isnt what it use to be with a whole bunch of guys flexing their cocks cause theyre in SOBDE, And i havent had many toxic interactions for a while now and i can finally RP with Null without anyone getting butthurt so i think Null is doing fine how it is

  • Funny 7
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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Forum Admin
16 hours ago, Crimson said:

But I have removed members of my squad for meeting the minimal requirement if the rest of the squad can clearly do more then that and so can that person but he chooses not too. 


After reading through the responses and some contradicting evidence I'll settle with a -1. There seems to be people within your squad, willing and able to take your role. Appears to be a lack of leadership within it and from an outsider perspective, lack of drive for RP. 

  • Disagree 2
  • Funny 2
  • Confused 3

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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If you can tell me with honesty that you will make sure the squad will be more active, compared to what seems to be relatively inactive rn I will change to a plus one. However with the current state of activity from the squad it is a -1 from me.

Edited by Anime
  • Informative 1
  • Confused 1

i have a crush on Zendaya

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You can't just force people to be active. It also feels like people forget the word "time zones" so keep that in mind. I've never really heard anything major and toxic from the squad. From my point of view Omalic is doing a good job. Enforcing the rules in game and promoting RP with his squad, making sure his squad doesn't do anything dumb and making himself available if you need to bring something up to him. If theirs issues with certain members you can bring it up to Omalic. He will keep giving the position of Kal his all and making sure the Squad is being handled well and being put on a good standard which he has done and will keep doing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   So best of luck to you sir :peeposalute:

Edited by Matt-Matthos

Just Finished a Trilogy Marathon so here are some Lord of the Rings  Reaction Gifs - Album on Imgur

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I really don't know how to vote on this Omalic. I like you as a person and you are very much a good Kal however I've been reading the responses of people who know so much more about SOBDE currently than me. For the short amount of time I was in we were definitely more isolated than the others, whether that was the other SOBDE not liking me that I felt uncomfortable in TS with them or they just were not used to a Null being around I don't know but we generally chilled in our channel by ourself and largely ignored what others did. I tried to RP every chance I got but I noticed not many of the others did theirs other than me, the then Jaing, and the then A'den who openly embraced our lore (me loving candy and being a daredevil as mereel, jaing skinning Kaminoans, and A'den loving his explosives) which is a shame with how much Null lore there is. I wish that I could support you as you are a great guy but I think a change of leadership is necessary. From me man it's a -1 I'm sorry.

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So I am going to -1 this because I see one Null on a day maybe 2 at the same time if we're lucky, which is pretty bad. It's to the point where they are just a forgettable Squad. I don't see anyone being fit for Kal rn... This is just my opinion though I could be wrong

RIP Family of Euphoria

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On 2/1/2021 at 8:03 PM, Crimson said:

I have been actually thinking about this for a while now so I can take in information and gather my thoughts.

My issues do not stem from you or how you run your squad and for the most part I think I have voiced my opinion to you but I would like to gather more thoughts. So lets begin. First issue, The ability to have an influence on the server. What I mean by that is that Null has been mostly isolated to the server besides those who are former SOBDE or the battalions that they are outreached for.  Again not a major issues or anything wrong with that but my issue is that any time I speak to a general member of the community, Null is never known in terms of how known that member is or who they are. With that being said for a position that I would consider sought after, That is worrying to me.

Second issue, The portrayal of Null. Personally, I feel like the current members of Null do not act or try to be their character. The benefit of being a Lore Character is that you have an entire page or book dedicated to your characters personality, goals, and mindset. That should be easy to get into as there are examples. Again, nothing is wrong with putting your own spin on it however when you act completely opposite to who that character is, whats the point besides using the the benefits of SOBDE. {Typing this makes me thinks that's what they want.} 

Third issue. Irony is funny. In the past month or so, I have seen certain members of SOBDE slowly become only on to fill that spot for the minimal requirement or for tryouts. Not to sound like a boomer SOBDE member, But I have removed members of my squad for meeting the minimal requirement if the rest of the squad can clearly do more then that and so can that person but he chooses not too. The end of the day, that's why its called the minimal. Again, I can not see the sign ins so I can not point out anyone to be 100% like this but from a purely outside prospective that is what most of us noticed.

We have already spoken about this and I know you are not going to change your views. I respect that. However this is my opinion and I am going to stand by them. I am going to be -1ing this.

Agreeing with him. Changing to a -1

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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On 1/29/2021 at 1:30 PM, Dennis said:

-1 reasons below

1. Your activity is at what was barely acceptable when you were MCMD. at 41.5 hours in the past two weeks

2. Yours squads activity has been lacking

3. Your enforcement of the rules has been nothing but horrible. Chasemann has been arrested at least 3 times during your term as Kal and has yet to be removed for whatever reason.

4. Your Squads effort into roleplay and upholding the high standard that is meant to be SOBDE is lacking

5. it seems you are going to apply again for the sake of getting it again, i personally don't think you should go for it again.

6. Your squads culture from what i have experienced and heard from other SOBDE members is very toxic and self centered. Personally i think the only way to fix that is an entire wipe of the squad. You have allowed for a toxic culture to fester and grow promoting breaking of the rules and not removing members who break the overarching rules of SOBDE, because of whatever reason you decide at the time. I believe along with many others who are too scared to voice their opinions due to community not liking them or whatever that allowing you to continue to be Kal will not only harm the squad but SOBDE as a whole. 

41.5 hours in two weeks ain't bad if your not AFK'ing . That's 3 hours a day on the server,  I'd say that be an acceptable amount as long as he was active in that amount of time. Maybe I've been out of the Gmod scene for too long, but the (MOST) time I ever hit in star wars was 90-100 hours in peak no life (No AFK hours as my internet shuts off randomly 10-100 times a day)

And some of the toxic behavior  and being self centered could be Roleplay(Not the arrests tho I can't speak to the arrests as I know not of what happened) If someone were to play as Hitler in a movie we wouldn't exactly be saying they were a bad person (Extreme example I know) - 

I do believe he will put in the effort to make SOBDE and his clan better, so +1 for me dawg.

Edited by Joseph
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