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Teaa’s tea cup is finally empty

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Well uhh, I didn’t think this would end up happening this soon. Been thinking about the future and came to the realization that this just is not it anymore. Had a good time while it lasted, but I feel it’s finally time to leave. Life gonna come first over weirdo nerd RP.

@Pythin Don’t speak on my name. For real though keep being a dummy SO BDE reg, always able to make the most depressed cunt laugh.

@Ratio You’re pretty much the most blunt dude ever. Have no clue how you stayed in for a year. Have fun dumbing inosuke for years to come. *ratio laugh*

@Smeck Sorry for leaving ya XO spot my ghee, CMD meeting just aren’t my thing. Keep going strong for the rest of your term and keep being the swagmeister you are.

@Eclipse You’re pretty much smart inosuke, just keep it at that. Don’t steer down the wrong path and don’t do drugs! Lemme get a chooch off the nic stick fr.

@Bleach You just got Boss so I’ve got a little tip for you, anything inosuke says do the opposite and you’ll probably reach honorary status! Keep fucking kids up in R6 and being a good vibe all around

@Trofi Teaas resignation????? Must be the wind. Definitely the drippiest dude in the regiment by far. Have fun fighting over FYI for XO. ;)

@Fyi Finally someone with a decent taste in music, keep grinding the tech position because you’re a pretty darn good one. 

@chew  I have no clue which one is you, but you’re probably better off playing roblox Arsenal at this point. Keep up the Scorch grind, he suits you well.

@Inosuke Been with me since literally day 1 on the server. Probably the realest mf of all time. Don’t worry when we make fun of you it’s all just tough love (sometimes) If you run for Kal, don’t get removed dummy.

@Naffen You got a ciggy? Fine bloke this one is, keep being a funny Brit and a try hard bounty hunter. This is a young ratio in the making mark my words. Also, post it.

@Crimson Definitely the most unbothered dude of all time. Keep Omega squad in check (naffen). Enjoy yourself ghee.

@Bananaberry Keep the Bardan streak running strong. You might actually beat Ratio! 

@Omalic Never a dull conversation with ya. Keep being an interesting Swedish fellow.

@Chaseman You’re a mean guy. Don’t let the other dummy’s drown you out of the conversation. Speak up! True dedication on this lad right here.

And for the other SO BDE members, I didn’t really talk to y’all much. Haven’t heard anything bad from y’all so keep it up.


Well that’s it, see y’all mfs later. And no, I’m not coming back, don’t ask me that.

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The only Wrecker that embraced his largeness. 

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Bananaberry is well beyond my time when it comes to holding a position in SOBDE (like 700+) last I checked.

But nevertheless, good to see that you're getting your life together. I was concerned that this shit was gonna stop you from succeeding. Wish you luck. Your retardation on the Quote Board is only rivaled by Inosuke.

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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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This makes me sad to see you go, but IRL do comes first over Gmod.  o7 hope to see you soon, and bring back a full cup of tea. 

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Current:   Shaak Ti

Past: 2Del, x10Boomer, x3Anakin , x2Eeth Koth, Lumi, Quinlan, Adi, x2Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti, 501st CMD, 91st CMD, Kano, Hawk, 2xAppo

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Even though I gave you a lot of shit about your time in 104th, I always thought you were a good dude. Good luck out there

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Forum Admin

@Teaa o7 bro, Quote board will be stained with your stupidity forever. Happy to see you finally chose life over games. Don't play whilst your in lessons anymore. 

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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what the fuck teaa

you just dip out like that? I just woke up to your resignation. 

but on the real though you’ve been in SO BDE with me since I first got in, and we’ve been homies ever since, we got removed together and came back together, don’t be a stranger, much love :peepoLove:

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Actual bafoon I don't know how you were ever Fixer

On a real note you were a cool dude, even though you were in my squad I didn't really get to know you because I didn't even want to be there but from looking at the quote board from time to time I could tell you were a man of culture. 

Stay cool and leave school you baked bean

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Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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Welcome to retirement club, now you can extract your revenge on when I accidently merked you on Mygeeto. I was helping build for an epic event, but you were fresh from passing SOBDE tryouts (I think it was Fixer? Atin? Something like that) and you spawned in - wrong place, wrong time. 32x32 block made short work of you. <3

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"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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