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Baxter's Bad Batch Hunter Application


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    ==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]==========

    Steam Name: B0rkeey


    RP Name: RC-1140 Delta Squad Fixer/Apprentice Shoro The Honored


    Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞 STEAM_0:1:26780882


    Battalion or squad you are applying for: Clone Force 99/Bad Batch



Keller’s Unit

Transferring from IFN to Synergy was very rough on Keller’s Unit, as KU only transferred with 3 of our 5 current members. Which means, that the burden fell on Tank, Matra and I to work to get KU back to its former glory. Matra and I worked very hard to run trouts pretty much constantly, looking for the best candidates to help GM and KU become the elite battalion we knew it could be. Personally, I have always fancied the more supportive kinds of roles within battalions, whether that be medical, engineering, or tech. So, I began writing new documents for all of the supportive branches inside GM, building the tryouts from the ground up. After reworking all of those documents, Gene and Tank saw that I was the best person to take up the role of Support Regiment Overseer within all of GM, which meant that I was in charge of the Engineer, Support, and Medical regiments of GM. I put people in the lead positions for each of those branches that I saw fit to run them, asking them to showcase their own tryout doc that they had made as an evaluation of their skills. Not long after this though, Tank has some real life things come up and had to step down, and I was his XO(or whatever it was called at the time), so I was chosen as the most suitable candidate to run Keller’s Unit.


I’ll be the first to admit that I wasn’t the greatest Keller ever. Being in a leadership position of that magnitude was a new ball game for me and I didn’t really know what to do or how to do it. But, I did what I could, writing up some strict regulations for all of the members within KU. As GM was already very strict on who they let into the battalion and what was on to do and what wasn’t, it only made sense to make KU even more strict. It was a one strike system, breaking and GM/KU/Server rules was an automatic dismissal, and I wanted to stress to everyone that there would be no disrespect of other clones allowed while you are a member of KU, as that was kind of a personal issue with the previous Keller. I didn’t do a great job, our number were pretty low once I decided to move on but I tried to have a solid foothold set for the next person who was to take the mantle of Keller.


Omega Squad

I originally joined Omega Squad as Atin, due to my preference of the more supportive style of RP. Atin was perfect for me, I love any and everything to do with technology. Being in a smaller squad took a little getting used to, but with the help of some great squad members it was an easy transition. I helped Fido and Chris with pretty much every tryout if I was around, and ran my specific TECH training as I was supposed to do. Fido noticed my dedication to the squad, and I quickly rose to be the second in command of Omega Squad. I continued my hard work for the squad, and after Fido’s activity decreased, he was removed and I applied and was accepted for Niner.


As Niner, I believe I was able to increased the server’s reception of not only my squad, but RC as a whole. With Boss’ help, we made major changes to the tryouts we had, removing some of the things that we felt were unfair and just served no purpose. We also brought back the dreaded ‘sign-in system’. We required all squad members to sign in at least once every three days, but preferably every day. If they did not meet this requirement, the first offense would be to warn them, but if it continued they would more than likely be removed from the squad. The training hosted by RC was also made more squad focused, rather than individually focused. Meaning more interaction between the squad members, and growing that bond that was needed for a squad to be successful. I feel as though when I left Niner for Regimental the squad was in the best place it had ever been up to that point in the server.


After a short hiatus from the server, I came back and became Omega’s EOD expert, Darman. My time is this role was pretty uneventful. I hosted a few EOD trainings and hung out with my squad mates/other RC for the most part. I wasn’t ready to come back to the server just yet and I later became inactive in the role and was removed for said inactivity. I regret wasting everyone's time with the tryout and holding the position when I really shouldn’t have come back yet. After this, I took an even longer hiatus until I was sure I had the desire to play on the server again.


SOBDE Regimental

Back when I was SOBDE Regimental, it was not just RC and NULL, there was Shadow Company to begin with, and later DU took their place. I put most of my focus on Shadow Company or DU, as it was my opinion that RC/NULL were in a good enough place that they didn’t need any intervention. I helped the current Blackout finish his sub branch tryouts, and helped mend the issue between RC/NULL and SC over the discord debacle. When Doom’s Unit switched with them, I helped out where I could. But, I’m going to be honest; I could have done so much more as Reg. I could have been hosting simulations for all the battalions but I was pretty burnt out on the server at the time and had no motivation to do much more than I was doing.



Newly revitalized with a desire to play on the server, I returned as Delta’s tech expert, Fixer. Under the lead of Bananaberry, and with squad members Quill and Bazoo, it feels just like the old days. I’ve been hosting my trainings as needed and have been making more of an effort to interact with people around the server as my character. I will often go on patrols with other Delta members and perform maintenance on the communication towers around the map and assist with any Tech related things going on around the server when I can. I haven’t held the position for very long, but it personally feels  like I’ve made a bigger impact on the server as Fixer than I did when I was Atin or even Niner.


    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I wish to become Hunter because I believe for Bad Batch to get off to the best start it can on the server it needs someone who is experienced with the inner working of SOBDE, someone who had good leadership skills, and someone who isn’t afraid to make potentially hard decisions for the betterment of the squad. I feel like I fit that all of those criteria well. I’ve spent a majority of my time on the server in SOBDE, whether that be as a Squad member, a Squad lead, or the Regimental. I know what makes SOBDE tick, and how to fix any issues that arise in it. I’ve led what some of the older members of the community consider to be the best Omega Squad the server has seen. I’ve had to make a few hard decisions during those times as Niner as well. I was being constantly pressured by higher ups to remove one of the best members of my squad due to less than stellar activity. I decided against it, because that particular squad meshed together very well and after a long talk with said member, he was more active than ever, and the squad was better for it. I would hold Bad Batch to the highest of standards. These roles are to be treated as the best of the best and the members inside would need to act as such. All members of Bad Batch, needless to day, would need to follow any and all rules that apply to the rest of SOBDE.



    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes


    Availability: Noon EST - 3am EST usually


    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Played from the start of the server in 2017 up to January 2018, accumulating about 2500-2800 hours in total. Since I started playing again about 2 weeks ago I’ve gotten about another 150+ hours or so.


    Do you have a microphone?: Yes


    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I want the Bad Batch to be in a position where everyone is RPing their characters, not only actively(in battle and such), but also passively while interacting with troopers on the server. SOBDE sometimes get the reputation for being a little mingy at times and that can be true, but I hope to try and get a fresh start and build the squad up with a solid foundation, making sure that they understand that, yes, they might be part of an elite group of soldiers within the GAR but that does not mean that they get to act like a bunch of assholes to other clones. There needs to be a mutual respect between us and them. I would also like Bad Batch to be in good standing with as many people and battalions as possible.


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:


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Biggest +1 I can give. This man rewatched all the episodes and researched all the lore as soon as it was announced they were being added. On top of that, he has been one of the heaviest pushers for more seriousness and passiveRP within SOBDE. Easiest +1 of my life.

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  • Management

-1 too fast

Sike that was the wrong numba +1

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i am literally captain tukk

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+1 In the past days the only thing that has been on baxters mind is Bad Batch and i’ve never seen him so excited before about anything. I believe Baxter has great ideals for this squad and brings a lot of experience to the table therefore to me he would make a fine Hunter. 

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  • Coordinator

+1 Pepega squad

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Forum Admin

+1 i like this guy

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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+1. I don't think there is a more qualified person for this position to be quite honest. Best of luck man

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Current Architect of Shadows Master Cal Vossen | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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2 hours ago, Bazoo said:

Holy heck dude +1 baxter is the hardest working member of SOBDE and is one of their member that actually care about the future of SOBDE and really wants to get it back as its old glory days. Best fit for this position

+1, good candidate for the position.

Edited by Twelves
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Perfect fit for this position, no doubt.

Edited by Jayarr
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  • Retired Founder

(I thought I had already commented on this... Woops.)

Massive +1. Baxter has been a part of this communities SOBDE family for longer than anybody. First with Fido, Rush and myself, he has come a long way and definitely has what it takes.

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