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41st Elite Corps Commander Gree Application


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Steam Name: Derp Derpidy Derp Derp

RP Name: 41st MoH BAT Commander Gree

Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:44622884

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 41st Elite Corps Commander Gree

Icefuse Experience:

I have been in this battalion since the first day that I joined the server, all the way back on August 26, 2016. I rose through the ranks, serving under 3 different commanders and learning about how things work and how to go about running and leading the battalion. I have been through every single up and down that this battalion has had in the last 2 years and for a while now, I have been in charge of making sure that we come out on top of it and be even better than we were before. While being apart of this battalion as an Officer, NCO, and Enlisted, I have been able to learn and observe and build off the mistakes and successes of others by seeing what they have done and trying to build and improve on what they did and improve the battalion as a whole. I originally did not want to run for Gree the very first time because I did not think that I would be ready to take on the responsibility of running everything but with the support of the VERY small battalion, I ran and got it. After getting the previous commander basically left the battalion in pieces, it was the job of myself and my few very dedicated officers that grew to be some of my closest friends. Fast forward a few gruelling months of recruiting and doc work and the battalion was officially on its feet and doing well. After a little bit longer, I ended up reapplying for my 2nd term which had some interesting times strewn through it. Midway through term 3 on Icefuse was when everything exploded and we made the move to Synergy.


While on Icefuse, I spent a pretty decent amount of time as a naval and rose through the ranks under Max while he was Admiral. I ended up getting promoted to Captain and Senior Medical Officer. I helped manage docs and host many medical trainings to help promote and enforce serious medical RP. While being naval I observed how other battalions ran and operated while working with them as a naval medical officer and helping defend the ship when calling different battalions to different areas of the ship.


Synergy Experience:

Since the first night that Synergy was even a thought, I came over and asked if I could continue to be Gree and lead this battalion. Working together with the group of officers that decided to come with me, we remade docs and continued to try and build and improve on everything that we were already doing well and make everything else better. The battalion has been through a few bumps and downtimes while on synergy and also became one of the biggest and best battalions on the server, able to beat almost anyone in a battalion vs battalion sim. For the first time in months, the 41st has had a successful Elite Corps and Green company with active members in each with models that I had payed for myself. My entire personal experience on this server in SWRP has been entirely in the 41st and I am proud of that.


Jedi Experience:

I never really played on my Jedi all to much but I have still managed to do enough to make it to master. I got master by rising through the guardian path and hosting and helping with many trials as a Knight and Padawan but was eventually removed from Guardian manager when I took a step back because I chose my battalion over further improvement in Jedi.


Staff Experience:

On Icefuse, I worked all the way up to Admin, where I hosted many NPC sims and built and placed dupes for many people but most of my staff experience is from Synergy. Here on Synergy, I transferred over as an admin and after a few months of work, I was promoted to Vet Admin and became a Game Master. While I was a game master, I hosted quite a few events and was eventually able to make it to Overseer. As an overseer, I got to see the server in an entirely new way by being someone who helps oversee the entire staff team. After a while, I was promoted in the GM program to Game Master Officer. As a GMO, I oversaw events and the Game Masters that ran them. While being apart of the game master program, I met and interacted with many people and while I was doing events for different battalions I observed how different battalions operate and interact under different situations and was able to apply that to work better with other battalions during battle.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
I should continue to be BCMD because this battalion is based off of respect and trust in each other. I respect the members of the battalion and they trust me to lead them down the correct path and help them improve. I should be BCMD of this battalion because I love this battalion as much as someone can love something that is in a video game. I have spent money and many sleepless nights with my officers working on making this battalion the best that it can be and trying to improve it anyway I can. The battalion is based off of respect within the battalion, which is sometimes difficult to come into at a higher rank, and this incredible group of people respect those who earn it and I have earned their full respect and loyalty. People ask me, “how do you stay Gree so long?” I never really have a solid answer but it usually revolves around one thing, I stay Gree not for the rank, not entirely for the memes, but for the members of this battalion that choose to stay and continue to play because of me.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:
I understand the lore of the battalion very well.

I am usually on the server whenever I am not at work or doing things with friends but I am almost always available on discord unless my phone is off or am busy with family. I try and get on the server when I get home from work and play until I go to sleep and usually play from when I wake up until I have to go to work. In total, about 5-7 hours a day.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
I have been playing regularly on the server since the beginning with an LOA here and there to prevent getting burned out.

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes I do.

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:
I want to try and cut down minginess because recently it has started to become a bit of an issue and makes the battalion look like they are unable to do anything well. I want to try and coordinate with the game masters to get the battalion deployed a bit more often because when the battalion gets deployed, it helps improve activity within the battalion and people become more productive. This battalion has been one of the best at PvP and I want to try and keep it that way by holding regular trainings and working with various staff members and other battalions to have battalion vs battalion sims. Doing this will improve relations between us and other battalions and also will help this battalion improve communication and coordination between the members. At the end of my term I want the battalion to be a few steps closer to being the best battalion on the server and is able to handle any obstacle that is thrown at it and improve and learn from it. I want the 41st to be able to do whatever is required of them to the best of their ability whether it be leading an assault on a base or guarding a VIP. I want them to be able to act with integrity and treat others with as much respect as they give me and continue to be the best troopers that I have had the pleasure to lead.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes I do.


Making a quick edit here because I cannot reply to the people that are making points about various minginess and immaturity. If you really want to talk about this or have any concerns feel free to poke me on TS because some of the things that have been posted have been misinformation or just not being in the battalion and understand how it works.

Edited by Egg
Adding a quick thing
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+1, Gree is a synonym for Egg. Best Commander Synergy has seen.

If Egg doesn't get Gree again it's going to show us Loyalty and Dedication means nothing here.

Edited by Metro

"We'll get it done, Colonel. Six out."

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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+1 I feel he is the best man for the job. And being Gree for 1 year  and doing amazing work for this battalion has been wonderful



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-1, just because he has been gree the longest does mean he should have. There have been many times during my time playing clone wars where Egg has done some things he shouldn't have not only when he was a staff member but when he was the 41st battalion commander Gree. One of them was when Egg was drawing penises on the walls of the 41st hanger with his other battalion members. Not saying he was the one to start it but just that he didn't stop it and was participating. Another instance is how he just attacks people he doesn't like. I just recently came back to Synergy and when I hopped onto the Clone Wars server I was asking questions about the new Jedi system and was met with Egg asking if I was just coming back to start drama. This is not how a battalion commander should act. There are going to be lots of people -1ing other apps bc "Egg is better" that's your opinion but I will agree to disagree. I feel the 41st needs a strong leader and a strong mentor which I see Egg as neither. 41st needs a change not a continuous cycle of mingeyness from the Battalion commander.

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1 minute ago, TayTay said:

One of them was when Egg was drawing penises on the walls of the 41st hanger with his other battalion members.

It is a hangar that the 41st probably claimed so they basic can do whatever they want



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5 minutes ago, Grief said:

It is a hangar that the 41st probably claimed so they basic can do whatever they want

That is absolutely incorrect. That is no way for a battalion commander to act especially because they are a leader, their troops look up to them. Synergy is a serious RP server its time that all the commanders treat it as such.

Edited by TayTay
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Just now, TayTay said:

That is absolutely incorrect. That is no way for a battalion commander to act especially because they are a leader their troops look up to them. Synergy is a serious RP server its time that all the commanders treat it as such.

people have done worst without getting near any trouble. I dont see the issue. If its in private he is fine to do what ever he likes if its not breaking server rules.

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1 minute ago, Bazoo said:

people have done worst without getting near any trouble. I dont see the issue. If its in private he is fine to do what ever he likes if its not breaking server rules.

Just because people have done worse without punishment doesn't make it ok. 

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1 minute ago, TayTay said:

Just because people have done worse without punishment doesn't make it ok. 

I mean unless you have proof of it, and that Egg is actually the one you did it. Your argument is kinda useless either way

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5 minutes ago, TayTay said:

That is absolutely incorrect. That is no way for a battalion commander to act especially because they are a leader, their troops look up to them. Synergy is a serious RP server its time that all the commanders treat it as such.

Dude he was having fun. 



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+1 Keep It Moving also 












(Lol Plz Dont Though.)

Edited by Pytin
  • Funny 1

Former: Liaison


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15 minutes ago, TayTay said:

-1, just because he has been gree the longest does mean he should have. There have been many times during my time playing clone wars where Egg has done some things he shouldn't have not only when he was a staff member but when he was the 41st battalion commander Gree. One of them was when Egg was drawing penises on the walls of the 41st hanger with his other battalion members. Not saying he was the one to start it but just that he didn't stop it and was participating. Another instance is how he just attacks people he doesn't like. I just recently came back to Synergy and when I hopped onto the Clone Wars server I was asking questions about the new Jedi system and was met with Egg asking if I was just coming back to start drama. This is not how a battalion commander should act. There are going to be lots of people -1ing other apps bc "Egg is better" that's your opinion but I will agree to disagree. I feel the 41st needs a strong leader and a strong mentor which I see Egg as neither. 41st needs a change not a continuous cycle of mingeyness from the Battalion commander.

Please ignore everyone else that is just kinda blubbering around because I would like to address you specifically because for as long as I have known you and every chance you got you would disrespect myself, how I ran my battalion, and the members in my battalion at every chance you got. The situation that you brought up where people were drawing on the walls. I did try and stop it and I did, I continued to shoot at the wall after that to get rid of the bullet marks that were on the wall to stop people from being angry like you seem to be. I do not attack attack people for no reason, I only respond to people who attack my friends and my battalion like you have multiple times on multiple different occasions. You are very passionate about serious RP on the server and I appreciate that. I have been apart of serious RP and I enjoy it as well, if I didn't I would not be here. I unlike some people are not completely serious 24/7/365 and I am sorry that that makes me a poor role model and leader. I would think that hard work and caring for the members of my battalion and having their full respect would mean a pretty decent amount about me being a leader. You are entitled to your opinion and thank you for your feedback.

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Everyone says he “inactive” but he’s really not. Egg has a job and gets on late since he’s PST. He gets  on everyday when he can, trust me I have tried to get him to play other games. Another topic I want to go over is the drama problems. I am not gonna deny that we don’t get into drama, but the battalion has been working on it. We have been warned by multiple HA’s to stay out of it, but other battalions want to drag it on. We also started handing out demotions for causing  drama. These rules even apply for me, this is the reason I haven’t been on the server lately. The last topic I want to go over the “inactive” I just want to say are numbers are fine and people don’t get on unless a event is happening. 


+1  good luck 

Edited by J.Jefferson

Former Positions: 

  • 41st XO
  • 41st Green Leader
  • 41st Faie
  • Temple Guard Manager/Cin
  • Overseer
  • Gamemaster
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-1 fix your battalion

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While I think both candidates are very well qualified. I would like to see both have the opportunity for an interview. Community opinion is helpful but most are partisan when it comes to power or rewards. 

Egg has done well keeping 41st alive for so long and has worked very hard to keep up it's reputation. But there are some issues I fundamentally disagree with that should be addressed. The chief of which is the shit talking/minging that a minority in 41st have done. From the outside, it appears as though these occurrences aren't dealt with (smoke grenades in bunks, uncooperativeness with CG, starting beef with other units) . These issues that a minority of users do can easily reflect poorly on the top of the command structure if not properly addressed which from my limited knowledge of the communication in 41st does not seem the case.

If your battalion fixes these issues by YOUR leadership I would be willing to reconsider but for now, far too many negatives balance out the positives. 

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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+1  I've only been on this server for 3 weeks, but so far i've seen Egg as extremely kind and respectful to anyone he interacts with.  His application compared to the ones put up actually look like it has alot of thought put into the app. The only problem with 41st is the inactivity , besides that egg is the person I most see interacting with this battalion.


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keep this to +1/-1's as for myself.

Im personally going to -1 you. lately all i have seen and heard of from the 41st its a shit show.  Many 41st have shit on Yoda for "not helping the battalion" even though his job really isn't to be 100% around the 41st. His job is to run the jedi, On top of that most of the 41st are acting like the old odisions which hunting the shit out of  everyone on the forums. If you cant control your battalion members and keep them in check in and outside of the server. You are simply not fit to lead. 

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  • Retired Founder

Alright, I don't mean to be rude.
But here we go..

I like you egg. You got some good traits, and there is a good amount of stuff you post on the forums that I agree with.
But, as you know, I stay as far from possible from Clonewars and it's shitshows, yet I still hear drama, and when I do, 41st is ALWAYS involved in what I hear.
I have also noticed more of 41st groups likes / dislikes on the forums, which is worrying. It's similar to the Odisons.

I am not going to +1 or -1 as you have proven nothing in stone to me personally. 
But, please keep this is mind with future votes, and if you get commander again, please use this as a focus point for improvment.

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Egg you are a renowned BCMD here on synergy  and i respect that. You have been Gree for a year and thats amazing but your activity and your battalion needs some work.

As everyone else here has mentioned, people in your battalion need to learn respect. So much drama surrounds the 41st and it gives it a bad name. Dont get me wrong you guys have done some amazing things and such, but for now i think its time for someone else to step up to the mantle, and teach your guys some new things

I salute you but for now -1

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-1 I believe that change should be something to look forward to, not to fear. I am not -1ing you as a person Egg but I think someone should have a chance of leading 41st. I get that having a person in the same position for ever is nostalgic but at what point are you going to run out of ideas? A what point will you become "stale" (for lack of better words). You have done tones for 41st and that wont be forgotten. 

My thoughts.

Good luck to both candidates.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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  • Coordinator

While i do have great respect for you,

Ima have to -1

For the longest time 41st has been a group of people mainly higher officers who has always just minged, pulled ranked whatever it may be making it a shit show as others are calling it

Never seen effort from you to stop it, I might be wrong  but based off what i know im sticking to the -`1

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A leader is nothing without men to follow him. Egg has proven time and time again that he is the best fit for the 41st, and the current officers love him. 

I have yet to see a single -1 from a member of the 41st on Eggs application. The 41st would not be anywhere close to where it is now without him. The battalion WANTS egg as BCMD, which is shown in the application. After all, the ones affected most by the outcome is us (The 41st). I rank transferred into the 41st about 2 months ago from the 212th, which I had been in for more than a year, and from the start, Egg was a friendly BCMD that knew where the line was. Even now, Egg is telling us to be respectful during his reapplication process as to not cause unneeded drama which egg tries to avoid. If Egg doesn’t get re-elected as Gree, it is not the other battalions that will have to warm up to Dragon, but us. We will be getting a commander that many of us have had issues with in the past, and this combined with the fact that he has not been in the current 41st will throw us very far backwards. 

It has been made very clear through the application process that it is Egg we want as our BCMD, and it is our battalion. The 41st has chosen Egg, and that’s the most important part about this. The men want to follow Egg into Battle, not an outsider

massive +1

-Shockpoint/Current Draa

If you use the RC Shotgun you are automatically cringe.

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Every attempt at trying to patch relations between RANCOR and 41st ends with you guys closing the chat on us, refusing to respond, or telling us that you don't want to talk about it. I'd like to see someone take the spot who is willing to patch relations between the two battalions. 

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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Egg I’m gonna be honest here, 41st (in my eyes) is in an iffy spot right now. I do have the utmost faith in your leadership of the 41st. But i would like to see some action towards some subtle, and obvious, things that are sorrounding 41st. Now I’m not telling you how to run your battalion just a few suggestions (you can completely ignore me if you would like too) 

firstly, If or if you do not get Gree, ASAP call an all battalion and squash every beef that is past and present. Honestly i like the 41st guys, I think they give me respect and I try to respect them as much because I know that the differences between our battalions need to settled. You should all just sit down with an HA in the same room or something and just chat PEACEFULLY on ALL sides. So everyone can have good relations, I really like the 41st and I hate to see when people get mad at you. 

Secondly I think that you should shake it up (slightly) in the 41st, I don’t see a whole lot of 41st except for Green Company and i feel like you should put more pressure around The main force of 41st. 

-1 if you run the battalion the same 

+1 if i can see some changes and efforts being made

nuetral as of rn (will update) 

(PHAT +1 to battalion v battalion sims please make me PVP god :) )

RANCOR ARC Captain Hero

-Your Hero, Hero.

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From what I've see recently, 41st hasn't been doing that good.  Most of the minges that I have seen have come from 41st.  You dump a lot of leadership responsibility on your officers while you lay back and hop on like once every week.  Egg, if you can turn this shit around in the next week or so, then I'll +1, but until you fix the shitshow and clamp down your battalion, then -1

21st's most useless long term member

why my shit keep getting deleted

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Egg has been the anchor that held the 41st down for a while now. I'll admit that while some of us are at fault for what has recently occurred, especially with the harsh, reactive stance that we had taken in regards to battalion interactions, you are not the one to blame.  Sure many of us have been with you since Day 1, it is us not you that had lost the passion and love that we have for Star wars RP. This is a testament of you being our Gree for more than a year now despite the fact of you having a job, real life, taking LOAs to not burn yourself out of the game or simply having fun outside.

Like all of us, Egg isn't a robot. He can't be there for all of us or all the time, and most of these accusations directed at him are often misconstrued or falsely given. In fact, I'd personally admit my fault in the role I've had in regards to the recent spike in drama and hostilities in regards to other Recon Battalions and general interactions. @Fizzik and @Doc, I'm sure you'd know that all of these drama had started not when Egg are around but rather with 41st Senior Officers. In fact, Egg has stated a multitude of times to stop repeatedly over the 41st discord to curb the minginess and drama going on. The several 3rd parties in our discords such as Palpatine @Max, Recon Reg @Rider and Yoda @Tyzen can attest to this. I'll admit, maybe for the others that have dedicated a considerable time into the battalion that we often act reflexively, deal with others in a draconian manner or we assume the worse of what others say that may seem "hostile" to us. 901ee8dfb92e1c71559255bf0d75c413.png

I've been in the 41st for almost 3 years now and I've gone through the ranks 3 different times under different Commanders. But while each and every commanders hold the 41st interests in heart, the level at which @Egg has done so is on a whole new level. I'm sure this is already testament to the almost 2 years of being BCMD has shown to us already. I offered to pay for the Green Company models but he did so anyways.  So the problem in the 41st lies not in our BCMD but me and others that tries to act in the 41st interests, but also fails to recognize the position of others outside the battalion. This has lead to ostracize us to several people already and yet we've continued our arrogance and prideful demeanor. We pride ourselves in our ability to function in combat, especially during BvBs and other Battalion-oriented sims/events/etc. Hell, I'm sure everybody has also done it themselves whenever they've accomplished something but we in the 41st take it on a whole new level. It's like LE-Supreme ranks in CSGO acting salty and toxic whenever they're losing a game.(I can attest to this). Yet respect, courtesy and professionalism continues to exude me and several 41st Senior officers. Where our BCMD would get on whenever he can(usually does after work too), host a battalion sim, or simply be an active BCMD, I personally would be playing a different game altogether. The inactions and consequences of my position in the 41st has helped painted the picture depicting the entire battalion as what many others know it currently. I wholeheartedly acknowledge my position and responsibilities in the drama that's occurred between the 41st and 91st/Rancor, and I would accept any consequences befalling me. In fact, I'd prefer one as my time as a senior officer has lost me the one thing that drives most people in the community. Love and passion for Starwars RP and the community of Synergy. I'm certain that all the battalion feedback we've done, over 75% of them were of me being inactive or never seen. Especially by the newly enlisted whose impression of the battalion are most affected by the actions of the Senior officers. I fear that my actions over the recent months has influenced the mingy behavior some of our enlisted has learned from us. 
Although I am not expecting this for both @Doc and @Fizzik to forgive me, I do however atone for my actions and ask that you do not portray Egg in the manner that I have reciprocated to you.  Therefore, I +1 Egg's app because of the reasons that I personally follow him, but also to shed some light on the darkness we've hung over ourselves and others. It is not Egg's fault that the 41st has come to this.

Edited by Praydoh
  • Winner 3
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-1 - Egg your a good Commander but many of your senior officers tend to minge and take things to far out of hand and dont get punished for it... In my opinion I think someone should step up for the task of Gree and take a chance to run the battalion. 


Edited by BlackiSblack
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41st has been an issue for me, for a lot of people on this server, like Zim had mentioned drama is always called. You guys fight time and time again with other battalions and band together with your 6 or so loyal/inner circle members to push ideas and get things your way (be that server suggestions or staff/commander applications).

Those are all independent choices in the end though, each member chooses to +1/-1 each thing or criticize/dislike whoever. Even if there is heavy peer pressure or swaying.

Despite not really liking you at all from a forums perspective, and the disrespect a lot of 41st give the CTs (particularly ranked CTs) that does not change how you lead and the respect that your men do have for you, and that definitely matters.


If another app of someone who is not in the 41st gets accepted, guarantee there is gonna be a revolt within the battalion, and thats honestly a good thing, it shows how dedicated a lot of these members are to Egg and it shows his leadership and charisma is strong enough to keep people together with him. 

So I am reluctantly going to +1 this, but I'd really love to see some more respect for other battalions/discipline for those who cause trouble (even if they are a friend, dont be an enabler) and really try to keep the drama to a minimum as even if you're right it looks bad if you try to be public about it (take it to the pm's). Good luck!


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-1  The time that I've been on the server I have rarely see you and when I do see you and your battalion y'all seem to always be minging maybe if I didn't see this so much I would think about it harder but since this has been an on going thing I think it's time for a new high command

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  • Retired Founder

Listen Egg,


You and I have had some of the biggest ups and downs I've ever seen between two people...

I've grown to know you as Commander Egg, I didn't even know Gree existed to be 100% honest with you, might as well rename the character to you. You have my support but I want you to listen to some of my concerns as they are a hefty concern.

1.) I agree with Zim, the 41st coming onto the forums seems like it's turning into the old Odinsons where if 1 person makes a distasteful comment. That everyone will attack them on the forums and its concerning.

2.) I also agree that the 41st has been attempting to involve themselves with every bit of drama. Jefferson, Bazoo, and Tybo and I had an incident where we were speaking amongst ourselves and they wanted to get involved the entire time and it even pissed off Jefferson to an extent.

3.) The maturity of the 41st is concerning with the minging as of late but it doesn't seem that way the past few days? Something might've changed. I run by-far the largest battalion of Synergy and they are quite conducted and mature. Sure they can be idiots, but it gets corrected asap.

I wish you the best of luck in your everlasting term Commander Egg. You have more experience and time than I do. And in my book. Experience outranks everything


-Captain Rex

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11 minutes ago, Joah said:

Listen Egg,


You and I have had some of the biggest ups and downs I've ever seen between two people...

I've grown to know you as Commander Egg, I didn't even know Gree existed to be 100% honest with you, might as well rename the character to you. You have my support but I want you to listen to some of my concerns as they are a hefty concern.

1.) I agree with Zim, the 41st coming onto the forums seems like it's turning into the old Odinsons where if 1 person makes a distasteful comment. That everyone will attack them on the forums and its concerning.

2.) I also agree that the 41st has been attempting to involve themselves with every bit of drama. Jefferson, Bazoo, and Tybo and I had an incident where we were speaking amongst ourselves and they wanted to get involved the entire time and it even pissed off Jefferson to an extent.

3.) The maturity of the 41st is concerning with the minging as of late but it doesn't seem that way the past few days? Something might've changed. I run by-far the largest battalion of Synergy and they are quite conducted and mature. Sure they can be idiots, but it gets corrected asap.

I wish you the best of luck in your everlasting term Commander Egg. You have more experience and time than I do. And in my book. Experience outranks everything


-Captain Rex

My CMD called me an idiot I feel hurt

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-1, Lately, 41st have been a real shit show and it really does reflect on the current 41st Commander Gree. I think it’s time for you to hang the towel and let someone fix it.

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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EGG EGG EGG  I Remember  your first interview  you have been a great commander and believe you still are but recently what little i do get on the server  i can not enjoy do to harassment by some members be it just following me to see if they can report me or blocking  paths  just because of what battalion i joined if you do get BCMD again i hope you see all these messages as a warning a sign to clean it up some of your higher ups have just lost it and running your battalion and your reputation into the ground  because all of the hard work  i have seen you do before know you can do it if you try  but maybe its time to pass the torch to an outsider  and rest your tired bones  i am saying Neutral

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-1. Egg, you have run 41st well in the long ass time that you have been Gree. And I respect that a lot. I also respect the fact that your troopers will follow you to the bitter end. But in my opinion, a change in leadership is needed. Like everyone else in this application has stated already, the drama and minging has just gotten a bit too far. To the point where a lot of people just never associate with the 41st because of it. I personally have a few friends in the 41st or people that I just talk to sometimes that are actually pretty chill and cool people, but that sometimes gets ruined by other 41st causing drama and issues. I know these are all individual choices that these people make but you should be capable of taking care of it and handling it. But again, I feel like something new and different would just be healthy and make the 41st better. But this is all my opinion. Good luck either way!

Edited by Striker
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  • Retired Founder

For reals, I’ve seen 41st’s maturity drop a little lately, and I think that caused a lot of people to want new leadership. I doubt anyone has mentioned this to you prior to your re-application, so I’m gonna neutral you because of the slipping in maturity of the battalion, seems there’s always drama.


howver I’m not gonna + or - you bc I don’t know if you were aware or had anything to do with it. You’re a legend for being Gree this long though :)

Edited by Forseen
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+1 Egg is the most dedicated and committed commander, to be honest.  He still keeps on going and cares about each trooper in his battalion. Egg's battalion can be mingy in game but the whole battalion doesn't need a wipe over some people If you give Egg a chance to help his battalion it will become greater. But overall Egg is the best choice for the battalion he knows how to lead, he can control his men, and listen to people who criticize him. 

Edited by Nightmare The Latina Man
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-1 there’s been so much drama caused so much disrespect in the 41st and well idk if it’s our time zones witch still shouldn’t be a ishue because from time to time I lm on the server for 14 hours and I never see think the last time iv seen you in game is 2 weeks ago maybe. I’m sorry I did like you but well drama

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+1 This may seem odd to some people that a CG is agreeing Egg should stay but here is why.
- His men clearly will back him tooth and nail they have clearly picked him as their leader period. A Battalion where the leader is admired by his men is a good thing.
- I dont believe an outsider can fix the issues in the 41st it will take extreme work from the inside.
- I think giving Egg a chance he can right the ship and get the ball rolling again. Yes a lot of issues have been brought up between CG and 41st and I myself have had issues with this battalion but it is THEIR mess to clean up. I joined the 41st when i first came on the server and left after (3) days because of the mingyness but i have seen the 41st at their best. Give this man a shot to fix the ship he will need his officers to knock it off because clearly all the -1s are because of the behavior of many of them.. I honestly wish the 41st the best i wish the same for all battalions no one wants a mess like this to go on. 
- Repent/Thorn

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People Keep bringing up drama, Egg is not able to control an entire server, people have their reasons for hating or disliking the 41st, and many people do dislike, but I feel the 41st runs differently to most battalions. People stay in the 41st because of Egg, and the senior officers, and alot of these officers like to have some fun. Most drama that is caused is often dealt with fairly quickly, and a lot of this drama has been coming up recently. I have seen Egg as Gree for the entirety of my time on this server. Although he isnt able to play 14 hours a day, he still plays and leads a battalion to the best of his ability. He has been apart of the 41st for the longest time ever, and he is the main reason why most people in the 41st actually stay. It really bothers me when people jump straight to conclusions as soon as they see the top of the lid. That isn't what is really going on. And as for many officers -1'ing comments, its because many of us think alike, thats why we work so well and have a lot of fun.

Everyone here probably knows Jefferson, stayed through the 41st even in the toughest of times, yet recently the drama revolving around things such as ARC training or BARC Speeders and AT-RTs has really put him off. From this, Jefferson resigned his position as an XO, and many of the 41st are quite sad about that. I can't really explain it properly in words, especially since my vocabulary is limited, but my main point is.

We want Egg for a reason, he is the best Commander I have seen on this server, and on any server for that matter. Not once have I ever seen the 41st dead. The 41st is an active battalion and Egg Made that so, and most of us 41st, don't want these random people to come in and tear up this work from the inside.

This has been a long comment, and I apologise for that, but my point will always stand,

+1 We need to Go places. Make it to two years and I'll be proud.

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Let me start this off by saying that I have only had a few short conversations with you. I do not really know what you are like, character wise, but I do see that your men idolize you in a way, and that has to speak something for a leader. 

This being said, there are good men in 41st, but with my recent experience, select members have conducted themselves unprofessionally and downright destructive to themselves and those around them. This makes me question the leadership position of all higher 41st members, not just yourself, as of late. Without the support of his men, a leader is nothing. With that, the way that your men gang up on the forums is a bit perturbing.

I am going to +1 your application with the hope that change will come, and judging by the opinions of the majority on this post - you know what will happen if it doesn't. 

I look forward to speaking with you again.

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Ive served with one batt my whole time here and that was with the 41st after failing the GM trials I was waking away when they accepted me and raised me and allowed me to make up a character so outraged and funny that I dissent kill him off by being shot by another trooper and the person who kept me in line and made sure I dissent go to far or ruin anyone else or the batt was egg. He is the only commander I’ve served under and he is by far the best. He put a broken batt back together and kept it there. He knows what the position means and how one makes it worth while. He not only serious and dedicated to his batt but a genuine person who I like be around he lives up a room. And he not afraid to suck up for his troopers 


+1 my man 

also this is Scottish I’m doing this from my secret bar on nar shaddar WAIT I MEAN NO WHERE DO GO LOOKING LALA SHUT IT OFF 

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Let me tell you the tale... of the Big Nate Brown...

Egg, the most senior commander to ever be on Synergy Roleplay, being a Commander even longer than Joah was an owner. He is the best and only hope these 41st has to fix it's issues and succeed. There are many great things about him, and I will gladly bullet each reason why he is the sole candidate who can run this battalion:

  • Dedication: Egg is hands-down the most devoted person to a battalion that Synergy has ever seen. He has been BCMD since the start of this Great Experiment, and has managed to lead the battalion to be, what some may say controversially, the most successful battalion (on average). He has been here for over a year, and that stands as testament to how he is the most dedicated to seeing this battalion succeed. He has seen it go through GREAT CHANGE and will be able to do that again to reform the issues that are presenting in our current time. This man IS Commander Gree, so much so even the server's owner accidentally calls Gree "Commander Egg"


  • Experience: Egg has been here since the start, he has seen the rise and fall of every Commander that has been here thus far, and he know what is takes to make a battalion succeed. He is the most senior Commander on all of Synergy, and continues to be able to be a beacon of leadership. Under his careful leadership, he enabled the 41st to become a successful battalion, and stand the test of time.


  • 41st Unity:  This may just be my opinion, but I feel that Egg IS the 41st. With out him, this battalion would've most likely failed long-ago and joined the fates of many others, only through his dedication and wise guidance has this battalion succeeded so long. Egg is like a dog owner who returned after a long vacation, and the 41st are the dog. They get so excited every time he gets on each night, and that is just a simply show that can illustrate the effect this man has on the battalion. Egg has, I would say from what I've observed within the battalion, 98% of the entire battalion supporting him. The 41st are his children, and this man KNOW what it takes to have them succeed.


  • 41st's Successes:  Despite what is commonly said, the 41st is one of the most, if not most successful battalions on the ship (as a whole). From my time at the beginning of Synergy to this moment, the 41st has always managed to maintain strong numbers, have the highest tier of skill, and despite their controversial methods, operate as one of the most cohesive units in the server. From my time as... well... Null-Marshal, I saw the interior operations of this battalion, and despite its outward appearance, operates very well. This battalion was the greatest at PvP (behind my prime time 327th xD) and remained unchallenged by another battalion, showing a testament to their ability to dominate on the "battlefield". There units are high-trained, with almost every officer having nearly every training, showing them living up to their name of "ELITE Corps". This battalion despite the recent minginess it has as of late, holistically has proven to be the best battalion. It hasn't been a roller coaster, it has been a slope upwards, showing Egg's superior leadership and wisdom. Even to the extent of which (through my time as REG-MARSHAL) did I hear multiple times both Jackson and Joah refer to the 41st as the "best battalion" in terms of their overall success, and it was an echo chamber in High Command of 41st supremacy in their successes. Even the server owner has faith in Egg to lead, so you should too.


  • Recent Issues: The 41st isn't perfect. As of late, it has had some great issues regarding minginess and disrespect from members of the battalion which has shown the battalion in a negative light, however many are using these small incidents to reflect an ENTIRE YEAR of leadership. This simply is wrong and honestly, seems like most of these are personally driven, and heavily biased for personal gain or validation. To many who actually are in the interior of the 41st, you can see a crackdown on minginess and that these issues are being addressed, not simply ignored. Those "problematic" individuals that some seem to state are either gone or have fixed their act for the sake of this battalions survival. This battalion just is going through a rare rough patch, and many, if not ALL battalions have had these issues at one point, and their leaders continued, some even are in power still now, so why crucify one man? The battalion will go through reform when/if Egg maintains the position of Gree, and you can be sure that these issues will never rise again. It is better to have him repair these issues, than have an outsider come in and wipe the battalion, leading it into a state of disarray like the battalion the competition is coming from.

Overall, Egg is simply the best, and only capable candidate to run the 41st Elite Corps. He isn't just another Battalion Commander that comes and goes like nothing, he is what makes the 41st great, and without him that battalion will cease to exist. This battalion needs this man to operate, it needs his leadership. While the battalion fears for its future in this Great Race, it must stay strong and hope the right decision is made.

Egg may not be perfect, but he is the BEST  hope this battalion has at success.




Edited by Washington
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You know what Egg, I'm going to be a fuckhead and leave some criticism.

You're going to get accepted anyway, but here's what I'm going to leave you with; 



I feel as if it is unfair to give you Gree multiple times, I feel as if it's unfair to your leadership team even thought they might not agree with me on it.

I want someone new, I want a fresh face with some fresh thoughts to your battalion. 

I love you Egg, but I also hate this.


No +1/-1, nor am I neutral; just want to leave this here.

  • Agree 2
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Sorry Gree Nothing Personal but you have been gree since the start of synergy and some icefuse , i want some change -1

  • Agree 2

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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+1 best BCMD iv seen in the year iv been here

Current: CG MED SFC Spoof | Navy MEDM PO2 Spoof | Hunter Kravchenko | Jedi Master CG TGL Spoof
Prior: (2017) 104th MED CPL Spoof | CG MEDL LT Spoof | 501st CSM Spoof | 187th JT 2ndLT Spoof | 21st MED 2ndLT Spoof | (2019) 91st MEDL Lightning squad LTC Spoof | DU MED SGT Spoof | 104th MED SGT Spoof

$ Didn't ask $


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I Have to go Neutral.

Yes I recognize Egg as Gree, The one and Only.  However. You have been 41 BCMD Gree for Over a Year, and I think it is Time to pass the Torch.

Either Way Good Luck. This will most likely be decided in the Interview.

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17 hours ago, Washington said:

Let me tell you the tale... of the Big Nate Brown...

Egg, the most senior commander to ever be on Synergy Roleplay, being a Commander even longer than Joah was an owner. He is the best and only hope these 41st has to fix it's issues and succeed. There are many great things about him, and I will gladly bullet each reason why he is the sole candidate who can run this battalion:

  • Dedication: Egg is hands-down the most devoted person to a battalion that Synergy has ever seen. He has been BCMD since the start of this Great Experiment, and has managed to lead the battalion to be, what some may say controversially, the most successful battalion (on average). He has been here for over a year, and that stands as testament to how he is the most dedicated to seeing this battalion succeed. He has seen it go through GREAT CHANGE and will be able to do that again to reform the issues that are presenting in our current time. This man IS Commander Gree, so much so even the server's owner accidentally calls Gree "Commander Egg"


  • Experience: Egg has been here since the start, he has seen the rise and fall of every Commander that has been here thus far, and he know what is takes to make a battalion succeed. He is the most senior Commander on all of Synergy, and continues to be able to be a beacon of leadership. Under his careful leadership, he enabled the 41st to become a successful battalion, and stand the test of time.


  • 41st Unity:  This may just be my opinion, but I feel that Egg IS the 41st. With out him, this battalion would've most likely failed long-ago and joined the fates of many others, only through his dedication and wise guidance has this battalion succeeded so long. Egg is like a dog owner who returned after a long vacation, and the 41st are the dog. They get so excited every time he gets on each night, and that is just a simply show that can illustrate the effect this man has on the battalion. Egg has, I would say from what I've observed within the battalion, 98% of the entire battalion supporting him. The 41st are his children, and this man KNOW what it takes to have them succeed.


  • 41st's Successes:  Despite what is commonly said, the 41st is one of the most, if not most successful battalions on the ship (as a whole). From my time at the beginning of Synergy to this moment, the 41st has always managed to maintain strong numbers, have the highest tier of skill, and despite their controversial methods, operate as one of the most cohesive units in the server. From my time as... well... Null-Marshal, I saw the interior operations of this battalion, and despite its outward appearance, operates very well. This battalion was the greatest at PvP (behind my prime time 327th xD) and remained unchallenged by another battalion, showing a testament to their ability to dominate on the "battlefield". There units are high-trained, with almost every officer having nearly every training, showing them living up to their name of "ELITE Corps". This battalion despite the recent minginess it has as of late, holistically has proven to be the best battalion. It hasn't been a roller coaster, it has been a slope upwards, showing Egg's superior leadership and wisdom. Even to the extent of which (through my time as REG-MARSHAL) did I hear multiple times both Jackson and Joah refer to the 41st as the "best battalion" in terms of their overall success, and it was an echo chamber in High Command of 41st supremacy in their successes. Even the server owner has faith in Egg to lead, so you should too.


  • Recent Issues: The 41st isn't perfect. As of late, it has had some great issues regarding minginess and disrespect from members of the battalion which has shown the battalion in a negative light, however many are using these small incidents to reflect an ENTIRE YEAR of leadership. This simply is wrong and honestly, seems like most of these are personally driven, and heavily biased for personal gain or validation. To many who actually are in the interior of the 41st, you can see a crackdown on minginess and that these issues are being addressed, not simply ignored. Those "problematic" individuals that some seem to state are either gone or have fixed their act for the sake of this battalions survival. This battalion just is going through a rare rough patch, and many, if not ALL battalions have had these issues at one point, and their leaders continued, some even are in power still now, so why crucify one man? The battalion will go through reform when/if Egg maintains the position of Gree, and you can be sure that these issues will never rise again. It is better to have him repair these issues, than have an outsider come in and wipe the battalion, leading it into a state of disarray like the battalion the competition is coming from.

Overall, Egg is simply the best, and only capable candidate to run the 41st Elite Corps. He isn't just another Battalion Commander that comes and goes like nothing, he is what makes the 41st great, and without him that battalion will cease to exist. This battalion needs this man to operate, it needs his leadership. While the battalion fears for its future in this Great Race, it must stay strong and hope the right decision is made.

Egg may not be perfect, but he is the BEST  hope this battalion has at success.





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+1 This man deserves to be Gree more than anyone in the server. He has done so much for the 41st battalion. Through thick and thin he's been there for all of us. There is hardly ever a day where he is not on the server taking care of what needs to be done. Even if our battalion starts to slow down Egg gives it 110% to make the battalion great and he does it. Good luck Egg

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  • Founder

Your application has been accepted for interview 

Please contact a Director on teamspeak by July 29th for interview

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  • Founder

Accepted for another term as Gree 

Your new term ends 10/24/18

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