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  1. I have been with the BATT 1 and a half years now and Egg was MY cmder for all of it. He made me feel welcomed and included even when I was but a PVT. The BATT will never be the same without you. This is a sad day and marks dark tidings for synergy.
  2. 07 There will never be a BCMD as good as you ever again
  3. -1 dont play with our feelings like that
  4. This is very true and also see all the people commenting they want to see change and “Pass the torch on” aren’t actual members of the batt or very few are at least cause I know for a fact if this was their leader then there would be a fucking uproar about how it’s not our place to decide their leader well the same goes for the 41st as well. We collectively the 41st like having egg as our leader and before I get people saying that members of the batt have -1 him I know and that’s fine in but that’s because they ARE IN THE BATT AND their opinion has much more swa than an outsiders because it can show the attitude of other in the batt. I also find people who have been a member of the batt in the past or have worked and known the members of the batt do also have more sway CAUSE THEY KNOW US AND WANT TO SEE US DO WELL. Look I get it we all have an opinion and we want to see the server do well BUT the 41st as a whole Not only need egg BUT want him as gree. Change can be good and is usually needed at a point but that is not needed here and I have talked to matra and his GM and he knows what he’s doing with them and he’ll fight for them he’s a good GM But I don’t think you’d be a good 41st. For one your not a member of the batt and I don’t think you ever have been so that alone makes this look like a power play not as much as dargons but still. Also GM and 41st are 2 very different styles of batt and it a big leap in how we operate. Egg gets that and has made us in to a well oiled machine he keeps people disciplined and has the respect of everyone in it. I believe that you are good person and have a strong tie to the GM but you don’t have that with us. If you joined us and made friends and worked you way up then possibly. But personally I don’t trust someone who joins out of the blue and has no experience in a recon batt. You are a good GM stick to your guns and if you really want this position then your gonna have to prove that the the 41st and the GC cause right now a lot don’t which would make your term as gree a nightmare for all involved and would damage both the 41st and your reputation on the server. THIS GOSE TO ALL RUNNING FOR GREE AND THOSE NOT PART OF THE BATT If you want to bitch and moan about us and how we operate then expect some backlash cause I have no intention of this batt crumbling due to that face people wanted a newer model of leader for a batt THEY ARENT EVEN A FUCKING PART OF but they can matter but right now the higher ups and the batts internal feelings are what REALY MATTERS CAUSE IT THEM WHO ARE A PART OF THIS BATT AND KNOW ITS INNER WORKINGS I like you and all man but this I sent for you. Still though your a Great GM and have my undying respect.
  5. Jesus man you savage but I see what you mean but I don’t agree with it
  6. LONG LIVE COMMANDER EGG THE 41st SOUL AND HEART Ive served with one batt my whole time here and that was with the 41st after failing the GM trials I was waking away when they accepted me and raised me and allowed me to make up a character so outraged and funny that I dissent kill him off by being shot by another trooper and the person who kept me in line and made sure I dissent go to far or ruin anyone else or the batt was egg. He is the only commander I’ve served under and he is by far the best. He put a broken batt back together and kept it there. He knows what the position means and how one makes it worth while. He not only serious and dedicated to his batt but a genuine person who I like be around he lives up a room. And he not afraid to suck up for his troopers +1 my man also this is Scottish I’m doing this from my secret bar on nar shaddar WAIT I MEAN NO WHERE DO GO LOOKING LALA SHUT IT OFF
  7. No -1 join the Batt and work your way up then try again but I wanna I will not +1 anyone from outside the batt or who has not been a member of the batt for large amount of time
  8. Hahah good one man I thou- oh your serious Oh... How do I put this lightly. NO NEVER -1 BEAN WOULD BE GREE BEFORE YOU.
  9. -1 That was hellish You deleted LAAT'S when we were moving the hostage, Deleted map items and was just in total a shit show
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