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[Denied] [Waived] Seabass Community Unban Appeal

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Name: Seabass

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:558242660

Ban Reason: Leaking docs, Homophobic post, leaking discord invites

Date of Ban: 7/26/22

Length of Ban: Community Ban

Staff Member(s) Involved: Woeny

Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: 


Before I get to the start, I would like to say until recently (Late December), I had no intentions of appeal or ever returning to the server, but recently talking with Hansen being back on the server and speaking with him about this, along with many other people who play, I have decided to do an unban appeal with the intent of return and I understand If I return I will be heavily watched


To start I will mention the offenses I committed In order, and what my actions were that led to them:


Doc Leaking: The reason why I did what I did was mainly because of how separated I felt from the community due to my own acts, with not taking the server as serious and trolling often, as well as the people I surrounded myself with, most of which were community banned and thought of it as a “flex” that they were banned from the server. It doesn’t change the fact of what I did, but recently (December) I have stopped participating in such acts. I shortly thereafter took the next step after Nalon was banned because I had seen him do all of these things for so long. Once I started down the path Nalon went down, I felt it was too late to return as a (semi) respected member of the community at this point. After this, Hansen was not on the server for a few days or so due to him being on vacation, I truly felt alone on the server and in general lonely when playing due to pushing others away from me with my toxic acts. The entire time, I felt I had no purpose on the server and was unwanted. Looking back on it, I definitely should’ve taken an LOA or taken a break, anything other than what I did. I felt a majority of the community saw me as undesirable to have around. This, along with the fact most of the people I talked to were community banned, I thought the best way to handle this was to never come back and get permanently banned. I leaked 4 documents, sobde roster, sobde tryouts, jedi tryouts, and ARC selections. I went into this knowing I was going to be banned, so I committed the most destruction I could. At the time, I never wanted to play the server again or talk to anyone on the server again. I had the completely wrong mindset. I should’ve reached out to a liaison of the community or anybody who could understand what I was going through and told them my situation before I tarnished every friendship, relationship, and general relation I had on the server forever.


Leaking Discord Invite: Immediately after I was banned for doc leak, I sent other banned members of the community an invite to the command discord where they sent inappropriate messages. After this, I was rightfully banned from every discord.


Homophobic Post(July 25th): This occurred the same time right after the Doc Leak and discord situation. I believe this goes with the discord invite, I sent inappropriate messages along with slurs to people I had “beef” with in the discord and the forms. I was banned shortly after. I did both of these actions while I felt I had nothing to lose, doing this was petty and uncalled for. 


Alting: Looking back at many of the things I did while alting I honestly cringe at what I did,  After these offenses, I alted a week or so later. I broke the trust of a lot of people during this, in my opinion this was my worst offense. I started acting like I was a new player who wanted to join and get many positions and spots. I ended up getting enough credits to buy VIP, I became a Senator as well as getting 41st Heavy Ordnance. At the time I started to think people were catching on, so I thought it would be best to end it and create a new account. I mass-RDM’d a Debrief as HVO and insulted people there while doing it. Looking back I should’ve owned up and realized what I was doing was wrong, taken the ban like a real man, rather than continuing to come back time and time again to cause more damage. I came back several more times  for the next 2-3 months. I joined 41st and pretty much only typed. This was when the server had a rough patch, It was a week or two after this the server recovered and an event was hosted with 50-60 people on. In my head, I thought I wouldn’t have another chance to do what I did again, I mass RDM’d a debrief.

This time what I did was much worse. It had much more people at the DB and new players were joining pretty consistently at this time. I was running around the DB yelling insults and slurs, disrupting the DB and the server as a whole, and ruining the experience for everyone. After this, I leaked more documents. I don’t know which exact ones they were, but I believe they were more rancor/SOBDE. People knew it was me and I was banned again. Around this time, instead of joining a battalion, I subtly alted as a CT, occasionally participating in events and going on the intercom and getting banned for alting. This was still unacceptable though, I don’t feel I fully changed until December, on Christmas, I decided to try joining a battalion. I joined 21st and got HVY, but was banned the next day. At this time (December) I saw the damage I truly did. Many people reached out to me and just asked me to stop. It wasn't funny anymore, I finally saw I was doing real damage to real people, people I truly knew and cared about now saw me as an insufferable, pathetic, annoying leech who wouldn’t go away. This time I decided I was done for good. I have yet to be in TeamSpeak, discord, forms, or anything synergy related since. I know most people on synergy may never want to ever see or talk to me again. I broke bridges and they’ll never be fixed again. Nobody will look at me the same way ever again for all I've done. I took advantage of people's kindness and ruined everything good I had done for the server.


Originally I was going to publicly post each and every apology, but after consideration, I decided to instead DMed the proper people in private who I feel I owe an apology to for my actions. There are a few people who I do want to quickly give a general apology to everyone who had to directly deal with my alting, doc leaking, and all of my general acts.

All the damage I did was my fault and my actions, I 100% should’ve taken a different approach and had a different mindset on pretty much everything during this. Doc leaking, alting, all of this was my fault and caused entirely by my actions. I was weak and did these acts on my decision in the end. For that, I am unexplainably sorry to the Founders, High Staff, Server Leadership, and the Community as a whole. I let you all down, and regardless of anything that happens on this appeal after this, I will never do anything close to these actions again after seeing the true damage of everything I did.

TLDR/Conclusion: My actions are my own. Everything I have done on the server from July-December I heavily regret and have grown from. All im asking for is a chance, looking back the actions I did speak louder than words, and some of many terrible things I have done are truly unforgivable, but I feel truly ready to be reintegrated on the server due to the changes I have made in the past months, along with trying my best to make things right, regardless of any of the circumstances or influence in the past. Many of the people who I have hurt can’t forgive me, I understand why and have nobody to blame but myself. Everything that I did and was banned for was my doing and caused by me. For that, I offer my apology to the entire server. All of these terrible things I have done I am giving my word regardless of the result of this appeal, it will never happen again from my doing. This is a server where people should be having a good time with hundreds of other people from all around the world, instead of worrying about the possibility that a new player is somebody alting, and I'm done and have been done causing damage.


My discord is cpassballer#0554 if anybody wishes to reach out and ask a question about anything on this appeal 

Edited by SeabassAppeal
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I understand the backlash this will get, I didn't recieve it when I did my appeal, but in all honesty as someone who was also in the group with you for the time we were, i know for a fact you are changed, it isn't easy convicing people considering all that you've done, but as someone who knows you IRL and online for the past 3 years, this man is honest and changed. He wouldn't be doing all this if he was gonna do harm, I've been with you from the start and i have no doubt you should be at least given another chance. +1 GIVE HIM A CHANCE. He knows the wrong he's done and understands everything he's done.

Edited by Hansen
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Former: Puddle WifeTorrent Company REGL COL Boomer

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+1, I have been on the fence since you told me about it. I didn't know if you were actually wanting to come back, or just to come back and do what you did again. But, ive decided to +1 because of what i've seen. Ive seen you actually want to come back, and have something to do besides playing GTA, and hopping from game to game on roblox. I understand if my +1 is biased in a way, and if people view me different for my +1, but i genuinely thing seabass has changed for the good. I hope you can come back, and finally play synergy again. 



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 Would love to have you back. Spoken to you off server and you seem apologetic
Same concept as Hansen,
You come back, we get a player.
You come back, we ban you again. 

There is no losing here.

Edited by Mystic
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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Its simple really

Come back dont be dumb dont get yeeted into the stratosphere

+1 prove my personal opinion of you wrong 

  • Agree 2

Former 327th Former DU Officer x2 Former 501st TC Last ATKO Former Blackout and Shortest JetFormer 41st GCD Cooker Former CIS Droideka Former 104th Wolpack Lead Warthog 212th GC Jedi Knight Siri Tachi 

"Certified Clover Crew Member"-Lucky IKEA Squad 2019-Omalic

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Edit: Given the evidence shown by Taz and others, i’m changing my vote to a -1. I’m sorry but the things you have done are way too unforgiveable my guy. Could’ve traumatized several people.

Edited by Pxnda
Change of vote.
  • Confused 1

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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Fuck off you are a terrible person, if Thorpy someone who didn’t send the suicide and Black Friday gifs got banned (I know he voided but he clearly was going to be denied) for allowing it to happen, the person who actually sent them shouldn’t even have a chance at appeal. Go away -1

Edited by A-a-ron
  • Informative 1


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30 minutes ago, A-a-ron said:

Fuck off you are a terrible person, if Thorpy someone who didn’t send the suicide and Black Friday gifs got banned (I know he voided but he clearly was going to be denied) for allowing it to happen, the person who actually sent them shouldn’t even have a chance at appeal. Go away -1

The problem was mostly his inability to admit wrong doing. He clearly wasn't remorseful in his actions.

However seabass is still absolutely off the table. The fact you admit a lot of this stuff only stopped recently and because you heard Hansen got back on the server. While this all feels pretty genuine I just don't know why you wouldn't do it again especially after you have left some stuff out like the gore you posted which was the most egregious thing.

-1, your whole crew isn't coming back. Hansen only got let back because his ban wasn't as justified yours 100% was.

  • Agree 2

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Alright. Let's just start here: yeah, you were an absolute pest and a thorn in everyone's side, especially mine. The damage you caused to the 501st when you left to 41st was horrendous, which I'm surprised that you weren't banned for what you did then. Then the harassment, doc leaking, homophobia, everything else, good lord. Hansen was more of a bystander to most of this which is why he was able to come back? But you? You were a direct participant in all of the actions you listed and some you haven't. After your original ban for the doc leaking, I've been pursuing to keep you off the server. A single thought that you could be back would make me look into that random typer that got Lux, a typing 41st HVO, any of that sort. In the months since you let everyone down who advocated for that you and Hansen, in my mind I would've never thought I'd even say this:

There's room for forgiveness. This appeal shows that you aren't dancing around the fact that you did all of these under your own free will. We can't lose anything from letting you back and honestly, I'd like to catch up. Been a good minute since we've spoken on actual good terms. In the words of Jimmy McGill, sometimes you have to say something out loud to hear how crazy it sounds. +1, just calm down with the gifs for the love of god.

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i carried onderon events


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7 minutes ago, Zeros said:

Alright. Let's just start here: yeah, you were an absolute pest and a thorn in everyone's side, especially mine. The damage you caused to the 501st when you left to 41st was horrendous, which I'm surprised that you weren't banned for what you did then. Then the harassment, doc leaking, homophobia, everything else, good lord. Hansen was more of a bystander to most of this which is why he was able to come back? But you? You were a direct participant in all of the actions you listed and some you haven't. After your original ban for the doc leaking, I've been pursuing to keep you off the server. A single thought that you could be back would make me look into that random typer that got Lux, a typing 41st HVO, any of that sort. In the months since you let everyone down who advocated for that you and Hansen, in my mind I would've never thought I'd even say this:

There's room for forgiveness. This appeal shows that you aren't dancing around the fact that you did all of these under your own free will. We can't lose anything from letting you back and honestly, I'd like to catch up. Been a good minute since we've spoken on actual good terms. In the words of Jimmy McGill, sometimes you have to say something out loud to hear how crazy it sounds. +1, just calm down with the gifs for the love of god.

He is dancing around what he did, not once in this appeal does he mention the gore gifs and the porn gifs he sent in public discords that have children in them.

  • Disagree 1
  • Winner 5
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Head Admin
1 hour ago, A-a-ron said:

He is dancing around what he did, not once in this appeal does he mention the gore gifs and the porn gifs he sent in public discords that have children in them.

Lol, -1

  • Agree 1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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-1. You know it’s bad if it makes me come back.

You’re not sorry for shit lil bro. After your ban you were messaging me once a week trying to start shit. Didn’t know synergy became so damn gullible that giving a sob story saying you’re so sorry over something/a community you clearly never gave a damn about gets you a get-out-of-jail free ticket. 

Also, the shit you did, you targeted a specific group of people with your shit and I’m sure you know just what I’m talking about.

Not to mention, one person you harassed was lured into an “interview” with a YouTuber for their thoughts on synergy and it was just a complete mockery and sent it to as many people as you could. 

You also sent them gifs that were either straight up NSFW, gore, or telling them to kill themselves.

For anyone else still believing this kid and wants to +1, please enjoy this quick gallery of nearly every time this mf nagged me after his ban. 🙂





also, this shows he was either alting on the forums for months like the loser he is or he genuinely was being kept up to date with the server from said source, also like the loser he is




It ain’t fucking rocket science. Look at his demeanor before and after he was trying to kiss ass to appeal. 

I know I know, I don’t play anymore but please just make the right choice here guys or it’s gonna bite you in the ass.

Edited by Taz
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  • Director

From what i have seen you do i was gonna just be neutral but now when i read even more the stuff you have done thorwards the community and players. Kids even it's just horrendous you should go talk with a psychiatrist -1

  • Agree 2
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21 minutes ago, Edgar said:

Seabass was the person who got me into staff in the first place +1

So just because he got you into staff we're supposed to just void everything else he did?

This is S Tier Logic right here.

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I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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So, I was waiting for this one. You did a lot of damage on the server, and did hurt my reputation a lot. When you alted into the Senate as Henry Dick, I was one of the people present at the selection, and then you become 41st HVO twice under me, both times blowing up a debrief. While this was really upsetting to me in terms of breaching my trust, and I heard that High Staff was investigating me for this, in the end I've come to kind of accept it and realize that the things you did to me are things that I can get over and live with. Before you blew up debrief, you were extremely productive as a member of the Senate and 41st. I had literally promoted you seconds before the incident. 

After your alting in December as you mentioned, you reached out to me a bit after regarding how you wanted to appeal and come back to the server. This was somewhat surprising to me, as I had figured you would just keep alting until HVO was eventually disbanded in its entirety due to repeated issues. After a lot of discussion, as well as playing some Battlefront across a few days with you to help facilitate it and reminisce on old times from when we were in 501st back in early 2022, I've heard your side of this situation and kinda understand why you did some of these things, and kept coming back.

You've explained these things in your post, so I won't go too much in detail on them, but honestly the only real issues I see with allowing you back right now are the things you sent in Discord. As people mentioned already, slurs and inappropriate messages can really hurt people. However, at this point that damage is done. Making an appeal like this would be useless to you if you intended to keep doing that, as you could've just kept alting in game and Discord if you wanted to do so. Making an appeal would be a waste of time if you didn't intend to discontinue these actions (which you have as far as I can tell), and as such I think you are genuine here. All the screenshots and stuff I see is things from before his last alting, which is when he is saying he stopped everything.

I'm going to +1 this as I know you are young, and although you were influenced by people around you, you accept your actions as your own and have reached out to dozens of people on the server to apologize and make this right, even trying to do so when you saw people from here on other communities. I think you deserve a chance here on the server, and would likely receive a similar watchlist status as other people who have returned, which would really limit the extent of damage that could be done (if you did do something, which as I said I don't believe you will).

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Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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25 minutes ago, Bleach said:

So just because he got you into staff we're supposed to just void everything else he did?

This is S Tier Logic right here.

I am not saying this, I am saying that he was an inspiration while he was on the server, I understand entirely what he did, I was there for a lot of what he did, I very much believe in second chances though, hoping that he is genuinely sorry, and not just making stuff up.

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Future Adult!

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38 minutes ago, Taz said:

-1. You know it’s bad if it makes me come back.

You’re not sorry for shit lil bro. After your ban you were messaging me once a week trying to start shit. Didn’t know synergy became so damn gullible that giving a sob story saying you’re so sorry over something/a community you clearly never gave a damn about gets you a get-out-of-jail free ticket. 

Origionally I wasn't going to mention any of this because I know some people will push it off as me trying to gain sympathy, so I'll try to say this the best I can but this is the exact opposite of a "sob story" after I stopped alting, I went to a camp for general improvement in december until early feburary, I got therapy, I actually did change and the reason you can't see it is because I know you as well as many others, cant forgive me and see anything other than the immature child that I was. I honestly don't blame you. My question is how did I never give a damn over this community, I played for a full year, spent money, and genuinley enjoyed playing, only reason I did what I did was I felt alone, I was weak, and I've admitted it and continue to grow from it. Also, if i didn't care, Why would I appeal?


35 minutes ago, gohn said:

From what i have seen you do i was gonna just be neutral but now when i read even more the stuff you have done thorwards the community and players. Kids even it's just horrendous you should go talk with a psychiatrist -1

This is true, like I said I did get therapy and apologize to many people I hurt.

2 hours ago, A-a-ron said:

He is dancing around what he did, not once in this appeal does he mention the gore gifs and the porn gifs he sent in public discords that have children in them.

I would like to adress this, I did do many terrible things, and Im still ashamed of it and cringe whenever i think about it. I'm not trying to dance around any of what I did when I say this, In all honesty I could've sworn I adressed this with the homophobic post portion but I guess I didn't specifically mention it, I did say slurs and many inaproiate things to people in dm's after my ban. what I did was no better than what others did, I had nothing to lose, the reason I stopped was because of genuine change, I was messed up in the head, itll never happen again and for that i am sorry to you and everyone Who i did such things to.

3 hours ago, Comics said:


However seabass is still absolutely off the table. The fact you admit a lot of this stuff only stopped recently and because you heard Hansen got back on the server. While this all feels pretty genuine I just don't know why you wouldn't do it again especially after you have left some stuff out like the gore you posted which was the most egregious thing.

-1, your whole crew isn't coming back. Hansen only got let back because his ban wasn't as justified yours 100% was.

I would never do this again because I've changed, I didn't make changes to who I am to just appeal and return and continue, I genuinley have changed since december, I know it looks like it's a group appealing, it's just me, I dont know of anybody else appealing besides those who already have. I just want a chance to fix things i've broken, because before I did what i did i believe I genuinley was a positive on the community.

To make it short, I did these things. I have received help for the things i've done and apologized, I dont expect all to be forgive, but this is not me trying to avoid anything, its the opposite.

  • Winner 2
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9 minutes ago, SeabassAppeal said:

Origionally I wasn't going to mention any of this because I know some people will push it off as me trying to gain sympathy, so I'll try to say this the best I can but this is the exact opposite of a "sob story" after I stopped alting, I went to a camp for general improvement in december until early feburary, I got therapy, I actually did change and the reason you can't see it is because I know you as well as many others, cant forgive me and see anything other than the immature child that I was. I honestly don't blame you. My question is how did I never give a damn over this community, I played for a full year, spent money, and genuinley enjoyed playing, only reason I did what I did was I felt alone, I was weak, and I've admitted it and continue to grow from it. Also, if i didn't care, Why would I appeal?


This is true, like I said I did get therapy and apologize to many people I hurt.

I would like to adress this, I did do many terrible things, and Im still ashamed of it and cringe whenever i think about it. I'm not trying to dance around any of what I did when I say this, In all honesty I could've sworn I adressed this with the homophobic post portion but I guess I didn't specifically mention it, I did say slurs and many inaproiate things to people in dm's after my ban. what I did was no better than what others did, I had nothing to lose, the reason I stopped was because of genuine change, I was messed up in the head, itll never happen again and for that i am sorry to you and everyone Who i did such things to.

I would never do this again because I've changed, I didn't make changes to who I am to just appeal and return and continue, I genuinley have changed since december, I know it looks like it's a group appealing, it's just me, I dont know of anybody else appealing besides those who already have. I just want a chance to fix things i've broken, because before I did what i did i believe I genuinley was a positive on the community.

To make it short, I did these things. I have received help for the things i've done and apologized, I dont expect all to be forgive, but this is not me trying to avoid anything, its the opposite.

Don’t care! Fuck off go change somewhere else.


Edited by A-a-ron
  • Winner 2
  • Dumb 7


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Everyone deserves a 2nd chance at some point in anything they do in life.

I’m not going to defend what Seabass did, nor do I think what he did was good in any way shape or form, but He wants to have a 2nd chance and I think he should get it. 

I mean hell I was one of the biggest minges on the server back in 2018-2019. I probably should have been punished for the things I did, but I changed and made myself a better person. Seabass could very well do the same, and make a 180. It’s not fair to crap on people for things they want to change about themselves. Their are loads of people on Synergy that were just as bad as Seabass was, and changed for the better. 

Giving everyone a fair shot at a 2nd chance is a good thing. 

when Seabass talked to me I said, look show people that you’ve changed your ways and won’t  be the same person, and I hope he has. 

and here is the good thing about 2nd chances. If they screw up they go right back to being Banned, and probably won’t get another shot at redemption. 

so, yes I think Seabass deserved a 2nd shot. 

  • Winner 4
  • Dumb 2

Former: Liaison


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11 minutes ago, SeabassAppeal said:

Origionally I wasn't going to mention any of this because I know some people will push it off as me trying to gain sympathy, so I'll try to say this the best I can but this is the exact opposite of a "sob story" after I stopped alting, I went to a camp for general improvement in december until early feburary, I got therapy, I actually did change and the reason you can't see it is because I know you as well as many others, cant forgive me and see anything other than the immature child that I was. I honestly don't blame you. My question is how did I never give a damn over this community, I played for a full year, spent money, and genuinley enjoyed playing, only reason I did what I did was I felt alone, I was weak, and I've admitted it and continue to grow from it. Also, if i didn't care, Why would I appeal?

I know him IRL, he did go to a camp and therapy a few months ago.

  • Informative 1


Former: Puddle WifeTorrent Company REGL COL Boomer

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14 minutes ago, A-a-ron said:


12 hours ago, SeabassAppeal said:

I felt a majority of the community saw me as undesirable to have around. This, along with the fact most of the people I talked to were community banned, I thought the best way to handle this was to never come back and get permanently banned.

Edited by SeabassAppeal
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I'm very on the fence about this.

On one hand, I appreciate giving you a second chance, and this was one of the better written appeals/apologies.

On the other hand, you tormented multiple facets of the community relentlessly both before and after you were banned. It was cruel, unjust, and we have no guarantee that you won't do the same things you did before, aside from your word, which no one should take at face value right now. 

How can we trust you not to turn back to your old ways?


I'm going to -1 because after everything you did, even if you come back I honestly think you would make the community worse. If you do get unbanned, I really hope you prove me wrong.

  • Winner 2
  • Informative 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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18 minutes ago, Finn said:

I'm very on the fence about this.

On one hand, I appreciate giving you a second chance, and this was one of the better written appeals/apologies.

On the other hand, you tormented multiple facets of the community relentlessly both before and after you were banned. It was cruel, unjust, and we have no guarantee that you won't do the same things you did before, aside from your word, which no one should take at face value right now. 

How can we trust you not to turn back to your old ways?


I'm going to -1 because after everything you did, even if you come back I honestly think you would make the community worse. If you do get unbanned, I really hope you prove me wrong.

I understand why you might think i would do it again, i learned a few things while at camp and getting therapy and basically decided that the best way I could rebuild trust is time, i hope to rebuild it by being a productive member of the server

Edited by SeabassAppeal
  • Informative 2
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33 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

reached out to me to apologize personally which i thought was nice

just wanted to let everyone know

He reached out to me and from what I remember I have never interacted with him. He stopped doing this shit in December that's not even 10 weeks ago. How are you guys falling for this? I doesn't matter if it seems genuine he left his most egregious issues out like posting gore and porn in discord with a bunch of minors.

We can have forgiveness but like why do we have to risk you back in the server? You did some awful things and going around with a copy paste to everyone you know uses the forum doesn't prove anything.

19 minutes ago, SeabassAppeal said:

while at camp

What camp is this? Did they teach you posting gore is wrong? Did you get a seminar on why suicide gifs are actually not funny? 

  • Agree 2

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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3 minutes ago, Comics said:

copy paste to everyone you know uses the forum doesn't prove anything.

clearly you didn't get an apology, fyi and i compared our apologies and they were both severely different and directed towards us personally. don't talk out of your ass.

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3 minutes ago, Mazen said:


This was a preety fucking evil video for all accounts and understanding the background that you helped set it up is kinda just fucked

Also forgot that @Hansenwas apart of this video!


Can you dive more deep into this video plz @SeabassAppeal

So this is one of the things I regret the most. When I was banned, and after Kirito posted a video ranting about me and other people I had played with, I reached out to Limited and Piggy as I knew they had involvement with making videos on Synergy trolling and messing with people in the past. I had thought it would be funny to work with some people to get them an interview with Kirito. The video speaks for itself, and I have tried to reach out to Kirito and his friends to make an apology, which I still would very much like to speak with them to express it verbally. As is said, Hansen was involved in this too and did apologize to Kirito as well and got his blessing for an appeal. This was a horrible idea, and it spread through the community very fast as people thought it was funny. I reached out to Kirito as well as others around a week or two ago, apologizng and telling him it'll never happen again. The community has even allowed Limited and Piggy to keep playing the server after they got banned ages ago and even sponsor them now, showing how things can change over time

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2 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

clearly you didn't get an apology, fyi and i compared our apologies and they were both severely different and directed towards us personally. don't talk out of your ass.

I got an apology as well, but I was never associated with Seabass, nor have I ever interacted with him.

He brought up points about what I mentioned on thorpys appeal, and once again, not having ever talked to him, I find it hard to believe it comes across as genuine in any sense. I don't hold any quarrels with this group of people, but I do heavily dislike what they did.


That being said, might as well drop my vote in here. Everything I said on thorpys post holds true here. I apologize that it has to be this way, but as mentioned on thorpys application, no manner of forgiveness will remove the stain of what you did and what you showed to other people, including a handful of minors that did not need to be exposed to it. If thorphy didn't post anything, you did. I actually recall you doing so in the command discord, which @Woenywas there for.

You've done other things, like the video mazen posted, forms of harassment, etc etc, and I just don't see how people expect that you've genuinely changed for the better within no less then two months. It is also seemingly funny to me that all of you decided to appeal within a general timeframe, leading me to believe you all have intent to come back to the server as a group, which just scream dishonesty and toxicity to me. Perhaps my logic is flawed to some, but I cannot forgive what's already been done, as mentioned.

It's a mixed appeal, so I wish you luck. This is no personal quarrel, as I said, I don't know you. Just what you did.


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I dont care how many times you apologise.. I genuinely couldnt care less... Its not a magical blank slate maker.. You did deplorable and unforgiveable shit. Fuck 2nd Chances in this situation, Sorry doesnt make the actions you did go away, it doesnt forgive the damage you done. The people you effected to months on end.. Your entire group needs to be gone. 

-1. For peoples mental health go away, You committed a crime you get time for and/or get put on a register.


Edited by Gears
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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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5 minutes ago, Gears said:

I dont care how many times you apologise.. I genuinely couldnt care less... Its not a magical blank slate maker.. You did deplorable and unforgiveable shit. Fuck 2nd Chances in this situation, Sorry doesnt make the actions you did go away, it doesnt forgive the damage you done. The people you effected to months on end.. Your entire group needs to be gone. 

-1. For peoples mental health go away

+1 Just for the fact you dare bring mental health into this. Don't you think this has effected his mental health, He had friends on here and if he really has change which you are not giving him a chance to even show it. So do not even think for a second you can bring up mental health without thinking about who you are talking about.

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Forum Admin

-1, you can stay gone

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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Keep this thread civil. Simply vote and move on with your lives. 

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i am literally captain tukk

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1 hour ago, Silly said:

+1 Just for the fact you dare bring mental health into this. Don't you think this has effected his mental health, He had friends on here and if he really has change which you are not giving him a chance to even show it. So do not even think for a second you can bring up mental health without thinking about who you are talking about.

This is like saying we should let a murderer out of prison because their mental health is affected by them being in there.

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-1 not only did you send me gifs on the daily from both this account, you did it on alt accounts aswell.
you constantly harassed me on the daily, telling me to kill myself and many other things.

  you sent me multiple gifs of people either harming themselves or actually killing themselves.
you don't deserve to come back lmao.  

Edited by shroud
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i wrecker
what was I going to do again? — Can you add me to your tag list for From  Enemies...
longest ahsoka (11 days)

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Unfortunately your ban appeal has been DENIED.

For more information on why you were denied, please contact me or any Director+.


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