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How do we feel?

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Me and Xaze wanted to make this post in order to garner interest and generally see what's up.

Aside from this being a general check in, we wanted to ask how you all have been feeling with the current state of the server.
The main reason for this post is because we have been noticing an obvious drop in players, and we don't want to shrug it off as just another off week. This post is also to serve as a general poke at what you guys think and/or want to see.

What's the main reason(s) you all find yourselves lacking the will or ability to get on the server? Is it personal reasons, development reasons, or something else?

Edited by Jayarr
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I think the servers population suffers a lot from it not actually being on the server list. 

When it comes to the actual gameplay, I can only speak from the perspective of 104th-
I know a lot of us have been busy with work/school and I think this time of year is bad for any server as the users still in HS are going back to class in the come days/weeks.

Personally to me its just been a mental health thing- but I imagine come thanksgiving break the server will pick back up and then fall off again come finals for the High schoolers. 

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8 minutes ago, Parmesan said:

I think the servers population suffers a lot from it not actually being on the server list. 

Yeah, we're aware of this issue and are actively waiting to fix it. It's been annoying but we're trying

Edited by Jayarr
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From my point of view, i think the first week to two weeks of a new update will be an incredible surge of players, new and old coming back to see what it was and to play, and now that people have gotten used to it, it seems to drop back a bit.

I think for me, i come back for the people, the community, and having that interaction with people that you get on with and want to play with day in day out. The times when ive been most active, my friends have been there too and i think generally you can have a better experience when you do it with other people and for the majority, a lot of people are leaving because they're growing up, going to college or work, or just the fact that it's Gmod.

And in no way am i knowledgeable in development, but it seems that the server host/box thing is restricting you guys into reaching a full potential in content on the server. For me in downtime with 11 people on in this morning, i was on 190 ping. Granted, i am EU and that applies, but when it gets to like 5/6/7 pm est, with 50+ people on and things happening, it's really hard to play and enjoy it like i used to. You guys in development have absolutely smashed it, and i think that it is your tools restricting you, not the team. Which, is out of your hands. Idk it is fixed on the server search because i do it through favourites, but that did impact it before too.

The time of the year plays factors too, i know that in the UK, there are still uni courses on and people just leaving school for summer break, but people are on holiday and that. But sometimes we just really go through bad dry patches. But it comes down to the community, if we built a stronger connection between everyone and had that sort of inclement to get on, it would help. That's what we're trying in 212th anyway, to build a community of friends that can play together, and get more motivated to play. 

I say we see how it flows as summer carries on and see in the near future. But nothing down to the development team in my eyes.


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Discord: Mason#2710

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My biggest snag has been the fact that when you get promoted to director, you become the one person that MANY people believe can fix many things. No matter how hard I try, there are some things I just don't have time to touch or literally cannot change. The weight of expectation there, combined with DMs in teamspeak and in game that add up to ~40, *Daily*, all people with concerns, questions, schedules, etc., makes it hard to actually get on main and just have fun.

That's the weirdest thing about high staff positions. Everyone treats staff promotions like a 'promotion', but in reality it's you, the person getting promoted, choosing to volunteer more time for the organisation and management of Synergy.

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Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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Honestly, I'm not super confident in Synergy.


Right now, the population is dying, and with this new update they promised a fix to Synergy not showing up on the server list. Now we don't even have a consistent ETA. We're dying, every day I notice the server waking up later and later, and getting less and less people.


While the new update was fantastic, the awe is dying off, and with all the bugs, mainly the ones on Jedi (which did numbers on the faction's activity), we just don't get as much livelyness and activity. The events are great, the engagement could use a little work (I'll address in game roleplay as a solution later), but there's not an influx of new players to keep the spark alive.


I also think that Synergy is not serious enough. I understand there are more serious roleplay servers, but it feels like with the dying activity, people's care has died. In the last 5-6 months, the server went from having several serious roleplaying battalions to every battalion being seen as a joke. The other day, I RDMed a Senator Infront of not only several officers, but a member of High Command (who I will not name) during prime time, and faced no repercussions. That's all Synergy is anymore outside of events, is just mass RDM and constant bullfuckery. Synergy was never super serious based on what I've heard or seen, but this is an all-time low. I think Synergy needs to kick into gear. We need to fix this player issue, and we need to re-establish a sense of seriousness and discipline. The CTs we used to deal with on Anaxes months ago that would RDM and intercom abuse have become the entire player base, with few desperate people trying to cling to serious and reasonable roleplay.


At this rate, if there isn't change, I don't see Synergy lasting long. Changes to regiment names, changes to force ability animations, or other minor aesthetic changes are not going to save us, but they're the only changes being made. I'm worried, but I'm hopeful. I like Synergy, and we have a strong community. We aren't lost. Not yet, anyways.

Edited by Lovestruck
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Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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The entire past update is just unfortunate because without us on the server list, the only people that came back were old heads and no new players because they don’t know we exist, idk if it’s a fucking issue with Mods but if it is at what point do we realize we need to switch providers? 

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For me its just

-Get laser'd by NPCs i can't see
-Pretty much the same events
-Nothing to do on downtimes (crystal caves, hilts etc)
-Creativity, The map seems to lack in the dupes section. it doesn't seem easy to dupe the map since its not in singleplayer
- Wanted to main Jedi, but its practically unplayable atm.

Other than things already listed, i enjoy the map. Update was cool. It just kinda lost its appeal after a week or two of nothin happening

Edited by Mystic
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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My main concerns for the server is a list of things. Starting with the GM team. Not an issue the Development team can fix but rather the community. Events have been really repetitive and boring, and no one is honestly rating them and instead giving everyone 5s and 4s for spawning droids. THERE IS NO RP! There needs to be RP on a RP server, as a member of the server High Command I can tell you that we will try our best to get RP rolling as much as we can, but the GM team needs to retaliate. In order for us to even provide RP the community needs to accept it and use it.

When there ever is RP on the server people just fuck around and just absolutely disrupt it and destroy the spark of enjoyment for others. The server is clearly not serious enough and IMO, stepping forward to more serious engagement would bring new ideas, play style, RP, entertainments, etc. 

In my eyes, the dev team has done great work but the server just lags too much for the events or trainings to be fun. You guys mentioned this update “cleaning” everything in the server box but it still seems almost the same. Furthermore , adding on the dev team portion, the map is good, it has things for us to do just new things overall. But really it limited things like SIM rooms which is what people used when the server was down and the GM team not doing anything, outposts the map has one over excessive sized village that is barely used and a very small outpost, the map is just a huge forest and has a repetitive setting, so many issues with the map and going through rocks, every room or area in the base and even the base itself is just a one way entrance and exit, there is no vent system to spice things up or back door exit or secret things to really spice up the base, in my opinion its just a bunker version of anaxes and just 3x smaller. 

Those are really all the main concerns I had and that I see.

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Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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I honestly feel like that 3 month BCMD terms are way too short time for a BCMD to make a meaningful change that lasts. I think it starts there and is the root problem to unease  and constant culture change in battalions, the trainings that batallions hold are constantly changing which in itself is a problem, I feel like most batallion should keep a document and tweak it instead of remaking documents etc, as it just backtracks not only their batallion, but all other people trained. Majority of people trained in something should not have their trainings in my opinion and it basically doesn't function whatsoever as even batallions themselves dont really teach their people their trainings and make them 'specialists' of those trainings . The only way I see that the current system could be seen as working is if you have a mentallity of a coin flip.  I also think that clone leadership should make it a high priority to make sure that all batallions are on top game when it comes to their trainings and the performance of it in practice.

I feel like BCMD or Yoda or whatever, REG's, Marshalls should be evaluated and if they good they can just continue being those roles as I think it would bring more stabillity to Batallion chain of command instead of being like a constant change, because 3 months is a real short period especially when it's basically like month  1 : Work hard  /  Month 2 : work a little bit / Month 3 : Think about that your term bout to end .


I think the browser issue is a core issue, but the one I stated above is even bigger in my opinon. Also NPC's when they get a bit more balanced it will be nice and lag is a big issue on the server. 


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It gets very hard to enjoy hopping on the server with server pop being poor. The main things that keep me attached is focusing on my battalion and doing the occasional event. Wish the map had more depth to it with open areas and more buildings to explore. The village is practically never used unless your a hunter and even then I don’t think it’s used that much. 60% of props are currently broken which really demotivates me building and being creative with building. I hope we get the server back on the main roster for starwars servers but something needs to change to keep people interested and attached. Honestly I wish the server was more serious in roleplay standards. I’ve had a lot of encounters in recent times where people don’t listen to ranks, don’t even try to rp, and overall act retarded the entire time running around. We’ve had a lot of good changes but I think the map needs to be adjusted in the sense that there’s stuff to do and go to. I think the terrain is too rough and too crowded to run around and do stuff. Basically all the main things around the map are on the roads. I hope you guys or Jayarr are working on another version of the map that expands how far it is and allowing us to actually travel further.

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21 minutes ago, Lovestruck said:

Honestly, I'm not super confident in Synergy.


Right now, the population is dying, and with this new update they promised a fix to Synergy not showing up on the server list. Now we don't even have a consistent ETA. We're dying, every day I notice the server waking up later and later, and getting less and less people.


While the new update was fantastic, the awe is dying off, and with all the bugs, mainly the ones on Jedi (which did numbers on the faction's activity), we just don't get as much livelyness and activity. The events are great, the engagement could use a little work (I'll address in game roleplay as a solution later), but there's not an influx of new players to keep the spark alive.


I also think that Synergy is not serious enough. I understand there are more serious roleplay servers, but it feels like with the dying activity, people's care has died. In the last 5-6 months, the server went from having several serious roleplaying battalions to every battalion being seen as a joke. The other day, I RDMed a Senator Infront of not only several officers, but a member of High Command (who I will not name) during prime time, and faced no repercussions. That's all Synergy is anymore outside of events, is just mass RDM and constant bullfuckery. Synergy was never super serious based on what I've heard or seen, but this is an all-time low. I think Synergy needs to kick into gear. We need to fix this player issue, and we need to re-establish a sense of seriousness and discipline. The CTs we used to deal with on Anaxes months ago that would RDM and intercom abuse have become the entire player base, with few desperate people trying to cling to serious and reasonable roleplay.


At this rate, if there isn't change, I don't see Synergy lasting long. Changes to regiment names, changes to force ability animations, or other minor aesthetic changes are not going to save us, but they're the only changes being made. I'm worried, but I'm hopeful. I like Synergy, and we have a strong community. We aren't lost. Not yet, anyways.

You explained all my thoughts perfectly and from playing on the server for the past 5 years it’s really gone down hill. I think roleplay needs to be fixed, punishments need to be enforced, and staff have to focus on people are actually rping. I had a discussion with people before about roleplay and I brought up the question on why does FiveM and GTA rp servers do so well? They actually RP and enforce people are RPing! I understand that’s not the main thing but it’s a huge part of why people love those servers because they meet new characters and personalities that are interacting with them. All the things that happen are player related and don’t depend on a gamemaster team to do “events”

1 hour ago, Jayarr said:

Yeah, we're aware of this issue and are actively waiting to fix it. It's been annoying but we're trying

Can we get like more in depth on how you guys are trying to fix it please? Like what’s the process, eta, and all that stuff? 

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I hear your concerns for the map, but we have quite literally pushed it to the limit.
It's the max size a map can be (according to the hammer grid) and I've already finished a rework of the base's interior to make it a little less bland, but that's about all we can do for that. We've hit the brush limit pretty much, which means I can't place any more blocks (walls, floors, ceilings) down anymore without the map refusing to compile. 

The biggest thing I could do would be adding a second layer to the map, and that would be strictly made out of props like the maps exterior currently is. A second outpost could possibly be added, etc etc. 
As I said, we are really pushing the limit on what this engine can do at this point. The more we add, the more we pile onto the lag issue you guys mention. You see the rock and a hard place situation we're in on that end?

Edited by Jayarr
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4 minutes ago, Unkindled said:

Can we get like more in depth on how you guys are trying to fix it please? Like what’s the process, eta, and all that stuff?

We'll be switching IPs in the near future. Waiting on our provider. Server listing issues will be resolved with the IP change. 




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20 minutes ago, Slak said:

My main concerns for the server is a list of things. Starting with the GM team. Not an issue the Development team can fix but rather the community. Events have been really repetitive and boring, and no one is honestly rating them and instead giving everyone 5s and 4s for spawning droids. THERE IS NO RP! There needs to be RP on a RP server, as a member of the server High Command I can tell you that we will try our best to get RP rolling as much as we can, but the GM team needs to retaliate. In order for us to even provide RP the community needs to accept it and use it.

When there ever is RP on the server people just fuck around and just absolutely disrupt it and destroy the spark of enjoyment for others. The server is clearly not serious enough and IMO, stepping forward to more serious engagement would bring new ideas, play style, RP, entertainments, etc. 

In my eyes, the dev team has done great work but the server just lags too much for the events or trainings to be fun. You guys mentioned this update “cleaning” everything in the server box but it still seems almost the same. Furthermore , adding on the dev team portion, the map is good, it has things for us to do just new things overall. But really it limited things like SIM rooms which is what people used when the server was down and the GM team not doing anything, outposts the map has one over excessive sized village that is barely used and a very small outpost, the map is just a huge forest and has a repetitive setting, so many issues with the map and going through rocks, every room or area in the base and even the base itself is just a one way entrance and exit, there is no vent system to spice things up or back door exit or secret things to really spice up the base, in my opinion its just a bunker version of anaxes and just 3x smaller. 

Those are really all the main concerns I had and that I see.

From a GM perspective I understand it's frustrating. 

One of the points I think you hit on is the lack of seriousness that makes it a bit difficult to initiate some of these RP situations, and when they are organized players tend to rarely follow them along and lose interest quickly preferring to blast some clankers instead leading to the repetitiveness. 

I can say personally I will try to spice some more RP related tasks on the main server but like you said it's a two way streak. If players hate it I would rather spend time building my next deployment which gets better ratings and therefore more player enjoyment. I think High Command has historically done a great job hitting it back to the GMs but if your men hate it what's the point.


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former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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23 minutes ago, Daytona211 said:

From a GM perspective I understand it's frustrating. 

One of the points I think you hit on is the lack of seriousness that makes it a bit difficult to initiate some of these RP situations, and when they are organized players tend to rarely follow them along and lose interest quickly preferring to blast some clankers instead leading to the repetitiveness. 

I can say personally I will try to spice some more RP related tasks on the main server but like you said it's a two way streak. If players hate it I would rather spend time building my next deployment which gets better ratings and therefore more player enjoyment. I think High Command has historically done a great job hitting it back to the GMs but if your men hate it what's the point.


Completely agree with this. I think looking at the grand scheme of things. It's the communities idea of RP and culture that needs to change. It is an endless cycle of the community blaming the GM team and vice versa. If someone spends ages on an RP heavy event, for it to fail miserably due to no one wanting to RP seriously, why would they bother? So thus, they blame the community and etc etc.

I also agree with lovestruck and think the server was at its best when the rules were clear cut and it was designated as 'Serious RP' - This way the community guidelines on RP and rules are clear and battalions can chose whether they want to follow the server guidelines of seriousness or push it to be more serious and have them strict rules. Now granted, the server back then had more people on gmod as a whole, and a larger community, but part of me thinks, you join a SWRP server to RP. So let's start doing so. 

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Discord: Mason#2710

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Alright so I have a pretty large list of reason why I struggle to get on the server every day. These are personal reasons so do with that as you will. The only one here that I will not be providing my own opinion and views is the first one. Everything else is how I believe I see things because that is what this post is asking for... our opinions... So if this gets dumbed into oblivion I don't know why you asked for our opinions lol. 

1. has been harped on and is not a personal reason and has been touched on so I will not bring up details but server listing in my opinion is huge and should have been prio before the new map. We were told that it was going to be fixed for the new map but I personally believe that it should have been priority number 1 ASAP.

2. This is been brought up as well. GMing events --- I have tried my best to make events bringing characters to life with voices and using the intercom once or twice and all you see in the chat is your characters voice being shit on. That doesn't make people feel good and for me personally makes me struggle to run events for people because I am afraid its honestly just going to be shit on. I've had events shit on for OTHER people spawning too many things when I was an NA on an event I just created the story for. I have had events shit on for the voices I use I.E. Captain Krabs events. I have had events shit on and literally said in the chat "Oh, Its a squishy event." The GM team is trying to create good content for people and I understand sometimes its I guess understandable... But keep it to the ratings... you don't have to shit on people in OOC and kills the drive for some GMs.

3. Bounty Hunters -- This is my personal opinion and yeah I am ready for the disagree reacts. This is not against any and all bounty hunters but the RP and opportunities that can be brought up between the Bounty Hunters and the Republic are phenomenal... however those opportunities are rarely used and for the most part it feels like bounty hunters use the whitelist to avoid rules and just be a nuisance. Not all but honestly the amount of shit caused because they can is a bit outrageous. There is very little following of Fear RP and they treat the base like its a playground and not an active actual military base. I understand they have bounties but some of them feel like they just give them reasons to RDM and be on base to kill people. There was a bounty to kill people on the elevator, a bounty (which was changed) to kill anyone alone in the forest, A bounty to kill anyone that has an RC shotgun out. It just feels like the bounty hunter whitelist is used to not give a fuck about actual roleplay a lot of the time. I want to emphasize there are good bounty hunters but there are some who just blatantly don't give a fuck and it stresses people out dealing with it so often. I hear very often people saying "Oh, Bounty hunters are back" or something like "Why are the bounty hunters still going on"

4. Jedi for me is almost unplayable -- I still main Jedi because I feel Obi-Wan should be a very active character so I do hold myself to that but stamina drains in 2 seconds if theres more than 1 enemy and you just have to force leap behind cover again and just watch everyone who was using you as cover die because they cant get to cover fast enough. You cant block some weapons such as the shotguns and B2 wrist blasters which means you can't do anything against them. Shotguns you can block but anything that doesn't hit the lightsaber hitbox still hits you which is the majority of the shots. The order is slowly dying due to people swapping off to clone because its honestly just a really bad experience at the moment.

5. The new Droids -- These new droids in reality are cool and work really well however it may be too well. We get targetted by sniper droids through walls and one shot / two shot by them half the time (not as a jedi) The new droids kind of just bum rush people and theres nothing you can do about it... ESPECIALLY JEDI... we have the stamina thing now which is cool but it runs out too quick... 
Imagine this scenario... You are deflecting the new droids and they drain your stamina to 0.. stamina regens slow and doesnt regen while youre deflecting. You jump behind cover to regen but they push you... so you try to attack but you havent regenned enough stamina to hit them twice because your stamina regens slow. Now youre dead and there was nothing you could do about it besides just keep force leaping away. It's a really dumb cycle and makes Jedi not fun to play. Also if you force leap all the way down to bunks they will sometimes follow you down there and kill the AFKs in lobby. 

6. The community inclusiveness - This will happen in every community but I personally feel this community is much farther into it than most. This is one of the most cliquey (or however you spell it) Servers. I personally feel that it is really hard to get out of small mistakes in the past and people will shit on you for it for way too long. Even big mistakes that happened YEARS ago get you ostracized and that is your personality for the rest of the time on the server. It gives off the idea to people that you can't change and creates unneeded stress for me atleast and don't know how the rest of the community feels. But I know I am known as someone who bitches and complains when they dont get what they want and someone who follows the rules way too much and reports people for small things. I haven't done either of those in a feel months. But I am still looked at as that person and it has almost cost me certain positions. I know there are other people who feel this way as well and have felt this way in the past and have quit the server for needing a break from it. I went kind of on a tangent but its a reason why I struggle getting on the server. Favoritism as well is big on this server which cant be broken but it sucks.

I personally as well don't feel welcome on this server except in 212th going to be honest. Everywhere else I go there are people against me for my past. Overall this server is unfortunately way more stressful than a video game due to server politics and people not understanding that at the end of the day this is a roleplay server and we should be able to roleplay with each other REGARDLESS of differences. 

THESE ARE MY OPINIONS FOR THE MOST PART!!!!!!!We were asked for our opinions and I am stating how I feel. If I said community its how I feel the community may feel or how the community is. 

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1 hour ago, Opa said:


I honestly feel like that 3 month BCMD terms are way too short time for a BCMD to make a meaningful change that lasts.


If someone was a good BCMD / REG / Marshal / Yoda / etc, they should have no problem succeeding the process of reapplying. Also it is up to that person to ensure that their battalion’s leadership is on the same page with documentation, systems, and changes they made during their term to ensure things don’t just change after they leave. Its all about communication.

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Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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1 hour ago, Jayarr said:

I hear your concerns for the map, but we have quite literally pushed it to the limit.
It's the max size a map can be (according to the hammer grid) and I've already finished a rework of the base's interior to make it a little less bland, but that's about all we can do for that. We've hit the brush limit pretty much, which means I can't place any more blocks (walls, floors, ceilings) down anymore without the map refusing to compile. 

The biggest thing I could do would be adding a second layer to the map, and that would be strictly made out of props like the maps exterior currently is. A second outpost could possibly be added, etc etc. 
As I said, we are really pushing the limit on what this engine can do at this point. The more we add, the more we pile onto the lag issue you guys mention. You see the rock and a hard place situation we're in on that end?

I understand I think it’s the illusion we’re in a cramped space because the amount of hills and we’re at the bottom, but back on the point it’s still hard to travel the terrain and a lot of the land is covered by a large amount of trees that fill up any space that can be used for events, encounters, building, vehicles, and more.

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59 minutes ago, Slak said:

My main concerns for the server is a list of things. Starting with the GM team. Not an issue the Development team can fix but rather the community. Events have been really repetitive and boring, and no one is honestly rating them and instead giving everyone 5s and 4s for spawning droids. THERE IS NO RP! There needs to be RP on a RP server, as a member of the server High Command I can tell you that we will try our best to get RP rolling as much as we can, but the GM team needs to retaliate. In order for us to even provide RP the community needs to accept it and use it.

When there ever is RP on the server people just fuck around and just absolutely disrupt it and destroy the spark of enjoyment for others. The server is clearly not serious enough and IMO, stepping forward to more serious engagement would bring new ideas, play style, RP, entertainments, etc. 

In my eyes, the dev team has done great work but the server just lags too much for the events or trainings to be fun. You guys mentioned this update “cleaning” everything in the server box but it still seems almost the same. Furthermore , adding on the dev team portion, the map is good, it has things for us to do just new things overall. But really it limited things like SIM rooms which is what people used when the server was down and the GM team not doing anything, outposts the map has one over excessive sized village that is barely used and a very small outpost, the map is just a huge forest and has a repetitive setting, so many issues with the map and going through rocks, every room or area in the base and even the base itself is just a one way entrance and exit, there is no vent system to spice things up or back door exit or secret things to really spice up the base, in my opinion its just a bunker version of anaxes and just 3x smaller. 

Those are really all the main concerns I had and that I see.

Thank you for the feedback on the GM side! I will say I personally have attempted to make sure that Passive RP occurs revolving/around any events that I participate on the main server, but if that's the general mentality of the community we'll have to improve. I cannot make people rate honestly by just telling the whole community to. I know we've talked about this personally, but part of that needs to be done by BCMDs- people need to be taught that real feedback leads to better events. We shouldn't reaffirm things we don't want, right? 

But I think this post speaks to a big issue- every single one of us can contribute to the server's success in RP! Every single person in the community can make everyone's experience better by simply engaging. It's something I say in deployments I host- You can't have fun unless you want to. I personally believe that some people have stopped wanting the server to be fun- and as such, they've stopped engaging, getting into character, roleplaying, etc. 

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Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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13 minutes ago, Mavelle said:

I personally believe that some people have stopped wanting the server to be fun- and as such, they've stopped engaging, getting into character, roleplaying, etc. 

I have spoke to you on this before... and I will bring it up again. But it really doesnt help when the community shits on people for trying things like voices or different types of roleplay... its almost like roleplay is looked down upon on this roleplay server which is a HUGE issue and causes people to consistently make the same repetitive shit because it works just enough to not piss off the community.

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2 hours ago, Lovestruck said:

I RDMed a Senator

I still can't believe this happened

Main issues are pop and the fact this isn't an RP server. It actually is sometimes a bit embarrassing to try to rp because you're the only person doing it. I hate semi serious because it just means darkRP. no one ever does anything, is ever in character, is ever doing star wars shit.

This has been an issue but like it's literally at a pinnacle, I can't imagine getting on the server and seriously getting to feel like an actual clone trooper because no one else is trying. The server has almost 0 rp, it's almost viewed as sort of cringe.

This is really hard to solve because how do you make that rule? How do you get people to stay if its not what they've grown accustomed to? Its pretty tough shit and would require some real tough director action. As in the already insanely unpopular shit we've all been complaining about. Maybe a concensus that it needs to happen would help sooth the pain of forcing the server to be more serious


Also this post is really funny cause its a developer, the guy we shouldn't really know who does all background stuff, acting as a community leader. This might point to another issue :)

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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40 minutes ago, Slak said:

If someone was a good BCMD / REG / Marshal / Yoda / etc, they should have no problem succeeding the process of reapplying. Also it is up to that person to ensure that their battalion’s leadership is on the same page with documentation, systems, and changes they made during their term to ensure things don’t just change after they leave. Its all about communication.

The definition of 'good' BCMD can always be changed, it's just a matter wether community leadership think it's the right move.

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Its good to see we got a post talking about this. I think this gives people some time to vent their issues. I gotta say, The map is good, its streamlined everything very well and even now we are gonna get improvements, as Mas Amedda I go from High Command to MHB and I almost pass by everything on the server, which is a key quality that was aced. Its a shame with this server pop cause this map is going to waste, you can see the hard work put into it to the map all is apprecaited. The Dev team also looks to be making strides and hey its nice to see some movement, I would love to see them talking alot more about thing they are working on, instead of just jad talking about it once a month, I get the feeling they dont wanna reveal things that could potentially feel. It would peel back the curtain a bit if they just put alot of it out there and just say if it worked or not and what they a moving on to, I think that gives the dev a better connection with the community and I would hope it would make people appreciate them alot more.

Now.. The Rp of the server. We have RP? ok but seriously we do get the odd RP but alot of it is bottom of the barrel, I try myself to get something going but It always turns into shit.. (I might be creatively bankrupt, who knows), You dont wanna say its Serious RP cause it turns people away, You dont wanna say its Semi Serious cause its vague, but damn would it be good to get a clear and standard definition of what the baseline cause the line is so low. The fact that im reading here that a RDM of a Senator just turned into nothing, Yea its RDM.. but not even RP, lol. Yesterday was alright for RP, pretty standard, but the fact of the matter is the most entertainment that day was a guy mic spamming techno music into the intercom. 

GM team is.. "fine", I have my opinions, but they are pretty shitty ones. I do hope that maybe for a while they could prioritise Main Server than Event Server for the time being, 2 days ago we had a Regiment deployed, The Server pop was around 55-60.. When the deployment takes more than half, main becomes a wasteland cause the actual participating members on the server are on event, This might be a hot take, but i think we need to suspend Regimental Deployments for the time being and be a little more leniant on the quality of the encounters/events just so we can get some life on this server. While I was director it was always quality, quality, quality. Now thats great and all but you need a balance of quality and quantity and I think we are strayed too far into quality, I care alot less about quality at the minute cause a few droids in MHB is actually somehting and doesnt make the server mindnumbingly boring. Lastly i think Encoutners that are just as simple as certain sections the map being occupied and its 20 minutes of PVE is alot more valuable than people think.

2 hours ago, Opa said:

honestly feel like that 3 month BCMD terms are way too short time for a BCMD to make a meaningful change that lasts. I think it starts there and is the root problem to unease  and constant culture change in battalions, the trainings that batallions hold are constantly changing which in itself is a problem, I feel like most batallion should keep a document and tweak it instead of remaking documents etc, as it just backtracks not only their batallion, but all other people trained. Majority of people trained in something should not have their trainings in my opinion and it basically doesn't function whatsoever as even batallions themselves dont really teach their people their trainings and make them 'specialists' of those trainings . The only way I see that the current system could be seen as working is if you have a mentallity of a coin flip.  I also think that clone leadership should make it a high priority to make sure that all batallions are on top game when it comes to their trainings and the performance of it in practice.

I feel like BCMD or Yoda or whatever, REG's, Marshalls should be evaluated and if they good they can just continue being those roles as I think it would bring more stabillity to Batallion chain of command instead of being like a constant change, because 3 months is a real short period especially when it's basically like month  1 : Work hard  /  Month 2 : work a little bit / Month 3 : Think about that your term bout to end .

Ok, as someone who has done Yoda for 2 Terms and is currently Mid way through Mas Amedda, 3 Months is fine, I think you look too far into how much time it is, My first 3 months as Yoda was almost the worst time ive had on synergy and this is me who got community hated for an incident of ERP. End of my 1st Term of Yoda, The Community got the chance to judge me and the community absolutely blasted me with issues, You want High command to evaluate them instead, well with how people feel about High Command currently (love you guys), I dont think that brings alot of confidence right now. The Community right now (mostly) gets to decide if they did a good job or not, to let High command only do it, reduces the sample size and leaves the community out, not a good idea.


  • Agree 2

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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27 minutes ago, Comics said:

Also this post is really funny cause its a developer, the guy we shouldn't really know who does all background stuff, acting as a community leader. This might point to another issue :)

I can't believe that in your mind you actually had the ability to think of something like this to say.

Also "The guy we shouldnt know" is not the right way to think about devs, These people that you say you shouldnt know pour hundreds of hours developing maps and other functions for you to treat them like this. So maybe on this post you couldve kept your opinions to yourself. 

We are asking your opinions, It's not another ongoing issue it was just an opinion base questionare on the forums from part of the development team. 

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:FeelsDankMan: :DERPPERS:<--- You reading this

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1 minute ago, Maxwells said:

Also "The guy we shouldnt know" is not the right way to think about devs, These people that you say you shouldnt know pour hundreds of hours developing maps and other functions for you to treat them like this. So maybe on this post you couldve kept your opinions to yourself. 

If anything I would love to see more of the Dev team reaching out, Know the audience!

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Anderson here.


A lot of what I personally feel about the server has already been addressed in one way or the other. I think the two biggest issues have already been brought up: Not being listed and the falling standards of RP. I work in Intel for 212th, and since I joined the battalion roughly 6 months ago, 212th went from ~100-120 members in the roster to down to 50. Not being listed is quite literally killing us, but its a slow death. Maybe it's just a 212th thing, but I imagine that if other battalions took a look at their rosters and compared them to about a year ago, they would probably see a VERY similar trend to us. We don't get new people, and the few new CT's we DO get feel as if they are almost exclusively minges or old players returning.

As for the RP standards and GM team, I can say the following. When people are given an inclusive, and interesting RP event, people WILL make an effort to roleplay if they feel immersed. I did a big event yesterday that was equal parts shooting and RP (The "Aggressive Negotiations" event). HOWEVER. These events usually require EJ's, and it has been getting harder and harder to get volunteers to step up and agree to help, specially when our pop caps out at 50-60 as of late. And after all that effort, I will be lucky if 3+ people choose to rate the event. As a GM, putting in effort and seeing that the players basically don't care is a huge turnoff.

Passive RP has also seen a massive decline. We used to have a lot of bunk inspections, weapon inspections, etc happening all the time around base. Now people seem to mainly just get on and... do basically nothing. Gears is right about the quality of the RP we do "have".


One problem feeds into the other. Server is dying because its not listed. People aren't having fun because battalions are dying. Since people aren't having fun, very few try to RP or put the effort into what they might see as a waste of time. GM's aren't going to be putting in the effort if players won't care. No effort on the part of GM's results in few events/encounters. This make it harder to have fun. People leave because they don't have fun, and are not replaced because the server isn't listed. It's a vicious cycle.

Edited by Dilqui
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I think Synergy needs to get out of its comfort zone and out more time into us advertising our updates. 

like I’ve said this a lot and I know the founders don’t want to do it because it makes us look weird or something idk but there is no point in doing a server update if people who don’t play here don’t know there is an update! Only people in the loop and in the synergy community know that there is an update. Idk why we just don’t go and put on the server browser title thing just something simple like 


Synergy Roleplay CWRP AI & Model update!


It’s literally doesn’t hurt to try this WITH the fixed server browser update. This will not fix everything immediately But it will get the news out there for people scrolling that see we’re getting updates and pretty substantial ones too. 

just TRY it if you’re asking for our input then please take the input and put it into action. ANYTHING can be reversed if you find it’s not working.


this is something that can be done TODAY and help if people see the server.

Edited by Arizona
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I've got a headache ibuprofen can't fix and i've been in bed all day

  • Pay Respect 2

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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I've been doing DayZ like everyday for the last week and a half. Just finding interested in games I never took seriously before.

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Forum Admin

I feel like the lax nature of our RP standards has bred a culture of “ew RP cringe” and people treating GMOD as an FPS.

I love this community so much, but nothing makes me more mad then seeing a GM put their effort into entertaining the server, and getting called cringe in OOC, people flying cross map on Jetpacks before being briefed, etc. 

I’ve said this before, and I will again. At what point do we look inward? Make all the excuses you want. Blame High Command, Server Leadership, Battalion Leadership, Game Masters, Staff, etc. I just want for one moment, you to genuinely think when you attempted to spark up a roleplay scenario with another player. Not one that was forcefed to you by a GM, but just genuine passive RP. 

This is definitely an unpopular opinion, but if you want to bring back the roleplay, you also have to bring back the punishments. Next time Alpha-420 “Dickhead” ignores orders and runs headfirst into a platoon of droids, AOS them for FailRP. 


> Don’t RP

> Complain that the server is stale

> Refuse to hold yourself accountable 


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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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From a BCMD perspective, one of the biggest issues is the server listing. I know it’s being worked on, but it was a problem before my term and is still a problem now that my term has ended. My guys couldn’t get the recruits they needed and it stifled growth. 

From a GM perspective, half the props are broken and we don’t have nearly enough to begin with to encourage creativity. There are shit tons of props with specific case uses and not enough “general use” props. Half of the new and old tools still don’t work. There are no standards for Rp in the community and players DO NOT engage in RP. There is little motivation for a GM to get on and host events, especially when all the community responds to are shoot em up events. 90% of the time it feels like worse darkRP.

As a player, the map is amazing but there’s not much to interact with. I know Jayarr is working on this and I highly appreciate him for it. While people like to bitch and moan about it, there needs to be more structure. As of right now people can run around and do whatever. We need battlestations, We need battalions garrisoning Thesh, etc unto oblivion. We need passive RP systems that we as a community come together to codify, officialize, and have the GM team supplement with activity and variation. THE MAP IS LITERALLY DESIGNED FOR THIS. We have a vent system in base for deploying droids and EJs to spots all around the base and we literally just don’t ever see it used. 


It’s not just a GM thing. It’s not just a player thing. It’s not just a development thing. This community is running around like a headless chicken and pointing fingers, when the blame is down to all of us for letting standards slip. We as a community need to come together and rectify it.


Former: A lot of shit dude

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I only get on the server because I really only have one super close friend that plays on it consistently.  All of the others have resigned themselves and once that one friend does too, I'll hit the door. 

Don't get me wrong I enjoy this community and other friends I've made along the way, but most of ya'll just don't know me like that. 


Secondly, I think the idea of Garry's Mod roleplay can certainly just grow more and more stale, and people (myself included) just can't find a sense of fun roleplay on the server anymore, except maybe during some deployments.  Chat constantly spammed (When an event not happening) with tryouts by people just tryin' to earn some merits to progress themselves to the next NCO rank.  I feel like once an event finishes, the creativity in some people just isn't there to be a role player and search for what I believe makes the server fun.  It's actually just someone meeting a quota!

It's almost like everyone just shuts down like robots and then wakes up when the next event happens.  To be fair, I myself am a bit hypocritical but I think if we want a better experience everyone has to do their part to make it a better and more enjoyable place.  I believe that all starts from the very bottom which is making sure to be a role player. 


Actively seek to make your character an engineer who in their spare time repairs ships/vehicles.  A Naval that's moving supplies around the base for the "next shipment", a Jedi who studies geology (Shameless self plug). Doing stuff like this is engaging and simplistic, wake up your imagination!

  • Winner 1

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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3rd time posting, but i'd also really like to see more of the RP props dropped like the rayshield hacking props so that our trainings are actually useful instead of rping on a non interactive prop

Edited by Mystic
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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Im going to make another post.... but one thing that really scares me from RP on this server is when I first got Obi-Wan I attempted the voice.. and tbh I forgot who it was but I got flamed really hard for doing it bad/wrong even though I was just trying my best. I've even been flamed for my Mr.Krabs impersonation too... This adds more onto the fact that RP is looked down upon on this server and even just ATTEMPTING it is bad. You either do Mavelle levels of voice acting or dont even try it... 

Edited by SquishyFishyy
added information
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3 hours ago, Maxwells said:

So maybe on this post you couldve kept your opinions to yourself. 

I'm not against it, the devs should be active members of the community. However this isn't how it, in most places, works out. When rhe developers are not founders they often play a background role as the founders act as community leaders.

We have non-developer roles set out for community engagement, whether that's good or not isn't the point. But rhe way we have things the devs aren't the ones who primarily engage the community for future ideas and general discussion.

I'm not critiquing the devs, if that's how you want to think about it be my guest. I was saying this speaks to the role of people who aren't jayarr, hes doing a great thing here but it's not really his job. He's going well and above his place because he actually cares. That's not a bad thing and I never said it was. It's honestly strange you took it that way but I'm not you so.

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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I'm a very old/very new player speaking here. I tried Synergy when it launched years ago, playing briefly before departing from Gmod pretty much altogether as the Star Wars RP genre in the game was declining quickly in terms of quality as every server was reskinned DarkRP/Nutscript and the playerbase was just minges. I've come back recently as 2 of my close friends play on here regularly and while it has been a completely new experience and some fun, its hard to get the drive to get on when they're not online or my battalion (212th) isnt on deployment. I rejoined the day of the update and here's my opinion from someone who just joined essentially:

- The lag. I live on the east coast in the US and routinely have 200+ ping playing on this server. Doing anything (main/event server ops, trainings, practices, etc.) is a lag fest and playing my role as support might as well disregard the piloting aspect because the ping is so awful all the time which is even more sour when you look around and see stuff like "prop limit: 1 per battalion" making the map extremely empty on top of laggy.

- Chat spam. The chat feed never. stops. In event, in crisis, in defcon 1 or defcon 5, in briefing, the chat never ceases with OOC spam and constant bullshitting. The second anything meaningful concludes (or even before), its a spam of battalion recruitment posts by people who will do the absolute bare minimum to pass you through to get merit points for their next NCO rank. Its a bit ridiculous to see genuine advertisements for batts reading "join <batt> easy promotions".

- RP. There is essentially none. If a deployment isnt happening, nothing else is. You can wander around base, listening to people micspam, talk shit, minge, and overall be a nuisance. It seems there's just no care for anything and I get downtime between deployments can be boring but that's what passive RP is and it can be fun. FiveM/RedM are massively popular and they are exclusively passive RP with violence being the 1% of encounters. In-event, people just want to kill things. Simple as. They dont stop for roleplay, they dont investigate, etc. they just want to shoot and talk shit.

- Bounty hunters. This has been beat to death but why no reiterate. People openly dislike them. I get there's some good ones who genuinely want to roleplay and have a relationship with the Republic but it seems the majority of the time I just watch BH's run around the base being a general nuisance to which OOC gets open complaints about "why are bounty hunters still a thing". 

Hopefully this doesnt all come off as rude, I appreciate the effort the devs put in, I've worked on Gmod extensively and know that this is no small feat and is quite an impressive server mechanically, but the playerbase and its attitude are an active hinderance on the experience when it seems no one, including high ranking officers, seem to care about the RP in SWRP.

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Hi. I haven't really played the server in over a year. I resigned my positions in spring 2021, graduated, went off to college, started working all the fucking time and basically got on with life. So I speak now as someone who played the server heavily from 2019-2021 and now stands as someone who basically just comes back to check out updates.

It's hard to really pinpoint any specific thing about the server. A lot of people that I interact with will chalk it up to oh, it's just gotten old. That could certainly be it- but it's got to be more than that. Most of my friends left the server multiple times and were drawn back in. Whether they were drawn back in by one of us begging them to come back or by a new and exciting feature that they wanted to experiment with- they came back. Eventually... they just stopped coming back. And so did I.

I did the staff thing, I grinded my way up to HA while also serving as a BCMD playing the server for probably 60+ hours a week. I was Game Master Chief, I was a Trainer Officer, I was in high staff for half a year. It's a grind. It's so much fun the first time- especially if you're the type of person who loves pouring themselves into the work and having that responsibility. You've got ideas, you want to change the world for the better- but most times you can't. It's like Mavelle said above, there's so much you can't do that it's hard to stick with that lifestyle forever. Because of this, there's not a whole lot of replayability there. Maybe after a long break people come back to staff and work their way up to VA or HA, but let's be honest- people only give it 110% once. And they can only keep that up for so long. 

On the server side of things, I've been a BCMD. I've been Admiral. I've been in SOBDE, I've been a Jedi main. I've been a BH main. They all offer their own unique experiences. Gosh, I remember when I was just a humble 104th MEDX and myself and my MEDL would run around drugging fellow troopers and replacing their legs. Roleplay over Ruleplay. When I was a bounty hunter myself and my good friend worked closely with the Admiral Yularen at the time, acting as intelligence agents and trying to take pro-republic contracts and do good work. We had all-access passes to BCC in those days... and our own office. When I got tired of the clone and naval life I tried Jedi, ended up joining SOBDE- that was a blast... Bardan Jusik for something like 2/3 of a year, just kicking back and playing the game. No ranking up, helping with tryouts being the only responsibility, roleplay and fun all the time... Even when I was GMO or GMM and working on the largest, longest events I'd ever host- spending hours building and then hours more planning and then hours more actually hosting the event, I'd have a blast. An entire Saturday gone- no regrets.

The issue now is that I'll sit here and remember fondly the many hours I played on the server. I'll remember those experiences and it'll make me thirst for more. And then I reconnect...

SOBDE isn't what it used to be. Null is gone. Several battalions are gone from the server. Regiments have been rearranged. The trainings are different. The people are different. The community is different. I'll see people I used to know and I'll say hey, how's it going? And I'll hear it's just not what it used to be. And I think that's the issue... A lot of us long for the days of roleplay everywhere, of being able to hop on the server and experience something memorable on a whim. We spent a lot of time bhopping back in the day... but it's just different now, isn't it? I don't want to place blame on server leadership or on specific people in the community because honestly, it's probably nobody's fault. Whether decisions were better or worse in the long run I don't believe anyone was doing anything other than what they thought was right for the server.

I almost wonder if this is just always destined to happen in gaming communities: the steady decline and longing for the old days. When Anaxes first dropped and the hype dried up we'd long for the simplicity of Endor. Other communities I've been a part of both on and off Garry's Mod follow a similar course. And it's a shame, cause every time I come back the models look sexier, the guns are cooler, and the map is nicer. The features just keep getting better and better... but the community feels like it's drying up.

Probably doesn't help that people like me can't afford to play 60+ hours a week anymore. I guess that's what happens when the playerbase all become adults.

Bit of a ramble, but this post was sent to me and triggered some thoughts I figured I'd share.

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1 hour ago, Unkindled said:

Another question about the map is that you said we can do layers similar to what we had on Anaxes? @Jayarr

We could, but it doesnt mean we should. If we really aren't content with the current layout and thinks it's rather lackluster, then sure, I can add another layer. It'd likely come with a bit of a punch to performance unless I shove it at the very bottom of the grid

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I think the server is at a rough patch right now for sure. This new update was cool in some ways but massively demoralizing in other ways. I've been thinking a lot about this and working on this for some time.

GM / staff team: Overall, the gm team is providing good numbers on the roster stats page each week but I know many people still feel the server is boring for a large majority of the time spent on it. Generally speaking, a large amount of SAs have lost their motivation and ambition to conduct events with passion and creativity. Lots of gms each week will just do the same encounter every time and just spawn droids around the base. Even worse, sometimes they will just do a Sith event where some overpowered force user just runs around killing clones and running from jedi. I'm working right now within the gm leadership team along with all the other gmo+ to find ways to reduce the amount of these events that solely focus on just shooting droids, antlions or zombies. This would probably result in a push for smaller events that only effect 1 battalion, but are done more.

Reg+: I have heard a statement from the mouths of regimentals themselves that concerns me every time I hear it. "The role of regimental is most importantly done in the behind the scenes work of keeping battalions alive. RP in game is not necessary to be a good regimental". I've heard something along those lines spoken by RCMDs and I just want to publicly state my opposition to this message. The amount of weight that a regimental has in game is ridiculous. A bcmd cannot walk up to any clone and tell them to go on a patrol. Most of the time, if the clone is not within their battalion they will just be ignored. But if a RCMD walks up to a clone, they will listen to them 10 times more then they would any other clone officer. There is little to no rp as a military organization below these ranks. No one salutes a 2nd lt, nor says sir to them. But the moment a RCMD walks in, ppl almost always salute them or refer to them as sir.

What im trying to say is, do not neglect your importance in game! Right now ppl dont listen to 2nd lts. They listen to RCMDs.

BCMDs and battalions: Currently any rank of junior officer is a joke. They all are treated with no respect by anyone. Theres a certain level of rp to establish in game that when you see a officer, you act more professional around them. Thats how military type rp goes, officers are respected in rp, regardless of whether or not you hate them outside of game. The same factor exists in real life, you can hate an officers guts, but you aint gonna disrespect / act stupid in front of them. BCMDs need to start enforcing the act of rping as a soldier more. This mentality in the community that rp is cringe starts with BCMDs actually working on their battalion mindset on rp.


Jedi Order: Most of the order is inactive now because of the massive cucking job done in the past update. The order also has been really bad at actually doing more then just running trials. Nothing else is really done, people just get online, run a trial, bhop a bit and then log off. The order has a mission board that is never used and hasnt even been updated yet for onderon I bet. Jedi masters often just refuse to rp as their lore character and just force leap around the map. I cant say jedi knights are any better but if the masters do it, who is supposed to actually give the knights / Padawan's something to do?


Server mindset: IF you play star wars rp, you are cringe. Thats the truth. Your playing a star wars roleplay server. none of us are cool. So lets stop making fun of people who are trying to rp as a character, put on a voice for a character, or do a specific type of rp. By doing this, you just turn the server into a dark rp server without all of the stuff that makes dark rp fun (money printers, drugs and racism). Fun comes from the people who come together to interact as a character in a fictional universe. 


Lack of incoming players: This heavily killed activity across the board. The server massively relies on new people flowing into the server. Without the flow, people feel depressed as they only see people resigning over time and nobody new joining. Also, a lot of things here actually depend on new people going through things (youngling trials, knight trials, branch trials, battalion tryouts, bh evaluations)


Final note:

Don't forget that you aren’t  the only person who is trying to make things better around you. Often times I have felt personally that I am one of the only people trying to improve something. The reality is, almost everyone in leadership wants to improve a part of the community that they are tied to. Reach out to others and talk about what you think can be addressed. Although, do not fall into the temptation of just sitting and complaining about everything. Find a way to talk about things proactively, always try to accompany a problem with a possible solution. If you think something can be solved a certain way, bring it up to whoever is actively in charge / working on that thing. I would rather someone hated me for proactively going to them with solutions, then someone hating me for going to them with only problems and complaints.

Edited by Dono
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I think high command and all the BCMD's have some big decisions ahead of them in what direction they want to go on the server. It would be smart if all of high command and battalion commanders got together to start laying down some new rules and rebuild the infrastructure of respect and attitude on the server. That the server is so lenient is another big reason why some people aren't as attached as much and just leave.

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From someone who resigned from a position on the server, The server is Flat out Boring as hell and so Drama filled it insane.

So much Lack of communication and no care for the player. As someone just recently in high command I can tell you first hand their is no Care for the player. The regiment changes were so rushed out and when complaints were made. People were told to (Cope and Seethe). That alone is the reason why I left High Command was because of just the disrespect to people complaints and problems. As well certain people in High Command (While I will not name names) Don't like when they don't get their way and will take steps to belittle people and tell them how they are flat out wrong.

The update: Don't get me wrong I fucking love the map and the new update. It was something amazing for the server. But the problem with it. People thought NEW UPDATE = CONSTANT 100+ Player pop. Which just failed badly and it is just the server it was on Anaxas just on a new map.

All in All the server has some serious potential but until the server has a new mindset and people in High positions become a little more Intune with the everyday player these problems will stick and nothing will happen. 

(Note: I do not care what people think about me after posting this. I'm gone after this post so say whatever you want. Meme on me that I went to a different server and applied for a Command Position a day after I Left RCMD. Mass dumb this. I do not care. To myself I wanted to post this to let go some of the thoughts and feelings I had, So I can move on peacefully. It has been a fun 5 years but I am out)

Take Care all of You! I wish you all the best of luck and well in whatever the future holds!

  • Agree 2
  • Winner 4

The guy that plays on a roleplay server but hates roleplay

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18 minutes ago, Noodles said:


The GM team to me is a joke, *Most* {They are some people who care about their events and take the time to make sure each player is having fun) GMs don't care about the events because of the requirements to do events for staff. Most events are the same and their is zero to none Varity in them. AS well GMs do not know how to adapt to player input as the event is happening. They are so 1 minded that when an event in anyways doesn't go how they want it. they bitch and blame the player and say how they are at fault instead of steering the event in a new direction. So it becomes annoying as hell and then makes events boring.

Hey, for anyone reading this!

If you have genuine issues like this with the GM team, it's extremely important that you talk to GM leadership and make sure it's known! I know that if you had spoken to me or any other GMO about these problems before you left you might have been able to see some change. :( It's been my number one goal since September of 2021 as GMD to keep the players happy. It's important to know if they aren't.

We do not bite!

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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  • Management
7 hours ago, Jayarr said:

We could, but it doesnt mean we should. If we really aren't content with the current layout and thinks it's rather lackluster, then sure, I can add another layer. It'd likely come with a bit of a punch to performance unless I shove it at the very bottom of the grid

Instead of an extra layer what about a small ship above the base like an Arquitens or an Acclamator that is accessible? That would be sick for like Naval and GMs 8)

I personally am very contempt with the current layout of the map. Would probably like another key location like a second outpost or a real cave system tbh but like I said I think we have plenty as is. However I guess other people don't see it the same way... :(

  • Agree 1
  • Optimistic 1


i am literally captain tukk

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On 7/26/2022 at 8:57 PM, Marvel said:

Instead of an extra layer what about a small ship above the base like an Arquitens or an Acclamator that is accessible? That would be sick for like Naval and GMs 8)

I personally am very contempt with the current layout of the map. Would probably like another key location like a second outpost or a real cave system tbh but like I said I think we have plenty as is. However I guess other people don't see it the same way... :(

Ooooh. Ship idea. That goes hard.

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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I'm rather new to the community but I have a few friends who have been around for a long while. So, here's my take on the server and the player base:

  1. Server performance - performance is spotty at best. I understand that when there are 80+ people on there is going to be some lag. However, sometimes the lag is so bad that it makes it impossible to enjoy my time playing. From things like certain force powers not even being recognized because of the lag or accidentally shooting someone when they were no where close to you just removes all fun.
  2. The massive update - I think an update was needed. It was nice to finally change maps. I know the devs and the staff team worked very hard to get this update out and some of the new features are great. However, the update broke the Jedi progression system. Although this was fixed, there are still no active drops of hilts, mods, and crystals. This really stinks for someone like myself who pretty much mains their Jedi. I think that a lot of people believed that the update would magically bring the server numbers up and it might have temporarily but I think the retention of players falls on the community and not new updates or content which I will touch on in my next point. 
  3. The community - I am going to break this up into a few parts because there is a lot I would like to say here.
    1. Roleplay - Why is rp so discouraged? On my Jedi, my master and I rp every time we are on. Both with one another and with others. I keep seeing a few individuals who are crying out for better rp but it overall seems to be discouraged. There have even been a few instances where people have actively refused to rp with me and have made fun of me trying to rp. I don't get this because it's supposed to be an rp server. It just seems that no one really cares anymore. This needs to change if you want to keep a good player base and not replace it with a bunch of minges.
    2. The elitists/gatekeepers - So much of this. I'm happy that you are the fictional rank of Colonel and you are an ARC trooper. That's neat, truly. However, when I ask you for information on how to obtain or reach a certain goal I shouldn't be met with hostility or outright ignored. Everyone has to start somewhere and I am less inclined to try and achieve higher stations if I am just going to be put down at every turn by individuals already in those roles. You are to be role models and community pillars, not assholes. Now, this does not apply to everyone in those roles, of course. I have met some incredibly friendly individuals here who have helped me as much as they could. However, I have been turned away and looked down upon more than I have been helped.
    3. Debriefs - I have sat through a lot of these and many of them have been very unofficial or mingy. When everyone is called to a debrief, that debrief needs to be professional. I am tried of hearing officers walk up on that stage and yell/be obnoxious when they are shouting out other battalions/ promoting their men. More tact needs to be used at these debriefs as they are mandatory and you are essentially pulling the entire server to one place for this. Also, if there is ever another mandatory call to debrief so we can stroke the egos of the top richest people on the server, I will gladly leave this community.
    4. Bounty Hunters - What even is this job/faction for? I have never seen a bounty hunter do anything other than cause problems on the main base or start all out conflicts with the Jedi and Clones. This job seems like it's just an excuse to minge and kill/kidnap people when they have no real reason to do so.
    5. Care for new players - You are just essentially just thrown into the proverbial shit when you join the server. You are pushed into joining a battalion and when you do, not much else is explained. If you don't know much about military ranks or structure then you would be very lost. On top of that, there is no real explanation given to new players on what they need to do (rank and training wise) to reach certain goals they have set for themselves. 
  4. Battalion Advertisements - I don't particularly mind them but they often get spammed and become annoying very quickly. I feel like there needs to be a formula for these however. Seeing advertisements for some battalions that are promising quick promotions is just dumb. I understand that these battalion want to recruit people into them to fill out their ranks but, they should advertise based off the uniqueness of their battalion and the special tasks/equipment they get not how easy it is to get promoted.


Closing remarks: Overall, this is one of the better communities that I have been apart of on gmod. There are a lot of decent folk here who really care for the server, it's image, and RP. However, I feel like RP is on a steep decline and emphasis needs to be placed on both active and passive rp. If you made it this far, thanks for reading.

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Just now, ScarZ said:

It's nothing to do with the server it's just GMOD is dying in general especially StarWarsRP.


It really isn't. We can't use that as an excuse.

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The main issue I see is how every clone battalion is almost a copy of each other, it's not fun having every battalion be able to do the same thing, to me that just ends up making the big battalions that have a lot of numbers do everything and the battalions with fewer numbers get pushed out from doing anything. All the Subunits and battalions that were able to do stuff others could not get removed or lost that power to other battalions. There are no special incentives in joining a battalion you mainly join for one for 3 reasons. You like them in lore, you know people inside that battalion, you like the color of the armor. The Clone battalions which is the biggest factor is just being made more and more stale. When SO was just wiped from the face of synergy it destroyed most my fun from the server 

Edited by Deathtiger
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The Wannabe&#39;s Corner | qipaos: Knightfall trailer aesthetics (x) ...

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When I got on again, after finally being able to use my PC the first thing I wanted to do was go to the F4 menu and look at all the cool new models, and this may be a gripe but my biggest issue is the new job selection process.

- In no way am I trying to bash the time and effort the devs and founders put into the change -

However it just feels like a huge change that takes away from the simplicity of a GMod rp server. 

I think it’s cool but I believe being able to see the jobs and battalions/ models before joining a battalion added more of an opinion/ being able to see a certain job and then make that your goal before joining. Idk that’s probably just me.


I haven’t been able to get on a lot recently but population was down and when I did get on the server in the last couple days (a Friday at around 6pm / 7pm ) What used to be a prime time it just seemed like not a lot was going on and I couldn’t even find someone to recruit me to a battalion. 

I guess the last part was just bad timing on my own.

realistically I believe my whole issue I’ve seen so far From a recent returned players stand point is how complicated the servers become with the new job menu / process. It adds more immersion but just makes it feel like something else, rather than a gmod server.


  • Agree 1

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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59 minutes ago, Deathtiger said:

The main issue I see is how every clone battalion is almost a copy of each other, it's not fun having every battalion be able to do the same thing, to me that just ends up making the big battalions that have a lot of numbers do everything and the battalions with fewer numbers get pushed out from doing anything. All the Subunits and battalions that were able to do stuff others could not get removed or lost that power to other battalions. There are no special incentives in joining a battalion you mainly join for one for 3 reasons. You like them in lore, you know people inside that battalion, you like the color of the armor. The Clone battalions which is the biggest factor is just being made more and more stale. When SO was just wiped from the face of synergy it destroyed most my fun from the server 

I happen to agree. Almost every battalion has something similar to it already on the server. It seems like theyre trying to make everything uniform, but its removing peoples RP and available ways to express themselves playing how they want. This is turn affects player pop because even if we try to stop the main character syndrome people want to feel useful. How do you feel useful when 20 other people can do the same thing you can? It devalues people and makes roleplay scarce which kills drive and pushes people off the server

Edited by Mystic
  • Winner 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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1 hour ago, Craigary said:

When I got on again, after finally being able to use my PC the first thing I wanted to do was go to the F4 menu and look at all the cool new models, and this may be a gripe but my biggest issue is the new job selection process.

- In no way am I trying to bash the time and effort the devs and founders put into the change -

However it just feels like a huge change that takes away from the simplicity of a GMod rp server. 

I think it’s cool but I believe being able to see the jobs and battalions/ models before joining a battalion added more of an opinion/ being able to see a certain job and then make that your goal before joining. Idk that’s probably just me.


I haven’t been able to get on a lot recently but population was down and when I did get on the server in the last couple days (a Friday at around 6pm / 7pm ) What used to be a prime time it just seemed like not a lot was going on and I couldn’t even find someone to recruit me to a battalion. 

I guess the last part was just bad timing on my own.

realistically I believe my whole issue I’ve seen so far From a recent returned players stand point is how complicated the servers become with the new job menu / process. It adds more immersion but just makes it feel like something else, rather than a gmod server.


i agree with this as well. It seems that alongside the things mentioned above, and the fact that people are growing up and getting jobs, prime time seems abit earlier nowadays. All those people that were 16/17/18 are no longer able to stay up until 2am and host events or do fun RP or spawn funny dupes. Which is also affected by the inability to use the map in SP which limits event dupes and limits creativity on main server RP. This also hurts not only the playerbase, but GMs too. The final part you mentioned, the lack of recruiters seems like a timezone thing, however it is surely not just that. It is no doubt also because people are getting off earlier to play different games. 

ps (i also miss the f4 menu. hard to join a battalion that you can't really see into a little bit)

  • Agree 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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Shit sucks when u voice your concerns and instead of your concerns being taken seriously, you get blamed for not "being the change you want to see". Or when you voice your concerns and it isn't even acknowledged.

The only way I find fun on this server is farming drama for rep for some empty feeling of happiness because green number get higher

  • Confused 1


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8 minutes ago, A-a-ron said:

Shit sucks when u voice your concerns and instead of your concerns being taken seriously, you get blamed for not "being the change you want to see". Or when you voice your concerns and it isn't even acknowledged.

The only way I find fun on this server is farming drama for rep for some empty feeling of happiness because green number get higher

and its so sad to see green number get lower

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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On 7/26/2022 at 11:46 AM, Foxey said:

The issue now is that I'll sit here and remember fondly the many hours I played on the server. I'll remember those experiences and it'll make me thirst for more. And then I reconnect...

SOBDE isn't what it used to be. Null is gone. Several battalions are gone from the server. Regiments have been rearranged. The trainings are different. The people are different. The community is different. I'll see people I used to know and I'll say hey, how's it going? And I'll hear it's just not what it used to be. And I think that's the issue... A lot of us long for the days of roleplay everywhere, of being able to hop on the server and experience something memorable on a whim. We spent a lot of time bhopping back in the day... but it's just different now, isn't it? I don't want to place blame on server leadership or on specific people in the community because honestly, it's probably nobody's fault. Whether decisions were better or worse in the long run I don't believe anyone was doing anything other than what they thought was right for the server.

This, for me, is my thoughts exactly. Why rejoin the server when the reason I stayed isn't there anymore? The roleplay was a secondary reason for me, the people were the main one. I may have joined to be a clone running around but I stayed because the other people were the best part. 

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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As of right now in terms of activity I have a surge to play more on Synergy as I took a one week break from it recently and ever since I got back I have been participating in some fun roleplay. Idk how long that'll last until a eventual burn out but when that time comes I can take care of it. I will say though I am slightly worried about my activity for the future not because of burn out its because of outside things like school and work. I work during the afternoon/evening so it is difficult for me to get on during peak hours during work days and I may have to take on a couple more days for work here in the next upcoming weeks. School will also be a problem as both of my classes I have are also in the afternoon to late evening period of the day. So with that all being said I will become more busy as time goes on and I may unfortunately have to resign from Jesse or the server all together. Hopefully that wont happen but it may be a possibility

The update was great and all but I do think it can be improved upon and could lead to future ideas for different updates down the line.

Idk the status of some bugs currently around the server as of right now but hopefully they can be fixed or are being worked on right now. 

Bounty Hunters now have a huge village but not much to do in it. I'm not gonna bring up an idea of a redesign because we just got a whole new map but maybe we could add in more things into village, maybe there can be some NPCs you can talk to for quests. Lets say you walk up to one and you can take jobs such as maybe going out into the wild and kill some NPCs that naturally spawn? Doing so could maybe give you some currency you can use to obtain items such as weapons and maybe things like a med kit? I'm just spit balling some ideas but you get the picture. I don't know how long it'd take to implement something like that but its just something we can think about am I right?

I think all areas or jobs on the server can benefit from that sort of idea, a quest system that gives players awards for completing quests. Again I don't know how long that'd take to program but it'd help in the long run if possible. I think it'd also be great to have different stats for different battalions so for example DU has less health but more armor or something around those lines. I know that idea was mentioned sometime ago but it'd be something to think about as well. 

Besides update stuff I think some more interesting server wide Passive RP would also be beneficial, although from what I've seen in the past few days that hasn't been an issue. Although something a bit more engaging would be helpful, this would be something we'd probably all have to work on. 

Along with Passive RP I think we just need to make sure we are emphasizing Serious RP instead of "Mingy" RP, I have facepalmed a couple of times during my time on Synergy... No offense my friends

I don't really have much else to say other than that. I think the server just needs to iron out some currently running issues and add in more things for people to do that can keep us on for prolonged periods of time. I'm not fully suggesting any features, I'm just spit balling ideas to build a conversation for. 

Edited by Kryptos
Serious RP thingy thing

Synergy's Kryptos


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The time you people have to write this stuff surprises me

  • Dumb 4

Records I hold: Fastest time to return and resign 4 minutes | Most returns and resignations 6 Times 

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