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Spookz Yularen Application


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Steam Name: Spookz | Synr.gg

RP Name: Commander Barton Coburn

RP Rank: Commander

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:578154990


When I first started on the server I joined 212th and made a name there . I worked hard to get promoted. When I hit the rank of SGT my goal was to join 2ndAC and it took me 3 tries but i finally got it. I was also 2ndACS for a while then got MEDO as the medical branch is my favorite. I sadly didn't reach the rank of WO but I helped a lot of people and made some friends.

After I left 212th I found myself in the 21st. When I joined the 21st I was a PVT as I wanted to start over. My goal was to get into the ARC program, specifically the SO ARCs. I worked towards this and later got my ARC training done and achieved my goals. I did leave 21st once or twice but when I came back for the 3rd time I earned 21st SO ARCO and am currently helping SO rebuild and improve their ARC program. I also became Intel for 21st and am currently helping them keep the documents and rosters up
to date.


I had purchased VIP and had passed youngling trials in the Jedi Order.  After I passed I wanted to become a Sentinel as soon as I could. When I passed my trial into Sentinel I wanted to become a Sentinel Manager in order to help grow and improve upon the branch. I later passed my knight trials and had been decorated as a Sentinel Manager.  That's when the last Sentinel Manager Lead got removed and I knew that in order to help the Branch I had to go for the SML position. After a while I finally got the position. As SML I began to fill out the vacancies below me such as the Sentinel and Shadow Manager positions. After I stabilized the Sentinel Branch the Position of Gatekeeper had opened up and I decided to go for it. While I was serving as Gatekeeper the Jedi leadership had decided to wipe all the branches and Sub branches which resulted in my reworking of the Shadow tryout to comply with the harsher limits on the sub branch. When I finished reworking the Tryout over a couple of days I hosted the first of the new era Shadow Trials..  As Gatekeeper I worked on Getting Sentinels more active as Hosting Sentinel trials and doing some RP stuff with them. At this time the Sentinel Lead had resigned and I saw an opportunity to further my involvement and improvement of the Sentinel Branch. I began working on getting all Manager Spots filled again.

When I first entered the Navy my Goal was to become a CWO. In order to work towards this goal and prove my worth to the Navy I became the MEDO and proceeded to put work in there. When I hit the rank of MCPO I earned the Rank of MEDM and began to grow and improve on the existing structure and resources in the Naval Branch of the Medical Discipline. I wanted to get a lot of people into MED as it is a vital branch to the success and progress of not only the Naval but also every other battalion on the server.  After some time as MEDM and some work that I was implementing, CMO had opened. I decided to go for it and worked on my Ability to effectively lead and manage the medical branch. After some time in my rank as CMO, my goals had expanded and I wanted to contribute more to the Navy. The best way I felt I could do this was as a Lore character, That's when I went for and successfully achieved my station as Barton Coburn. After achieving my goal of obtaining a Lore Character, I had decided that I wanted to do even more with the Navy. This is what pushed me into writing this application.

Why should you become Admiral?:

Admiral is a very important job for the server in both RP and OOC.I am a good fit for the admiral because when I have a goal I will do anything to achieve that goal. Most of my goals in the navy I actually competed for. When I hit the Rank of ENS I wanted more people to be active so I did a contest for people with prize money. It went really well with the navy being active. I've focused more on the navy than my jedi and trooper. Im a hardcore RP person and just love doing anything that Involves RP. I've always wanted to get more people into the navy. For the past couple of days I've been on my navel to help improve the navy. I also have a lot of experience in the navy as I am a commander and I make sure that the navy doesn't mess up anything with the server and secures the navy’s position and integrity..

Do you understand  the purpose of Naval on the server?:


The purpose of the navy is to make sure the base is always operational. Naval does ATC and takes care of ships coming in and out. The Navy also takes care of supplies that go in and out of base and to other outposts like MED, Food, Weaponry and Fuel. The Navy takes care of training like ATC, PENG and PLT. We make sure that the base is always safe for the troops. We are also in charge of choosing battalions for the mission as we pick the best match for the mission. Naval is also in charge of making new docs and training to keep the server moving.


I am currently Sentinel Lead in the jedi order and that only takes up a little of my time. Also I am a ARCO on the 21st which I will be making sure is still going. I am usually available after 12pm EST but my discord is always open for anything. When I'm on TS I take care of important stuff first so if someone pokes me and it's important I will put my full focus on it. I am on longer on the weekends, but weekdays I am still on.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

212th 2ndACS

212th MEDO

21st SO ARCO

Sentinel Manager Lead

Sentinel Gatekeeper
Sentinel Lead

Naval Commander 

Chief Medical Officer 

Naval Intel Deputy Director

Senior Admin

Game Master

CIS Tactical Droid

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want the Naval to be at the end of your term?:

I want the navy to be more active on the server as of right now we only have 2 officers and 5-6 active NCOs. I want to get all the naval branches filled. I want to get more naval training for the server and make more training. I also want to add a little branch for the navy that I feel like some naval will like a lot. I am going to host a recruiting drive to get more people into the navy. I am also Going to improve Naval relations with ground forces. I am also hoping to have a GM that will do deployments that have naval in it. I want some of the naval to create their own character and backstory as naval is a heavy RP.

How do you plan to change the Naval under your command?:

There is not much to change but these are some changes that are important. I hope to get more active players in the navy by doing a contest and adding a RP character creator. I also want to add a little branch that uses field strategy to help with  lessening casualties. I will also be adding RSB to gain more relation with Bounty Hunters and Senators. I will also be trying to gain relations with each battalion by doing sim’s with them  like Sim runs and others. I also will be adding a Discipline Officer to help with naval attitudes towards troops as some of the naval have bad attitudes towards troops. 

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Admiral rank?: Yes

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Imma keep it a buck witchu this app just missing something for me, you keep saying I want to this and I want that to lets say boost activity or recruitment, how do you know that will work? And if it doesnt what are you back up plans because you can say I will do this and that but will you? And again if that doesnt work what are your plans? 

Certified Giga Chad


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24 minutes ago, Cox said:

Imma keep it a buck witchu this app just missing something for me, you keep saying I want to this and I want that to lets say boost activity or recruitment, how do you know that will work? And if it doesnt what are you back up plans because you can say I will do this and that but will you? And again if that doesnt work what are your plans? 

I've talked to most of the battalion's asking them how naval can improve themselves and how we can improve are relation with them. I cant guarantee that it will work but I will try my best to improve it to make it work 

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4 minutes ago, Spookz said:

I've talked to most of the battalion's asking them how naval can improve themselves and how we can improve are relation with them. I cant guarantee that it will work but I will try my best to improve it to make it work 

I don’t really know what talking to other battalions has to do with this but that’s till don’t answer question of if the things you are saying like “host a recruiting drive for more naval” let’s say no one showed up or only one person what would be your back up plan after that because for stuff like this where you say I will do this and that 50% it doesn’t work and is just there to make an app look good 

Certified Giga Chad


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-1, i can't support you for an application in a position as important as this when just 22 days ago you left your position in RC because, and i will quote you here

"Haven't been promoted in 8 days".

If this resignation said almost anything else this might be a plus one, but its not. A childish attitude like this shows to me that all you want are ranks and titles. I don't believe you are ready for this position and I think you need to go through a lot of personal growth before you are.

Highest rank in faction, does not mean the best person for the position.

Edited by Conrad
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-1, a lot of people are saying +1 because you are the best naval right now but that is not the right reason to +1 this app. I do not think you are ready for a regimental commander position and this app is severely lacking with your plans if you were to get the position. You keep saying activity but that is something you can do in your current position. You did not address any of the problems that I see with the Navy on the server so it’s a -1 for me. Good luck. 

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-1  Mate if you left because not getting Promo in 8 days. How will you take not getting this Spot.

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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If the admiral position was a BCMD position perhaps i would be more inclined to support, but I have to account the idea of your position of being a high command member, which doesn't sit well with me

 i think if you stay at the position longer and solidify yourself more as the navy in charge i think i would more inclined to support, stick to being a CMD for a while and prove that you can make the big changes, you don't need to rush things to be honest.

-1 Have more time in your position to show that you can actually take it. In your app you take more about your EXP in jedi then in navy thats a issue

Edited by Bacta
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I really don't even know how to start this. I guess I'll just give my reasons:

We had a Naval Meeting, ok good start, but everything we talked about included no ACTUAL plan on how to fix Naval. Incentives? Ok sure. After that was just, "We are working with the Directors to come up with solutions to help Naval" and when you were asked what examples or ideas you had, you answered with "I can't really tell you". I don't know if it was because you guys are being secretive or you just do not have ANY ideas, but I think it's the latter option. Naval needs someone who is going to think outside the box and come up with ideas that aren't going to be handheld the entire way. 

Flight Ops. Wow this took a while, the day I joined Naval, which was little over a week ago, it took me 6 days to join the branch. I waited for Fyi for 2 days, granted he was literally out the door, but then I messaged you about it on 9/15, and didn't receive an answer until 9/19. As the second highest rank in the Navy at the time, under FYI obviously, you could've done something for this branch or even tell FYI you are going to do something. I saw no initiative. 

I can't speak on behalf of the work you've put into Naval, because I just joined recently, so it is what it is, but I have another gripe. Warmac. Regardless of his past, he was made a Major equivalent the day he came back, haven't seen him since the promotion Debrief, and is now your second in command. Warmac did a lot of great things for Naval before he resigned. But my issue is you promoted him to such a high rank before he has even proved himself worthy of it a second time. Didn't know Foxey was back either. Welcome back Foxey!

12 hours ago, Spookz said:

I also want to add a little branch for the navy that I feel like some naval will like a lot.

Like what?


12 hours ago, Spookz said:

There is not much to change but these are some changes that are important

With Naval as dead as it is, structure wise, I disagree. I don't have an opinion on this, but I highly suggest you think that part over again and look deeper. I will gladly do the same in the meantime and if I think of anything I will let you know.

Overall, I think Admiral for you needs to wait. Basically what Bacta said. Spend more time developing yourself, cuase currently, Naval is carried by the NCO's, not the Officers. -1

@Conrad 8 Days to get promoted amiright?

Edited by Brooklyn
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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Forum Admin


With a lacking app and hearing from people on the inside, I cannot trust you with the leader of the navy, never the less a REG position. 


🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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Alright Spookz. U might be the highest ranking Naval there currently is and you might have put the most work into the branch of out all people that are currently apart of it, however this doesn't change the fact that becoming the Admiral is a big step as it is equal to a Regimental Position. Now when it comes to your application:

"There is not much to change but these are some changes that are important. I hope to get more active players in the navy by doing a contest and adding a RP character creator. I also want to add a little branch that uses field strategy to help with  lessening casualties. I will also be adding RSB to gain more relation with Bounty Hunters and Senators. I will also be trying to gain relations with each battalion by doing sim’s with them  like Sim runs and others. I also will be adding a Discipline Officer to help with naval attitudes towards troops as some of the naval have bad attitudes towards troops. "

If there isn't much to change why is the branch in a bad state? Navy's activity is low, positions are unfilled and it has almost no officers. The only new thing I see mentioned is adding a Discipline Officer. Everything else is something past Yularen's began and didn't finish. With just 1 new plan coming from yourself and it being a disciplinary change, naval won't be more attractive for it be more active as well as for it to recruit new people. Navy has multiple issues that were never addressed by you to a point that I am not even sure if you are aware of them. 

Now for the next part. 

"I want the navy to be more active on the server as of right now we only have 2 officers and 5-6 active NCOs. I want to get all the naval branches filled. I want to get more naval training for the server and make more training. I also want to add a little branch for the navy that I feel like some naval will like a lot. I am going to host a recruiting drive to get more people into the navy. I am also Going to improve Naval relations with ground forces. I am also hoping to have a GM that will do deployments that have naval in it. I want some of the naval to create their own character and backstory as naval is a heavy RP."

So the real question is here, how are you going to accomplish that without presenting us a plan? You are talking about adding a new "little branch", what would that be? The RSB? Anyways you are talking about getting. You are talking about improving relations with the ground forces, same question, how do you plan to do that since you didn't mention it? You are talking about making more trainings can you give us a little bit more info on that? Personally I think that creating new trainings isn't a good idea especially since you are already lacking with hosting the amount of trainings that navy can host as of right now. 

Also another thing that bothers me and makes me unable to support your app is a thing that @Conradmentioned. You leaving a battalion because u weren't promoted in 8 days? Speaking you don't get the position are you going to leave the navy as well? Anyways I would like to hear your side of the story @Spookzand see if you actually confess to that. 

This app is very lackluster, it has almost no information about your plans while half of your app is just your experience (which you don't have a lot outside of navy and this is a Regimental position we are talking about). Naval is currently in a bad place, it requires someone with experience and good plans to run it for it to success again. Don't take it personal but I don't see you fit for the position.


  • Winner 1

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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17 minutes ago, Black said:

Also another thing that bothers me and makes me unable to support your app is a thing that @Conradmentioned. You leaving a battalion because u weren't promoted in 8 days? Speaking you don't get the position are you going to leave the navy as well? Anyways I would like to hear your side of the story @Spookzand see if you actually confess to that.

Here is a screen shot to help show the story a bit more, its obviously not his side of the story but want to cover my bases to show that this isn't a lie. Before this nothing was brought up to me about any complaints it was seemingly out of the blue.


Edited by Conrad
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Forum Admin

-1. Brooklyn got it all for me.
During the Naval meeting you stated and reassured everyone in the meeting that you had plans and things you wanted to put into place to push for activity and make an incentive for people to be in Naval and stay in Naval. When I asked you for examples or what these plans actually are you just said you can't tell us, or just avoided it entirely.
I can't put my trust into you to bring Naval up from it's current situation and increases its total activity, standards and use on the server.

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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-1, First of all, it's the 'I didn't get promoted in 8 days so i'll leave the battalion' for me.

Then, it's the mingyness of when you were Grey RC overall.

I feel as if you cannot take anything seriously during a RP instance and this would throw Naval straight to the ground.

  • Informative 1
  • Confused 2

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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2 hours ago, Conrad said:

Before this nothing was brought up to me about any complaints it was seemingly out of the blue.


11 minutes ago, Spookz said:

A lot of RC is full of load and disrespectful people I would have stayed long if you guys weren't that mingy.

If this was the mindset you had, then i will reiterate that Nothing was brought up to any member of RC, as far as i know, and as XO i probably would have been told if not dealing with it directly. If you don't fit you don't fit and thats fine, but this feels like your back peddling to try and save your self. This just further tells me you're not ready as you can't properly express yourself, which is something very much needed for CMD+ positions.

Edited by Conrad
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Alright guys, If you can keep this application related to the position hes going for and not about how RC operates, that would be great. Thank you.

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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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I am a good fit for the admiral because when I have a goal I will do anything to achieve that goal. Most of my goals in the navy I actually competed for.

As CMO you had set out multiple goals such as a CPR training, however I personally haven't seen you attempting to push for that other than saying that you want to.

Personally I'm mixed on this app.

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Really wish I was a Forum Mod agane so I can see all the hidden posts and have a good laugh

-1 The fact that I know you have hidden responses on your own application just goes to show how unprofessional you can be. Plus everything else that's been said. Hopefully you don't disregard the criticism given to you but rather use it to improve. Best of luck.

  • Funny 2

Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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1 hour ago, Marvel said:


Really wish I was a Forum Mod agane so I can see all the hidden posts and have a good laugh

-1 The fact that I know you have hidden responses on your own application just goes to show how unprofessional you can be. Plus everything else that's been said. Hopefully you don't disregard the criticism given to you but rather use it to improve. Best of luck.

Tbf it’s also a lot of people being stupid.

I don’t think the “8 days since I was promoted” thing is a valid criticism cause it’s not related to you as a naval.

however, under FYIs yularen term you also helped contribute to the current state of the navy, and your first action upon his resignation was to promote someone to the highest rank you could despite them not being on the server nor having an active presence for months

Don’t take this personal Spookz, naval is in need of serious reforms and currently I don’t see you being the one to usher in those reforms.



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+1. You have been putting your Naval position above everything else. You have dedicated time, effort, and care to the navy that it has sorely needed. You've been improving the roleplay experiences of everyone involved simply just by getting people active and putting up roleplay minded people. I have PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED the effects of your time in Naval. Both as a clone CMD and as a BH, my experiences with Naval have gone form unmemorable to the highlights of my sessions more than once. As someone who is privy to just how hard you have been working, I can safely say that you can be entrusted with this position. It is my pleasure to be your Superior officer as a clone. Your work as Sentinel Lead, on the day to day trial grind, filling out your managers with competent candidates, I could go on and on about the good you have done for the server. Any unbiased observer who has paid attention to your time on Synergy will be able to whole heartedly endorse you as I have.

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Former: A lot of shit dude

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Im fully neutral here. I will say there is a lot of dedication to naval from you, that is a 100% truth. However, the dedication to naval doesnt necessarily mean you are ready for the position of admiral. The reasons I have basically are: 

1: A very foggy window
As Admiral of the Navy, you would need to be a glass cleaner than the air we breathe, if you have something planned to improve upon RP, we need a TON of information about it to actually find any appreciation of said plan. From the naval meeting that yes was inherently needed, your ways of describing the future for naval was a very very foggy window, and I was not sure at all about what to expect for things like RSB, and future additions to RP. With RSB being released currently, even in the announcement page for it in the naval discord it felt the information about it was lacking at best initially until pressure came from the rest of the Naval members. To be a success as the Naval Admiral, you NEED to be an open window. 

2: Poor choices for positions
Whilst it is none of my business who is promoted to where, I feel like there is way too much effort put into a member of naval who is barely online, and has such a little presence even in the discord. Making an inactive member of any battalion the second in command is a genuine poor choice that leaves those underneath your command wondering what they even did to deserve that position as second to the CMD. There has been a solid promotion recently, that being Silent, someone i do think deserves second in command, and should be the officer you look towards to support your new positions youre creating for the Naval. Apart from that, we have the largest force of NCOs we've had in a while, and it is definitely time to focus a LOT on the NCOs available and see who is the best fit for an officer position ASAP, as the Naval NEEDS active officers who will be online very often for longer intervals who can cover for you during your off time. 

3: The need for RP lead by you
The naval NCOs currently lead the majority of RP actions. Whether it be inspections, ATC, or some other RP scenarios, we do not see the current C/O of the Naval participating in it often at all. As a member of the Navy looking up to an officer, that does look bad. It is understandable to set aside RP for staff roles and such, but spending more time on teamspeak talking to people about the things you will do and putting less time into actually doing them sets poor example for your men. The last thing needed is for the NCO's to feel disconnected from their C/O. We need to see you more often involved in RP activities, as that means the most all together. 

Look Spookz, I like you as a person and even as a Naval, but the flaws that you have as a leader are to present for me to actually support your bid for Admiral. I will not -1 your app, simply because I know you are doing what you can to rectify a lot what people say about the naval and it is a really rough job to undertake, and that you do care about this position. But as a leader, I do feel left wanting when it comes to looking up to an officer figure that many other battalions do solemnly have. You put time and effort into your position, you always try to be there for your men, and I know how much the Naval means to you, you have the traits to become a solid leader in the future, but right now I am left severely wanting for a strong officer leader position that will give the Navy the face and mindset they need to move past this very hard time where RP isn't being valued as much by the individual because of what we are currently providing. I hope you have a great day, and I will see you on base,


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On 9/29/2021 at 4:56 PM, Legacy said:

Im fully neutral here. I will say there is a lot of dedication to naval from you, that is a 100% truth. However, the dedication to naval doesnt necessarily mean you are ready for the position of admiral. The reasons I have basically are: 

1: A very foggy window
As Admiral of the Navy, you would need to be a glass cleaner than the air we breathe, if you have something planned to improve upon RP, we need a TON of information about it to actually find any appreciation of said plan. From the naval meeting that yes was inherently needed, your ways of describing the future for naval was a very very foggy window, and I was not sure at all about what to expect for things like RSB, and future additions to RP. With RSB being released currently, even in the announcement page for it in the naval discord it felt the information about it was lacking at best initially until pressure came from the rest of the Naval members. To be a success as the Naval Admiral, you NEED to be an open window. 

2: Poor choices for positions
Whilst it is none of my business who is promoted to where, I feel like there is way too much effort put into a member of naval who is barely online, and has such a little presence even in the discord. Making an inactive member of any battalion the second in command is a genuine poor choice that leaves those underneath your command wondering what they even did to deserve that position as second to the CMD. There has been a solid promotion recently, that being Silent, someone i do think deserves second in command, and should be the officer you look towards to support your new positions youre creating for the Naval. Apart from that, we have the largest force of NCOs we've had in a while, and it is definitely time to focus a LOT on the NCOs available and see who is the best fit for an officer position ASAP, as the Naval NEEDS active officers who will be online very often for longer intervals who can cover for you during your off time. 

3: The need for RP lead by you
The naval NCOs currently lead the majority of RP actions. Whether it be inspections, ATC, or some other RP scenarios, we do not see the current C/O of the Naval participating in it often at all. As a member of the Navy looking up to an officer, that does look bad. It is understandable to set aside RP for staff roles and such, but spending more time on teamspeak talking to people about the things you will do and putting less time into actually doing them sets poor example for your men. The last thing needed is for the NCO's to feel disconnected from their C/O. We need to see you more often involved in RP activities, as that means the most all together. 

Look Spookz, I like you as a person and even as a Naval, but the flaws that you have as a leader are to present for me to actually support your bid for Admiral. I will not -1 your app, simply because I know you are doing what you can to rectify a lot what people say about the naval and it is a really rough job to undertake, and that you do care about this position. But as a leader, I do feel left wanting when it comes to looking up to an officer figure that many other battalions do solemnly have. You put time and effort into your position, you always try to be there for your men, and I know how much the Naval means to you, you have the traits to become a solid leader in the future, but right now I am left severely wanting for a strong officer leader position that will give the Navy the face and mindset they need to move past this very hard time where RP isn't being valued as much by the individual because of what we are currently providing. I hope you have a great day, and I will see you on base,


Can't neutral sorry

  • Funny 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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6 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

Can't neutral sorry

Well I mean I am by definition neutral to the stance, as for the reasons I stated, I felt maybe my feedback being a member of the Navy was semi-important, so I left a detailed opinion. But I just can't +/-1 because I am conflicted on which one to chose atm. 

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Well this application has really ruffled some feathers hasn't it?

Hi, Freck here, 3x Yularen, most of the old people know that Naval is basically my child.

I'm going to dissect as much as I can from you here because this application is lacking to say the least.


On 9/26/2021 at 3:20 AM, Spookz said:

I want the navy to be more active on the server as of right now we only have 2 officers and 5-6 active NCOs

Right, so HOW are you going to do this? What methods are you going to take to increase activity? What caused the activity drop in the first place? 

On 9/26/2021 at 3:20 AM, Spookz said:

I also want to add a little branch for the navy that I feel like some naval will like a lot.

Wish to expand on this? 

On 9/26/2021 at 3:20 AM, Spookz said:

I am also Going to improve Naval relations with ground forces.

HOW are you going to do this?

On 9/26/2021 at 3:20 AM, Spookz said:

I've always wanted to get more people into the navy.

You don't need the admiral position to do this, you're a high enough position to take the reigns and make changes.

On 9/26/2021 at 3:20 AM, Spookz said:

For the past couple of days I've been on my navel to help improve the navy.

Only the last couple of days? That doesn't sound promising.


I just want to make it clear how vital the roleplay aspects of the Navy can be to enhancing a user's play time. 

- The Navy are more than button pushers believe it or not, they can control a wide variety of roleplay scenarios should they actually use their brain.

- You have the ability to promote roleplay AT ALL FUCKING TIMES. -

You can do:

  • ATC RP
  • MED
  • ENG
  • Mini scenarios including some supply drop offs
  • Weapons inspections,
  • Intergalactic comms RP.
  • Mission planning RP
  • Mission briefs


To the general users, please don't settle for the bare minimum when it comes to applicants & don't +1 just because someone is the only candidate.. it doesn't make them the BEST candidate.

I really don't understand as to how the Navy turns into a clusterfuck every few months but I really don't think you're the fella to fix it. -1 

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 5


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Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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